function write_style_css_directory($styleid, $parentlist, $dir = 'ltr')
	global $vbulletin;

	//verify that we have or can create a style directory
	$styledir = 'clientscript/vbulletin_css/style' . str_pad($styleid, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ($dir == 'ltr' ? 'l' : 'r');

	//if we have a file that's not a directory or not writable something is wrong.
	if (file_exists($styledir) AND (!is_dir($styledir) OR !is_writable($styledir)))
		return false;

	//clear any old files.
	if (file_exists($styledir))
		delete_style_css_directory($styleid, $dir);

	//create the directory -- if it still exists try to continue with the existing dir
	if (!file_exists($styledir))
		if (!mkdir($styledir))
			return false;

	//check for success.
	if (!is_dir($styledir) OR !is_writable($styledir))
		return false;

	//write out the files for this style.
	$set = $vbulletin->db->query_read($sql = "
		FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "template
		WHERE styleid IN (" . $parentlist . ") AND title LIKE '%.css'

	//collapse the list.
	$css_templates = array();
	while($row = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($set))
		$css_templates[] = $row['title'];

	switch_css_style($styleid, $css_templates);

	if ($dir == 'ltr')
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('left', 'left');
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('right', 'right');
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('textdirection', 'ltr');
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('left', 'right');
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('right', 'left');
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('textdirection', 'rtl');

	$templates = array();
	foreach ($css_templates AS $title)
		//I'd call this a hack but there probably isn't a cleaner way to do this.
		//The css is published to a different directory than the css.php file
		//which means that relative urls that works for css.php won't work for the
		//published directory.  Unfortunately urls from the webroot don't work
		//because the forum often isn't located at the webroot and we can only
		//specify urls from the forum root.  And css doens't provide any way
		//of setting a base url like html does.  So we are left to "fixing"
		//any relative urls in the published css.
		//We leave alone any urls starting with '/', 'http', and 'https:'
		//there are other valid urls, but nothing that people should be
		//using in our css files.

		$text = vB_Template::create($title)->render(true);
		$re = '#url\(\s*["\']?(?!/|http:|https:)#';
		$base = $vbulletin->options['bburl'];
		if ($base[-1] != '/')
			$base .= '/';
		$text = preg_replace ($re, "$0$base", $text);

		$templates[$title] = $text;
		if (!write_css_file("$styledir/$title", $text))
			return false;

	static $vbdefaultcss, $cssfiles, $csstemplates;

	if (empty($vbdefaultcss))
		$vbdefaultcss = array();

		// Now write the rollup templates
		require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_xml.php');
		$cssfiles = array();
		if ($handle = @opendir(DIR . '/includes/xml/'))
			while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false)
				if (!preg_match('#^cssrollup_(.*).xml$#i', $file, $matches))
				$css_key = preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9]#i', '', $matches[1]);
				$cssfiles["$css_key"]['name'] = $file;

		if (empty($cssfiles['vbulletin']))	// opendir failed or cpnav_vbulletin.xml is missing
			if (is_readable(DIR . '/includes/xml/cssrollup_vbulletin.xml'))
				$cssfiles['vbulletin']['name'] = 'cssrollup_vbulletin.xml';
				echo construct_phrase($vbphrase['could_not_open_x'], DIR . '/includes/xml/cssrollup_vbulletin.xml');


		$xmlobj = new vB_XML_Parser(false, DIR . "/includes/xml/cssrollup_vbulletin.xml");
		$data = $xmlobj->parse();

		if (!is_array($data['rollup'][0]))
			$data['rollup'] = array($data['rollup']);

		foreach ($data['rollup'] AS $file)
			foreach ($file['template'] AS $name)
				$vbdefaultcss["$file[name]"] = $file['template'];

		foreach ($cssfiles AS $css_file => $file)
			$xmlobj = new vB_XML_Parser(false, DIR . "/includes/xml/$file[name]");
			$data = $xmlobj->parse();

			if ($data['product'] AND empty($vbulletin->products["$data[product]"]))
				// attached to a specific product and that product isn't enabled

			if (!is_array($data['rollup'][0]))
				$data['rollup'] = array($data['rollup']);

