public function upload() { /** import upload library **/ _wpl_import('assets.packages.ajax_uploader.UploadHandler'); $kind = wpl_request::getVar('kind', 0); $params = array(); $params['accept_ext'] = wpl_flex::get_field_options(301); $extentions = explode(',', $params['accept_ext']['ext_file']); $ext_str = ''; foreach ($extentions as $extention) { $ext_str .= $extention . '|'; } // remove last | $ext_str = substr($ext_str, 0, -1); $ext_str = rtrim($ext_str, ';'); $custom_op = array('upload_dir' => wpl_global::get_upload_base_path(), 'upload_url' => wpl_global::get_upload_base_url(), 'accept_file_types' => '/\\.(' . $ext_str . ')$/i', 'max_file_size' => $params['accept_ext']['file_size'] * 1000, 'min_file_size' => 1, 'max_number_of_files' => null); $upload_handler = new UploadHandler($custom_op); $response = json_decode($upload_handler->json_response); if (isset($response->files[0]->error)) { return; } $attachment_categories = wpl_items::get_item_categories('attachment', $kind); // get item category with first index $item_cat = reset($attachment_categories)->category_name; $index = floatval(wpl_items::get_maximum_index(wpl_request::getVar('pid'), wpl_request::getVar('type'), $kind, $item_cat)) + 1.0; $item = array('parent_id' => wpl_request::getVar('pid'), 'parent_kind' => $kind, 'item_type' => wpl_request::getVar('type'), 'item_cat' => $item_cat, 'item_name' => $response->files[0]->name, 'creation_date' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'index' => $index); wpl_items::save($item); }
private function save_dbst() { $dbst_id = wpl_request::getVar('dbst_id', 0); $post = wpl_request::get('post'); $mode = 'edit'; /** insert new field **/ if (!$dbst_id) { $mode = 'add'; $dbst_id = wpl_flex::create_default_dbst(); } $q = ''; foreach ($post as $field => $value) { if (substr($field, 0, 4) != 'fld_') { continue; } $key = substr($field, 4); if (trim($key) == '') { continue; } $q .= "`{$key}`='{$value}', "; } /** add options to query **/ $options = wpl_flex::get_encoded_options($post, 'opt_', wpl_flex::get_field_options($dbst_id)); $q .= "`options`='" . wpl_db::escape($options) . "', "; $q = trim($q, ", "); $query = "UPDATE `#__wpl_dbst` SET " . $q . " WHERE `id`='{$dbst_id}'"; wpl_db::q($query, 'update'); $dbst_type = wpl_flex::get_dbst_key('type', $dbst_id); $dbst_kind = wpl_flex::get_dbst_key('kind', $dbst_id); /** run queries **/ if ($mode == 'add') { wpl_flex::run_dbst_type_queries($dbst_id, $dbst_type, $dbst_kind, 'add'); } /** Multilingual **/ if (wpl_global::check_addon('pro')) { wpl_addon_pro::multilingual($dbst_id); } /** trigger event **/ wpl_global::event_handler('dbst_modified', array('id' => $dbst_id, 'mode' => $mode, 'kind' => $dbst_kind, 'type' => $dbst_type)); /** echo response **/ echo json_encode(array('success' => 1, 'message' => __('Field saved.', WPL_TEXTDOMAIN), 'data' => NULL)); exit; }