public function get_today_token()
     $salt = $this->get_session_salt();
     return SecurityTool::get_today_token($salt);
  * Add some JS code that add a hidden field
  * If the hidden field is not present in the POST, SpamFilterComponent considers the request as spam.
 public function antispam($form_dom_id)
     $salt = isset($this->_View->viewVars['_alaxos_spam_filter_salt']) ? $this->_View->viewVars['_alaxos_spam_filter_salt'] : null;
     $token = SecurityTool::get_today_token($salt);
      * Unlock hidden field added by JS to prevent blackholing of form
     $fieldname = SecurityTool::get_today_fieldname($salt);
     return $this->AlaxosHtml->script(Router::url(['prefix' => false, 'plugin' => 'Alaxos', 'controller' => 'Javascripts', 'action' => 'antispam', '_ext' => 'js', '?' => ['fid' => $form_dom_id, 'token' => $token]], true), ['block' => true]);