  * Set up tests.
  * @since 2.0
 protected function setUp()
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     $config->set('session.provider.name', 'Alpha\\Util\\Http\\Session\\SessionProviderArray');
     $standardGroup = new Rights();
     $standardGroup->set('name', 'Standard');
     $person = new Person();
     $person->set('displayName', 'unittestuser');
     $person->set('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $person->set('password', 'password');
     $article = new Article();
     $article->set('title', 'unit test');
     $article->set('description', 'unit test');
     $article->set('content', 'unit test');
     $article->set('author', 'unit test');
     $comment = new ArticleComment();
     $comment->set('content', 'unit test');
  * Creates a person object for Testing.
  * @return Alpha\Model\Person
  * @since 2.0
 private function createPersonObject($name)
     $person = new Person();
     $person->set('email', $name . '@test.com');
     $person->set('password', 'passwordTest');
     $person->set('URL', 'http://unitTestUser/');
     return $person;
  * Called before the test functions will be executed
  * this function is defined in PHPUnit_TestCase and overwritten
  * here.
  * @since 1.0
 protected function setUp()
     $this->enum1 = new Enum();
     $rights = new Rights();
     $this->person = new Person();
     $this->person->set('displayName', 'enumunittest');
     $this->person->set('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $this->person->set('password', 'password');
  * Testing that the saveHistory() method is automatically invoked when it should be.
  * @since 1.2.1
  * @dataProvider getActiveRecordProviders
 public function testSaveHistory($provider)
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     $config->set('db.provider.name', $provider);
     // this should result in the _history table being created
     $this->person->set('password', 'passwordhist1');
     $this->assertEquals(1, $this->person->getHistoryCount(), 'Testing that a normal save is propegated to the history table for this class');
     $this->person->saveAttribute('password', 'passwordhist2');
     $this->assertEquals(2, $this->person->getHistoryCount(), 'Testing that an attribute save is propegated to the history table for this class');
  * Called before the test functions will be executed
  * this function is defined in PHPUnit_TestCase and overwritten
  * here.
  * @since 1.0
 protected function setUp()
     $this->rel1 = new Relation();
     $rights = new Rights();
     $article = new Article();
     $comment = new ArticleComment();
     $standardGroup = new Rights();
     $standardGroup->set('name', 'Standard');
     $this->person = new Person();
     $this->person->set('displayName', 'unittestuser');
     $this->person->set('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $this->person->set('password', 'password');
  * Testing the getRelatedObjects method with a ONE-TO-MANY and MANY-TO-MANY relation.
  * @since 1.2.1
 public function testGetRelatedObjects()
     $group = new Rights();
     $group->set('name', 'unittestgroup');
     $person1 = new Person();
     $person1->set('displayName', 'user1');
     $person1->set('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $person1->set('password', 'password');
     $lookup = $person1->getPropObject('rights')->getLookup();
     $lookup->setValue(array($person1->getOID(), $group->getOID()));
     $person2 = new Person();
     $person2->set('displayName', 'user2');
     $person2->set('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $person2->set('password', 'password');
     $lookup = $person2->getPropObject('rights')->getLookup();
     $lookup->setValue(array($person2->getOID(), $group->getOID()));
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($group->getPropObject('members')->getRelatedObjects('Alpha\\Model\\Rights')), 'testing the getRelatedObjects method with a MANY-TO-MANY relation');
     $this->assertTrue($group->getPropObject('members')->getRelatedObjects('Alpha\\Model\\Rights')[0] instanceof Person, 'testing the getRelatedObjects method with a MANY-TO-MANY relation');
     $article = new Article();
     $article->set('title', 'unit test');
     $article->set('description', 'unit test');
     $article->set('content', 'unit test');
     $article->set('author', 'unit test');
     $comment1 = new ArticleComment();
     $comment1->set('content', 'unit test');
     $comment2 = new ArticleComment();
     $comment2->set('content', 'unit test');
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($article->getPropObject('comments')->getRelatedObjects()), 'testing the getRelatedObjects method with a ONE-TO-MANY relation');
     $this->assertTrue($article->getPropObject('comments')->getRelatedObjects()[0] instanceof ArticleComment, 'testing the getRelatedObjects method with a ONE-TO-MANY relation');
  * Handle GET requests.
