protected function configure()
     // This should throw the exception that we are looking for
     $this->setName('test:uninitialized_runtime_config')->setDescription('This command should throw an exception because we have used a method that relies on the ' . 'RuntimeConfig before the RuntimeConfig object is initialised in parent::configure()');
 protected function configure()
     $this->setName('test:execute_config')->setDescription('This command calls all the methods that allow the config of the BaseCommand to be changed ' . 'during execution');
 protected function configure()
     $this->setName('test:log_pre_init')->setDescription('This command logs a message to the preinit queue before the logger is initialized');
 protected function configure()
     $this->setName('test:no_parent_initialize')->setDescription('This command overrides the initialize function without calling the parent version of the function');
 protected function configure()
     $this->setName('test:logging')->setDescription('This command makes one log entry for each logging level');
 protected function configure()
     $this->setName('test:multiple_execution_allowed')->setDescription('An object of this class is allowed to have its run fucntion called multiple times. ' . 'Each time it is run it will output a successively higher number starting a one ');
 protected function configure()
     $this->setName('test:hello_world')->setDescription('This command makes does not explicitly make use of any of the features of the bundle. ' . 'It simply out puts a traditional "Hello World" string.');