 public function Execute()
     $results = array();
     $users = $this->Db()->join('Categories c', 'c.id = u.categoryId', 'LEFT');
     // Use gender filter?
     if ($this->filters != null && isset($this->filters['Gender'])) {
         $users->where('u.gender', $this->filters['Gender']);
     // Use category filter?
     if ($this->filters != null && isset($this->filters['Category'])) {
         $users->where('u.categoryId', $this->filters['Category']);
     // Get all users
     $users = $users->get('Users u', null, 'u.id AS userId,
         u.firstName AS firstName,
         u.lastName AS lastName,
         u.birthday AS birthday,
         u.gender as gender,
         c.id AS categoryId,
         c.name AS categoryName');
     // Add all user object to array
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         // Set basic user/cat information
         $cat = new CategoryModel($user['categoryId'], $user['categoryName']);
         $user = new UserModel($user['userId'], $user['firstName'], $user['lastName'], $user['birthday'], $user['gender'], $cat);
         // Reset score
         $totalScore = 0;
         $userScores = array();
         // Get user's scores
         $scores = $this->Db()->join('Sections s', 's.id = r.sectionId', 'INNER');
         // Use section filter?
         if ($this->filters != null && isset($this->filters['Section'])) {
             $scores->where('s.id', $this->filters['Section']);
         $scores = $scores->where('r.userId', $user->GetId())->orderBy('s.name', 'ASC')->get('Scores r', null, 'r.id AS id,
                 r.score AS score,
                 s.id AS sectionId,
                 s.name AS sectionName');
         // Process user's scores
         foreach ($scores as $score) {
             // Add to total score
             $totalScore = $totalScore + $score['score'];
             $sec = new SectionModel($score['sectionId'], $score['sectionName']);
             $sco = new ScoreModel($score['id'], $sec, $user, $score['score']);
             $userScores[] = $sco;
         // Results model
         $res = new ResultsModel($user, $userScores, $totalScore);
         // Include results
         $results[] = $res->toArray();
     return $results;