public function hostname(Request $req, $hostname) { // temporarily disable Stats endpoint. return 'disabled'; // Validate hostname if (!$this->is_valid_domain_name($hostname)) { return new Response(['error' => 'invalid hostname'], Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); } // Validate if site exists if (!SitesController::siteExists($hostname)) { return new Response(['error' => 'site not proxied'], Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); } return DB::table('stats_hosts')->insertGetId(['hostname' => $hostname, 'created_at' => DB::raw('NOW()'), 'updated_at' => DB::raw('NOW()')]); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function handle($arguments) { // This will send a message using `sendMessage` method behind the scenes to // the user/chat id who triggered this command. // `replyWith<Message|Photo|Audio|Video|Voice|Document|Sticker|Location|ChatAction>()` all the available methods are dynamically // handled when you replace `send<Method>` with `replyWith` and use all their parameters except chat_id. $this->replyWithMessage('O Ahoy! está a funcionar sem problemas, meu capitão!'); $load = sys_getloadavg(); $this->replyWithMessage("Os sistemas estão operacionais, com um load imediato de " . $load[0] . "."); if ($load[0] > 1) { $this->replyWithMessage("Precisamos de ter algum cuidado com a sobrecarga, capitão!"); } $uptime = shell_exec("cut -d. -f1 /proc/uptime"); $days = floor($uptime / 60 / 60 / 24); $hours = $uptime / 60 / 60 % 24; $mins = $uptime / 60 % 60; $secs = $uptime % 60; $uptime_msg = "Estamos a navegar sem parar à "; if ($days > 0) { $uptime_msg .= $days . " dias e "; } $uptime_msg .= $hours . " horas."; $this->replyWithMessage($uptime_msg); $num_proxies = count(Proxy::all()); $num_sites = count(SitesController::getAllSites()); $this->replyWithMessage("Existem " . $num_proxies . " proxies e " . $num_sites . " sites bloqueados."); $num_ultima_hora = DB::table('stats_hosts')->where('created_at', '>', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subHours(1))->count(); $num_ultimo_minuto = DB::table('stats_hosts')->where('created_at', '>', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subMinutes(1))->count(); $this->replyWithMessage($num_ultima_hora . " páginas acedidas na última hora, e {$num_ultimo_minuto} no último minuto."); //URL of your extension $url = ""; $file_string = file_get_contents($url); //Get the rating preg_match('/ratingValue" content="(\\d*\\d+\\.\\d+)/', $file_string, $ratings); $rating = $ratings[1]; //Get the nb of users preg_match('/class="e-f-ih" title="(\\d*\\,\\d+)/', $file_string, $users); $users = $users[1]; $this->replyWithMessage("Existem {$users} utilizadores com um rating médio de {$rating}"); // Trigger another command dynamically from within this command // When you want to chain multiple commands within one or process the request further. // The method supports second parameter arguments which you can optionally pass, By default // it'll pass the same arguments that are received for this command originally. //$this->triggerCommand('subscribe'); }
/** * Generates and outputs a new PAC based on a given IP. * * This is going to be used on devices that don't allow real time PAC generation. * * @param Request $req * * @return string the generated PAC */ public function generatePAC(Request $req) { $proxy_addr = Input::get('proxy_addr', $this->getProxy($req)); if (is_array($proxy_addr)) { $proxy_addr = $proxy_addr['host'] . ":" . $proxy_addr['port']; } // check for cache if (Cache::tags(['generate_pac'])->has($proxy_addr)) { return new Response(Cache::tags(['generate_pac'])->get($proxy_addr), 200, ['Content-Type' => 'application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig']); } $pac = "function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {\n"; foreach (SitesController::getAllSites() as $site) { $pac .= " if (host == \"{$site}\" || host == \"www.{$site}\") { \n"; $pac .= " return 'PROXY " . e($proxy_addr) . "';\n"; $pac .= " }\n"; } $pac .= " return 'DIRECT';\n"; $pac .= "}"; Cache::tags(['generate_pac'])->put($proxy_addr, $pac, 3600); // Store it for a day return new Response($pac, 200, ['Content-Type' => 'application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig']); }
/** * When a Ahoy! user gets into a blocked site that isn't on the whitelist, * the application will report back notifying us that a new site should be blocked. * * @TODO store this information in the database, and add some algorithm to data treatment * * @param Request $request */ public function autoReportBlockedSite(Request $request) { $site = $request->input('site'); $site = str_replace('www.', "", parse_url($site, PHP_URL_HOST)); $site = rtrim($site, '.'); // Sometimes there are URL's with a extra dot in the end. Strip all the dots. if (empty($site)) { return new Response(['error' => 'no site provided'], Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); } // Validate if site is already on the list foreach (SitesController::getAllSites() as $site_in_list) { if ($site == $site_in_list) { return new Response(['error' => 'site already in the list'], Response::HTTP_ALREADY_REPORTED); } } if (Cache::has('site-ignore-' . $site)) { return new Response(['error' => 'site in the ignore list'], Response::HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY); } // @todo use this for rate limit // Test if site was reported in the last 5 minutes if (Cache::has('ip-reported-' . $site)) { $response = Response(['error' => 'site reported in less than 5 minutes']); $response->setStatusCode('420', "Enhance Your Calm"); return $response; } // Add a cache key for when a given host is reported. This key has 5 minutes duration $site_reported = Cache::remember('ip-reported-' . $site, 5, function () { return true; }); // Get the IP details $user_ip = $request->ip(); $ip_details = Cache::remember('ip-details-' . $user_ip, 3600, function () use($user_ip) { return $this->getIPDetails($user_ip); }); // Fallback if ($ip_details == null) { $ip_details = new \stdClass(); $ip_details->org = "Unknown"; } // Store the site host in cache, without www $site_id = $this->generateUniqueID(); Cache::put('site-' . $site_id, $site, 3600); // Store it for a day // @todo instead of sending to telegram, store in a database Telegram::sendMessage(env("TELEGRAM_CHANNEL"), "Foi detectado um novo site bloqueado.\n\t\t\t\tURL: {$site}\n\t\t\t\tIP: {$user_ip}\n\t\t\t\tProvider: {$ip_details->org}", true); Telegram::sendMessage(env("TELEGRAM_CHANNEL"), "Para incluir este site, utiliza o comando /adicionar {$site_id}\nPara ignorar este site, utiliza o comando /ignorar {$site_id}"); return ['success' => 'true']; }