 * Handles activating and adding client addons to WebsitePanel
 * @access public
 * @param array $params WHMCS parameters
 * @throws Exception
function websitepanel_addons_AddonActivation($params)
    // WHMCS server parameters & package parameters
    $userId = $params['userid'];
    $serviceId = $params['serviceid'];
    $addonId = $params['addonid'];
    $result = full_query("SELECT h.username AS username, s.ipaddress AS serverip, s.hostname AS serverhostname, s.secure AS serversecure, s.username AS serverusername, s.password AS serverpassword, p.configoption6 AS configoption6, h.id AS serviceid FROM `tblhosting` AS h, `tblservers` AS s, `tblproducts` AS p, `mod_wspaddons` AS w WHERE h.packageid = p.id AND w.whmcs_id = {$addonId} AND h.id = {$serviceId} AND h.server = s.id AND s.type = 'websitepanel'");
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
        // Get the results of the query
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
        // Start processing the users addon
        $username = $row['username'];
        $serverUsername = $row['serverusername'];
        $serverPassword = decrypt($row['serverpassword']);
        $serverPort = $row['configoption6'];
        $serverHost = empty($row['serverhostname']) ? $row['serverip'] : $row['serverhostname'];
        $serverSecure = $row['serversecure'] == 'on' ? TRUE : FALSE;
        try {
            // Create the WebsitePanel Enterprise Server Client object instance
            $wsp = new websitepanel_EnterpriseServer($serverUsername, $serverPassword, $serverHost, $serverPort, $serverSecure);
            // Get the user's details from WebsitePanel - We need the UserId
            $user = $wsp->getUserByUsername($username);
            if (empty($user)) {
                throw new Exception("User {$username} does not exist - Cannot allocate addon for unknown user");
            // Get the user's package details from WebsitePanel - We need the PackageId
            $package = $wsp->getUserPackages($user['UserId']);
            $packageId = $package['PackageId'];
            // Get the associated WebsitePanel addon id
            $results = select_query('mod_wspaddons', 'wsp_id,is_ipaddress', array('whmcs_id' => $addonId));
            $addon = mysql_fetch_array($results);
            $addonPlanId = $addon['wsp_id'];
            $addonIsIpAddress = $addon['is_ipaddress'];
            // Add the Addon Plan to the customer's WebsitePanel package / hosting space
            $results = $wsp->addPackageAddonById($packageId, $addonPlanId);
            // Check the results to verify that the addon has been successfully allocated
            if ($results['Result'] > 0) {
                // If this addon is an IP address addon - attempt to randomly allocate an IP address to the customer's hosting space
                if ($addonIsIpAddress) {
                // Add log entry to client log
                logactivity("WebsitePanel Addon - Account {$username} addon successfully completed - Addon ID: {$addonId}", $userId);
            } else {
                // Add log entry to client log
                throw new Exception("Unknown", $results['Result']);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // Error message to log / return
            $errorMessage = "websitepanel_addons_AddonActivation Fault: (Code: {$e->getCode()}, Message: {$e->getMessage()}, Service ID: {$serviceId})";
            // Log to WHMCS
            logactivity($errorMessage, $userId);
 * Handles updating WebsitePanel account details when a client or administrator updates a client's details
 * @access public
 * @param array $params WHMCS parameters
 * @throws Exception
function websitepanel_sync_ClientEdit($params)
    // WHMCS server parameters & package parameters
    $userId = $params['userid'];
    $serviceId = 0;
    // Query for the users WebsitePanel accounts - If they do not have any, just ignore the request
    $result = full_query("SELECT h.username AS username, s.ipaddress AS serverip, s.hostname AS serverhostname, s.secure AS serversecure, s.username AS serverusername, s.password AS serverpassword, p.configoption6 AS configoption6, h.id AS serviceid FROM `tblhosting` AS h, `tblservers` AS s, `tblproducts` AS p WHERE h.userid = {$userId} AND h.packageid = p.id AND h.server = s.id AND s.type = 'websitepanel' AND h.domainstatus IN ('Active', 'Suspended')");
    while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) != false) {
        // Start updating the users account details
        $serviceId = $row['serviceid'];
        $username = $row['username'];
        $serverUsername = $row['serverusername'];
        $serverPassword = decrypt($row['serverpassword']);
        $serverPort = $row['configoption6'];
        $serverHost = empty($row['serverhostname']) ? $row['serverip'] : $row['serverhostname'];
        $serverSecure = $row['serversecure'] == 'on' ? TRUE : FALSE;
        $clientsDetails = $params;
        try {
            // Create the WebsitePanel Enterprise Server Client object instance
            $wsp = new websitepanel_EnterpriseServer($serverUsername, $serverPassword, $serverHost, $serverPort, $serverSecure);
            // Get the user's details from WebsitePanel - We need the username
            $user = $wsp->getUserByUsername($username);
            if (empty($user)) {
                throw new Exception("User {$username} does not exist - Cannot update account details for unknown user");
            // Update the user's account details using the previous details + WHMCS's details (address, city, state etc.)
