public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { if ($active = $this->getProperty('active')) { $c->where(array('active' => 1)); } return $c; }
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $c->select(array('qsbSetUserGroup.*', '')); $c->innerJoin('modUserGroup', 'UserGroup'); $c->where(array('set' => $this->getProperty('id'))); return $c; }
/** * Can be used to adjust the query prior to the COUNT statement * * @param xPDOQuery $c * * @return xPDOQuery */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { if ($query = $this->getProperty('query', null)) { $c->where(array('ip:LIKE' => '%' . $query . '%')); } return $c; }
/** * @param xPDOQuery $c * * @return xPDOQuery */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $c->rightJoin('modResourceGroup', 'modResourceGroup', ' ='); $c->select($this->modx->getSelectColumns($this->classKey, $this->classKey)); $c->select($this->modx->getSelectColumns('modResourceGroup', 'modResourceGroup')); return $c; }
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $query = $this->getProperty('searchbox'); $combo = $this->getProperty('combobox'); $history = $this->getProperty('historical'); //$qu = array(); if (!empty($query)) { $qu = array('title:LIKE' => '%' . preg_replace('/[^a-rtzA-Z0-9]/', '%', $query) . '%'); } $andState = !empty($query) ? 'AND:' : ''; if (!empty($combo)) { $calfilt = $this->modx->newQuery('GcCalendarCalsConnect'); $calfilt->where(array('calid:=' => $combo)); $cals = $this->modx->getCollection('GcCalendarCalsConnect', $calfilt); $cids = array(); foreach ($cals as $ca) { $cids[] = $ca->get('evid'); } $tp = array($andState . 'id:IN' => $cids); } $andState = !empty($query) || !empty($combo) ? 'AND:' : ''; $stime = strtotime('-1 day'); $tim = $history == 1 ? array($andState . 'start:<=' => $stime, 'AND:end:<=' => $stime, 'or:repeatenddate:<=' => $stime) : array($andState . 'start:>=' => $stime, 'OR:end:>=' => $stime, 'OR:repeatenddate:>=' => $stime); $c->where(array($qu, $tp, $tim)); return $c; }
/** * @param xPDOQuery $c * * @return xPDOQuery */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { if ($tid = $this->getProperty('tid')) { $c->where(array('tid' => $tid)); } return parent::prepareQueryBeforeCount($c); }
protected function getResults(xPDOQuery &$c) { $list = array(); $this->currentIndex = 0; if ($c->prepare()) { if ($c->stmt->execute()) { while ($row = $c->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $object_id = $row['object_id']; if (empty($list[$object_id])) { $list[$object_id] = $row; $list[$object_id]['tvs'] = array(); $this->currentIndex++; } if (!empty($row['tv_name'])) { $list[$object_id]['tvs'][$row['tv_name']] = array('tv_id' => $row['tv_id'], 'caption' => $row['tv_caption'], 'category' => $row['tv_category'], 'value_id' => $row['tv_value_id'], 'value' => $row['tv_value']); } } } else { if ($c->stmt->errorCode() !== "00000") { $this->modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, __CLASS__); $this->modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, print_r($c->stmt->errorInfo(), true)); $this->modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $c->toSQL()); } } } return $list; }
function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { // Filter by position if ($position = $this->getProperty('position')) { $mode = $this->getProperty('mode', 'include'); $q = $this->modx->newQuery('byAdPosition'); $q->select('ad'); $q->where(array('position' => $position)); if ($q->prepare() && $q->stmt->execute()) { $ads = array_unique($q->stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)); } if (!empty($ads)) { if ($mode == 'exclude') { $c->where(array('id:NOT IN' => $ads)); } else { $c->where(array('id:IN' => $ads)); } } } // Filter by search query if ($query = $this->getProperty('query')) { $c->where(array('name:LIKE' => "%{$query}%", 'OR:description:LIKE' => "%{$query}%")); } return $c; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * @param xPDOQuery $c * @return xPDOQuery */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $this->elementId = $this->getProperty('elementId', false); $this->elementType = $this->getProperty('elementType', false); $id = $this->getProperty('id', 0); /*$tagNameParts = xPDO :: escSplit('@', $this->getProperty('tag')); $propertySet = isset($tagNameParts[1]) ? trim($tagNameParts[1]) : null; if (isset($propertySet) && strpos($propertySet,':') != false) { $propSetParts = xPDO :: escSplit(':', $propertySet); $propertySet = trim($propSetParts[0]); }*/ $c->leftJoin('modElementPropertySet', 'Elements', array('Elements.element_class' => $this->elementType, 'Elements.element' => $this->elementId, 'Elements.property_set =')); $this->showNotAssociated = (bool) $this->getProperty('showNotAssociated', false); $showAssociated = (bool) $this->getProperty('showAssociated', false); if ($this->showNotAssociated) { $c->where(array('Elements.property_set' => null)); } else { if ($showAssociated) { $c->where(array('Elements.property_set:!=' => null)); } } /*if (empty($id)) { $propertySet = $this->getProperty('propertySet', ''); if (!empty($propertySet) && $this->modx->getCount('modPropertySet', array('name'=>$propertySet))) { $c->orCondition(" = {$this->modx->quote($propertySet)}"); } }*/ return $c; }