			$cssfiles["$css_file"]['css'] = $data['rollup'];

	foreach ($cssfiles AS $css_file => $files)
		if (is_array($files['css']))
			foreach ($files['css'] AS $file)
				if (process_css_rollup_file($file['name'], $file['template'], $templates, $styledir, $vbdefaultcss) === false)
					return false;

	foreach ($vbdefaultcss AS $xmlfile => $files)
		if (process_css_rollup_file($xmlfile, $files, $templates, $styledir) === false)
			return false;

	return true;
* Sets up the Fakey stylevars
* @param	array	(ref) Style info array
* @param	array	User info array
* @return	array
function fetch_stylevars(&$style, $userinfo)
	global $vbulletin;

	if (is_array($style))
		// if we have a buttons directory override, use it
		if ($userinfo['lang_imagesoverride'])
			vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('imgdir_button', str_replace('<#>', $style['styleid'], $userinfo['lang_imagesoverride']), 'imagedir');

	// get text direction and left/right values
	if ($userinfo['lang_options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_languageoptions['direction'])
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('left', 'left');
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('right', 'right');
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('textdirection', 'ltr');
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('left', 'right');
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('right', 'left');
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('textdirection', 'rtl');

	if ($userinfo['lang_options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_languageoptions['dirmark'])
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('dirmark', ($userinfo['lang_options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_languageoptions['direction']) ? '&lrm;' : '&rlm;');

	// get the 'lang' attribute for <html> tags
	vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('languagecode', $userinfo['lang_code']);

	// get the 'charset' attribute
	vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('charset', $userinfo['lang_charset']);

	// create the path to YUI depending on the version
	if ($vbulletin->options['remoteyui'] == 1)
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('yuipath', '' . YUI_VERSION . '/build');
	else if ($vbulletin->options['remoteyui'] == 2)
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('yuipath', REQ_PROTOCOL . '://' . YUI_VERSION . '/build');
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('yuipath', 'clientscript/yui');

	vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('yuiversion', YUI_VERSION);
function do_login_redirect()
	global $vbulletin, $vbphrase;


	if (
		$vbulletin->url == 'login.php'
		OR $vbulletin->url == $vbulletin->options['forumhome'] . '.php'
		OR strpos($vbulletin->url, 'do=logout') !== false
		OR (!$vbulletin->options['allowmultiregs'] AND strpos($vbulletin->url, $vbulletin->basepath . 'register.php') === 0)
		$vbulletin->url = $vbulletin->options['forumhome'] . '.php' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q'];
		$vbulletin->url = fetch_replaced_session_url($vbulletin->url);
		$vbulletin->url = preg_replace('#^/+#', '/', $vbulletin->url); // bug 3654 don't ask why

	$temp = strpos($vbulletin->url, '?');
	if ($temp)
		$formfile = substr($vbulletin->url, 0, $temp);
		$formfile =& $vbulletin->url;

	$postvars = $vbulletin->GPC['postvars'];

	($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('login_redirect')) ? eval($hook) : false;

	// recache the global group to get the stuff from the new language
	$globalgroup = $vbulletin->db->query_first_slave("
		SELECT phrasegroup_global, languagecode, charset
		FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "language
		WHERE languageid = " . intval($vbulletin->userinfo['languageid'] ? $vbulletin->userinfo['languageid'] : $vbulletin->options['languageid'])
	if ($globalgroup)
		$vbphrase = array_merge($vbphrase, unserialize($globalgroup['phrasegroup_global']));

		if (vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('charset') != $globalgroup['charset'])
			// change the character set in a bunch of places - a total hack
			global $headinclude;

			$headinclude = str_replace(
				"content=\"text/html; charset=" . vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('charset') . "\"",
				"content=\"text/html; charset=$globalgroup[charset]\"",

			vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('charset', $globalgroup['charset'], 'imgdir');
			$vbulletin->userinfo['lang_charset'] = $globalgroup['charset'];

		if ($vbulletin->GPC['postvars'])
			$postvars = @unserialize(verify_client_string($vbulletin->GPC['postvars']));
			if ($postvars['securitytoken'] = 'guest')
				$vbulletin->userinfo['securitytoken_raw'] = sha1($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . sha1($vbulletin->userinfo['salt']) . sha1(COOKIE_SALT));
				$vbulletin->userinfo['securitytoken'] = TIMENOW . '-' . sha1(TIMENOW . $vbulletin->userinfo['securitytoken_raw']);
				$postvars['securitytoken'] = $vbulletin->userinfo['securitytoken'];
				$vbulletin->GPC['postvars'] = sign_client_string(serialize($postvars));