            $userParams = array('RoleId' => $user['RoleId'], 'Role' => $user['Role'], 'StatusId' => $user['StatusId'], 'Status' => $user['Status'], 'LoginStatusId' => $user['LoginStatusId'], 'LoginStatus' => $user['LoginStatus'], 'FailedLogins' => $user['FailedLogins'], 'UserId' => $user['UserId'], 'OwnerId' => $user['OwnerId'], 'IsPeer' => $user['IsPeer'], 'Created' => $user['Created'], 'Changed' => $user['Changed'], 'IsDemo' => $user['IsDemo'], 'Comments' => $user['Comments'], 'LastName' => $clientsDetails['lastname'], 'Username' => $user['Username'], 'Password' => $user['Password'], 'FirstName' => $clientsDetails['firstname'], 'Email' => $clientsDetails['email'], 'PrimaryPhone' => $clientsDetails['phonenumber'], 'Zip' => $clientsDetails['postcode'], 'InstantMessenger' => '', 'Fax' => '', 'SecondaryPhone' => '', 'SecondaryEmail' => '', 'Country' => $clientsDetails['country'], 'Address' => $clientsDetails['address1'], 'City' => $clientsDetails['city'], 'State' => $clientsDetails['state'], 'HtmlMail' => $user['HtmlMail'], 'CompanyName' => $clientsDetails['companyname'], 'EcommerceEnabled' => $user['EcommerceEnabled'], 'SubscriberNumber' => '');
            // Execute the UpdateUserDetails method
            // Add log entry to client log
            logactivity("WebsitePanel Sync - Account {$username} contact details updated successfully", $userId);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // Error message to log / return
            $errorMessage = "websitepanel_sync_ClientEdit Fault: (Code: {$e->getCode()}, Message: {$e->getMessage()}, Service ID: {$serviceId})";
            // Log to WHMCS
            logactivity($errorMessage, $userId);
 * Returns the WebsitePanel one-click login link
 * @param array $params WHMCS parameters
 * @throws Exception
 * @return string
function websitepanel_LoginLink($params)
    // WHMCS does not return the full hosting account details, we will query for what we need
    $result = select_query('tblhosting', 'domainstatus', array('id' => $params['serviceid']));
    $results = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $params['domainstatus'] = $results['domainstatus'];
    // Display the link only if the account is Active or Suspended
    if (in_array($params['domainstatus'], array('Active', 'Suspended'))) {
        // WHMCS server parameters & package parameters
        $serverUsername = $params['serverusername'];
        $serverPassword = $params['serverpassword'];
        $serverPort = $params['configoption6'];
        $serverHost = empty($params['serverhostname']) ? $params['serverip'] : $params['serverhostname'];
        $serverSecure = $params['serversecure'];
        $username = $params['username'];
        $serviceId = $params['serviceid'];
        $clientsDetails = $params['clientsdetails'];
        $userId = $clientsDetails['userid'];
        try {
            // Create the WebsitePanel Enterprise Server Client object instance
            $wsp = new websitepanel_EnterpriseServer($serverUsername, $serverPassword, $serverHost, $serverPort, $serverSecure);
            // Get the user's details from WebsitePanel - We need the userid
            $user = $wsp->getUserByUsername($username);
            if (empty($user)) {
                throw new Exception("User {$username} does not exist - Cannot display account link for unknown user");
            // Load the client area language file
            $LANG = websitepanel_LoadClientLanguage();
            // Print the link
            echo "<a href=\"{$params['configoption8']}/Default.aspx?pid=Home&UserID={$user['UserId']}\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"{$LANG['websitepanel_adminarea_gotowebsitepanelaccount']}\">{$LANG['websitepanel_adminarea_gotowebsitepanelaccount']}</a><br />";
            // Log the module call
            websitepanel_logModuleCall(__FUNCTION__, $params, $user);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // Error message to log / return
            $errorMessage = "LoginLink Fault: (Code: {$e->getCode()}, Message: {$e->getMessage()}, Service ID: {$serviceId})";
            // Log to WHMCS
            logactivity($errorMessage, $userId);
            // Log the module call
            websitepanel_logModuleCall(__FUNCTION__, $params, $e->getMessage());