function explnum_add_from_url($f_notice_id, $f_bulletin_id, $f_nom, $f_url, $overwrite = true, $source_id = 0, $filename = '', $f_path = '', $f_statut)
    global $dbh, $base_path;
    if ($f_bulletin_id) {
        $f_notice_id = 0;
    } else {
        if (!$f_bulletin_id && $f_notice_id) {
            $f_bulletin_id = 0;
    if (!$overwrite) {
        $sql_find = "SELECT count(*) FROM explnum WHERE explnum_notice = " . $f_notice_id . " AND explnum_nom = '" . addslashes($f_nom) . "'";
        $res = pmb_mysql_query($sql_find, $dbh);
        $count = pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 0);
        if ($count) {
    $sql_delete = "DELETE FROM explnum WHERE explnum_notice = " . $f_notice_id . " AND explnum_nom = '" . addslashes($f_nom) . "' ";
    pmb_mysql_query($sql_delete, $dbh);
    $original_filename = basename($f_url);
    $extension = substr($original_filename, strripos($original_filename, '.') * 1 + 1);
    $tmp_filename = explnum::static_rename($extension);
    if ($filename) {
        $new_filename = $filename;
    } else {
        $new_filename = $tmp_filename;
    //copie en répertoire temporaire
    $r = false;
    if (file_exists($f_url) && filesize($f_url)) {
        //document en repertoire
        $r = copy($f_url, $base_path . '/temp/' . $tmp_filename);
    } else {
        $aCurl = new Curl();
        $content = $aCurl->get($f_url);
        $content = $content->body;
        $r = file_put_contents("{$base_path}/temp/" . $tmp_filename, $content);
    if ($r) {
        //construction vignette
        $vignette = construire_vignette('', $tmp_filename);
        $mimetype = trouve_mimetype("{$base_path}/temp/" . $tmp_filename, $extension);
        //si la source du connecteur est précisée, on regarde si on a pas un répertoire associé
        $rep_upload = 0;
        if ($source_id) {
            $check_rep = "select rep_upload from connectors_sources where source_id = " . $source_id;
            $res = pmb_mysql_query($check_rep);
            if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) {
                $rep_upload = pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 0);
        if ($rep_upload != 0) {
            $upload_folder = new upload_folder($rep_upload);
            $rep_path = $upload_folder->get_path($new_filename);
            if ($f_path && file_exists($rep_path . $f_path)) {
                $rep_path = $rep_path . $f_path . '/';
            if (file_exists($upload_folder->encoder_chaine($rep_path . $new_filename))) {
                $suffix = 1;
                $ext = extension_fichier($new_filename);
                $file = str_replace("." . $ext, "", basename($new_filename));
                while (file_exists($upload_folder->encoder_chaine($rep_path . $file . "_" . $suffix . "." . $ext))) {
                $new_filename = $file . "_" . $suffix . "." . $ext;
            rename("{$base_path}/temp/" . $tmp_filename, $upload_folder->encoder_chaine($rep_path . $new_filename));
            $path = $upload_folder->formate_path_to_save($upload_folder->formate_path_to_nom($rep_path));
            $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO explnum (explnum_notice, explnum_bulletin, explnum_nom, explnum_nomfichier, explnum_mimetype, explnum_extfichier, explnum_vignette, explnum_repertoire, explnum_path, explnum_docnum_statut) VALUES (";
            $insert_sql .= $f_notice_id . ",";
            $insert_sql .= $f_bulletin_id . ",";
            $insert_sql .= "'" . addslashes($f_nom) . "',";
            $insert_sql .= "'" . addslashes($new_filename) . "',";
            $insert_sql .= "'" . addslashes($mimetype) . "',";
            $insert_sql .= "'" . addslashes($extension) . "',";
            $insert_sql .= "'" . addslashes($vignette) . "',";
            $insert_sql .= "'" . addslashes($rep_upload) . "',";
            $insert_sql .= "'" . addslashes($path) . "',";
            $insert_sql .= $f_statut;
            $insert_sql .= ")";
        } else {
