public function getUrl()
     if (empty($this->arguments['title'])) {
         $node = vB_Library::instance('node')->getNodeBare($this->arguments['nodeid']);
         if (empty($node) or !empty($node['errors'])) {
             return FALSE;
         if ($node['urlident']) {
             $this->arguments['title'] = $node['urlident'];
         } else {
             $this->arguments['title'] = vB_String::getUrlIdent($node['title']);
     if (empty($this->arguments['userid'])) {
         if (!isset($node['nodeid'])) {
             $node = vB_Library::instance('node')->getNodeBare($this->arguments['nodeid']);
         if ($node['setfor']) {
             $user = vB_User::fetchUserinfo($node['setfor']);
             $this->arguments['userid'] = $user['userid'];
             $this->arguments['username'] = $user['username'];
     $url = '/member/' . $this->arguments['userid'] . '-' . vB_String::getUrlIdent($this->arguments['username']) . '/visitormessage/' . $this->arguments['nodeid'] . '-' . vB_String::vBStrToLower(vB_String::htmlSpecialCharsUni(str_replace(' ', '-', $this->arguments['title'])));
     if (strtolower(vB_String::getCharset()) != 'utf-8') {
         $url = vB_String::encodeUtf8Url($url);
     return $url;
 public function fetchTagByText($tagtext)
     $response = array();
     $tag = vB::getDbAssertor()->getRow('vBForum:tag', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_SELECT, 'tagtext' => vB_String::vBStrToLower($tagtext)));
     if ($tag) {
         $response['tag'] = $tag;
     } else {
         throw new vB_Exception_Api("tag_not_exist");
     return $response;
 /** Get the attachment limits for an extension and usergroupid. If that usergroup does not have permission
  *	or the extension is not in the list of allowed extensions, return false.
  *	Note: This is only constrained to the attachmenttype and attachmentpermission tables. The create permissions
  *	for all attachments are handled in the channels.
  *	TODO: Make this part of the channel permissions
  *	@param int $group Permission group the permission is in
  *	@param string $permission Name of permission
  *	@return	mixed	false if not enabled for the usergroupid. array of limits if its enabled.
 public function getAttachmentPermissions($usergroupid, $extension)
     $extension = vB_String::vBStrToLower($extension);
     if (!isset($this->attachmentPermissions[$extension])) {
         $extensionPerms = array();
         $allAttachperms = vB::getDbAssertor()->getRows('vBForum:fetchAttachPermsByExtension', array('extension' => $extension));
         if (empty($allAttachperms)) {
             $this->attachmentPermissions[$extension] = false;
         } else {
             foreach ($allAttachperms as $attachPerms) {
                 if (!isset($extensionPerms['default'])) {
                     // First set the defaults set in the attachmenttype table
                     $defaultPerms = array();
                     $defaultPerms['height'] = !empty($attachPerms['default_height']) ? $attachPerms['default_height'] : 0;
                     $defaultPerms['width'] = !empty($attachPerms['default_width']) ? $attachPerms['default_width'] : 0;
                     $defaultPerms['size'] = !empty($attachPerms['default_size']) ? $attachPerms['default_size'] : 0;
                     $extensionPerms['default'] = $defaultPerms;
                 if (!empty($attachPerms['usergroupid'])) {
                     // Now set individual permissions for the usergroups.
                     if (empty($attachPerms['custom_permissions'])) {
                         // The usergroup doesn't have permission to use this extension
                         $extensionPerms[$attachPerms['usergroupid']] = false;
                     } else {
                         // The usergroup has permission to use this extension.
                         $customPerms = array();
                         $customPerms['height'] = $attachPerms['custom_height'] !== null ? $attachPerms['custom_height'] : $extensionPerms['default']['height'];
                         $customPerms['width'] = $attachPerms['custom_width'] !== null ? $attachPerms['custom_width'] : $extensionPerms['default']['width'];
                         $customPerms['size'] = $attachPerms['custom_size'] !== null ? $attachPerms['custom_size'] : $extensionPerms['default']['size'];
                         $extensionPerms[$attachPerms['usergroupid']] = $customPerms;
             $this->attachmentPermissions[$extension] = $extensionPerms;
     if (isset($this->attachmentPermissions[$extension]) and !empty($this->attachmentPermissions[$extension])) {
         if (isset($this->attachmentPermissions[$extension][$usergroupid])) {
             // We have custom permissions, use those. Could be false if this usergroup has no permissions for this extension.
             return $this->attachmentPermissions[$extension][$usergroupid];
         } else {
             // Use the defaults. Custom permissions not set, so it's allowed.
             return $this->attachmentPermissions[$extension]['default'];
     // This extension is not allowed.
