function getResourceOstemplate(&$vlist, $ttype = 'all')
    $olist = vps::getVpsOsimage(null, "openvz");
    $olist = array_keys($olist);
    $xlist = vps::getVpsOsimage(null, "xen");
    $xlist = array_keys($xlist);
    if ($ttype === 'openvz' || $ttype === 'all') {
        $vlist['openvzostemplate_list'] = array('U', $olist);
    if ($ttype === 'xen' || $ttype === 'all') {
        $vlist['xenostemplate_list'] = array('U', $xlist);
 function getCommandResource($resource)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $ret = null;
     switch ($resource) {
         case "ostemplate_xen":
             return vps::getVpsOsimage($login, "xen");
         case "ostemplate_openvz":
             return vps::getVpsOsimage($login, "openvz");
         case "vpspserver":
             $lx = $this->getVpsServers('xen');
             $lo = $this->getVpsServers('openvz');
             $ret = lx_merge_good($lx, $lo);
             $ret = convert_to_associate($ret);
         case "vpspserver_xen":
             $ret = $this->getVpsServers("xen");
             $ret = convert_to_associate($ret);
         case "vpspserver_openvz":
             $ret = $this->getVpsServers("openvz");
             $ret = convert_to_associate($ret);
         case "dnstemplate":
             $ret = domainBase::getDnsTemplateList($this);
             $ret = convert_to_associate($ret);
         case "resourceplan":
             $list = $this->getList('resourceplan');
             $ret = get_namelist_from_objectlist($list, 'nname', 'realname');
     return $ret;
 function updateform($subaction, $param)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $parent = $this->getParentO();
     $gen = $login->getObject('general')->generalmisc_b;
     switch ($subaction) {
         case "recovervps":
             		if (!lxfile_exists("{$this->getOstemplatePath()}/{$this->ostemplate}.tar.gz")) {
             			$list = exec_class_method("vps__{$this->ttype}", "getOsTemplatelist");
             			$vlist['recover_ostemplate'] = array('A', $list);
             $vlist['recover_confirm_f'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "mount":
             $vlist['confirm_f'] = array('M', "confirm");
             return $vlist;
         case "macaddress":
             $vlist['macaddress'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "ostemplatelist":
             getResourceOstemplate($vlist, $this->ttype);
             $vlist['__v_updateall_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "hardpoweroff":
             $vlist['confirm_f'] = array("M", "Confirm");
             return $vlist;
         case "reboot":
             $vlist['reboot_confirm_f'] = null;
             //  array("f", "Confirm");
             $vlist['__v_button'] = 'Reboot';
             return $vlist;
         case "shutdown":
             $vlist['poweroff_confirm_f'] = null;
             //  array("f", "Confirm");
             $vlist['__v_button'] = 'Power OFF';
             return $vlist;
         case "mainipaddress":
             $vlist['mainipaddress'] = array('s', get_namelist_from_objectlist($this->vmipaddress_a));
             return $vlist;
         case "livemigrate":
             $serverlist = $login->getServerList($this->get__table());
             $rs = null;
             foreach ($serverlist as $l) {
                 $driverapp = $gbl->getSyncClass(null, $l, 'vps');
                 if ($driverapp === 'openvz') {
                     $rs[] = $l;
             $serverlist = $rs;
             if (!$this->checkIfLockedForAction('livemigrate')) {
                 if ($this->olddeleteflag === 'doing') {
                     $this->olddeleteflag = 'program_interrupted';
             $vlist['olddeleteflag'] = array('M', null);
             $vlist['server_detail_f'] = array('M', pserver::createServerInfo($serverlist, $this->get__table()));
             $vlist['syncserver'] = array('s', $serverlist);
             return $vlist;
         case "append_inittab":
             $vlist['text_inittab'] = array('t', $this->text_inittab);
             return $vlist;
         case "append_xen_config":
             $vlist['text_xen_config'] = array('t', $this->text_xen_config);
             return $vlist;
         case "changelocation":
             if ($this->isXen()) {
                 return $this->formChangeLocationXen();
             } else {
                 return $this->formChangeLocationOpenvz();
         case "createuser":
             $this->username = str_replace(".", "", $this->nname);
             $vlist['username'] = array('M', null);
             return $vlist;
         case "changeosimagename":
             $vlist['ostemplate'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "clonevps":
             $vlist['__v_button'] = array();
             return $vlist;
         case "createtemplate":
             $stem = explode("-", $this->ostemplate);
             if ($this->isWindows()) {
                 $name = "{$stem[0]}-";
             } else {
                 $name = "{$stem[0]}-{$stem[1]}-{$stem[2]}-";
             $vlist['newostemplate_name_f'] = array("m", array("pretext" => $name));
             $vlist['__v_button'] = 'Create';
