function dump() { $unix = new unix(); if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/run/syslogdb.sock")) { return false; } $bd = @mysql_connect(":/var/run/syslogdb.sock", "root"); if (!$bd) { return; } $ok = @mysql_select_db("syslogs", $bd); $results = QUERY_SQLZ("SELECT storeid,filename FROM accesslogs"); if (!$results) { return false; } while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $storeid = $ligne["storeid"]; $filename = $ligne["filename"]; if (!export_storeid_access($storeid, $filename)) { continue; } } }
$GLOBALS["VERBOSE"] = true; ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); ini_set('error_prepend_string', null); ini_set('error_append_string', null); } include_once "{$dirname}/ressources/"; include_once "{$dirname}/ressources/"; include_once "{$dirname}/ressources/"; include_once "{$dirname}/ressources/"; include_once "{$dirname}/ressources/"; include_once "{$dirname}/ressources/"; if ($GLOBALS["AS_ROOT"]) { include_once "/usr/share/artica-postfix/framework/"; $unix = new unix(); if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/articadb.sock")) { die; } } if (!$GLOBALS["AS_ROOT"]) { $users = new usersMenus(); if (!$users->AsWebStatisticsAdministrator) { die("Permission denied"); } } if ($argv[1] == "squid-status-stats") { squid_status_stats(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["status"])) { status();
function RestoreFromBackup($backuppath) { $unix = new unix(); $PidRestore = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/"; $rm = $unix->find_program("rm"); $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($PidRestore); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Restore Task Already running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n"; } return; } $pid = $unix->PIDOF_PATTERN("exec.zarafa-db.php --restorefrom"); if ($pid != getmypid()) { if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Restore Task Already running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n"; } return; } } $mysql = $unix->find_program("mysql"); $pid = $unix->PIDOF_PATTERN("{$mysql}\\s+.*?--socket=/var/run/mysqld/zarafa-db.sock.*?database=zarafa"); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Restore Task Already running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n"; } return; } @file_put_contents($PidRestore, getmypid()); $sock = new sockets(); $SourceDir = dirname($backuppath); $WORKDIR = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaDedicateMySQLWorkDir"); if ($WORKDIR == null) { $WORKDIR = "/home/zarafa-db"; } if (is_file("{$SourceDir}/ldap.ldif")) { RestoreFromBackup_progress("{restore_ldap_database}", 10); RestoreFromBackup_ldap("{$SourceDir}/ldap.ldif"); } $unix = new unix(); if (!is_file($backuppath)) { echo "Action: `{$backuppath}` no such file: ABORT!\n"; RestoreFromBackup_progress("{failed}", 100); return; } echo "Action: Removing Zarafa Database MySQL client `{$mysql}`....\n"; RestoreFromBackup_progress("Removing Zarafa Database", 30); $cmd = "{$mysql} --socket=/var/run/mysqld/zarafa-db.sock --protocol=socket --user=root --batch --debug-info --database=zarafa --execute=\"DROP DATABASE zarafa\" 2>&1"; $results = array(); exec("{$cmd}", $results); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($results)) { echo "MySQL: (Delete Database) {$ligne}\n"; } RestoreFromBackup_progress("Removing all content", 32); if (is_dir("{$WORKDIR}/data/zarafa")) { recursive_remove_directory("{$WORKDIR}"); } RestoreFromBackup_progress("Restarting MySQL service (recovery)", 40); echo "Action: Restarting MySQL service...\n"; echo "Action: Stopping MySQL service...\n"; stop(true); echo "Action: Starting MySQL service (InnoDB recovery mode)...\n"; start(true, true); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($results)) { echo "Service: {$ligne}\n"; } sleep(5); $ZARAFADB_PID = ZARAFADB_PID(); if (!$unix->process_exists($ZARAFADB_PID)) { RestoreFromBackup_progress("Failed to restart dedicated MySQL", 100); return; } RestoreFromBackup_progress("Stopping Zarafa server", 43); @unlink("/tmp/zarafa-upgrade-lock"); shell_exec("/etc/init.d/zarafa-server stop --force"); $pid = XZARAFA_SERVER_PID(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $kill = $unix->find_program("kill"); unix_system_kill_force($pid); } RestoreFromBackup_progress("Restarting MySQL service (normal)", 45); echo "Action: Restarting MySQL service...\n"; echo "Action: Stopping MySQL service...\n"; stop(true); echo "Action: Starting MySQL service (InnoDB normal mode)...\n"; start(true, false); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($results)) { echo "Service: {$ligne}\n"; } sleep(2); $ZARAFADB_PID = ZARAFADB_PID(); if (!