  * Returns the absolute path for the given template file path based on the given base directory.
  * In case the given template file path starts with a slash ("/"), the template file is considered
  * to be relative to the module directory.
  * Otherwise the given template file path is considered to be relative to the given base path.
  * @param string $templateFilePath Path of the template file to return the absolute path for
  * @param string $basePath Base path used to determine the absolute path for the given template file
  * @return string
 public static function getAbsoluteTemplateFilePath($templateFilePath, $basePath)
     // determine template directory
     $templateDirectory = StringUtil::startsWith($templateFilePath, '/') ? ABLERON_MODULE_DIR : FileUtil::normalizePath($basePath) . '/';
     // return absolute template file path
     return $templateDirectory . $templateFilePath;
  * Cuts off the path to the Ableron root directory in case the given path
  * is an Ableron path.
  * Additionally normalizes the given path.
  * @param string $path The path to get relative representation for
  * @return string
 public static function getRelativeAbleronPath(string $path)
     // normalize path
     $path = self::normalizePath($path);
     // check whether we have an Ableron path
     if (StringUtil::startsWith($path, ABLERON_ROOT_DIR . '/')) {
         return StringUtil::getSubstring($path, StringUtil::getLength(ABLERON_ROOT_DIR));
     // given path is not an Ableron path so simply return given path
     return $path;
  * @see \Ableron\Core\Router\Route\RouteInterface::match()
 public function match(Uri $moduleRequestUri, HttpRequest $request)
     // prepare module request URI
     $moduleRequestUriNormalized = $this->routeParameters['isCaseSensitive'] ? $moduleRequestUri->getPath() : StringUtil::toLowerCase($moduleRequestUri->getPath());
     // handle "exactMath"
     if ($this->routeParameters['exactMatch'] !== null) {
         $exactMatchPattern = $this->routeParameters['isCaseSensitive'] ? $this->routeParameters['exactMatch'] : StringUtil::toLowerCase($this->routeParameters['exactMatch']);
         return $exactMatchPattern === $moduleRequestUriNormalized ? $this : null;
     // handle "startsWith"
     if ($this->routeParameters['startsWith'] !== null) {
         $startsWithPattern = $this->routeParameters['isCaseSensitive'] ? $this->routeParameters['startsWith'] : StringUtil::toLowerCase($this->routeParameters['startsWith']);
         return StringUtil::startsWith($moduleRequestUriNormalized, $startsWithPattern) ? $this : null;
     // no match
     return null;
  * Sets up this object by parsing the given string representation of a URI.
  * Throws an exception in case the given string could not be parsed correctly.
  * @param string $uri The URI to parse
  * @throws \Ableron\Core\Exception\SystemException
  * @return void
 private function parseUri($uri)
     if (($uriComponents = parse_url(StringUtil::startsWith($uri, '//') ? 'http:' . $uri : $uri)) !== false) {
         // set scheme
         if (isset($uriComponents['scheme']) && !StringUtil::startsWith($uri, '//')) {
         // set user info
         $isUsernameSet = isset($uriComponents['user']) && $uriComponents['user'] !== '';
         $isPasswordSet = isset($uriComponents['pass']) && $uriComponents['pass'] !== '';
         if ($isUsernameSet || $isPasswordSet) {
             $this->setUserInfo(($isUsernameSet ? $uriComponents['user'] : '') . ($isPasswordSet ? ':' . $uriComponents['pass'] : ''));
         // set host
         if (isset($uriComponents['host'])) {
         // set port
         if (isset($uriComponents['port'])) {
         // set path
         if (isset($uriComponents['path'])) {
         // set fragment
         if (isset($uriComponents['fragment'])) {
         } elseif (StringUtil::endsWith($uri, '#')) {
             $this->setFragment('', true);
         // set query (it is necessary to set the query after the fragment as we need the fragment part here)
         if (isset($uriComponents['query'])) {
         } elseif (StringUtil::endsWith($uri, '?' . ($this->fragment !== null ? '#' . $this->fragment : ''))) {
             $this->setQuery('', true);
     } else {
         throw new SystemException(sprintf('Unable to parse URI: %s', $uri), 0, E_USER_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__);
  * Initializes this template tag using the given template tag string.
  * Throws an exception in case the given string is not a valid template tag string.
