/* for PRO users! - * * Generate all the css declared in customizer's config * ====== DO NOT EDIT BELOW!!! ======= * If you need to add custom css rules add them above so we can keep track of them */ $redux_sections = wpgrade::get_redux_sections(); if (is_array($redux_sections) || is_object($redux_sections)) { foreach ($redux_sections as $key => $section) { if (isset($section['fields'])) { foreach ($section['fields'] as $i => $field) { if (isset($field['customizer']) && isset($field['customizer']['css_rules'])) { foreach ($field['customizer']['css_rules'] as $key => $rule) { //rebuild the option value for each rule $option_value = wpgrade::option($field['id']); // @TODO make from this a method used also in customizer wpgrade::display_dynamic_css_rule($rule, $key, $option_value); } } } } } } /* for PRO users! - * *======= TYPOGRAPHY */ $fonts = array(); if (wpgrade::option('use_google_fonts')) { $fonts_array = array('google_titles_font', 'google_subtitles_font', 'google_nav_font', 'google_body_font'); foreach ($fonts_array as $font) { $the_font = wpgrade::get_the_typo($font); if (isset($the_font['font-family']) && !empty($the_font['font-family'])) {
/** * This will output the custom WordPress settings to the live theme's WP head. * Used by hook: 'wp_head' * @see add_action('wp_head',$func) * @since MyTheme 1.0 */ public function header_output() { if (!isset($GLOBALS['wp_customize'])) { return; } // iterate through options and setup an style for those who need an embeded style foreach ($this->parent->sections as $key => $section) { // Not a type that should go on the customizer if (empty($section['fields']) || isset($section['type']) && $section['type'] == "divide") { continue; } // If section customizer is set to false if (isset($section['customizer']) && $section['customizer'] === false) { continue; } foreach ($section['fields'] as $skey => $option) { if (isset($option['customizer']) && $option['customizer'] === false) { continue; } if ($this->parent->args['customizer'] === false && (!isset($option['customizer']) || !is_array($option['customizer']))) { continue; } // @TODO maybe refactor here if (!isset($option['customizer']) || !is_array($option['customizer'])) { continue; } // to localize setting $tlcs = array(); if (isset($option['customizer']['selector'])) { $tlcs['selector'] = $option['customizer']['selector']; } if (isset($option['customizer']['rules'])) { $tlcs['rules'] = $option['customizer']['rules']; } if (isset($option['customizer']['css_rules'])) { $tlcs['css_rules'] = $option['customizer']['css_rules']; } if (isset($option['customizer']['transport'])) { $tlcs['transport'] = $option['customizer']['transport']; } if (isset($option['type'])) { $tlcs['type'] = $option['type']; } if (!isset($tlcs['css_rules']) || !is_array($tlcs['css_rules'])) { continue; } // $option_value = wpgrade::option( $option['id'], $option['default'] );// ( isset($option['value'] ) ) ? $option['value'] : $option['default']; ?> <style id="<?php echo $option['id']; ?> " type="text/css"><?php foreach ($tlcs['css_rules'] as $key => $rule) { // rebuild the option value for each rule $option_value = wpgrade::option($option['id']); // get the rule wpgrade::display_dynamic_css_rule($rule, $key, $option_value, $important = false); } ?> </style> <?php } } }