function Zotpress_zotpressLib($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array('user_id' => false, 'userid' => false, 'nickname' => false, 'nick' => false, 'type' => false, 'searchby' => false, 'minlength' => 3, 'maxresults' => 100, 'maxperpage' => 10, 'cite' => false, 'citeable' => false, 'download' => false, 'downloadable' => false), $atts, "zotpress")); // FORMAT PARAMETERS // Filter by account if ($user_id) { $api_user_id = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($user_id)); } else { if ($userid) { $api_user_id = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($userid)); } else { $api_user_id = false; } } if ($nickname) { $nickname = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($nickname)); } if ($nick) { $nickname = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($nick)); } // Type of display if ($type) { $type = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($type)); } else { $type = "dropdown"; } // Enqueue autocomplete UI scripts if type is "searchbar" if ($type == "searchbar") { wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-autocomplete'); wp_enqueue_script('zotpress.lib.searchbar.js', ZOTPRESS_PLUGIN_URL . 'js/zotpress.lib.searchbar.js', array('jquery')); } // Filters if ($searchby) { $searchby = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($searchby)); } // Min length if ($minlength) { $minlength = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($minlength)); } // Max results if ($maxresults) { $maxresults = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($maxresults)); } // Max per page if ($maxperpage) { $maxperpage = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($maxperpage)); } // Citeable if ($cite) { $cite = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($cite)); } if ($citeable) { $cite = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($citeable)); } // Downloadable if ($download) { $download = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($download)); } if ($downloadable) { $download = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($downloadable)); } // Get API User ID global $wpdb; if ($nickname !== false) { $zp_account = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress WHERE nickname='" . $nickname . "'", OBJECT); if (is_null($zp_account)) { echo "<p>Sorry, but the selected Zotpress nickname can't be found.</p>"; return false; } $api_user_id = $zp_account->api_user_id; } else { if ($api_user_id !== false) { $zp_account = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress WHERE api_user_id='" . $api_user_id . "'", OBJECT); if (is_null($zp_account)) { echo "<p>Sorry, but the selected Zotpress account can't be found.</p>"; return false; } $api_user_id = $zp_account->api_user_id; } else { if ($api_user_id === false && $nickname === false) { if (get_option("Zotpress_DefaultAccount") !== false) { $api_user_id = get_option("Zotpress_DefaultAccount"); $zp_account = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress WHERE api_user_id ='" . $api_user_id . "'", OBJECT); } else { $zp_account = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress LIMIT 1", OBJECT); $api_user_id = $zp_account->api_user_id; } } } } // Use Browse class $zpLib = new zotpressBrowse(); $zpLib->setAccount($zp_account); $zpLib->setType($type); if ($searchby) { $zpLib->setFilters($searchby); } $zpLib->setMinLength($minlength); $zpLib->setMaxResults($maxresults); $zpLib->setMaxPerPage($maxperpage); $zpLib->setCiteable($cite); $zpLib->setDownloadable($download); $zpLib->getLib(); }
$public_key = $zp_account->public_key; $nickname = $zp_account->nickname; } else { $api_user_id = false; } } } // ACCOUNT DEFAULTS if (count($zp_account) == 1) { $account_type = $zp_account->account_type; $api_user_id = $zp_account->api_user_id; $public_key = $zp_account->public_key; $nickname = $zp_account->nickname; } // Use Browse class $zpLib = new zotpressBrowse(); $zpLib->setAccount($zp_account); $zpLib->setType("dropdown"); ?> <div id="zp-Zotpress" class="wrap"> <?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; ?> <div id="zp-Browse-Wrapper"> <h3><?php if (count($zp_accounts) == 1) { echo "Your Library";