  * @param string $templateTagString The template tag string to parse
  * @throws \Ableron\Core\Exception\SystemException
  * @return void
 private function initFromTemplateTagString($templateTagString)
     // extract information from given template tag
     if (!preg_match('#^(?<tagDeclaration>/?\\w+)(\\s+(?<argumentString>.*))?$#s', $templateTagString, $tagParts)) {
         throw new SystemException(sprintf('Unable to init TemplateTag from string "%s" - Given string is not a valid template tag string!', $templateTagString), 0, E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     $this->fullTag = $templateTagString;
     $this->isClosingTag = StringUtil::startsWith($tagParts['tagDeclaration'], '/');
     $this->tagName = $this->isClosingTag ? StringUtil::getSubstring($tagParts['tagDeclaration'], 1) : $tagParts['tagDeclaration'];
     $this->argumentString = isset($tagParts['argumentString']) ? $tagParts['argumentString'] : null;
     $this->arguments = $this->parseArgumentString($this->argumentString);
  * Removes the given enclosing characters from the start and the end of the given input string
  * in case the string is enclosed by the given characters.
  * E.g. removeEnclosingCharacter('{{foo}}', '{{', '}}') will return 'foo';
  * Returns the input string without any modification in case the given input string
  * is not enclosed by the given characters.
  * @param string $inputString The input string to remove the enclosing characters from
  * @param string $enclosingStartCharactersToRemove The start characters to remove from the start of the string if string is enclosed by the given characters
  * @param string $enclosingEndCharactersToRemove The end characters to remove from the end of the string if string is enclosed by the given characters
  * @return string
 public static function removeEnclosingCharacters(string $inputString, string $enclosingStartCharactersToRemove, string $enclosingEndCharactersToRemove)
     // return input string with removed given enclosing characters
     if (StringUtil::startsWith($inputString, $enclosingStartCharactersToRemove) && StringUtil::endsWith($inputString, $enclosingEndCharactersToRemove)) {
         return StringUtil::getSubstring($inputString, self::getLength($enclosingStartCharactersToRemove), -self::getLength($enclosingEndCharactersToRemove));
     // return unmodified input string if not enclosed by the given characters
     return $inputString;
  * Extracts all blocks from the given template and returns them.
  * @param string $template The template to extract the blocks from
  * @return array
 private function extractBlocks($template)
     // init required variables
     $blocks = array();
     $insideFirstLevelBlock = false;
     $firstLevelBlockTag = null;
     $firstLevelBlockContentStartIndex = 0;
     // parse given template
     for ($i = 0, $templateLength = StringUtil::getLength($template); $i < $templateLength; $i++) {
         // check whether current character is the left tag delimiter
         if (StringUtil::getSubstring($template, $i, 1) == '{') {
             // get remaining template
             $remainingTemplate = StringUtil::getSubstring($template, $i);
             // check whether very first element in the remaining template is an opening or closing block tag
             $isOpeningBlockTag = preg_match('#^{(block\\s[^}]+)}#', $remainingTemplate, $openingBlockTagMatch);
             $isClosingBlockTag = StringUtil::startsWith($remainingTemplate, '{/block}');
             if ($isOpeningBlockTag && !$insideFirstLevelBlock) {
                 $insideFirstLevelBlock = true;
                 $firstLevelBlockTag = new TemplateTag($openingBlockTagMatch[1]);
                 $firstLevelBlockContentStartIndex = $i + StringUtil::getLength($openingBlockTagMatch[0]);
                 $blocks[$this->getBlockName($firstLevelBlockTag)]['childBlocks'] = array();
             } elseif ($isOpeningBlockTag && $insideFirstLevelBlock) {
                 preg_match('#^{(block\\s[^}]+)}(.*?){/block}#s', $remainingTemplate, $blockMatch);
                 $i += StringUtil::getLength($blockMatch[0]) - 1;
                 $secondLevelBlockTag = new TemplateTag($blockMatch[1]);
                 $blocks[$this->getBlockName($firstLevelBlockTag)]['childBlocks'][$this->getBlockName($secondLevelBlockTag)] = array('blockTag' => $secondLevelBlockTag, 'blockContent' => trim($blockMatch[2]));
             } elseif ($isClosingBlockTag && $insideFirstLevelBlock) {
                 $insideFirstLevelBlock = false;
                 $blocks[$this->getBlockName($firstLevelBlockTag)]['blockTag'] = $firstLevelBlockTag;
                 $blocks[$this->getBlockName($firstLevelBlockTag)]['blockContent'] = trim(StringUtil::getSubstring($template, $firstLevelBlockContentStartIndex, $i - $firstLevelBlockContentStartIndex));
     // return extracted blocks
     return $blocks;
  * Returns the headers of the active request as an array of key-value pairs
  * extracted from the $_SERVER superglobal.
  * @return array
 private function parseRequestHeaders()
     $headers = array();
     foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) {
         if (StringUtil::startsWith($key, 'HTTP_')) {
             $headers[str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower(substr($key, 5)))))] = $value;
     return $headers;