$graph->y2axis->SetColor('black', 'blue');
// Create a bar pot
$bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($data_freq);
// Create targets and alt texts for the image maps. One for each bar
// (In this example this is just "dummy" targets)
$targ = array("#1", "#2", "#3", "#4", "#5", "#6", "#7");
$alts = array("val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d");
$bplot->SetCSIMTargets($targ, $alts);
// Create accumulative graph
$lplot = new Plot\LinePlot($data_accfreq);
// We want the line plot data point in the middle of the bars
// Use transperancy
// Setup the bars
$bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 9);
// Add it to the graph
// Send back the HTML page which will call this script again
// to retrieve the image.
// Label align for X-axis
$graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right', 'center');
// Add some grace to y-axis so the bars doesn't go
// all the way to the end of the plot area
// We don't want to display Y-axis
// Now create a bar pot
$bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay);
//You can change the width of the bars if you like
// Set gradient fill for bars
$bplot->SetFillGradient('darkred', 'yellow', GRAD_HOR);
// We want to display the value of each bar at the top
$bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 10);
// Add the bar to the graph
// Add some explanation text
$txt = new Text('Note: Higher value is better.');
$txt->SetPos(190, 399, 'center', 'bottom');
$txt->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
// .. and stroke the graph