             return $vlist;
         case "rebuild":
             if ($this->isWindows()) {
                 $type = "img";
             } else {
                 $type = "tar.gz";
             $ostlist = vps::getVpsOsimage($this, $this->ttype, $type);
             $vlist['ostemplate'] = array('A', $ostlist);
             if ($this->isNotWindows() && $this->priv->isOn('backup_flag')) {
                 //$vlist['rebuild_backup_f'] = null;
             $vlist['rebuild_confirm_f'] = null;
             return $vlist;
             /*		case "installkloxo":
             			$this->kloxo_type = 'master';
             			$vlist['rebuild_confirm_f'] = null;
             			$vlist['__v_button'] = 'Install';
             			return $vlist;
         /*		case "installkloxo":
         			$this->kloxo_type = 'master';
         			$vlist['rebuild_confirm_f'] = null;
         			$vlist['__v_button'] = 'Install';
         			return $vlist;
         case "commandcenter":
             return $this->commandCenter($param);
         case "fixdev":
             $vlist['fixdev_confirm_f'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "rootpassword":
             if ($this->isXen()) {
                 $vlist['__m_message_pre'] = 'xen_restart_message';
             $vlist['rootpassword'] = null;
             return $vlist;
             //ONly for Template...
         //ONly for Template...
         case "description":
             $vlist['description'] = null;
             //$vlist['share_status'] = null;
             if (!$this->isRightParent()) {
             return $vlist;
         case "timezone":
             $vlist['timezone'] = array('s', pserver::getTimeZoneList());
             return $vlist;
         case "information":
             $vlist['nname'] = array('M', $this->nname);
             $vlist['corerootdir'] = array('M', $this->corerootdir);
             $vlist['ddate'] = array('M', @date('d-m-Y', $this->ddate));
             //			$vlist['kloxo_flag'] = null;
             if ($login->isAdmin() && $this->isXen()) {
                 $vlist['nosaveconfig_flag'] = null;
             if (!$this->isXen()) {
                 $vlist['vpsid'] = array('M', $this->vpsid);
             if ($this->isXen() && $login->isAdmin()) {
                 $vlist['vcpu_number'] = array('s', range(1, 10));
             if ($login->isAdmin()) {
                 $use_slaves = "__use-slaves-backup-server__";
                 if (!$this->centralbackup_server) {
                     $this->centralbackup_server = $use_slaves;
                 $sq = new Sqlite(null, "centralbackupserver");
                 $list = get_namelist_from_arraylist($sq->getTable(array('nname')));
                 $list = lx_merge_good(array($use_slaves), $list);
                 //$vlist['centralbackup_flag'] = null;
                 $vlist['centralbackup_server'] = array('s', $list);
             $vlist['ostemplate'] = array('M', null);
             $vlist['parent_name_f'] = array('M', $this->getParentName());
             //$vlist['dbtype_list'] = array('M', $this->listpriv->dbtype_list);
             $vlist['contactemail'] = "";
             if (!$this->isLogin()) {
                 $vlist['text_comment'] = null;
             return $vlist;
             // Only for template. For the main guy, it comes as 'rebuild'
         // Only for template. For the main guy, it comes as 'rebuild'
         case "network":
             if ($this->isXen()) {
                 $vlist['__m_message_pre'] = 'xen_restart_message';
             if (!$this->isLogin() || !$gen->isOn('disable_hostname_change')) {
                 $vlist['hostname'] = null;
             if ($this->isXen()) {
                 if (!$this->networknetmask) {
                     $this->networknetmask = "";
                 $vlist['networkgateway'] = null;
                 $vlist['networknetmask'] = null;
                 if ($login->priv->isOn('ip_manage_flag') || $login->isAdmin()) {
                     $vlist['networkbridge'] = array('s', array("__automatic__", "xenbr0", "xenbr1", "xenbr2", "xenbr3", "xenbr4"));
             $iplist = $this->vmipaddress_a;
             $iplist = implode(", ", get_namelist_from_objectlist($iplist, 'nname'));
             $vlist['one_ipaddress_f'] = array('M', $iplist);
             $vlist['nameserver'] = null;
             return $vlist;
         case "ostemplate":
             $driverapp = $gbl->getSyncClass($this->__masterserver, $this->listpriv->vpspserver_sing, 'vps');
             $ostlist = rl_exec_get(null, $this->listpriv->vpspserver_sing, array("vps__{$driverapp}", "getOsTemplatelist"));
             $ostlist = lx_merge_good(array('--defer-osimage--' => '--defer-osimage--'), $ostlist);
             $vlist['ostemplate'] = array('A', $ostlist);
             return $vlist;
         case "changesyncserver":
             $sq = new Sqlite(null, 'pserver');
             $list = $sq->getTable(array('nname'));
             $list = get_namelist_from_arraylist($list);
             $vlist['syncserver'] = array('s', $list);
             $gbl->__ajax_refresh = true;
             return $vlist;
             // Only for template...
