  * This function takes an xmlized array and put it into one xmldb_structure
  * @param array $xmlarr
  * @return xmldb_structure
 public function arr2xmldb_structure($xmlarr)
     $structure = new xmldb_structure($this->path);
     return $structure;
  * This function will return the SQL code needed to create db tables and statements.
  * @param xmldb_structure $xmldb_structure An xmldb_structure instance.
  * @see xmldb_structure
 public function getCreateStructureSQL($xmldb_structure)
     $results = array();
     if ($tables = $xmldb_structure->getTables()) {
         foreach ($tables as $table) {
             $results = array_merge($results, $this->getCreateTableSQL($table));
     return $results;
  * Checks the database schema against a schema specified by an xmldb_structure object
  * @param xmldb_structure $schema export schema describing all known tables
  * @param array $options
  * @return array keyed by table name with array of difference messages as values
 public function check_database_schema(xmldb_structure $schema, array $options = null)
     $alloptions = array('extratables' => true, 'missingtables' => true, 'extracolumns' => true, 'missingcolumns' => true, 'changedcolumns' => true);
     $options = (array) $options;
     $options = array_merge($alloptions, $options);
     // Note: the error descriptions are not supposed to be localised,
     //       it is intended for developers and skilled admins only.
     $errors = array();
     /** @var string[] $dbtables */
     $dbtables = $this->mdb->get_tables(false);
     /** @var xmldb_table[] $tables */
     $tables = $schema->getTables();
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         $tablename = $table->getName();
         if ($options['missingtables']) {
             // Missing tables are a fatal problem.
             if (empty($dbtables[$tablename])) {
                 $errors[$tablename][] = "table is missing";
         /** @var database_column_info[] $dbfields */
         $dbfields = $this->mdb->get_columns($tablename, false);
         /** @var xmldb_field[] $fields */
         $fields = $table->getFields();
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             $fieldname = $field->getName();
             if (empty($dbfields[$fieldname])) {
                 if ($options['missingcolumns']) {
                     // Missing columns are a fatal problem.
                     $errors[$tablename][] = "column '{$fieldname}' is missing";
             } else {
                 if ($options['changedcolumns']) {
                     $dbfield = $dbfields[$fieldname];
                     if (!isset($typesmap[$dbfield->meta_type])) {
                         $errors[$tablename][] = "column '{$fieldname}' has unsupported type '{$dbfield->meta_type}'";
                     } else {
                         $dbtype = $typesmap[$dbfield->meta_type];
                         $type = $field->getType();
                         if ($type == XMLDB_TYPE_FLOAT) {
                             $type = XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER;
                         if ($type != $dbtype) {
                             if ($expected = array_search($type, $typesmap)) {
                                 $errors[$tablename][] = "column '{$fieldname}' has incorrect type '{$dbfield->meta_type}', expected '{$expected}'";
                             } else {
                                 $errors[$tablename][] = "column '{$fieldname}' has incorrect type '{$dbfield->meta_type}'";
                         } else {
                             if ($field->getNotNull() != $dbfield->not_null) {
                                 if ($field->getNotNull()) {
                                     $errors[$tablename][] = "column '{$fieldname}' should be NOT NULL ({$dbfield->meta_type})";
                                 } else {
                                     $errors[$tablename][] = "column '{$fieldname}' should allow NULL ({$dbfield->meta_type})";
                             if ($dbtype == XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT) {
                                 // No length check necessary - there is one size only now.
                             } else {
                                 if ($dbtype == XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER) {
                                     if ($field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_FLOAT) {
                                         // Do not use floats in any new code, they are deprecated in XMLDB editor!
                                     } else {
                                         if ($field->getLength() != $dbfield->max_length or $field->getDecimals() != $dbfield->scale) {
                                             $size = "({$field->getLength()},{$field->getDecimals()})";
                                             $dbsize = "({$dbfield->max_length},{$dbfield->scale})";
                                             $errors[$tablename][] = "column '{$fieldname}' size is {$dbsize}, expected {$size} ({$dbfield->meta_type})";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($dbtype == XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR) {
                                         // This is not critical, but they should ideally match.
                                         if ($field->getLength() != $dbfield->max_length) {
                                             $errors[$tablename][] = "column '{$fieldname}' length is {$dbfield->max_length}, expected {$field->getLength()} ({$dbfield->meta_type})";
                                     } else {
                                         if ($dbtype == XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER) {
                                             // Integers may be bigger in some DBs.
                                             $length = $field->getLength();
                                             if ($length > 18) {
                                                 // Integers are not supposed to be bigger than 18.
