function it_updates_a_not_translatable_category($categoryRepository, CategoryInterface $category, CategoryInterface $categoryMaster, CategoryTranslation $translatable) { $categoryRepository->findOneByIdentifier('master')->willReturn($categoryMaster); $category->setCode('mycode')->shouldBeCalled(); $category->setParent($categoryMaster)->shouldBeCalled(); $category->getId()->willReturn(null); $values = ['code' => 'mycode', 'parent' => 'master']; $this->update($category, $values, []); }
/** * {@inherit} */ public function getItemsCountInCategory(CategoryInterface $category, QueryBuilder $categoryQb = null) { $qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder(); $qb->select($qb->expr()->count('distinct i')); $qb->from($this->entityName, 'i'); $qb->join('i.categories', 'node'); if (null === $categoryQb) { $qb->where(' = :nodeId'); $qb->setParameter('nodeId', $category->getId()); } else { $qb->where($categoryQb->getDqlPart('where')); $qb->setParameters($categoryQb->getParameters()); } return $qb->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult(); }
/** * @param CategoryInterface $category * @param string $field * @param mixed $data */ protected function setData(CategoryInterface $category, $field, $data) { if ('labels' === $field) { foreach ($data as $localeCode => $label) { $category->setLocale($localeCode); } } elseif ('parent' === $field) { $categoryParent = $this->findParent($data); if (null !== $categoryParent) { $category->setParent($categoryParent); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The parent category "%s" does not exist', $data)); } } else { $this->accessor->setValue($category, $field, $data); } }
/** * @param CategoryInterface $category * @param string $field * @param mixed $data */ protected function setData(CategoryInterface $category, $field, $data) { // TODO: Locales should be managed in a dedicated implementation of this updater if ('labels' === $field && $category instanceof TranslatableInterface) { foreach ($data as $localeCode => $label) { $category->setLocale($localeCode); $translation = $category->getTranslation(); $translation->setLabel($label); } } elseif ('parent' === $field) { $categoryParent = $this->findParent($data); if (null !== $categoryParent) { $category->setParent($categoryParent); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The parent category "%s" does not exist', $data)); } } else { $this->accessor->setValue($category, $field, $data); } }
function it_updates_a_category($categoryRepository, CategoryInterface $category, CategoryInterface $categoryMaster, CategoryTranslation $translatable) { $categoryRepository->findOneByIdentifier('master')->willReturn($categoryMaster); $category->getTranslation()->willReturn($translatable); $translatable->setLabel('Ma superbe catégorie')->shouldBeCalled(); $category->setCode('mycode')->shouldBeCalled(); $category->setParent($categoryMaster)->shouldBeCalled(); $category->setLocale('fr_FR')->shouldBeCalled(); $category->getId()->willReturn(null); $values = ['code' => 'mycode', 'parent' => 'master', 'labels' => ['fr_FR' => 'Ma superbe catégorie']]; $this->update($category, $values, []); }
/** * Provides a tree filled up to the categories provided, with all their ancestors * and ancestors sibligns are filled too, in order to be able to display the tree * directly without loading other data. * * @param CategoryInterface $root Tree root category * @param Collection $categories categories * * @return array Multi-dimensional array representing the tree * * TODO: To MOVE in the Repository. Try it in SQL. */ public function getFilledTree(CategoryInterface $root, Collection $categories) { $parentsIds = []; foreach ($categories as $category) { $categoryParentsIds = []; $path = $this->getEntityRepository()->getPath($category); if ($path[0]->getId() === $root->getId()) { foreach ($path as $pathItem) { $categoryParentsIds[] = $pathItem->getId(); } } $parentsIds = array_merge($parentsIds, $categoryParentsIds); } $parentsIds = array_unique($parentsIds); return $this->getEntityRepository()->getTreeFromParents($parentsIds); }
/** * Return categories ids provided by the categoryQb or by the provided category * * @param CategoryInterface $category * @param OrmQueryBuilder $categoryQb * * @return array $categoryIds */ protected function getCategoryIds(CategoryInterface $category, OrmQueryBuilder $categoryQb = null) { $categoryIds = []; if (null !== $categoryQb) { $categoryAlias = $categoryQb->getRootAlias(); $categories = $categoryQb->select('PARTIAL ' . $categoryAlias . '.{id}')->getQuery()->getArrayResult(); } else { $categories = [['id' => $category->getId()]]; } foreach ($categories as $category) { $categoryIds[] = $category['id']; } return $categoryIds; }
/** * @param Request $request * @param CategoryInterface|null $selectNode * * @return array|ArrayCollection */ protected function getChildrenCategories(Request $request, $selectNode) { $parent = $this->findCategory($request->get('id')); if (null !== $selectNode) { $categories = $this->categoryRepository->getChildrenTreeByParentId($parent->getId(), $selectNode->getId()); } else { $categories = $this->categoryRepository->getChildrenByParentId($parent->getId()); } return $categories; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addChild(CategoryInterface $child) { $child->setParent($this); $this->children[] = $child; return $this; }
/** * Create a query builder with just a link to the category passed in parameter * * @param CategoryInterface $category * * @return QueryBuilder */ protected function getNodeQueryBuilder(CategoryInterface $category) { $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('ps'); $qb->where(' = :nodeId')->setParameter('nodeId', $category->getId()); return $qb; }
/** * Define the state of a category * * @param CategoryInterface $category * @param bool $hasChild * @param array $selectedIds * * @return string */ protected function defineCategoryState(CategoryInterface $category, $hasChild = false, array $selectedIds = []) { $state = $category->hasChildren() ? 'closed' : 'leaf'; if ($hasChild === true) { $state = 'open'; } if (in_array($category->getId(), $selectedIds)) { $state .= ' toselect jstree-checked'; } if ($category->isRoot()) { $state .= ' jstree-root'; } return $state; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isAncestor(CategoryInterface $parentNode, CategoryInterface $childNode) { $sameRoot = $parentNode->getRoot() === $childNode->getRoot(); $isAncestor = $childNode->getLeft() > $parentNode->getLeft() && $childNode->getRight() < $parentNode->getRight(); return $sameRoot && $isAncestor; }