         // Only for template...
         case "vpspserver_s":
             $listpriv = $parent->listpriv;
             $vlist['server_detail_f'] = array('M', pserver::createServerInfo($listpriv->vpspserver_list, "vps"));
             $parent = $this->getParentO();
             $vlist['vpspserver_sing'] = null;
             if (!$this->isRightParent()) {
             return $vlist;
     return parent::updateform($subaction, $param);
    static function addform($parent, $class, $typetd = null)
        global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
        $vlist['nname'] = array('m', array("posttext" => ".vm"));
        $nclist = $parent->getResourcePlanList('resourceplan');
        $vlist['__v_button'] = $login->getKeywordUc('add');
        $vlist['password'] = null;
        $vlist['num_ipaddress_f'] = array('s', range(0, 8));
        $vlist['one_ipaddress_f'] = null;
        $vlist['contactemail'] = "";
        $vlist['send_welcome_f'] = "";
        $vlist['__c_subtitle_info'] = "Info";
        $vlist['hostname'] = "";
        if ($typetd['val'] === 'xen') {
            $vlist['networkgateway'] = null;
        $vlist['nameserver'] = "";
        $vlist['resourceplan_f'] = array('A', $nclist);
        $vlist['__c_subtitle_server'] = "Server";
        // $typetd['val'] openvz or xen in clientlib.php
        $serverlist = $parent->getVpsServers($typetd['val']);
        if (!$serverlist) {
            throw new lxexception('Server no configured for driver ' . $typetd['val'] . '. You can use setdriver.php for configure a driver.
		 For example:
		cd /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm/httpdocs;
		lphp.exe ../bin/common/setdriver.php --server=localhost --class=vps --driver=' . $typetd['val'] . '', '', '');
        $sinfo = pserver::createServerInfo($serverlist, "vps");
        $sinfo = get_warning_for_server_info($parent, $sinfo);
        $vlist['server_detail_f'] = array('M', $sinfo);
        $vlist['syncserver'] = array('s', $serverlist);
        $vlist['ostemplate'] = array('A', vps::getVpsOsimage($parent, $typetd['val']));
        $ret['variable'] = $vlist;
        $ret['action'] = "continue";
        $ret['continueaction'] = "server";
        return $ret;
 static function addform($parent, $class, $typetd = null)
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $vlist['nname'] = array('m', array("posttext" => ".vm"));
     $nclist = $parent->getResourcePlanList('resourceplan');
     $vlist['__v_button'] = $login->getKeywordUc('add');
     $vlist['password'] = null;
     $vlist['num_ipaddress_f'] = array('s', range(0, 8));
     $vlist['num_ipv6address_f'] = array('s', range(0, 8));
     $vlist['one_ipaddress_f'] = null;
     $vlist['contactemail'] = "";
     $vlist['send_welcome_f'] = "";
     $vlist['__c_subtitle_info'] = "Info";
     $vlist['hostname'] = "";
     if ($typetd['val'] === 'xen') {
         $vlist['networkgateway'] = null;
     $vlist['nameserver'] = "";
     $vlist['resourceplan_f'] = array('A', $nclist);
     $vlist['__c_subtitle_server'] = "Server";
     $serverlist = $parent->getVpsServers($typetd['val']);
     if (!$serverlist) {
         // be more ModSecurity with OWASP_CRS friendly...
         throw new lxexception('not_configured_for_driver');
     $sinfo = pserver::createServerInfo($serverlist, "vps");
     $sinfo = get_warning_for_server_info($parent, $sinfo);
     $vlist['server_detail_f'] = array('M', $sinfo);
     $vlist['syncserver'] = array('s', $serverlist);
     $vlist['ostemplate'] = array('A', vps::getVpsOsimage($parent, $typetd['val']));
     $ret['variable'] = $vlist;
     $ret['action'] = "continue";
     $ret['continueaction'] = "server";
     return $ret;