文件: number.php 项目: extend/wee

class CastableInput_testNumberValidator
    public function __toString()
        return '42';
$o = new weeNumberValidator();
$this->isEqual(array('format' => 'int'), $o->getArgs(), _WT('weeNumberValidator does not return the expected default `format` argument.'));
// weeNumberValidator should throw a DomainException when the value to validate is neither an integer,
// a float or a string, an instance of Printable or an object castable to string.
try {
    $o->setValue(new stdClass());
    $this->fail(_WT('weeNumberValidator should throw a DomainException when the value is an object which is neither an instance of Printable nor an object castable to string.'));
} catch (DomainException $e) {
try {
    $this->fail(_WT('weeNumberValidator should throw a DomainException when the value is a boolean.'));
} catch (DomainException $e) {
try {
    $this->fail(_WT('weeNumberValidator should throw a DomainException when the value is null.'));
} catch (DomainException $e) {
try {
    $this->fail(_WT('weeNumberValidator should throw a DomainException when the value is an array.'));
 public function __construct(array $aArgs = array())
     array_key_exists('prime', $aArgs) && is_bool($aArgs['prime']) or burn('DomainException', 'The `prime` argument should be a boolean.');