function doTokenSave($event) { if ($this->save_auth_config()) { $msgbox = new wxMessageDialog($this, '認證資訊寫出完成。', '儲存認證資訊'); } else { $t = $this->auction_bridge->get_last_error(); if (empty($t)) { $t = '未知的錯誤'; } $msgbox = new wxMessageDialog($this, '認證資訊寫出失敗: ' . $t, '儲存認證資訊'); } $msgbox->ShowModal(); }
public function showAbout(\wxFrame $frame) { $msg = "{$this->appname} v{$this->appversion}\n\n"; $msg .= trim(wordwrap($this->appdescription, 40)) . "\n"; if ($this->appauthors) { $msg .= "\n{$this->appauthors}"; } if ($this->appcopyright) { $msg .= "\n{$this->appcopyright}"; } $phpver = PHP_VERSION; $phppf = PHP_OS; $msg .= "\n\nRunning on PHP {$phpver} ({$phppf})"; $dlg = new \wxMessageDialog($frame, $msg, "About {$this->appname}", \wxICON_INFORMATION | \wxOK); $dlg->ShowModal(); }
public function setAuctionBridge($auction_bridge) { $this->auction_bridge = $auction_bridge; if (is_null($this->auction_bridge)) { $this->SetTitle('(正在初始化中...) Yahoo 拍賣上架工具'); $this->disableButtons(); } else { $err_msgcontent = $this->auction_bridge->get_last_error(); if (is_null($err_msgcontent)) { $this->SetTitle('Yahoo 拍賣上架工具'); $this->enableButtons(); } else { $this->SetTitle('(初始化失敗) Yahoo 拍賣上架工具'); $msgbox = new wxMessageDialog($this, $err_msgcontent, '初始化失敗'); $msgbox->ShowModal(); } } }
function onMenuHelpAbout() { $dlg = new \wxMessageDialog($this, "PocketMine-MP is a sofware for creating Minecraft Pocket Edition servers.\nIt has a Plugin API that enables a developer to extend it and add new features, or change default ones.\n\nThe entire server is done in PHP, and has been tested, profiled and optimized to run smoothly.", "About PocketMine-MP...", wxICON_INFORMATION); $dlg->ShowModal(); }
function onPickedCategoryChanged($event) { $o = $this->getSelectedCategory(); if (!$o) { return; } elseif ($o->is_leaf) { $this->btnApplyCategory->Enable(TRUE); return; } $this->btnApplyCategory->Enable(FALSE); $this->category_data = array(); $this->category_data[] = $o->parent_node; $this->category_data[] = $o; $this->appendCategoryItem($o->child_node); $this->syncCategoryDataToUI(1); if ($this->need_notice_category_leaf) { $this->need_notice_category_leaf = FALSE; $msgbox = new wxMessageDialog($this, '您選擇的這個類別下面還有子類別,清單已隨著您的選擇為您更新。' . "\n" . '必須要選到最末端的類別才可以套用。', '類別選擇'); $msgbox->ShowModal(); } }
function onAbout() { $dlg = new wxMessageDialog($this, "Welcome to wxPHP!!\nBased on wxWidgets 2.8.4\n\nThis is a minimal wxPHP sample!", "About box...", wxICON_INFORMATION); $dlg->ShowModal(); }