                                                 $length = 18;
                                             if ($length > $dbfield->max_length) {
                                                 $errors[$tablename][] = "column '{$fieldname}' length is {$dbfield->max_length}, expected at least {$field->getLength()} ({$dbfield->meta_type})";
                                         } else {
                                             if ($dbtype == XMLDB_TYPE_BINARY) {
                                                 // Ignore binary types.
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($dbtype == XMLDB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) {
                                                     $errors[$tablename][] = "column '{$fieldname}' is a timestamp, this type is not supported ({$dbfield->meta_type})";
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($dbtype == XMLDB_TYPE_DATETIME) {
                                                         $errors[$tablename][] = "column '{$fieldname}' is a datetime, this type is not supported ({$dbfield->meta_type})";
                                                     } else {
                                                         // Report all other unsupported types as problems.
                                                         $errors[$tablename][] = "column '{$fieldname}' has unknown type ({$dbfield->meta_type})";
                             // Note: The empty string defaults are a bit messy...
                             if ($field->getDefault() != $dbfield->default_value) {
                                 $default = is_null($field->getDefault()) ? 'NULL' : $field->getDefault();
                                 $dbdefault = is_null($dbfield->default_value) ? 'NULL' : $dbfield->default_value;
                                 $errors[$tablename][] = "column '{$fieldname}' has default '{$dbdefault}', expected '{$default}' ({$dbfield->meta_type})";
         // Check for extra columns (indicates unsupported hacks) - modify install.xml if you want to pass validation.
         foreach ($dbfields as $fieldname => $dbfield) {
             if ($options['extracolumns']) {
                 $errors[$tablename][] = "column '{$fieldname}' is not expected ({$dbfield->meta_type})";
     if ($options['extratables']) {
         // Look for unsupported tables - local custom tables should be in /local/xxxx/db/install.xml file.
         // If there is no prefix, we can not say if table is ours, sorry.
         if ($this->generator->prefix !== '') {
             foreach ($dbtables as $tablename => $unused) {
                 if (strpos($tablename, 'pma_') === 0) {
                     // Ignore phpmyadmin tables.
                 if (strpos($tablename, 'test') === 0) {
                     // Legacy simple test db tables need to be eventually removed,
                     // report them as problems!
                     $errors[$tablename][] = "table is not expected (it may be a leftover after Simpletest unit tests)";
                 } else {
                     $errors[$tablename][] = "table is not expected";
     return $errors;
  * Checks the database schema against a schema specified by an xmldb_structure object
  * @param xmldb_structure $schema export schema describing all known tables
  * @return array keyed by table name with array of difference messages as values
 public function check_database_schema(xmldb_structure $schema)
     $errors = array();
     $dbtables = $this->mdb->get_tables();
     $tables = $schema->getTables();
     //TODO: maybe add several levels error/warning
     // make sure that current and schema tables match exactly
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         $tablename = $table->getName();
         if (empty($dbtables[$tablename])) {
             if (!isset($errors[$tablename])) {
                 $errors[$tablename] = array();
             $errors[$tablename][] = "Table {$tablename} is missing in database.";
             //TODO: localize
         // a) check for required fields
         $dbfields = $this->mdb->get_columns($tablename);
         $fields = $table->getFields();
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             $fieldname = $field->getName();
             if (empty($dbfields[$fieldname])) {
                 if (!isset($errors[$tablename])) {
                     $errors[$tablename] = array();
                 $errors[$tablename][] = "Field {$fieldname} is missing in table {$tablename}.";
                 //TODO: localize
         // b) check for extra fields (indicates unsupported hacks) - modify install.xml if you want the script to continue ;-)
         foreach ($dbfields as $fieldname => $info) {
             if (!isset($errors[$tablename])) {
                 $errors[$tablename] = array();
             $errors[$tablename][] = "Field {$fieldname} is not expected in table {$tablename}.";
             //TODO: localize
     // look for unsupported tables - local custom tables should be in /local/xxxx/db/install.xml ;-)
     // if there is no prefix, we can not say if tale is ours :-(
     if ($this->generator->prefix !== '') {
         foreach ($dbtables as $tablename => $unused) {
             if (strpos($tablename, 'pma_') === 0) {
                 // ignore phpmyadmin tables for now
             if (strpos($tablename, 'test') === 0) {
                 // ignore broken results of unit tests
             if (!isset($errors[$tablename])) {
                 $errors[$tablename] = array();
             $errors[$tablename][] = "Table {$tablename} is not expected.";
