the correct page. Note that you will need to visit/reload this page 
the first time the script is run, as various constants are set prior to this page template
loading. If you visit Admin->Installation the default values will be reset, 
which includes after upgrading, so re-visit this page at least once after visiting 
the Installation page, to put things back to the new page. Alternatively, create a 
page that updates this (and maybe other) URLs that you can visit as admin once after upgrading WPS.

This is hardcoded to a particular page for now. If distributing to other user's this will
need to be dynamically set! Change it to make the URL of your new profile page, mine is as
per the tutorial (ie. a page called "AA Profile").

If you are using WPS Permalinks, make sure you update the Member Profile permalink on the
Installation page.


Links to styles used in this page template - shouldn't be included in the page template really,
but is included here to keep things simple for the tutorial at
Should be included in the theme header.php in the <HEAD> ... </HEAD> tags.
This also assumes the .css file is also in the current theme folder along with this page file. 
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/wps_profile_page.css" />

<div id="primary">
	<div id="content" role="main">
	// Sidebar
	echo '<div id="my-sidebar">';