static function sendContactEmail($app)
     $post = $app->request->post();
     self::validateParameters($app, $post);
     // Setup mailer for sending message
     $mail = ApiMailer::getPhpMailer();
     // Add Recipient - include name if it was sent
     if (!$recipientName || $recipientName === '') {
     } else {
         $mail->addAddress($recipientEmail, $recipientName);
     // Retrieve template
     $emailTemplate = self::selectEmailTemplate($templateId);
     if (!$emailTemplate) {
         self::logMailError(LOG_ERR, "ERROR RETRIEVING EMAIL TEMPLATE, templateId <{$templateId}>");
         return array('error' => true, 'msg' => "Error generating email <{$templateId}>");
     // If a from email is set
     if ($emailTemplate->fromEmail) {
         $mail->setFrom($emailTemplate->fromEmail, $emailTemplate->fromName);
     // If a reply to email is set
     if ($emailTemplate->replyEmail) {
         $mail->setFrom($emailTemplate->replyEmail, $emailTemplate->replyName);
     // Substitute parameters into template
     // Template substitution is for parms named !@{NUMBER}@!, i.e., !@0@!, !@1@!, etc
     // Subject Substituion
     $subject = $emailTemplate->subject;
     for ($index = 0; $index < count($subjectParams); $index++) {
         $subject = str_replace("!@{$index}@!", $subjectParams[$index], $subject);
     $mail->Subject = $subject;
     // Body Substitution
     $bodyHtml = $emailTemplate->bodyHtml;
     $bodyPlain = $emailTemplate->bodyPlain;
     for ($index = 0; $index < count($bodyParams); $index++) {
         $bodyHtml = str_replace("!@{$index}@!", $bodyParams[$index], $bodyHtml);
         $bodyPlain = str_replace("!@{$index}@!", $bodyParams[$index], $bodyPlain);
     $mail->Body = $bodyHtml;
     $mail->AltBody = $bodyPlain;
     if ($mail->send()) {
         // log the success
         self::logMailError(LOG_INFO, "EMAIL SUCCESS\n Template Id:<{$templateId}> Sender: <{$emailTemplate->replyEmail}, {$emailTemplate->replyName}> Recipient: <{$recipientEmail}, {$recipientName}> Subject: <{$subject}> Body: <{$bodyPlain}>");
         return !$recipientName || $recipientName === '' ? array('error' => false, 'msg' => "Success! Email Sent to \"{$recipientEmail}\"") : array('error' => false, 'msg' => "Success! Email Sent to \"{$recipientEmail}, {$recipientName}\"");
     } else {
         // log the error
         self::logMailError(LOG_ERR, "EMAIL FAILURE\nError <{$mail->ErrorInfo}>/n Template Id:<{$templateId}> Sender: <{$emailTemplate->replyEmail}, {$emailTemplate->replyName}> Recipient: <{$recipientEmail}, {$recipientName}> Subject: <{$subject}> Body: <{$bodyPlain}>");
         return !$recipientName || $recipientName === '' ? array('error' => true, 'msg' => "Unknown Error: Error sending email to \"{$recipientEmail}, {$recipientName}\"") : array('error' => true, 'msg' => "Unknown Error: Error sending email to \"{$recipientEmail}, {$recipientName}\"");
     if ($sent) {
         return $app->render(200, array('msg' => "Player invite sent to '{$post['email']}'."));
     } else {
         return $app->render(400, array('msg' => 'Could not send player invite.'));