		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('languagecode', $globalgroup['languagecode']);

	eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_login', true, true, $vbulletin->userinfo['languageid']));
			// change the character set in a bunch of places - a total hack
			global $headinclude;

			$headinclude = str_replace(
				"content=\"text/html; charset=" . vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('charset') . "\"",
				"content=\"text/html; charset=$globalgroup[charset]\"",

			vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('charset', $globalgroup['charset']);
			$vbulletin->userinfo['lang_charset'] = $globalgroup['charset'];


		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('languagecode', $globalgroup['languagecode']);

	eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_updatethanks', true, true, $userdata->fetch_field('languageid')));

// ############################################################################
// ############################## EDIT SIGNATURE ##############################
// ############################################################################

// ########################### start update signature #########################
if ($_POST['do'] == 'updatesignature')
	$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
  * Template method. Calls all the appropriate methods to build a post and then evaluates the template.
  * @param	array	Post information
  * @return	string	HTML for the post
 function construct_postbit(&$post)
     $this->post =& $post;
     $thread =& $this->thread;
     $forum =& $this->forum;
     global $show, $vbphrase;
     ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('postbit_display_start')) ? eval($hook) : false;
     $imgdir_attach = vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('imgdir_attach');
     if (!preg_match('#^[a-z]+:#siU', vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('imgdir_attach'))) {
         if ($imgdir_attach[0] == '/') {
             $url = $this->registry->input->parse_url($this->registry->options['bburl']);
             vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('imgdir_attach', 'http://' . $url['host'] . vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('imgdir_attach'), 'imgdir');
         } else {
             vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('imgdir_attach', $this->registry->options['bburl'] . '/' . vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('imgdir_attach'), 'imgdir');
     // Remove session urls from all templates so changing sessionhashes don't trigger the post to appear new
     $sessionurl = $this->registry->session->vars['sessionurl'];
     $this->registry->session->vars['sessionurl'] = '';
     if ($post['attachments']) {
         $search = '#(href|src)="attachment\\.php#si';
         $replace = '\\1="' . $this->registry->options['bburl'] . '/' . 'attachment.php';
         $items = array('t' => $post['thumbnailattachments'], 'a' => $post['imageattachments'], 'l' => $post['imageattachmentlinks'], 'o' => $post['otherattachments']);
         $newitems = preg_replace($search, $replace, $items);
         $post['thumbnailattachments'] =& $newitems['t'];
         $post['imageattachments'] =& $newitems['a'];
         $post['imageattachmentlinks'] =& $newitems['l'];
         $post['otherattachments'] =& $newitems['o'];
     // execute hook
     ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('postbit_display_complete')) ? eval($hook) : false;
     // evaluate template
     $postid =& $post['postid'];
     $templater = vB_Template::create($this->template_prefix . $this->templatename);
     $templater->register('ad_location', $ad_location);
     $templater->register('pageinfo_post', $pageinfo_post);
     $templater->register('post', $post);
     $templater->register('postid', $postid);
     $templater->register('template_hook', $template_hook);
     $templater->register('thread', $thread);
     $retval = $templater->render();
     $this->registry->session->vars['sessionurl'] = $sessionurl;
     vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('imgdir_attach', $imgdir_attach, 'imgdir');
     return $retval;
  * Setup environment common to all upgrades
 protected function setup_environment()
     if (function_exists('set_time_limit') and !SAFEMODE) {
     if (!defined('VERSION')) {
         define('VERSION', defined('FILE_VERSION') ? FILE_VERSION : '');
     // Notices
     if (empty($this->registry->config['Database']['force_sql_mode']) and $this->db->connection_master) {
         // check to see if MySQL is running strict mode and recommend disabling it
         $strict_mode_check = $this->db->query_first("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'sql\\_mode'");
         if (strpos(strtolower($strict_mode_check['Value']), 'strict_') !== false) {
             $this->startup_warnings[] = $this->phrase['core']['mysql_strict_mode'];
     if (is_array($this->phrase['stylevar'])) {
         foreach ($this->phrase['stylevar'] as $stylevarname => $stylevarvalue) {
             vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar($stylevarname, $stylevarvalue);
     // Get versions of .xml files for header diagnostics
     foreach ($this->xml_versions as $file => $null) {
         if ($fp = @fopen(DIR . '/install/vbulletin-' . $file . '.xml', 'rb')) {
             $data = @fread($fp, 400);
             if ($file != 'settings' and file != 'navigation' and preg_match('#vbversion="(.*?)"#', $data, $matches) or $file == 'settings' and preg_match('#<setting varname="templateversion".*>(.*)</setting>#sU', $data, $matches) and preg_match('#<defaultvalue>(.*?)</defaultvalue>#', $matches[1], $matches) or $file == 'navigation' and preg_match('#<version>(.*)</version>#sU', $data, $matches)) {
                 $this->xml_versions[$file] = $matches[1];
             } else {
                 $this->xml_versions[$file] = $this->phrase['core']['unknown'];
         } else {
             $this->xml_versions[$file] = $this->phrase['core']['file_not_found'];
// ######################### START MAIN SCRIPT ############################
// ########################################################################