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Request $request
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @since 1.0
 public function doGET($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doGET($request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     $sessionProvider = $config->get('session.provider.name');
     $session = SessionProviderFactory::getInstance($sessionProvider);
     // if there is nobody logged in, we will send them off to the Login controller to do so before coming back here
     if ($session->get('currentUser') === false) {
         self::$logger->info('Nobody logged in, invoking Login controller...');
         $controller = new LoginController();
         $controller->setUnitOfWork(array('Alpha\\Controller\\LoginController', 'Alpha\\Controller\\InstallController'));
         return $controller->doGET($request);
     $params = $request->getParams();
     $sessionProvider = $config->get('session.provider.name');
     $session = SessionProviderFactory::getInstance($sessionProvider);
     $body = View::displayPageHead($this);
     $body .= '<h1>Installing the ' . $config->get('app.title') . ' application</h1>';
     try {
         $body .= $this->createApplicationDirs();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $body .= View::displayErrorMessage($e->getMessage());
         $body .= View::displayErrorMessage('Aborting.');
         return new Response(500, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
     // start a new database transaction
      * Create DEnum tables
     $DEnum = new DEnum();
     $DEnumItem = new DEnumItem();
     try {
         $body .= '<p>Attempting to create the DEnum tables...';
         if (!$DEnum->checkTableExists()) {
         self::$logger->info('Created the [' . $DEnum->getTableName() . '] table successfully');
         if (!$DEnumItem->checkTableExists()) {
         self::$logger->info('Created the [' . $DEnumItem->getTableName() . '] table successfully');
         // create a default article DEnum category
         $DEnum = new DEnum('Alpha\\Model\\Article::section');
         $DEnumItem = new DEnumItem();
         $DEnumItem->set('value', 'Main');
         $DEnumItem->set('DEnumID', $DEnum->getID());
         $body .= View::displayUpdateMessage('DEnums set up successfully.');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $body .= View::displayErrorMessage($e->getMessage());
         $body .= View::displayErrorMessage('Aborting.');
         return new Response(500, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
      * Loop over each business object in the system, and create a table for it
     $classNames = ActiveRecord::getBOClassNames();
     $loadedClasses = array();
     foreach ($classNames as $classname) {
         array_push($loadedClasses, $classname);
     foreach ($loadedClasses as $classname) {
         try {
             $body .= '<p>Attempting to create the table for the class [' . $classname . ']...';
             try {
                 $BO = new $classname();
                 if (!$BO->checkTableExists()) {
                 } else {
                     if ($BO->checkTableNeedsUpdate()) {
                         $missingFields = $BO->findMissingFields();
                         $count = count($missingFields);
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
             } catch (FailedIndexCreateException $eice) {
                 // this are safe to ignore for now as they will be auto-created later once all of the tables are in place
             } catch (FailedLookupCreateException $elce) {
                 // this are safe to ignore for now as they will be auto-created later once all of the tables are in place
             self::$logger->info('Created the [' . $BO->getTableName() . '] table successfully');
             $body .= View::displayUpdateMessage('Created the [' . $BO->getTableName() . '] table successfully');
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $body .= View::displayErrorMessage($e->getMessage());
             $body .= View::displayErrorMessage('Aborting.');
             return new Response(500, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
     $body .= View::displayUpdateMessage('All business object tables created successfully!');
      * Create the Admin and Standard groups
     $adminGroup = new Rights();
     $adminGroup->set('name', 'Admin');
     $standardGroup = new Rights();
     $standardGroup->set('name', 'Standard');
     try {
         try {
             $body .= '<p>Attempting to create the Admin and Standard groups...';
             self::$logger->info('Created the Admin and Standard rights groups successfully');
             $body .= View::displayUpdateMessage('Created the Admin and Standard rights groups successfully');
         } catch (FailedIndexCreateException $eice) {
             // this are safe to ignore for now as they will be auto-created later once all of the tables are in place
         } catch (FailedLookupCreateException $elce) {
             // this are safe to ignore for now as they will be auto-created later once all of the tables are in place
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $body .= View::displayErrorMessage($e->getMessage());
