  * restore an archive into a workspace
  * Restores any database and files included in the backup, either as a new
  * workspace, or overwriting a previous one
  * @param string $filename the backup filename
  * @param string $newWorkspaceName if defined, supplies the name for the
  * workspace to restore to
 public static function restore($filename, $srcWorkspace, $dstWorkspace = null, $overwrite = true, $lang = 'en')
     G::LoadThirdParty('pear/Archive', 'Tar');
     $backup = new Archive_Tar($filename);
     //Get a temporary directory in the upgrade directory
     $tempDirectory = PATH_DATA . "upgrade/" . basename(tempnam(__FILE__, ''));
     $parentDirectory = PATH_DATA . "upgrade";
     if (is_writable($parentDirectory)) {
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Could not create directory:" . $parentDirectory);
     //Extract all backup files, including database scripts and workspace files
     if (!$backup->extract($tempDirectory)) {
         throw new Exception("Could not extract backup");
     //Search for metafiles in the new standard (the old standard would contain
     //txt files).
     $metaFiles = glob($tempDirectory . "/*.meta");
     if (empty($metaFiles)) {
         $metaFiles = glob($tempDirectory . "/*.txt");
         if (!empty($metaFiles)) {
             return workspaceTools::restoreLegacy($tempDirectory);
         } else {
             throw new Exception("No metadata found in backup");
     } else {
         CLI::logging("Found " . count($metaFiles) . " workspaces in backup:\n");
         foreach ($metaFiles as $metafile) {
             CLI::logging("-> " . basename($metafile) . "\n");
     if (count($metaFiles) > 1 && !isset($srcWorkspace)) {
         throw new Exception("Multiple workspaces in backup but no workspace specified to restore");
     if (isset($srcWorkspace) && !in_array("{$srcWorkspace}.meta", array_map(BASENAME, $metaFiles))) {
         throw new Exception("Workspace {$srcWorkspace} not found in backup");
     $version = System::getVersion();
     $version = explode('-', $version);
     $versionPresent = isset($version[0]) ? $version[0] : '';
     CLI::logging(CLI::warning("\n            Note.- If you try to execute a restore from a generated backup on a recent version of Processmaker \n            than version you are using currently to restore it, it may be occur errors on the restore process,\n            it shouldn't be restaured generated backups on later versions than version when the restore is executed") . "\n");
     foreach ($metaFiles as $metaFile) {
         $metadata = G::json_decode(file_get_contents($metaFile));
         if ($metadata->version != 1) {
             throw new Exception("Backup version {$metadata->version} not supported");
         $backupWorkspace = $metadata->WORKSPACE_NAME;
         if (isset($dstWorkspace)) {
             $workspaceName = $dstWorkspace;
             $createWorkspace = true;
         } else {
             $workspaceName = $metadata->WORKSPACE_NAME;
             $createWorkspace = false;
         if (isset($srcWorkspace) && strcmp($metadata->WORKSPACE_NAME, $srcWorkspace) != 0) {
             CLI::logging(CLI::warning("> Workspace {$backupWorkspace} found, but not restoring.") . "\n");
         } else {
             CLI::logging("> Restoring " . CLI::info($backupWorkspace) . " to " . CLI::info($workspaceName) . "\n");
         $workspace = new workspaceTools($workspaceName);
         if ($workspace->workspaceExists()) {
             if ($overwrite) {
                 CLI::logging(CLI::warning("> Workspace {$workspaceName} already exist, overwriting!") . "\n");
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("Destination workspace already exist (use -o to overwrite)");
         if (file_exists($workspace->path)) {
         foreach ($metadata->directories as $dir) {
             CLI::logging("+> Restoring directory '{$dir}'\n");
             if (file_exists("{$tempDirectory}/{$dir}" . "/ee")) {
                 G::rm_dir("{$tempDirectory}/{$dir}" . "/ee");
             if (file_exists("{$tempDirectory}/{$dir}" . "/plugin.singleton")) {
                 G::rm_dir("{$tempDirectory}/{$dir}" . "/plugin.singleton");
             if (!rename("{$tempDirectory}/{$dir}", $workspace->path)) {
                 throw new Exception("There was an error copying the backup files ({$tempDirectory}/{$dir}) to the workspace directory {$workspace->path}.");
         CLI::logging("> Changing file permissions\n");
         $shared_stat = stat(PATH_DATA);
         if ($shared_stat !== false) {
             workspaceTools::dirPerms($workspace->path, $shared_stat['uid'], $shared_stat['gid'], $shared_stat['mode']);
         } else {
             CLI::logging(CLI::error("Could not get the shared folder permissions, not changing workspace permissions") . "\n");
         list($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass) = @explode(SYSTEM_HASH, G::decrypt(HASH_INSTALLATION, SYSTEM_HASH));
         CLI::logging("> Connecting to system database in '{$dbHost}'\n");
         $link = mysql_connect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass);
         @mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8';");
         @mysql_query("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;");
         if (!$link) {
             throw new Exception('Could not connect to system database: ' . mysql_error());
         $newDBNames = $workspace->resetDBInfo($dbHost, $createWorkspace);
         foreach ($metadata->databases as $db) {
             $dbName = $newDBNames[$db->name];
             CLI::logging("+> Restoring database {$db->name} to {$dbName}\n");
             $workspace->executeSQLScript($dbName, "{$tempDirectory}/{$db->name}.sql");
             $workspace->createDBUser($dbName, $db->pass, "localhost", $dbName);
             $workspace->createDBUser($dbName, $db->pass, "%", $dbName);
         $version = explode('-', $metadata->PM_VERSION);
         $versionOld = isset($version[0]) ? $version[0] : '';
         CLI::logging(CLI::info("{$versionOld} < {$versionPresent}") . "\n");
         if ($versionOld < $versionPresent) {
             $start = microtime(true);
             CLI::logging("> Updating database...\n");
             $stop = microtime(true);
             $final = $stop - $start;
             CLI::logging("<*>   Database Upgrade Process took {$final} seconds.\n");
             $start = microtime(true);
             CLI::logging("> Updating cases directories structure...\n");
             $stop = microtime(true);
             $final = $stop - $start;
             CLI::logging("<*>   Database Upgrade Structure Process took {$final} seconds.\n");
         $start = microtime(true);
         CLI::logging("> Updating cache view...\n");
         $workspace->upgradeCacheView(true, false, $lang);
         $stop = microtime(true);
         $final = $stop - $start;
         CLI::logging("<*>   Updating cache view Process took {$final} seconds.\n");
     CLI::logging("Removing temporary files\n");
     CLI::logging(CLI::info("Done restoring") . "\n");