if (!defined('VERSION'))
	define('VERSION', defined('FILE_VERSION') ? FILE_VERSION : '');

require_once(DIR . '/install/upgrade_language_en.php');

// add language-defined stylevars (defined in upgrade_language_en.php)
if (is_array($stylevar))
	foreach ($stylevar AS $stylevarname => $stylevarvalue)
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar($stylevarname, $stylevarvalue);

// check for valid php version


$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array(
	'step'    => TYPE_STR,
	'startat' => TYPE_UINT,
	'perpage' => TYPE_UINT,

if (empty($vbulletin->GPC['step']))
* Sets up the Fakey stylevars
* @param	array	(ref) Style info array
* @param	array	User info array
* @return	array
function fetch_stylevars(&$style, $userinfo)
    global $vbulletin, $show;
    if (is_array($style)) {
        // if we have a buttons directory override, use it
        if ($userinfo['lang_imagesoverride']) {
            vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('imgdir_button', str_replace('<#>', $style['styleid'], $userinfo['lang_imagesoverride']), 'imagedir');
    // get text direction and left/right values
    if ($userinfo['lang_options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_languageoptions['direction']) {
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('left', 'left');
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('right', 'right');
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('textdirection', 'ltr');
    } else {
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('left', 'right');
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('right', 'left');
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('textdirection', 'rtl');
    if ($userinfo['lang_options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_languageoptions['dirmark']) {
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('dirmark', $userinfo['lang_options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_languageoptions['direction'] ? '&lrm;' : '&rlm;');
    // get the 'lang' attribute for <html> tags
    vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('languagecode', $userinfo['lang_code']);
    // get the 'charset' attribute
    vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('charset', $userinfo['lang_charset']);
    // create the path to YUI depending on the version
    if ($vbulletin->options['customyui_path']) {
        $show['remoteyui'] = true;
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('yuipath', $vbulletin->options['customyui_path'] . YUI_VERSION . '/build');
        if ($vbulletin->options['customyui_combopath']) {
            vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('yuicombopath', $vbulletin->options['customyui_combopath']);
            $show['remoteyuicombo'] = true;
        } else {
            vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('yuicombopath', '');
            $show['remoteyuicombo'] = false;
    } else {
        if ($vbulletin->options['remoteyui'] == 1) {
            // Yahoo CDN
            $show['remoteyui'] = true;
            $show['remoteyuicombo'] = true;
            vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('yuipath', '' . YUI_VERSION . '/build');
            vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('yuicombopath', '');
        } else {
            if ($vbulletin->options['remoteyui'] == 2) {
                // Google CDN (Doesn't support Combo)
                $show['remoteyui'] = true;
                $show['remoteyuicombo'] = false;
                vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('yuipath', REQ_PROTOCOL . '://' . YUI_VERSION . '/build');
                vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('yuicombopath', '');
            } else {
                $show['remoteyui'] = false;
                $show['remoteyuicombo'] = false;
                vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('yuipath', 'clientscript/yui');
    vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('yuiversion', YUI_VERSION);
    // create the path to jQuery depending on the version
    if ($vbulletin->options['customjquery_path']) {
        $show['remotejquery'] = true;
        $path = str_replace('{version}', JQUERY_VERSION, $vbulletin->options['customjquery_path']);
        if (!preg_match('#^https?://#si', $vbulletin->options['customjquery_path'])) {
            $path = REQ_PROTOCOL . '://' . $path;
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('jquerymain', $path);
        // Custom Mobile CDN is not here because the mobile style uses a modified jQuery file at present.
        // So the mobile references below are just placeholders for now.
    } else {
        if ($vbulletin->options['remotejquery'] == 1) {