     return false;
 public function getChannelPermission($permissiongroup, $permission, $nodeid, $parents = false, $parentid = false)
     // comments disabled check
     if ($permissiongroup == 'createpermissions') {
         $createPerms = $this->getCanCreate($nodeid);
         $permission = vB_String::vBStrToLower($permission);
         if (isset($createPerms[$permission])) {
             return (bool) $createPerms[$permission];
         } else {
             return false;
     // check if we're accessing a boolean or integer permission
     $isIntPermission = isset($this->countFields[$permission]);
     // if user is super admin and not requesting an integer permission, no need to check
     if (!$isIntPermission && $this->userIsSuperAdmin) {
         return true;
     if (!$isIntPermission and ($permissiongroup == 'moderatorpermissions' or $permissiongroup == 'moderatorpermissions2') and $this->checkModPerm($permissiongroup, $permission, $nodeid)) {
         return true;
     //If we have channel-group permissions we need to check them first.
     if (!empty($this->groupInTopic) and !$isIntPermission) {
         //groupintopic is set at the channel level. So let's get this node's channel.
         $gitNodeid = $this->getChannelIdOfNode($nodeid);
         //see if the current user has groupintopic at this level
         if (!empty($this->groupInTopic[$gitNodeid]) and is_array($this->groupInTopic[$gitNodeid])) {
             foreach ($this->groupInTopic[$gitNodeid] as $usergroupid) {
                 $channelid = $this->channelPermsFrom[$usergroupid][$gitNodeid];
                 if ((bool) $this->permissionContext->getChannelPerm($usergroupid, $permissiongroup, $permission, $channelid)) {
                     return true;
     // do not cast this to a boolean value, since we may be accessing an integer permission (max attachments, max tags, etc)
     return $this->getChannelLimitPermission($permissiongroup, $permission, $nodeid, $parents, $parentid);
  *	Break the keyword search into words
  * @param string keywords -- keyword string as entered by the user
  * @return array -- array of word records
  *  array('word' => $word,  'joiner' => {'', 'NOT', 'AND', 'OR'})
  *  The search implementation is expected to use these to build the search
  *	 query.
 private function get_words($keywords)
     $is_mb = preg_match('/&#([0-9]+);|[^\\x00-\\x7F]/siU', $keywords);
     // @todo handleing for thousand and decimal separators for numbers
     // removing punctuation
     $origKeywords = $keywords;
     $keywords = preg_replace('#(?!-)[\\p{Pd}\\p{Pe}\\p{Pf}\\p{Pi}\\p{Po}\\p{Ps}]#' . ($is_mb ? 'u' : ''), ' ', $keywords);
     // a tokenizing based approach to building a search query
     preg_match_all('#("[^"]*"|[^\\s]+)#', $keywords, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     $token_joiner = null;
     $words = array();
     foreach ($matches as $match) {
         if ($is_mb) {
             $match = preg_replace_callback('/&#([0-9]+);/siU', function ($matches) {
                 return vB5_String::convertIntToUtf8($matches[1]);
             }, $match);
         if ($is_mb) {
             $token = vB_String::vBStrToLower($match[1]);
         } else {
             $token = strtolower($match[1]);
         //this means that we implicitly have a not joiner.
         if ($token[0] == '-') {
             //this effectively means two joiners, which is bad.
             if ($token_joiner) {
             } else {
                 $token = substr($token, 1);
                 $token_joiner = 'not';
         switch ($token) {
             case 'or':
             case 'and':
             case 'not':
                 // this isn't a searchable word, but a joiner
                 $token_joiner = strtoupper($token);
                 //$lowWord = strtolower($token);
                 if (vB_Api_Search::is_index_word($token, true)) {
                     $words[] = array('word' => $token, 'joiner' => strtoupper($token_joiner));
                 } else {
                     $this->ignored_keywords[] = $match[1];
                 $token_joiner = null;
     if (empty($matches) and !empty($origKeywords)) {
         $this->ignored_keywords[] = $origKeywords;
     return $words;
 public static function is_index_word($word, $isLower = false)
     $badwords = self::get_all_bad_words();
     $goodwords = self::get_good_words();
     if (!$isLower) {
         $word = vB_String::vBStrToLower($word);
     // is the word in the goodwords array?
     if (in_array($word, $goodwords)) {
         return 1;
     } else {
         // is the word outside the min/max char lengths for indexing?