            $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO explnum (explnum_notice, explnum_bulletin, explnum_nom, explnum_nomfichier, explnum_mimetype, explnum_extfichier, explnum_data, explnum_vignette, explnum_docnum_statut) VALUES (";
            $insert_sql .= $f_notice_id . ",";
            $insert_sql .= $f_bulletin_id . ",";
            $insert_sql .= "'" . addslashes($f_nom) . "',";
            $insert_sql .= "'" . addslashes($new_filename) . "',";
            $insert_sql .= "'" . addslashes($mimetype) . "',";
            $insert_sql .= "'" . addslashes($extension) . "',";
            $insert_sql .= "'" . addslashes($content) . "',";
            $insert_sql .= "'" . addslashes($vignette) . "',";
            $insert_sql .= $f_statut;
            $insert_sql .= ")";
        if (pmb_mysql_query($insert_sql, $dbh)) {
            $docnum_id = pmb_mysql_insert_id($dbh);
            if ($docnum_id) {
                $index = new indexation_docnum($docnum_id);
        		$aCurl = new Curl();
        		$content = $aCurl->get($f_url);
        		$content = $content->body;
        		$origine=str_replace(" ","",microtime());
        		$original_filename = basename($f_url);
        		if( $filename != "") $afilename = $filename;
        		else $afilename = $origine.$original_filename;
        		if (!$original_filename)
        			$original_filename = $afilename;
        		file_put_contents("$base_path/temp/".$afilename, $content);
        		$vignette = construire_vignette('', $afilename);
        		$mimetype = trouve_mimetype("$base_path/temp/".$afilename, $afilename_ext);
        		$extension = strrchr($afilename, '.');
        		//si la source du connecteur est précisée, on regarde si on a pas un répertoire associé
        		if ($source_id){
        			$check_rep = "select rep_upload from connectors_sources where source_id = ".$source_id;
        			$res = pmb_mysql_query($check_rep);
        				$rep_upload = pmb_mysql_result($res,0,0);
        			if($rep_upload != 0){
        			$upload_folder = new upload_folder($rep_upload);
        			$rep_path = $upload_folder->get_path($afilename);
        			if ($f_path && file_exists($rep_path.$f_path)) {
        			$path =$upload_folder->formate_path_to_save($upload_folder->formate_path_to_nom($rep_path));
        			$insert_sql = "INSERT INTO explnum (explnum_notice, explnum_nom, explnum_nomfichier, explnum_mimetype, explnum_extfichier, explnum_vignette, explnum_repertoire, explnum_path) VALUES (";
        			$insert_sql .= $f_notice_id.",";
        			$insert_sql .= "'".addslashes($f_nom)."',";
        			$insert_sql .= "'".addslashes($afilename)."',";
        			$insert_sql .= "'".addslashes($mimetype)."',";
        			$insert_sql .= "'".addslashes($extension)."',";
        			$insert_sql .= "'".addslashes($vignette)."',";
        			$insert_sql .= "'".addslashes($rep_upload)."',";
        			$insert_sql .= "'".addslashes($path)."'";
        			$insert_sql .= ")";		
        			$insert_sql = "INSERT INTO explnum (explnum_notice, explnum_nom, explnum_nomfichier, explnum_mimetype, explnum_extfichier, explnum_data, explnum_vignette) VALUES (";
        			$insert_sql .= $f_notice_id.",";
        			$insert_sql .= "'".addslashes($f_nom)."',";
        			$insert_sql .= "'".addslashes($afilename)."',";
        			$insert_sql .= "'".addslashes($mimetype)."',";
        			$insert_sql .= "'".addslashes($extension)."',";
        			$insert_sql .= "'".addslashes($content)."',";
        			$insert_sql .= "'".addslashes($vignette)."'";
        			$insert_sql .= ")";
        		pmb_mysql_query($insert_sql, $dbh);
 function save_property_form($planificateur_id)
     global $dbh, $type_task_id, $charset;
     global $task_name, $task_desc, $form_users, $task_active;
     global $id_rep, $path;
     global $task_perio_heure, $task_perio_min, $chkbx_task_quotidien, $chkbx_task_hebdo, $chkbx_task_mensuel;
     $params = $this->make_serialized_task_params();
     $task_perio_heure = $task_perio_heure == '' ? '*' : $task_perio_heure;