         $body .= View::displayErrorMessage('Aborting.');
         return new Response(500, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
      * Save the admin user to the database in the right group
     try {
         try {
             $body .= '<p>Attempting to save the Admin account...';
             $admin = new Person();
             $admin->set('displayName', 'Admin');
             $admin->set('email', $session->get('currentUser')->get('email'));
             $admin->set('password', $session->get('currentUser')->get('password'));
             self::$logger->info('Created the admin user account [' . $session->get('currentUser')->get('email') . '] successfully');
             $adminGroup->loadByAttribute('name', 'Admin');
             $lookup = $adminGroup->getMembers()->getLookup();
             $lookup->setValue(array($admin->getID(), $adminGroup->getID()));
             self::$logger->info('Added the admin account to the Admin group successfully');
             $body .= View::displayUpdateMessage('Added the admin account to the Admin group successfully');
         } catch (FailedIndexCreateException $eice) {
             // this are safe to ignore for now as they will be auto-created later once all of the tables are in place
         } catch (FailedLookupCreateException $elce) {
             // this are safe to ignore for now as they will be auto-created later once all of the tables are in place
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $body .= View::displayErrorMessage($e->getMessage());
         $body .= View::displayErrorMessage('Aborting.');
         return new Response(500, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
     $body .= '<br><p align="center"><a href="' . FrontController::generateSecureURL('act=Alpha\\Controller\\ListActiveRecordsController') . '">Administration Home Page</a></p><br>';
     $body .= View::displayPageFoot($this);
     // commit
     self::$logger->info('Finished installation!');
     self::$logger->action('Installed the application');
     return new Response(200, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
  * Testing the deleteAllByAttribute method.
  * @since 1.0
  * @dataProvider getActiveRecordProviders
 public function testDeleteAllByAttribute($provider)
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     $config->set('db.provider.name', $provider);
     $person1 = new Person();
     $person1->set('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $person1->set('password', 'passwordTest');
     $person1->set('URL', 'http://unitTestUser/');
     $person2 = new Person();
     $person2->set('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $person2->set('password', 'passwordTest');
     $person2->set('URL', 'http://unitTestUser/');
     $person3 = new Person();
     $person3->set('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $person3->set('password', 'passwordTest');
     $person3->set('URL', 'http://unitTestUser/');
     $this->assertEquals(3, $this->person->deleteAllByAttribute('URL', 'http://unitTestUser/'), 'Testing the deleteAllByAttribute method');
  * Handle POST requests (adds $currentUser Person to the session).
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Request $request
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @throws Alpha\Exception\IllegalArguementException
  * @since 1.0
 public function doPOST($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doPOST($request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     $params = $request->getParams();
     if (!is_array($params)) {
         throw new IllegalArguementException('Bad $params [' . var_export($params, true) . '] passed to doPOST method!');
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     $body = '';
     try {
         // check the hidden security fields before accepting the form POST data
         if (!$this->checkSecurityFields()) {
             throw new SecurityException('This page cannot accept post data from remote servers!');
         if (isset($params['loginBut'])) {
             // if the database has not been set up yet, accept a login from the config admin username/password
             if (!ActiveRecord::isInstalled()) {
                 if ($params['email'] == $config->get('app.install.username') && password_verify($params['password'], password_hash($config->get('app.install.password'), PASSWORD_DEFAULT, ['cost' => 12]))) {
                     self::$logger->info('Logging in [' . $params['email'] . '] at [' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ']');
                     $admin = new Person();
                     $admin->set('displayName', 'Admin');
                     $admin->set('email', $params['email']);
                     $admin->set('password', password_hash($params['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT, ['cost' => 12]));
                     $admin->set('OID', '00000000001');
                     $sessionProvider = $config->get('session.provider.name');
                     $session = SessionProviderFactory::getInstance($sessionProvider);
                     $session->set('currentUser', $admin);
                     $response = new Response(301);