            // Google CDN
            $show['remotejquery'] = true;
            vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('jquerymain', REQ_PROTOCOL . '://' . JQUERY_VERSION . '/jquery.min.js');
            // Google doesn't support mobile jquery at this point so fallback to jQuery CDN
            //vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('jquerymobilemain', REQ_PROTOCOL . '://' . JQUERY_MOBILE_VERSION . '/' . JQUERY_MOBILE_VERSION . '.min.js');
        } else {
            if ($vbulletin->options['remotejquery'] == 2) {
                // jQuery CDN
                $show['remotejquery'] = true;
                vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('jquerymain', REQ_PROTOCOL . '://' . JQUERY_VERSION . '.min.js');
                //vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('jquerymobilemain', REQ_PROTOCOL . '://' . JQUERY_MOBILE_VERSION . '/' . JQUERY_MOBILE_VERSION . '.min.js');
            } else {
                if ($vbulletin->options['remotejquery'] == 3) {
                    // Microsoft CDN
                    $show['remotejquery'] = true;
                    vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('jquerymain', REQ_PROTOCOL . '://' . JQUERY_VERSION . '.min.js');
                    //vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('jquerymobilemain', REQ_PROTOCOL . '://' . JQUERY_MOBILE_VERSION . '/' . JQUERY_MOBILE_VERSION . '.min.js');
                } else {
                    $show['remotejquery'] = false;
                    vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('jquerymain', 'clientscript/jquery/jquery-' . JQUERY_VERSION . '.min.js');
                    //vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('jquerymobilemain', REQ_PROTOCOL . '://' . JQUERY_MOBILE_VERSION . '/' . JQUERY_MOBILE_VERSION . '.min.js');
    vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('jqueryversion', JQUERY_VERSION);
    vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('jquerymobileversion', JQUERY_MOBILE_VERSION);
    vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('basepath', $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/');
function do_login_redirect()
    global $vbulletin, $vbphrase;
    //the clauses
    //url $vbulletin->url == 'login.php' and $vbulletin->url == $vbulletin->options['forumhome'] . '.php'
    //will never be true -- $vbulletin->url contains the full url path.
    //The second shouldn't be needed, the else clause seems to handle this just fine.
    //the first we'll change to match a partial url.
    if (preg_match('#login.php(?:\\?|$)#', $vbulletin->url) or strpos($vbulletin->url, 'do=logout') !== false or !$vbulletin->options['allowmultiregs'] and strpos($vbulletin->url, $vbulletin->basepath . 'register.php') === 0) {
        $vbulletin->url = fetch_seo_url('forumhome', array());
    } else {
        $vbulletin->url = fetch_replaced_session_url($vbulletin->url);
        $vbulletin->url = preg_replace('#^/+#', '/', $vbulletin->url);
        // bug 3654 don't ask why
    $temp = strpos($vbulletin->url, '?');
    if ($temp) {
        $formfile = substr($vbulletin->url, 0, $temp);
    } else {
        $formfile =& $vbulletin->url;
    $postvars = $vbulletin->GPC['postvars'];
    ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('login_redirect')) ? eval($hook) : false;
    if (!VB_API) {
        // recache the global group to get the stuff from the new language
        $globalgroup = $vbulletin->db->query_first_slave("\n\t\t\tSELECT phrasegroup_global, languagecode, charset\n\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "language\n\t\t\tWHERE languageid = " . intval($vbulletin->userinfo['languageid'] ? $vbulletin->userinfo['languageid'] : $vbulletin->options['languageid']));
        if ($globalgroup) {
            $vbphrase = array_merge($vbphrase, unserialize($globalgroup['phrasegroup_global']));
            if (vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('charset') != $globalgroup['charset']) {
                // change the character set in a bunch of places - a total hack
                global $headinclude;
                $headinclude = str_replace("content=\"text/html; charset=" . vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('charset') . "\"", "content=\"text/html; charset={$globalgroup['charset']}\"", $headinclude);
                vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('charset', $globalgroup['charset'], 'imgdir');
                $vbulletin->userinfo['lang_charset'] = $globalgroup['charset'];
            if ($vbulletin->GPC['postvars']) {
                $postvars = @unserialize(verify_client_string($vbulletin->GPC['postvars']));
                $postvars['login_redirect'] = true;