             //TODO: localize
     return $errors;
function cleanup()
    global $DB;
    $dbman = $DB->get_manager();
    $tablename = student::TABLE;
    $tempname = $tablename . '_temp';
    $table = new xmldb_table($tempname);
    if ($dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        if (!$dbman->drop_table($table)) {
            mtrace(' <<< Could not remove temporary table: ' . $tempname);
    // Create a temporary table by reading in the XMLDB file that defines the student enrolment table
    $xmldb_file = new xmldb_file(elispm::file('db/install.xml'));
    if (!$xmldb_file->fileExists() or !$xmldb_file->loadXMLStructure()) {
    $structure = $xmldb_file->getStructure();
    $tables = $structure->getTables();
    foreach ($tables as $table) {
        if ($table->getName() == $tablename) {
            $xml_temptable = $table;
            $tempstructure = new xmldb_structure('temp');
            try {
            } catch (ddl_change_structure_exception $e) {
                mtrace(' <<< Could not create temporary table: ' . $tempname);
            mtrace(' >>> Created temporary table: ' . $tempname);
    $xml_table = new xmldb_table($tablename);
    // Step 1. -- attempt to move unique values into the temporary table in a way that should leave some duplicates but
    //            will remove the vast majority of the them
    $sql = "INSERT INTO {{$tempname}}\n                SELECT id, classid, userid, enrolmenttime, MIN(completetime) AS completetime, endtime, completestatusid,\n                       grade, credits, locked\n                FROM {{$tablename}}\n                GROUP BY classid, userid, completestatusid, grade, credits, locked";
    try {
    } catch (dml_exception $e) {
        mtrace(' <<< Could not move duplicate records from: ' . $tablename . ' into: ' . $tempname);
    mtrace(' >>> Moved duplicate records from: ' . $tablename . ' into: ' . $tempname);
    // Step 2. -- detect if we still have any duplicates remaining
    $sql = "SELECT id, COUNT(*) AS count, classid, userid, enrolmenttime, completetime, completestatusid, grade, credits, locked\n            FROM {{$tempname}}\n            GROUP BY classid, userid\n            ORDER BY count DESC, classid ASC, userid ASC";
    if ($dupcount = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array(), 0, 1)) {
        $dupe = current($dupcount);
        if ($dupe->count > 1) {
            mtrace(' <<< Duplicate records still exist in temporary table');
        } else {
            mtrace(' >>> No duplicate records exist in temporary table');
    // Step 3. -- at this point duplicate data was found, so we will need to process each record in turn to find the first
    //            legitimate record that should be kept
    if ($rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql)) {
        foreach ($rs as $dupe) {
            if ($dupe->count <= 1) {
            $classid = $dupe->classid;
            $userid = $dupe->userid;
            $goodid = 0;
            // The ID of the record we will keep
            // Find the record marked "complete" or "failed" and locked with the earliest completion time
            $sql2 = "SELECT id, completestatusid, grade locked\n                     FROM {{$tempname}}\n                     WHERE userid = {$userid}\n                     AND classid = {$classid}\n                     ORDER BY completetime ASC, completestatusid ASC, locked ASC";
            if ($rs2 = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql2)) {
                foreach ($rs2 as $rec) {
                    // Store the last record ID just in case we need it for cleanup
                    $lastid = $rec->id;
                    // Don't bother looking at remaining records if we have found a record to keep
                    if (!empty($goodid)) {
                    if ($rec->completestatusid != 0 && ($rec->locked = 1)) {
                        $goodid = $rec->id;
                // We need to make sure we have a record ID to keep, if we found no "complete" and locked
                // records, let's just keep the last record we saw
                if (empty($goodid)) {
                    $goodid = $lastid;
                $select = 'classid = ' . $classid . ' AND userid = ' . $userid . ' AND id != ' . $goodid;
            // If we have some records to clean up, let's do that now
            if (!empty($select)) {
                $status = true;
                try {
                    $DB->delete_records_select($tempname, $select);
                } catch (dml_exception $e) {
                    mtrace(' <<< Could not clean up duplicate ' . $tempname . ' records for userid = ' . $userid . ', classid = ' . $classid);
                    $status = false;
                if ($status) {
                    mtrace(' >>> Cleaned up duplicate ' . $tempname . ' records for userid = ' . $userid . ', classid = ' . $classid);
    // Step 4. -- drop the table containing duplicate values and rename the temporary table to take it's place
    try {
    } catch (ddl_change_structure_exception $e) {
        mtrace(' <<< Could not drop table: ' . $tablename);
    mtrace(' >>> Successfully dropped table: ' . $tablename);
    // Rename the temporary table to allow it to replace the real table
    try {
        $dbman->rename_table($xml_temptable, $tablename);
    } catch (ddl_change_structure_exception $e) {
        mtrace(' <<< Could not rename table: ' . $tempname . ' to: ' . $tablename);
    mtrace(' >>> Successfully renamed table: ' . $tempname . ' to: ' . $tablename);