                     if ($this->getNextJob() != '') {
                         $response->redirect(FrontController::generateSecureURL('act=' . $this->getNextJob()));
                     } else {
                     return $response;
                 } else {
                     throw new ValidationException('Failed to login user ' . $params['email'] . ', the password is incorrect!');
             } else {
                 // here we are attempting to load the person from the email address
                 $this->personObject->loadByAttribute('email', $params['email'], true);
                 // checking to see if the account has been disabled
                 if (!$this->personObject->isTransient() && $this->personObject->get('state') == 'Disabled') {
                     throw new SecurityException('Failed to login user ' . $params['email'] . ', that account has been disabled!');
                 // check the password
                 return $this->doLoginAndRedirect($params['password']);
             $body .= View::displayPageHead($this);
             $body .= $this->personView->displayLoginForm();
         if (isset($params['resetBut'])) {
             // here we are attempting to load the person from the email address
             $this->personObject->loadByAttribute('email', $params['email']);
             // generate a new random password
             $newPassword = $this->personObject->generatePassword();
             // now encrypt and save the new password, then e-mail the user
             $this->personObject->set('password', password_hash($newPassword, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, ['cost' => 12]));
             $message = 'The password for your account has been reset to ' . $newPassword . ' as you requested.  You can now login to the site using your ' . 'e-mail address and this new password as before.';
             $subject = 'Password change request';
             $this->personObject->sendMail($message, $subject);
             $body .= View::displayUpdateMessage('The password for the user <strong>' . $params['email'] . '</strong> has been reset, and the new password ' . 'has been sent to that e-mail address.');
             $body .= '<a href="' . $config->get('app.url') . '">Home Page</a>';
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         $body .= View::displayPageHead($this);
         $body .= View::displayErrorMessage($e->getMessage());
         if (isset($params['reset'])) {
             $body .= $this->personView->displayResetForm();
         } else {
             $body .= $this->personView->displayLoginForm();
     } catch (SecurityException $e) {
         $body .= View::displayPageHead($this);
         $body .= View::displayErrorMessage($e->getMessage());
     } catch (RecordNotFoundException $e) {
         $body .= View::displayPageHead($this);
         $body .= View::displayErrorMessage('Failed to find the user \'' . $params['email'] . '\'');
         if (isset($params['reset'])) {
             $body .= $this->personView->displayResetForm();
         } else {
             $body .= $this->personView->displayLoginForm();
     $body .= View::displayPageFoot($this);
     return new Response(200, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
  * Testing the loadAllbyAttribute() method.
  * @since 1.2.1
 public function testLoadAllbyAttribute()
     $group = new Rights();
     $group->set('name', 'unittestgroup');
     $person1 = new Person();
     $person1->set('displayName', 'user1');
     $person1->set('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $person1->set('password', 'password');
     $lookup = $person1->getPropObject('rights')->getLookup();
     $lookup->setValue(array($person1->getOID(), $group->getOID()));
     $person2 = new Person();
     $person2->set('displayName', 'user2');
     $person2->set('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $person2->set('password', 'password');
     $lookup = $person2->getPropObject('rights')->getLookup();
     $lookup->setValue(array($person2->getOID(), $group->getOID()));
     $lookup = new RelationLookup('Alpha\\Model\\Person', 'Alpha\\Model\\Rights');
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($lookup->loadAllbyAttribute('rightID', $group->getOID())), 'testing the loadAllbyAttribute() method');
  * Testing that we can load dirty and new objects post commit.
  * @since 1.0
 public function testPostCommitLoad()
     $this->person->set('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $person = $this->createPersonObject('newuser');
     $person->set('email', '*****@*****.**');
     try {
     } catch (FailedUnitCommitException $e) {
         $this->fail('Failed to commit the unit of work transaction for new and dirty objects');
     $newPerson = new Person();
     try {
         $newPerson->loadByAttribute('email', '*****@*****.**');
     } catch (RecordNotFoundException $e) {
         $this->fail('Failed to load the new person that we commited in the unit of work');
     $dirtyPerson = new Person();
     try {
         $dirtyPerson->loadByAttribute('email', '*****@*****.**');
     } catch (RecordNotFoundException $e) {
         $this->fail('Failed to load the dirty person that we commited in the unit of work');