文件: time.php 项目: extend/wee

class CastableInput_testTimeValidator
    public function __toString()
        return '09:42';
$sFormerTimezone = @date_default_timezone_get();
try {
    // weeTimeValidator should throw a DomainException when the value to validate is not a string or an instance of Printable or an object castable to string.
    $o = new weeTimeValidator();
    try {
        $o->setValue(new stdClass());
        $this->fail(_WT('weeTimeValidator should throw a DomainException when the value is an object which is neither an instance of Printable nor an object castable to string.'));
    } catch (DomainException $e) {
    try {
        $this->fail(_WT('weeTimeValidator should throw a DomainException when the value is a boolean.'));
    } catch (DomainException $e) {
    try {
        $this->fail(_WT('weeTimeValidator should throw a DomainException when the value is null.'));
    } catch (DomainException $e) {
    try {

$o = new weeTimeValidator(array('max' => '09:42', 'max_error' => 'The value you gave is greater than %max%.'));
if ($o->hasError()) {
    echo $o->getError();
// The value you gave is greater than 09:42.