                if ($postvars['securitytoken'] == 'guest') {
                    $vbulletin->userinfo['securitytoken_raw'] = sha1($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . sha1($vbulletin->userinfo['salt']) . sha1(COOKIE_SALT));
                    $vbulletin->userinfo['securitytoken'] = TIMENOW . '-' . sha1(TIMENOW . $vbulletin->userinfo['securitytoken_raw']);
                    $postvars['securitytoken'] = $vbulletin->userinfo['securitytoken'];
                $vbulletin->GPC['postvars'] = sign_client_string(serialize($postvars));
            vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('languagecode', $globalgroup['languagecode']);
    print_standard_redirect(array('redirect_login', $vbulletin->userinfo['username']), true, true, $vbulletin->userinfo['languageid']);
function do_login_redirect()
    global $vbulletin, $vbphrase;
    //the clauses
    //url $vbulletin->url == 'login.php' and $vbulletin->url == $vbulletin->options['forumhome'] . '.php'
    //will never be true -- $vbulletin->url contains the full url path.
    //The second shouldn't be needed, the else clause seems to handle this just fine.
    //the first we'll change to match a partial url.
    if (preg_match('#login.php(?:\\?|$)#', $vbulletin->url) or strpos($vbulletin->url, 'do=logout') !== false or !$vbulletin->options['allowmultiregs'] and strpos($vbulletin->url, $vbulletin->basepath . 'register.php') === 0) {
        $forumHome = vB_Library::instance('content_channel')->getForumHomeChannel();
        $vbulletin->url = vB5_Route::buildUrl($forumHome['routeid'] . '|fullurl');
    } else {
        $vbulletin->url = fetch_replaced_session_url($vbulletin->url);
        $vbulletin->url = preg_replace('#^/+#', '/', $vbulletin->url);
        // bug 3654 don't ask why
    $temp = strpos($vbulletin->url, '?');
    if ($temp) {
        $formfile = substr($vbulletin->url, 0, $temp);
    } else {
        $formfile =& $vbulletin->url;
    $postvars = $vbulletin->GPC['postvars'];
    // Legacy Hook 'login_redirect' Removed //
    if (!VB_API) {
        // recache the global group to get the stuff from the new language
        $globalgroup = $vbulletin->db->query_first_slave("\n\t\t\tSELECT phrasegroup_global, languagecode, charset\n\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "language\n\t\t\tWHERE languageid = " . intval($vbulletin->userinfo['languageid'] ? $vbulletin->userinfo['languageid'] : $vbulletin->options['languageid']));
        if ($globalgroup) {
            $vbphrase = array_merge($vbphrase, unserialize($globalgroup['phrasegroup_global']));
            if (vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('charset') != $globalgroup['charset']) {
                // change the character set in a bunch of places - a total hack
                global $headinclude;
                $headinclude = str_replace("content=\"text/html; charset=" . vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('charset') . "\"", "content=\"text/html; charset={$globalgroup['charset']}\"", $headinclude);
                vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('charset', $globalgroup['charset'], 'imgdir');
                $vbulletin->userinfo['lang_charset'] = $globalgroup['charset'];
            if ($vbulletin->GPC['postvars']) {
                $postvars = array();
                $client_string = verify_client_string($vbulletin->GPC['postvars']);
                if ($client_string) {
                    $postvars = @json_decode($client_string, true);
                if ($postvars['securitytoken'] == 'guest') {
                    $vbulletin->userinfo['securitytoken_raw'] = sha1($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . sha1($vbulletin->userinfo['secret']) . sha1(vB_Request_Web::$COOKIE_SALT));
                    $vbulletin->userinfo['securitytoken'] = TIMENOW . '-' . sha1(TIMENOW . $vbulletin->userinfo['securitytoken_raw']);
                    $postvars['securitytoken'] = $vbulletin->userinfo['securitytoken'];
                    $vbulletin->GPC['postvars'] = sign_client_string(json_encode($postvars));
            vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('languagecode', $globalgroup['languagecode']);
    if ($vbulletin->GPC['logintype'] === 'cplogin' or $vbulletin->GPC['logintype'] === 'modcplogin') {
        require_once DIR . '/includes/adminfunctions.php';
    } else {
        eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_login_gfrontredirect', true, true, $vbulletin->userinfo['languageid']));
	* Template method that does all the work to display an issue note, including processing the template
	* @return	string	Templated note output
	function construct()
		($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('blog_entry_display_start')) ? eval($hook) : false;