         $wordlength = vB_String::vbStrlen($word);
         $options = vB::getDatastore()->get_value('options');
         if ($wordlength < $options['minsearchlength'] or $wordlength > $options['maxsearchlength']) {
             return 0;
         } else {
             if (in_array($word, $badwords)) {
                 return false;
             } else {
                 return 1;
  * breaks up the text into words
  * @param string $text
  * @return string
 protected static function break_words($text)
     $text = strip_tags($text);
     $text = strip_bbcode($text, true, false, false, true);
     // multibyte
     $is_mb = preg_match('/[^\\x00-\\x7F]/', $text);
     if (!$is_mb) {
         $is_mb = strlen($text) != vB_String::vbStrlen($text);
     if ($is_mb) {
         $text = vB_String::toUtf8($text, vB_String::getCharSet());
         if (preg_match('/&#([0-9]+);|[^\\x00-\\x7F]/esiU', $text) and function_exists('mb_decode_numericentity')) {
             $text = mb_decode_numericentity($text, array(0x0, 0x2ffff, 0, 0xffff), 'UTF-8');
         $pattern = '/[\\s,.!?@#$%^&*\\(\\)\\/<>"\';:\\[\\]\\{\\}\\+|-]/';
     } else {
         $pattern = '/[^a-z0-9_]+/i';
     $words = preg_split($pattern, vB_String::vBStrToLower($text), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     foreach ($words as $index => $word) {
         if (!vB_Api_Search::is_index_word($word, true)) {
         //$words[$index] = $is_mb ? vB_String::toUtf8($word) : $word;
         if (empty($words[$index])) {
     return $words;
  * Filters the tag list to exclude invalid tags based on the content item the tags
  * are assigned to.
  *	Calls filterTagList internally to handle invalid tags.
  * @param	string|array	List of tags to add (comma delimited, or an array as is).
  *  											If array, ensure there are no commas.
  * @param	array			array of tag limit constraints.  If a limit is not specified a suitable
  *										default will be used (currently unlimited, but a specific default should
  *										not be relied on). Current limits recognized are 'content_limit' which
  *										is the maximum number of tags for a content item and 'user_limit' which
  *										is the maximum number of tags the current user can add to the content item.
  * @param	int				The maximum number of tags the current user can assign to this item (0 is unlimited)
  * @param	boolean		Whether to check the browsing user's create tag perms
  * @param	boolean		Whether to expand the error phrase
  * @return	array			List of valid tags.  If there are too many tags to add, the list will
  *		be truncated first.  An error will be set in this case.
 protected function filterTagListContentLimits($taglist, $limits, &$errors, $checkBrowserPerms = true, $evalerrors = true)
     $contentTagLimit = isset($limits['content_limit']) ? intval($limits['content_limit']) : 0;
     $userTagLimit = isset($limits['user_limit']) ? intval($limits['user_limit']) : 0;
     //Note that this call ensures we have loaded content, so no need to check that later
     $existingTagCount = $this->fetchExistingTagCount();
     if ($contentTagLimit and $existingTagCount >= $contentTagLimit) {
         //	$errors['threadmax'] = $evalerrors ? fetch_error('item_has_max_allowed_tags') : 'item_has_max_allowed_tags';
         $errors['threadmax'] = 'item_has_max_allowed_tags';
         return array();
     $validTags = $this->filterTagList($taglist, $errors, $evalerrors);
     $validTagsLower = array_map('vB_String::vBStrToLower', $validTags);
     if ($validTags) {
         if ($checkBrowserPerms and !$this->canAddTag()) {
             // can't create tags, need to throw errors about bad ones
             $newTags = array_flip($validTagsLower);
             foreach ($this->contentinfo as $tag) {
                 $tag = $existing->next();
             if ($newTags) {
                 // trying to create tags without permissions. Remove and throw an error
                 //	$errors['no_create'] = $evalerrors ? fetch_error('tag_no_create') : 'tag_no_create';
                 $errors['no_create'] = 'tag_no_create';
                 foreach ($newTags as $newTag => $key) {
                     // remove those that we can't add from the list
                     unset($validTags["{$key}"], $validTagsLower["{$key}"]);
         // determine which tags are already in the thread and just ignore them
         $userTagCount = 0;
         if ($this->contentinfo === null) {
         foreach ($this->contentinfo as $tag) {
             if ($tag['userid'] == $this->currentUserId) {
             // tag is in thread, find it and remove
             if (($key = array_search(vB_String::vBStrToLower($tag['tagtext']), $validTagsLower)) !== false) {
                 unset($validTags["{$key}"], $validTagsLower["{$key}"]);
         //approximate "unlimited" as PHP_INT_MAX -- makes the min logic cleaner
         $contentTagsRemaining = PHP_INT_MAX;
         if ($contentTagLimit) {
             $contentTagsRemaining = $contentTagLimit - $existingTagCount - count($validTags);
         $userTagsRemaining = PHP_INT_MAX;
         if ($userTagLimit) {
             $userTagsRemaining = $userTagLimit - $userTagCount - count($validTags);
         $remainingTags = min($contentTagsRemaining, $userTagsRemaining);
         if ($remainingTags < 0) {
             //	$errors['threadmax'] = $evalerrors ?
             //		fetch_error('number_tags_add_exceeded_x', vb_number_format($remainingTags * -1)) :
             //		array('number_tags_add_exceeded_x', vb_number_format($remainingTags * -1));
             $errors['threadmax'] = array('number_tags_add_exceeded_x', vb_number_format($remainingTags * -1));
             $allowedTagCount = count($validTags) + $remainingTags;
             if ($allowedTagCount > 0) {
                 $validTags = array_slice($validTags, 0, count($validTags) + $remainingTags);
             } else {
                 $validTags = array();
     return $validTags;