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $lang_key = $this->getProperty('langid'); $contextlm = $this->getProperty('contextlm'); $c->where(array('lang_key' => $lang_key, 'context' => $contextlm)); return $c; }
/** * @param xPDOQuery $c * * @return xPDOQuery */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $c->innerJoin('sxNewsletter', 'sxNewsletter', ' = sxQueue.newsletter_id'); $c->select($this->modx->getSelectColumns('sxQueue', 'sxQueue')); $c->select(' as newsletter'); return $c; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { if ($query = $this->getProperty('query')) { $c->where(array('word:LIKE' => "%{$query}%", 'OR:alias:LIKE' => "%{$query}%")); } return $c; }
public function prepareQueryAfterCount(xPDOQuery $c) { if ($this->getProperty('sort') == 'category') { $c->sortby('parent', $this->getProperty('dir', 'ASC')); } return $c; }
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $search = $this->getProperty('search', ''); if (!empty($search)) { $c->where(array('name:LIKE' => '%' . $search . '%', 'OR:path:LIKE' => '%' . $search . '%')); } return $c; }
/** * @return mixed */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $tid = $this->getProperty('tid'); if ($tid) { $c->where(array('template' => $tid)); } return $c; }
protected function setSelection(xPDOQuery $c) { $c->select(array("Product.*", " as `product_id`", "{$this->classKey}.id as object_id")); /*$c->prepare(); print $c->toSQL(); exit;*/ return $c; }
/** * @param xPDOQuery $c * * @return xPDOQuery */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $form = (int) $this->getProperty('form'); if ($form) { $c->where(array('form' => $form)); } return $c; }
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $query = $this->getProperty('query'); if (!empty($query)) { $c->andCondition(array('id' => $query, 'OR:name:LIKE' => '%' . $query . '%')); } return $c; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @return xPDOQuery */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $c->select('id,parent,pagetitle,context_key'); if ($query = $this->getProperty('query')) { $c->where(array('pagetitle:LIKE' => "%{$query}%")); } return $c; }
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $query = $this->getProperty('query'); if (!empty($query)) { $c->where(array('local_name:LIKE' => '%' . $query . '%', 'OR:lang_code:LIKE' => '%' . $query . '%', 'OR:lcid_string:LIKE' => '%' . $query . '%', 'OR:lcid_dec:LIKE' => '%' . $query . '%')); } return $c; }
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $form = $this->getProperty('form_id'); if (!empty($form)) { $c->where(array('form_id' => $form)); } return $c; }
/** * @param xPDOQuery $c * * @return xPDOQuery */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $query = trim($this->getProperty('query')); if ($query) { $c->where(array('resource_id:LIKE' => "%{$query}%", 'OR:maxposter_id:LIKE' => "%{$query}%")); } return $c; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $query = $this->getProperty('query'); if (!empty($query)) { $c->where(array('name:LIKE' => '%' . $query . '%')); } return $c; }
/** * Can be used to adjust the query prior to the COUNT statement * * @param xPDOQuery $c * @return xPDOQuery */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $parentId = $this->getProperty('parentId'); if (!empty($parentId)) { $c->where(array('parent_id' => $parentId)); } return $c; }
/** * @param xPDOQuery $c * * @return xPDOQuery */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $query = trim($this->getProperty('query')); if ($query) { $c->where(array('name:LIKE' => "%{$query}%", 'OR:description:LIKE' => "%{$query}%")); } return $c; }
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $exclude = $this->getProperty('exclude', ''); if (!empty($exclude)) { $c->where(array('id:NOT IN' => is_array($exclude) ? $exclude : explode(',', $exclude))); } return $c; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $c->where(array('class_key' => 'msCategory')); if ($query = $this->getProperty('query')) { $c->where(array('pagetitle:LIKE' => "%{$query}%")); } return $c; }
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { if ($this->getProperty('combo')) { $c->select('id,name'); $c->where(array('active' => 1)); } return $c; }
/** * @param xPDOQuery $c * * @return xPDOQuery */ public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $query = trim($this->getProperty('query')); if ($query) { $c->where(array('id:LIKE' => "%{$query}%", 'OR:title:LIKE' => "%{$query}%", 'OR:parent:LIKE' => "%{$query}%", 'OR:level:LIKE' => "%{$query}%", 'OR:active:LIKE' => "%{$query}%")); } return $c; }
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) { $parentClass = $this->getProperty('parentClass', ''); if (!empty($parentClass)) { $c->where(array('parent_class' => $parentClass)); } return $c; }