function wbMain()
    list($module, $class, $method) = wbRequest::getController();
    // theme override
    $theme = wbRequest::getVarClean('theme');
    if (!empty($theme)) {
    $page = wbRequest::getVarClean('page');
    if (!empty($page)) {
    $modView = wbModule::getView($module, $class, $method);
    if (ob_get_length() > 0) {
        $rawOutput = ob_get_contents();
        $modView = 'The following lines were printed in raw mode by module, however this
                      should not happen. The module is probably directly calling functions
                      like echo, print, or printf. Please modify the module to exclude direct output.
                      The module is violating Webi architecture principles.<br /><br />' . $rawOutput . '<br /><br />This is the real module output:<br /><br />' . $modView;
function ws_proccess($search, $getParams, $controller, $postParams, $jsonItems, $start, $limit)
    $GLOBALS["Webi_PageTime"] = microtime(true);
    include 'lib/bootstrap.php';
    /* Load Webi Core */
    $_GET['jsonItems'] = $jsonItems;
    if (!empty($getParams)) {
        $getParams =& wbUtil::jsonDecode($getParams);
    } else {
        $getParams = array();
    if (json_decode($postParams) > 0) {
        $postParams = json_decode($postParams);
    } else {
        $postParams = array();
    $controller =& wbUtil::jsonDecode($controller);
    $type = $controller['type'];
    if (!empty($getParams)) {
        foreach ($getParams as $key => $value) {
            $_GET[$key] = $value;
    if (!empty($postParams)) {
        foreach ($postParams as $key => $value) {
            $_POST[$key] = $value;
    $_GET['module'] = $controller['module'];
    $_GET['class'] = $controller['class'];
    $_GET['method'] = $controller['method'];
    list($module, $class, $method) = wbRequest::getController();
    $callback = wbRequest::getVarClean('callback');
    if (!wbModule::isAvailable($module, $class, $type)) {
        header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
    try {
        $result = wbModule::call($module, $class, $method, array(), $type);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $result = array('items' => array(), 'total' => 0, 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage());
    $return = array();
    $return['success'] = $result['success'];
    $return['message'] = $result['message'];
    $return['total'] = (int) $result['total'];
    $return['data'] = $result['items'];
    $return['current'] = (int) $result['current'];
    $return['rowCount'] = (int) $result['rowCount'];
    $return = base64_encode(serialize($return));
    return $return;
function wbWSMain()
    // TODO: don't load the whole core
     determine the server type, then
     create an instance of an that server and 
     serve the request according the ther servers protocol
    $type = wbRequest::getVarClean('type');
    switch ($type) {
        case 'json':
            list($module, $class, $method) = wbRequest::getController();
            $callback = wbRequest::getVarClean('callback');
            if (!wbModule::isAvailable($module, $class, $type)) {
                header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
            try {
                $result = wbModule::call($module, $class, $method, array(), $type);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $result = array('items' => array(), 'total' => 0, 'success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage());
            if ($result || is_array($result)) {
                if (empty($callback)) {
                    header('Content-Type: application/json');
                    echo json_encode($result);
                } else {
                    header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
                    echo $callback . '(' . json_encode($result) . ')';
            } else {
                header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error");
            // nothing todo for now
 public static function init()
     if (!wbCore::isFuncDisabled('ini_set')) {
         // PHP configuration variables
         // Stop adding SID to URLs
         ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0);
         // User-defined save handler
         ini_set('session.save_handler', 'user');
         // How to store data
         ini_set('session.serialize_handler', 'php');
         // Use cookie to store the session ID
         ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1);
         // Name of our cookie
         ini_set('', 'WEBISID');
         $path = wbServer::getBaseURI();
         if (empty($path)) {
             $path = '/';
         // Lifetime of our cookie. Session lasts set number of days
         $lifetime = wbConfig::get('Session.Duration') * 86400;
         ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', $lifetime);
         // Cookie path
         // this should be customized for multi-server setups wanting to share
         // sessions
         ini_set('session.cookie_path', $path);
         // Garbage collection
         ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1);
         // Inactivity timeout for user sessions
         ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', wbConfig::get('Session.InactivityTimeout') * 60);
         // Auto-start session
         ini_set('session.auto_start', 1);
     include_once 'lib/adodb/session/adodb-session2.php';
     $GLOBALS['ADODB_SESS_CONN'] =& wbDB::getConn();
     ADODB_Session::table(wbConfig::get('DB.prefix') . '_sessions');
 public static function show()
     $level_id = wbRequest::getVarClean('level_id', 'int', 0);
     $tahun = wbRequest::getVarClean('tahun', 'str', '');
     $t = wbRequest::getVarClean('t', 'str', '');
     if (empty($level_id) or empty($tahun)) {
     try {
         $ws_client = self::getNusoap();
         $params = array('search' => '', 'getParams' => json_encode($_GET), 'controller' => json_encode(array('module' => 'bds', 'class' => 'dashboard_pendidikan', 'method' => 'show', 'type' => '')), 'postParams' => json_encode($_POST), 'jsonItems' => '', 'start' => $start, 'limit' => $limit);
