function sanitizeString($var) { $var = stripslashes($var); $var = htmlentities($var); $var = strip_tags($var); return $var; } if (isset($_REQUEST['user'])) { $obj = new users(); $user = $_REQUEST['user']; $pass = sanitizeString($_REQUEST['pass']); $pass_encrypt = $obj->encrypt("{$pass}"); if ($user == "" || $pass == "") { echo 'not all fields have been filled'; } else { if (!$obj->get_user($user)) { echo 'invalid username or password'; } else { $row = $obj->fetch(); $password = $row['password']; if ($password == $pass_encrypt) { if ($row['admin'] == 0) { session_start(); $id = $row['id']; echo $id; include_once 'nurses.php'; $user_nurse = new nurses(); $user_nurse->get_nurse($id); $user_row = $user_nurse->fetch(); $_SESSION['user'] = $user; $_SESSION['fname'] = $user_row['nurse_fname'];
public function threeusers2($db, $rid, $id) { $users = new users(); //判断第5层是否达到29单 $count2 = $users->getcountbylayer($rid, 5); if ($count2 == 29) { $usersinfo2 = $users->get_user_byid($rid); $loginname = $usersinfo2["loginname"]; //增加三点位继续享受奖金 //echo $rid.$id;exit; //用户注册自动选择位置与rid self::get_auto_area_byid($id); $db->query("insert into \t\tusers(rid,pid,types,loginname,pwd1,pwd2,truename,addtime,bizid,productcount,states,identityid,bank,bankno,bankname,bankaddress,tel,area) values(" . $_SESSION['autorid'] . "," . $rid . ",1,'" . $loginname . "_01','1','1','1',now(),1000,1,0,1,'中国工商银行',1,1,1,1," . $_SESSION['autoarea'] . ")"); //user_sub_count添加记录 $usersinfo = $users->get_user($loginname . "_01"); $users->insert_count($usersinfo["id"]); $users->audit_user_byid($usersinfo["id"]); $_SESSION['autorid'] = ""; $_SESSION['autoarea'] = ""; //用户注册自动选择位置与rid self::get_auto_area_byid($id); $db->query("insert into \t\tusers(rid,pid,types,loginname,pwd1,pwd2,truename,addtime,bizid,productcount,states,identityid,bank,bankno,bankname,bankaddress,tel,area) values(" . $_SESSION['autorid'] . "," . $rid . ",1,'" . $loginname . "_02','1','1','1',now(),1000,1,0,1,'中国工商银行',1,1,1,1," . $_SESSION['autoarea'] . ")"); //user_sub_count添加记录 $usersinfo = $users->get_user($loginname . "_02"); $users->insert_count($usersinfo["id"]); $users->audit_user_byid($usersinfo["id"]); $_SESSION['autorid'] = ""; $_SESSION['autoarea'] = ""; //用户注册自动选择位置与rid self::get_auto_area_byid($id); $db->query("insert into \t\tusers(rid,pid,types,loginname,pwd1,pwd2,truename,addtime,bizid,productcount,states,identityid,bank,bankno,bankname,bankaddress,tel,area) values(" . $_SESSION['autorid'] . "," . $rid . ",1,'" . $loginname . "_03','1','1','1',now(),1000,1,0,1,'中国工商银行',1,1,1,1," . $_SESSION['autoarea'] . ")"); //user_sub_count添加记录 $usersinfo = $users->get_user($loginname . "_03"); $users->insert_count($usersinfo["id"]); $users->audit_user_byid($usersinfo["id"]); $_SESSION['autorid'] = ""; $_SESSION['autoarea'] = ""; } }
<?php session_start(); include "classes/users.class.php"; include "classes/email.class.php"; //in case user forgot their password. $users = new users(); $the_error = null; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $result = $users->get_user($_POST["email"], $_POST["password"]); if ($result == false) { echo "<p style=color:red;>Wrong username and/or password!</p>"; } //if the user is valid, redirect to their account. if (count($result) == 1) { $_SESSION['loggedIn'] = 1; $_SESSION['email'] = $_POST['email']; $_SESSION['first_name'] = $result[0]['first_name']; $_SESSION['last_name'] = $result[0]['last_name']; $_SESSION['u_type'] = $result[0]['u_type']; $_SESSION['cid'] = $result[0]['cid']; $_SESSION['password'] = $_POST[0]['password']; $_SESSION['addr'] = $result[0]['addr']; $_SESSION['state'] = $result[0]['state']; $_SESSION['zip'] = $result[0]['zip']; $_SESSION['cc_num'] = $result[0]['cc_num']; $_SESSION['city'] = $result[0]['city']; header("Location:myaccount.php"); // redirects } else { }
