  * Format information, about the attendees of a calendar event, to be viewed. The current user
  * logged in, if he is one of the attendees, so he must be the first exhibited attendee. The
  * remaining attendees will be group by, in the following order, that have the confirmation
  * @param array $attendees An array of attendees objects
  * @return array An array of formatted information about attendees in wich element contains
  *               the name (->name) of the attendee, it's current confirmation (->userConfirm),
  *               the icon css class of the current confirmation type (->userConfirmIcon) and
  *               the organization and region about attendee's role
 private function formatAttendeesInformation($attendees)
     // Email of current logged in user, because we'll search for it in attendees list
     $currUserEmail = TineSessionRepository::getTineSession()->getAttribute('Expressomail.email');
     // Array which indexes are confirmation types, each one containing an empty list of attendees
     $result = EventUtils::prepareListOfConfirmationTypesToGroupAttendees();
     $currUserAttendee = null;
     $userHasNotFounded = true;
     foreach ($attendees as $attendee) {
         // Formatting the description for the current attendee event confirmation type
         $attendee->confirmStatus = EventUtils::getConfirmationDescription($attendee->confirmation);
         // Verifying if the logged in user is also an attendee of the event.
         if ($userHasNotFounded && $attendee->email === $currUserEmail) {
             $currUserAttendee = $attendee;
             $userHasNotFounded = false;
         } else {
             $result[$attendee->confirmation][] = $attendee;
     // Checking whether the logged in user is a attendee of the current event
     if (!$userHasNotFounded && !is_null($currUserAttendee)) {
         array_unshift($result, array($currUserAttendee));
         // First one to be displayed
     return EventUtils::sortAttendeesByName($result);