		// preparation for display...

		$imgdir_attach = vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('imgdir_attach');
		if (!preg_match('#^[a-z]+:#siU', vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('imgdir_attach')))
			if ($imgdir_attach[0] == '/')
				$url = parse_url($this->registry->options['bburl']);
				vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('imgdir_attach', 'http://' . $url['host'] . vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('imgdir_attach'), 'imgdir');
				vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('imgdir_attach', $this->registry->options['bburl'] . '/' . vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('imgdir_attach'), 'imgdir');

		if ($this->blog['userid'])


		// actual display...
		$blog = $this->blog;
		$status =& $this->status;

		if ($this->attachments)
			$search = '#(href|src)="attachment\.php#si';
			$replace = '\\1="' . $this->registry->options['bburl'] . '/' . 'attachment.php';
			$items = array(
				't' => $blog['thumbnailattachments'],
				'a' => $blog['imageattachments'],
				'l' => $blog['imageattachmentlinks'],
				'o' => $blog['otherattachments'],

			$newitems = preg_replace($search, $replace, $items);
			$blog['thumbnailattachments'] = $newitems['t'];
			$blog['imageattachments'] = $newitems['a'];
			$blog['imageattachmentlinks'] = $newitems['l'];
			$blog['otherattachments'] = $newitems['o'];

		global $show, $vbphrase;
		global $spacer_open, $spacer_close;

		global $bgclass, $altbgclass;

		$show['readmore'] = $this->readmore;

		$sessionurl = $this->registry->session->vars['sessionurl'];
		$this->registry->session->vars['sessionurl'] = '';

		($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('blog_entry_display_complete')) ? eval($hook) : false;

		$templater = vB_Template::create($this->template);
			$templater->register('blog', $blog);
			$templater->register('status', $status);
		$output = $templater->render();

		$this->registry->session->vars['sessionurl'] = $sessionurl;
		vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('imgdir_attach', $imgdir_attach, 'imgdir');