     $task_perio_minute = $task_perio_min == '' ? '*' : $task_perio_min;
     //concaténation de la periodicité des jours du mois
     $task_perio_quotidien = "";
     if ($chkbx_task_quotidien[0] == '*') {
         $task_perio_quotidien .= $chkbx_task_quotidien[0] . ",";
     } else {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($chkbx_task_quotidien); $i++) {
             $task_perio_quotidien .= $chkbx_task_quotidien[$i] . ",";
     $task_perio_quotidien = $task_perio_quotidien != '' ? substr($task_perio_quotidien, 0, strlen($task_perio_quotidien) - 1) : '*';
     //concaténation de la periodicité des jours de la semaine
     $task_perio_hebdo = "";
     if ($chkbx_task_hebdo[0] == '*') {
         $task_perio_hebdo .= $chkbx_task_hebdo[0] . ",";
     } else {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($chkbx_task_hebdo); $i++) {
             $task_perio_hebdo .= $chkbx_task_hebdo[$i] . ",";
     $task_perio_hebdo = $task_perio_hebdo != '' ? substr($task_perio_hebdo, 0, strlen($task_perio_hebdo) - 1) : '*';
     //concaténation de la periodicité des mois
     $task_perio_mensuel = "";
     if ($chkbx_task_mensuel[0] == '*') {
         $task_perio_mensuel .= $chkbx_task_mensuel[0] . ",";
     } else {
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($chkbx_task_mensuel); $i++) {
             $task_perio_mensuel .= $chkbx_task_mensuel[$i] . ",";
     $task_perio_mensuel = $task_perio_mensuel != '' ? substr($task_perio_mensuel, 0, strlen($task_perio_mensuel) - 1) : '*';
     if ($id_rep && $path) {
         $up = new upload_folder($id_rep);
         $path = stripslashes($path);
         $path_name = $up->formate_path_to_save($up->formate_path_to_nom($path));
     } else {
         $id_rep = "";
         $path_name = "";
     // est-ce une nouvelle tâche ??
     if ($planificateur_id == '') {
         //Nouvelle planification
         $requete = "insert into planificateur (num_type_tache, libelle_tache, desc_tache, num_user, param, statut, rep_upload, path_upload, perio_heure, \n\t\t\t\tperio_minute, perio_jour_mois, perio_jour, perio_mois) \n\t\t\t\tvalues(" . $type_task_id . ",'" . addslashes($task_name) . "','" . addslashes($task_desc) . "',\n\t\t\t\t'" . $form_users . "','" . $params . "','" . $task_active . "','" . $id_rep . "','" . $path_name . "','" . $task_perio_heure . "','" . $task_perio_minute . "',\n\t\t\t\t'" . htmlentities($task_perio_quotidien, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "','" . htmlentities($task_perio_hebdo, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "','" . htmlentities($task_perio_mensuel, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "')";
         mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
         $planificateur_id = mysql_insert_id();
     } else {
         //Mise à jour des informations
         $requete = "update planificateur\n\t\t\t\tset num_type_tache = '" . $type_task_id . "',\n\t\t\t\tlibelle_tache = '" . addslashes($task_name) . "',\n\t\t\t\tdesc_tache = '" . addslashes($task_desc) . "',\n\t\t\t\tnum_user = '******',\n\t\t\t\tparam = '" . $params . "',\n\t\t\t\tstatut = '" . $task_active . "',\n\t\t\t\trep_upload = '" . $id_rep . "',\n\t\t\t\tpath_upload = '" . $path_name . "',\n\t\t\t\tperio_heure = '" . $task_perio_heure . "', \n\t\t\t\tperio_minute = '" . $task_perio_minute . "',\n\t\t\t\tperio_jour_mois = '" . htmlentities($task_perio_quotidien, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "',\n\t\t\t\tperio_jour = '" . htmlentities($task_perio_hebdo, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "',\n\t\t\t\tperio_mois = '" . htmlentities($task_perio_mensuel, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "'\n\t\t\t\twhere id_planificateur='" . $planificateur_id . "'";
         mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
     //calcul de la prochaine exécution
     //Vérification des paramètres enregistrés
     // insertion d'une nouvelle tâche si aucune n'est planifiée
     $this->insertOfTask($planificateur_id, $task_active);