$xmlClass->close_xml_element("main", "Created on " . date("D, d M Y H:i:s", $stringClass->get_current_date()) . " by " . $_COOKIE['myforum']); # close XML creation process $xmlClass->closeXMLFile(); ######################### # start XML creation process (CONFIG FILE) $xmlClass->createXMLFile(" ", true); # set the Path of the file $xmlClass->setPath("misc/groupware/writeable/projects/shared/" . $_GET['id'] . "/config.php"); # add comment $xmlClass->add_comment(XML_CLASS_COMMENT); # open main element $xmlClass->open_xml_element("config"); # open mantainers element $xmlClass->open_xml_element("mantainers"); # insert user as mantainer $xmlClass->add_xml_element("name", $usersClass->get_user()); # close mantainers element $xmlClass->close_xml_element("mantainers"); # open developers element $xmlClass->open_xml_element("developers"); # close developers element $xmlClass->close_xml_element("developers"); # close main element $xmlClass->close_xml_element("config", "Last Update " . date("D, d M Y H:i:s", $stringClass->get_current_date()) . ""); # write XML file (CONFIG) $xmlClass->closeXMLFile(); ########################## # start XML creation process (PROJECT LISTS) $xmlClass->createXMLFile(" ", true); # set the Path of the file $xmlClass->setPath("misc/groupware/writeable/projects/shared/" . $_GET['id'] . "/lists.php");
$user = isset($user) ? $user : '******'; $dropbox = new dropbox(); //add the users class, use 'id' for value and 'name' for text $dropbox->add_sql_data('users', 'id', 'name'); //print the dropbox $dropbox->print_dropbox('user', $user); echo '<br /><br />'; //statusbar control $statusbar = new statusbar(); $statusbar->info_text = 'Group-Office usage'; $statusbar->turn_red_point = 90; $statusbar->print_bar(75, 100); //how do you get user info //the current user is stored in: echo 'Your user ID is "' . $GO_SECURITY->user_id . '"<br />'; $user = $users->get_user($GO_SECURITY->user_id); echo 'Your name is "' . $user['name'] . '"<br /><br />'; //now for some permission management. //You can secure an object by giving it an ACL (Access Control List). When the user //you logged in with was created it also got an ACL. This acl is used to protect your personal profile. //We already got the user information in the above example so the user acl = stored in $user['acl_id']. //So if we want to set the permissions this can be done really easily with the control: '' echo 'This user is visible to:<br />'; //The acl_control must always be put in a form. echo '<form name="save" method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '">'; //we set the following for the control $acl_control_acl_id = $user["acl_id"]; //we hide ourself because we do not need to protect ourself from us. $acl_control_hide_self = true; //TIP: look in this file for more options. //we actually require the control here
<?php include_once 'users.php'; if (isset($_REQUEST['user'])) { $obj = new users(); $user = $_REQUEST['user']; $result = $obj->get_user($user); $row = $obj->fetch(); if ($user != $row['user']) { echo '<span class="ti-check"></span>username available'; } else { echo '<span class="ti-alert"></span>username taken'; } }
function guest_allowed() { if (!GROUPWARE_ALLOW_GUEST and !users::get_user()) { die(GROUPWARE_ALLOW_GUEST_TEXT); } }
if (substr($key, 0, 5) == "__ob_") { if ($value == "" or $value == "scegli...") { echo "- Non hai compilato il campo obbligatorio <strong>{$key}</strong>, l'azione non può essere processata.<br>"; $flag = false; } } } if ($_SESSION['add_project_confirm_ID'] != $_POST['__ob_code']) { echo "- Il codicem di conferma non è valido!.<br>"; $flag = false; } if (!$flag) { # die if there are some errors die("<br>Siamo spiacenti, ma a causa di qualche errore, la tua richiesta non può essere inoltrata correttamente al server. Verifica di aver compilato tutti i campi.<br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\" title=\"indietro\">Indietro</a>"); } # create STRING object $stringClass = new string(); # create XML object $xmlClass = new xml(); # set overwrite to true $xmlClass->setOverWrite(false); # check if XML folder exists if (file_exists("misc/groupware/xml/" . $stringClass->get_current_date() . "/")) { die("E' già presente un progetto con lo stesso nome, Prova ad aggiornare la pagina..."); } else { mkdir("misc/groupware/writeable/projects/shared/" . $stringClass->get_current_date() . "/"); mkdir("misc/groupware/writeable/projects/shared/" . $stringClass->get_current_date() . "/news/"); } # starting autopilot $xmlClass->autopilot("misc/groupware/writeable/projects/adoption/" . $stringClass->get_current_date() . ".xml", $_POST, $usersClass->get_user(), "project"); }