		return $output;
 *	Writes style css directory on disk
 *	@param int $styleid
 *	@param string $parentlist -- csv list of ancestors for this style
 *	@param string $dir -- the "direction" of the css to write.  Either 'ltr' or 'rtl' (there are actually two directories per style)
function write_style_css_directory($styleid, $parentlist, $dir = 'ltr')
    //verify that we have or can create a style directory
    $styledir = DIR . vB_Api::instanceInternal('style')->fetchCssLocation() . '/style' . str_pad($styleid, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ($dir == 'ltr' ? 'l' : 'r');
    //if we have a file that's not a directory or not writable something is wrong.
    if (file_exists($styledir) and (!is_dir($styledir) or !is_writable($styledir))) {
        return false;
    //clear any old files.
    if (file_exists($styledir)) {
        delete_style_css_directory($styleid, $dir, true);
    //create the directory -- if it still exists try to continue with the existing dir
    if (!file_exists($styledir)) {
        if (!@mkdir($styledir)) {
            return false;
    //check for success.
    if (!is_dir($styledir) or !is_writable($styledir)) {
        return false;
    //write out the files for this style.
    $parentlistarr = explode(',', $parentlist);
    $set = vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('vBForum:fetchParentTemplates', array('parentlist' => $parentlistarr));
    //collapse the list.
    $css_templates = array();
    foreach ($set as $row) {
        $css_templates[] = $row['title'];
    $stylelib = vB_Library::instance('Style');
    $stylelib->switchCssStyle($styleid, $css_templates);
    if ($dir == 'ltr') {
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('left', 'left');
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('right', 'right');
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('textdirection', 'ltr');
    } else {
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('left', 'right');
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('right', 'left');
        vB_Template_Runtime::addStyleVar('textdirection', 'rtl');
    // Get new css cache bust
    $cssfiledate = $stylelib->getCssFileDate($styleid);
    $base = get_base_url_for_css();
    if ($base === false) {
        return false;
    $templates = array();
    foreach ($css_templates as $title) {
        //I'd call this a hack but there probably isn't a cleaner way to do this.
        //The css is published to a different directory than the css.php file
        //which means that relative urls that works for css.php won't work for the
        //published directory.  Unfortunately urls from the webroot don't work
        //because the forum often isn't located at the webroot and we can only
        //specify urls from the forum root.  And css doens't provide any way
        //of setting a base url like html does.  So we are left to "fixing"
        //any relative urls in the published css.
        //We leave alone any urls starting with '/', 'http', and 'https:'
        //there are other valid urls, but nothing that people should be
        //using in our css files.
        $text = vB_Template::create($title)->render(true);
        //update image urls to be fully qualified.
        $re = '#url\\(\\s*["\']?(?!/|http:|https:|"/|\'/)#';
        $text = preg_replace($re, "\$0{$base}", $text);
        $text = vB_String::getCssMinifiedText($text);
        $templates[$title] = $text;
        if (!write_css_file("{$styledir}/{$cssfiledate}-{$title}", $text)) {
            return false;
    static $vbdefaultcss = array(), $cssfiles = array();
    if (empty($vbdefaultcss)) {
        require_once DIR . '/includes/class_xml.php';
        $cssfilelist = vB_Api_Product::loadProductXmlList('cssrollup', true);
        if (empty($cssfilelist['vbulletin'])) {
            $vbphrase = vB_Api::instanceInternal('phrase')->fetch(array('could_not_open_x'));
            echo construct_phrase($vbphrase['could_not_open_x'], DIR . '/includes/xml/cssrollup_vbulletin.xml');
        } else {
            $mainfile = array_shift($cssfilelist);
        $xmlobj = new vB_XML_Parser(false, $mainfile);
        $data = $xmlobj->parse();
        if (!is_array($data['rollup'][0])) {
            $data['rollup'] = array($data['rollup']);
        foreach ($data['rollup'] as $file) {
            foreach ($file['template'] as $name) {
                $vbdefaultcss["{$file['name']}"] = $file['template'];
        foreach ($cssfilelist as $css_file => $file) {
            $xmlobj = new vB_XML_Parser(false, $file);
            $data = $xmlobj->parse();
            $products = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('products');
            if ($data['product'] and empty($products["{$data['product']}"])) {
                // attached to a specific product and that product isn't enabled
            if (!is_array($data['rollup'][0])) {
                $data['rollup'] = array($data['rollup']);
            $cssfiles[$css_file]['css'] = $data['rollup'];
    foreach ($cssfiles as $css_file => $files) {
        if (is_array($files['css'])) {
            foreach ($files['css'] as $file) {
                if (process_css_rollup_file($file['name'], $file['template'], $templates, $styleid, $styledir, $vbdefaultcss) === false) {
                    return false;
    foreach ($vbdefaultcss as $xmlfile => $files) {
        if (process_css_rollup_file($xmlfile, $files, $templates, $styleid, $styledir) === false) {
            return false;
    return true;