function getUseEarlyFlush() { return vB::getDatastore()->getOption('useearlyflush') and !preg_match("#(google|bingbot|yahoo! slurp|facebookexternalhit)#si", $this->getUserAgent()) and !vB5_Frontend_ExplainQueries::isActive(); }
} } $app = vB5_Frontend_Application::init('config.php'); //todo, move this back so we can catch notices in the startup code. For now, we can set the value in the php.ini //file to catch these situations. // We report all errors here because we have to make Application Notice free error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); $config = vB5_Config::instance(); if (!$config->report_all_php_errors) { // Note that E_STRICT became part of E_ALL in PHP 5.4 error_reporting(E_ALL & ~(E_NOTICE | E_STRICT)); } $routing = $app->getRouter(); $controller = $routing->getController(); $method = $routing->getAction(); $template = $routing->getTemplate(); $class = 'vB5_Frontend_Controller_' . ucfirst($controller); if (!class_exists($class)) { // @todo - this needs a proper error message die("Couldn't find controller file for {$class}"); } vB5_Frontend_ExplainQueries::initialize(); $c = new $class($template); call_user_func_array(array(&$c, $method), $routing->getArguments()); vB5_Frontend_ExplainQueries::finish(); /*=========================================================================*\ || ####################################################################### || # Downloaded: 15:45, Tue Sep 8th 2015 || # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 83435 $ || ####################################################################### \*=========================================================================*/