         $ws_data = self::getResultData($ws_client, $params);
         $data['items'] = $ws_data['data'];
         $data['total'] = $ws_data['total'];
         $data['message'] = $ws_data['message'];
         $data['success'] = $ws_data['success'];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $data['message'] = $e->getMessage();
     $items = $data['items']['items'];
     $itemLevel = $data['items']['itemLevel'];
     //$items = $tSchoolType->getAllByLevelID($level_id, $tahun);
     //$itemLevel = $tSchoolLevel->get($level_id);
     $print = wbRequest::getVarClean('print', 'int', 0);
     if (!empty($print)) {
     echo '<div class="body-wrap">';
     echo '<div style="float:left;margin:5 5 0 5;">';
     echo '<div><h3>JUMLAH SISWA ' . strtoupper($itemLevel['description']) . ' <br/>BERDASARKAN JENISNYA - TAHUN ' . $tahun . '</h3></div>';
     if (!empty($print)) {
         echo '<table border="1" width ="100%">';
     } else {
         echo '<table border="0" class="table-data" width ="100%">';
     echo '<tr>
             <th width="15">No</th>
             <th width="150">Jenis ' . $itemLevel['description'] . '</th>
             <th width="100">Jumlah Masuk </th>
             <th width="100">Jumlah Lulus </th>
             <th width="100">Jumlah Aktif </th>
     $i = 1;
     $datay = array();
     $dataCode = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $datay[] = $item['jml_masuk'];
         $dataCode[] = $item['code'];
         echo '<tr>';
         echo '<td>' . $i++ . '</td>';
         echo '<td>' . $item['code'] . '</td>';
         echo '<td align="right">' . wbUtil::numberFormat($item['jml_masuk'], 0) . '</td>';
         echo '<td align="right">' . wbUtil::numberFormat($item['jml_lulus'], 0) . '</td>';
         echo '<td align="right">' . wbUtil::numberFormat($item['jml_aktif'], 0) . '</td>';
         echo '</tr>';
     echo '</table>';
     // Create the graph and setup the basic parameters
     $graph = new Graph(550, 300, 'auto');
     $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 30, 40, 40);
     $graph->SetFrame(true, 'white', 1);
     // Add some grace to the top so that the scale doesn't
     // end exactly at the max value.
     // Setup X-axis labels
     $graph->xaxis->SetColor('#400000', 'black');
     // Stup "hidden" y-axis by given it the same color
     // as the background
     $graph->yaxis->SetColor('lightblue', '#004080');
     // Setup graph title ands fonts
     $graph->title->Set('GRAFIK SISWA ' . strtoupper($itemLevel['description']) . ' - TAHUN ' . $tahun);
     // Create a bar pot
     $bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
     // Setup the values that are displayed on top of each bar
     // Must use TTF fonts if we want text at an arbitrary angle
     $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
     // Black color for positive values and darkred for negative values
     $bplot->value->SetColor("black", "darkred");
     // Finally stroke the graph
     echo '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '<div style="float:right;margin:15 5 0 5;"> <img src="' . wbServer::getBaseURL() . 'var/dashboard/dashboard_pendidikan.png?' . $t . '" alt="' . $t . '" /> </div>';
 public static function show()
     $data = array('items' => array(), 'total' => 0, 'success' => false, 'message' => '');
     $jenis_jalan = wbRequest::getVarClean('jenis_jalan', 'int', 0);
     if (empty($jenis_jalan)) {
     try {
         $ws_client = self::getNusoap();
         $params = array('search' => '', 'getParams' => json_encode($_GET), 'controller' => json_encode(array('module' => 'bds', 'class' => 'dashboard_jalan', 'method' => 'show', 'type' => '')), 'postParams' => json_encode($_POST), 'jsonItems' => '', 'start' => $start, 'limit' => $limit);
         $ws_data = self::getResultData($ws_client, $params);
         $data['items'] = $ws_data['data'];
         $data['total'] = $ws_data['total'];
         $data['message'] = $ws_data['message'];
         $data['success'] = $ws_data['success'];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $data['message'] = $e->getMessage();
     $items = $data['items'];
     echo '<div class="body-wrap">';
     echo '<div style="float:left;margin:5 5 0 5;">';
     echo '<div><h3>DATA JALAN</h3></div>';
     echo '<table class="table-data">';
     echo '<tr>
             <th width="30">No</th>
             <th width="200">Jenis Jalan</th>
             <th width="100">Panjang(Km)</th>
     $i = 1;
     $datay = array();
     $dataCode = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $datay[] = $item['panjang'];
         $dataCode[] = $item['param_name'];
         echo '<tr>';
         echo '<td>' . $i++ . '</td>';
         echo '<td>' . $item['param_name'] . '</td>';
         echo '<td align="right">' . wbUtil::numberFormat($item['panjang'], 0) . '</td>';
         echo '</tr>';
     echo '</table>';
     // Create the graph and setup the basic parameters
     $graph = new Graph(550, 300, 'auto');
     $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 30, 40, 40);
     $graph->SetFrame(true, 'white', 1);
     // Add some grace to the top so that the scale doesn't
     // end exactly at the max value.
     // Setup X-axis labels
     $graph->xaxis->SetColor('#400000', 'black');
     // Stup "hidden" y-axis by given it the same color
     // as the background
     $graph->yaxis->SetColor('lightblue', '#004080');
     // Setup graph title ands fonts
     $graph->title->Set('DATA JALAN');
     // Create a bar pot
     $bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
     // Setup the values that are displayed on top of each bar
     // Must use TTF fonts if we want text at an arbitrary angle
     $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
     // Black color for positive values and darkred for negative values
     $bplot->value->SetColor("black", "darkred");
     // Finally stroke the graph
     echo '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '<div style="float:right;margin:15 5 0 5;"> <img src="var/dashboard/dashboard_jalan.png?' . $t . '" alt="' . $t . '" /> </div>';