 function get_file_from_temp($filename, $name, $upload_place)
     global $base_path;
     global $ck_index;
     global $id_rep, $up_place;
     $up_place = $upload_place;
     $ck_index = true;
     //Initialisation des tableaux d'infos
     $this->infos_docnum = $this->params = array();
     $this->infos_docnum["mime"] = trouve_mimetype($filename, extension_fichier($name));
     $this->infos_docnum["nom"] = substr($name, 0, strrpos($name, "."));
     if (!$this->infos_docnum["nom"]) {
         $this->infos_docnum["nom"] = $name;
     $this->infos_docnum["notice"] = $this->explnum_notice;
     $this->infos_docnum["bull"] = $this->explnum_bulletin;
     $this->infos_docnum["url"] = "";
     $this->infos_docnum["fic"] = false;
     $this->infos_docnum["contenu_vignette"] = construire_vignette('', substr($filename, strrpos($filename, "/")));
     $this->infos_docnum["userfile_name"] = $name;
     $this->infos_docnum["userfile_ext"] = extension_fichier($name);
     if ($up_place && $id_rep != 0) {
         $upfolder = new upload_folder($id_rep);
         $chemin_hasher = "/";
         if ($upfolder->isHashing()) {
             $rep = $upfolder->hachage($this->infos_docnum["userfile_name"]);
             $chemin_hasher = $upfolder->formate_path_to_nom($rep);
             $file_name = $rep . $this->infos_docnum["userfile_name"];
             $chemin = $upfolder->formate_path_to_save($chemin_hasher);
         } else {
             $file_name = $upfolder->get_path($this->infos_docnum["userfile_name"]) . $this->infos_docnum["userfile_name"];
             $chemin = $upfolder->formate_path_to_save("/");
         $this->infos_docnum["path"] = $chemin;
         $file_name = $upfolder->encoder_chaine($file_name);
         if (!$this->explnum_nomfichier) {
             //Si je suis en création de fichier numérique
             $nom_tmp = $this->infos_docnum["userfile_name"];
             $continue = true;
             $compte = 1;
             do {
                 $query = "select explnum_notice,explnum_id from explnum where explnum_nomfichier = '" . addslashes($nom_tmp) . "' AND explnum_repertoire='" . $id_rep . "' AND explnum_path='" . addslashes($this->infos_docnum["path"]) . "'";
                 $result = mysql_query($query);
                 if (mysql_num_rows($result) && mysql_result($result, 0, 0) != $this->infos_docnum["notice"]) {
                     //Si j'ai déjà un document numérique avec ce fichier pour une autre notice je dois le renommer pour ne pas perdre l'ancien
                     if (preg_match("/^(.+)(\\..+)\$/i", $this->infos_docnum["userfile_name"], $matches)) {
                         $nom_tmp = $matches[1] . "_" . $compte . $matches[2];
                     } else {
                         $nom_tmp = $this->infos_docnum["userfile_name"] . "_" . $compte;
                 } else {
                     if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                         //J'ai déjà ce fichier pour cette notice
                         //Je dois enlever l'ancien document numérique pour ne pas l'avoir en double
                         $old_docnum = new explnum(mysql_result($result, 0, 1));
                     } else {
                     $continue = false;
             } while ($continue);
             if ($compte != 1) {
                 $this->infos_docnum["userfile_name"] = $nom_tmp;
                 if ($upfolder->isHashing()) {
                     $file_name = $rep . $this->infos_docnum["userfile_name"];
                 } else {
                     $file_name = $upfolder->get_path($this->infos_docnum["userfile_name"]) . $this->infos_docnum["userfile_name"];
                 $file_name = $upfolder->encoder_chaine($file_name);
             } else {
         } else {
         rename($filename, $file_name);
     } else {
         //enregistrement en base
         $this->infos_docnum["contenu"] = file_get_contents($filename);
     $this->params["maj_mimetype"] = true;
     $this->params["maj_data"] = true;
     $this->params["maj_vignette"] = true;