 public function getContentCatergoryAlias($alias)
     $db = new Database();
     $results = $db->q("SELECT * FROM `{$db->categories}` WHERE alias = '{$alias}'");
     $this->catid = $results[0]['id'];
     $results = $this->q("SELECT alias FROM `{$db->categories}` WHERE id = '{$this->catid}'");
     $this->alias = $results[0]['alias'];
     $results = $this->q("SELECT id FROM `{$db->menu}` WHERE alias = '{$this->alias}'");
     $this->itemId = $results[0]['id'];
     $results = $db->q("SELECT * FROM `{$db->content}` WHERE catid = '{$this->catid}' ORDER BY id DESC");
     return $results;
 public function loadArticleByAlias($articleAlias, $routerId, $routerView, $routerCategoryParentId, $routerBase)
     //Create new instance of the Joomla\Database Class
     $db = new Joomla\Database();
     //Create new instance of the Joomla\Router class
     $router = new Joomla\Router();
     //Select all table names from database
     //Remove table prefix and build variables for each table name in the database
     //e.g. -- $this->content woud output the content table name with the correct table prefix
     //Set function variables to class variables
     //routerView can ether be article OR category OR categories
     $this->routerView = $routerView;
     //routerId can be one of two things
     //id of the article (if the routerView == article) OR category id (if the routerView == category OR categories)
     $this->routerId = $routerId;
     //articleAlias is the alias of the article
     //The alias is the title of the article but everything is converted to lowercase
     //All spaces converted into dashes
     //All speical characters are stripped as well
     $this->articleAlias = $articleAlias;
     //routerCategoryParentId is the categories parent id
     //If routerCategoryParentId is equal to 1 then use routerId
     $this->routerCategoryParentId = $routerCategoryParentId;
     //routerBase is the root url of the project
     //Where the Joomla files are located
     $this->routerBase = $routerBase;
     $query = $db->q("SELECT * FROM `{$db->content}` WHERE alias = '{$this->articleAlias}'");
     //Loop through results from above query
     //Create variables for each column for access in the required file
     foreach ($query as $articleResultsKey => $articleResult) {
         foreach ($articleResult as $articleColumn => $articleData) {
             $this->{$articleColumn} = $articleData;
     //Get the category alias by the cat id variable generated from above in the foreach loop
     $query = $db->q("SELECT alias FROM `{$db->categories}` WHERE id = '{$this->catid}'");
     //Assign a variable for the category alias
     $this->categoryAlias = $query[0]['alias'];
     //Build the routed path by the category alias and article alias
     //Stick the path inside of require
     require $router->buildArticleRoute($this->categoryAlias, $this->articleAlias);

use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla;
use Antfuentes\Titan\Framework;
$menu = new Joomla\Menu();
$db = new Joomla\Database();
$string = new Framework\String();
$h = new Framework\Html();
$h->b('ul', 0, 1);
$menu->build('mainmenu', 'li', 1);
$result = $db->q("SELECT * FROM {$db->categories} WHERE id = '{$this->categoryParentId}'");
$cleanAlias = $string->replaceString('-', '', $result[0]['alias']);
$menu->build($cleanAlias, 'li', $this->routerId);
$h->b('ul', 1, 1);

require_once '../_define.php';
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Antfuentes\Titan\Joomla;
$db = new Joomla\Database();
$state = trim($_POST['cssId']);
$results = $db->q("SELECT * FROM {$db->categories} WHERE alias = 'static'");
foreach ($results as $key => $data) {
    $explode = explode('/', $data['path']);
    $city = str_replace('-', '', $explode[1]);
    if ($state == $explode[0]) {
        $articleId = $data['id'];
        //temIdQuery = $db->q("SELECT id FROM $db->menu WHERE menutype = '$city' AND alias = 'home-$city'");
        $contents = $db->q("SELECT * FROM {$db->content} WHERE catid = '{$articleId}' AND alias = 'home'");
        foreach ($contents as $keyContent => $content) {
            $link = 'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=' . $content["id"];
            echo '<a style="color: black; font-size: 5rem;" href="' . $link . '">' . $city . '</a>';
            echo '<br>';
/*$result = $db->q("SELECT id FROM $db->categories WHERE path = '$path'");

$id = $result[0]['id'];

$results = $db->q("SELECT * FROM $db->categories WHERE parent_id = '$id' AND alias = 'static'");

//foreach($results as $key => $data){
 public function loadTemplate($dir, $results, $showLimit, $template)
     $total = count($results["photos"]["photo"]);
     $pages = @$_GET["page"];
     $pagesTotal = ceil($total / $showLimit);
     if ($pages < 1) {
         $pages = 1;
     } else {
     $start = ($pages - 1) * $showLimit;
     $resultsSlices = array_slice($results["photos"]["photo"], $start, $showLimit);
     $this->pagesTotal = $pagesTotal;
     echo $total;
     $db = new Database();
     /*foreach($resultsSlices as $resultsKey => $resultSlice){
     			foreach ($resultSlice as $column => $data){
     				$this->{$column} = $data;