文件: User.php 项目: amnah/yii2-user
  * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
 public function getUserAuths()
     return $this->hasMany(UserAuth::className(), ['user_id' => 'id']);
  * Register a new user using client attributes and then associate userAuth
  * @param \yii\authclient\BaseClient $client
  * @param \amnah\yii2\user\models\UserAuth $userAuth
 protected function registerAndLoginUser($client, $userAuth)
     /** @var \amnah\yii2\user\models\User $user */
     /** @var \amnah\yii2\user\models\Profile $profile */
     /** @var \amnah\yii2\user\models\Role $role */
     $role = $this->module->model("Role");
     // set user and profile info
     $attributes = $client->getUserAttributes();
     $function = "setInfo" . ucfirst($client->name);
     // "setInfoFacebook()"
     list($user, $profile) = $this->{$function}($attributes);
     // calculate and double check username (in case it is already taken)
     $fallbackUsername = "******";
     $user = $this->doubleCheckUsername($user, $fallbackUsername);
     // save new models
     $user->setRegisterAttributes($role::ROLE_USER, $user::STATUS_ACTIVE)->save();
     // log user in
     Yii::$app->user->login($user, $this->module->loginDuration);
  * Delete an existing User model. If deletion is successful, the browser
  * will be redirected to the 'index' page.
  * @param string $id
  * @return mixed
 public function actionDelete($id)
     if ((Yii::$app->user->can("delete-user") || Yii::$app->user->can("user")) && $id != 1) {
         //Guarda a mensagem
         $mensagem = "";
         $transaction = \Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction();
         try {
             // delete profile and userTokens first to handle foreign key constraint
             $user = $this->findModel($id);
             $profile = $user->profile;
             UserToken::deleteAll(['user_id' => $user->id]);
             UserAuth::deleteAll(['user_id' => $user->id]);
             if ($user->delete()) {
         } catch (\Exception $exception) {
             $mensagem = "Ocorreu uma falha inesperada ao tentar salvar ";
         /** @var \amnah\yii2\user\models\search\UserSearch $searchModel */
         $searchModel = $this->module->model("UserSearch");
         $dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->getQueryParams());
         return $this->render('index', compact('searchModel', 'dataProvider'));
     } else {
         throw new ForbiddenHttpException("Acesso negado!");
  * Delete an existing User model. If deletion is successful, the browser
  * will be redirected to the 'index' page.
  * @param string $id
  * @return mixed
 public function actionDelete($id)
     // delete profile and userTokens first to handle foreign key constraint
     $user = $this->findModel($id);
     $profile = $user->profile;
     UserToken::deleteAll(['user_id' => $user->id]);
     UserAuth::deleteAll(['user_id' => $user->id]);
     return $this->redirect(['index']);
  * @inheritdoc
 public function upManual()
     // delete neo user that the migration automatically adds
     UserKey::deleteAll(['user_id' => 1]);
     UserAuth::deleteAll(['user_id' => 1]);
     Profile::deleteAll(['user_id' => 1]);
     User::deleteAll(['id' => 1]);
  * Delete an existing User model. If deletion is successful, the browser
  * will be redirected to the 'index' page.
  * @param string $id
  * @return mixed
 public function actionDelete($id)
     // delete profile and userkeys first to handle foreign key constraint
     $user = $this->findModel($id);
     $profile = $user->profile;
     $userabonnement = $user->abonnement;
     $company = Yii::$app->getModule("user")->model("Company");
     $company = $company::findOne(['user_id' => $id]);
     $tariefDag = Yii::$app->getModule("user")->model("UserTarievenDag");
     $tariefDag = $tariefDag::findOne(['user_id' => $id]);
     $tariefNacht = Yii::$app->getModule("user")->model("UserTarievenNacht");
     $tariefNacht = $tariefNacht::findOne(['user_id' => $id]);
     $tariefWeekend = Yii::$app->getModule("user")->model("UserTarievenWeekend");
     $tariefWeekend = $tariefWeekend::findOne(['user_id' => $id]);
     $reistarief = Yii::$app->getModule("user")->model("UserReistarief");
     $reistarief = $reistarief::findOne(['user_id' => $id]);
     $invoice = Yii::$app->getModule("user")->model("UserInvoice");
     $invoice = $invoice::findOne(['user_id' => $id]);
     $activedays = Yii::$app->getModule("user")->model("UserActivedays");
     $activedays = $activedays::findOne(['user_id' => $id]);
     UserKey::deleteAll(['user_id' => $user->id]);
     UserAuth::deleteAll(['user_id' => $user->id]);
     if (isset($profile)) {
     if (isset($userabonnement)) {
     if (isset($tariefDag)) {
     if (isset($tariefNacht)) {
     if (isset($tariefWeekend)) {
     if (isset($reistarief)) {
     if (isset($invoice)) {
     if (isset($activedays)) {
     return $this->redirect(['index']);
  * Returns 'true' if $provider_id is not persist into user_auth
  * @param $provider_id
  * @return bool
 protected function checkIsAlreadyConnected($provider_id)
     $count = UserAuth::find()->where(['provider_id' => $provider_id])->count();
     return !($count > 0);
 public function safeDown()
  * Delete user account connection
  * @param $userAuthId
  * @return false|int
  * @throws
 public static function disconnect($userAuthId)
     if (\Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
         throw new UnauthorizedHttpException(\Yii::t('user', 'Guests can not disconnect accounts'));
     $user = \Yii::$app->user->identity;
     if (empty($user->password) && count($user->userAuths) < 2) {
         throw new ErrorException(\Yii::t('user', 'Can not disconnect single authentication method. Please fill email and password and try again'));
     $userAuth = UserAuth::findOne($userAuthId);
     if ($userAuth->user_id != \Yii::$app->user->id) {
         throw new UnauthorizedHttpException(\Yii::t('user', 'Сan not disconnect a foreign account'));
     return $userAuth->delete();