$t->is($i['Engine'], 'sfLucene 0.5-DEV', '->describe() has the correct engine version');
$t->is($i['Implementation'], 'Zend_Search_Lucene 1.5', '->describe() has the correct Zend_Search_Lucene version');
$t->is($i['Location'], LOCATION, '->describe() has the correct location');
$t->is($i['Total Documents'], 4, '->describe() has the correct total number of documents');
$t->is($i['Total Segments'], 1, '->describe() has the correct total number of segments');
$t->is($i['Total Size'], '0.008 MB', '->describe() has the correct total total size');
$t->is($i['Analyzer'], 'Text', '->describe() has the correct analyzer');
class FooAnalyzer extends Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Text
$engine->setAnalyzer(new FooAnalyzer());
$i = $engine->describe();
$t->is($i['Analyzer'], 'FooAnalyzer', '->describe() does not crop an external analyzer class name');
$t->is($engine->count(), 3, '->delete() removes a document');
$engine->add(new xfDocument('doc'));
$t->is($engine->count(), 0, '->erase() empties the index if it is open');
$t->isa_ok($engine->getIndex(), 'Zend_Search_Lucene_Proxy', '->erase() leaves the index open if it is open');
$engine->add(new xfDocument('doc'));
try {
    $msg = '->erase() leaves the index close if it is closed';