$unix->process_exists($ZARAFADB_PID)) { RestoreFromBackup_progress("Failed to restart dedicated MySQL", 100); return; } if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/zarafa-db.sock")) { echo "Action: /var/run/mysqld/zarafa-db.sock waiting socket\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/zarafa-db.sock")) { break; } echo "Action: Waiting zarafa-db.sock {$i}/4\n"; sleep(1); } } if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/zarafa-db.sock")) { echo "Action: /var/run/mysqld/zarafa-db.sock no such socket\n"; RestoreFromBackup_progress("zarafa-db.sock no such socket", 100); return; } echo "Action: /var/run/mysqld/zarafa-db.sock OK\n"; echo "Action: create a freshed Zarafa database\n"; $ZarafaIndexPath = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaIndexPath"); if ($ZarafaIndexPath == null) { $ZarafaIndexPath = "/var/lib/zarafa/index"; } RestoreFromBackup_progress("Cleaning/Stopping Zarafa search DBs", 50); if (is_dir($ZarafaIndexPath)) { recursive_remove_directory("{$ZarafaIndexPath}"); shell_exec("/etc/init.d/zarafa-search stop"); } RestoreFromBackup_progress("Create a freshed Zarafa database", 50); $results = array(); $cmd = "{$mysql} --socket=/var/run/mysqld/zarafa-db.sock --protocol=socket --user=root --batch --debug-info --execute=\"CREATE DATABASE zarafa\" 2>&1"; $results = array(); exec("{$cmd}", $results); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($results)) { echo "MySQL: (Create Database) {$ligne}\n"; } RestoreFromBackup_progress("Testing Database...", 51); if (!is_dir("{$WORKDIR}/data/zarafa")) { echo "Action: FAILED TO create a freshed Zarafa database: ABORT!!\n"; echo "Action: {$WORKDIR}/data/zarafa no such directory\n"; RestoreFromBackup_progress("FAILED to create a freshed Zarafa database", 100); return; } RestoreFromBackup_progress("Checks Database size", 53); databasesize(true); $gunzip = $unix->find_program("gunzip"); $SourceFileBase = basename($backuppath); $file_ext = $unix->file_ext($SourceFileBase); $tStart = time(); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $backuppath1 = $unix->shellEscapeChars($backuppath); $cmd = "{$nohup} {$mysql} --show-warnings --socket=/var/run/mysqld/zarafa-db.sock --protocol=socket --user=root --batch --debug-info --database=zarafa < {$backuppath1} >/root/mysqllog.txt 2>&1 &"; echo "Action: {$SourceFileBase} extension {$file_ext}\n"; echo "Action: Restoring From {$backuppath1}\n"; if ($file_ext == "gz") { echo "Action: Restoring From {$backuppath1} with uncompress..\n"; $cmd = "{$nohup} {$gunzip} -c {$backuppath1} |{$mysql} --show-warnings --socket=/var/run/mysqld/zarafa-db.sock --protocol=socket --user=root --batch --debug-info --database=zarafa >/root/mysqllog.txt 2>&1 &"; } $size = @filesize($backuppath); $size = FormatBytes($size / 1024); echo "Action: Please wait, it should take time...\nAction: Do not shutdown the computer or restart the MySQL service!\n"; $results = array(); RestoreFromBackup_progress("{restoring_data} {$size} {please_wait} !", 70); $lastmd5 = null; $continue = true; shell_exec($cmd); $ALRDLO = array(); while ($continue) { $fileMD5 = @md5_file("/root/mysqllog.txt"); if ($fileMD5 != $lastmd5) { $LOGS = explode("\n", @file_get_contents("/root/mysqllog.txt")); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($LOGS)) { if (trim($ligne) == null) { continue; } if (isset($ALRDLO[md5($ligne)])) { continue; } $ALRDLO[md5($ligne)] = true; if (preg_match("#ERROR\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+\\(#", $ligne, $re)) { echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " MySQL: FAILED !!! {$ligne}\n"; RestoreFromBackup_progress("{failed} {error} {$re[1]} ", 100); return; } echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " MySQL: {$ligne}\n"; } $lastmd5 = $fileMD5; } $pid = $unix->PIDOF_PATTERN("{$mysql}\\s+.*?--socket=/var/run/mysqld/zarafa-db.sock.*?database=zarafa"); echo "Action: PID: {$pid}\n"; if (!$unix->process_exists($pid)) { echo "Action: injection stopped running since " . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($tStart, time(), true) . "\n"; $continue = false; break; } echo "Action: PID {$pid} running since " . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($tStart, time(), true) . ", please wait...\n"; RestoreFromBackup_progress($unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($tStart, time(), true) . " {please_wait} !", 71); $continue = true; sleep(30); continue; } echo "Action: Done, took: " . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($tStart, time(), true) . "\n"; echo "Action: Please wait, Checks Database size\n"; RestoreFromBackup_progress("Checks Database size", 75); databasesize(true); RestoreFromBackup_progress("{restoring_data} {success}", 80); echo "Action: restart_services\n"; RestoreFromBackup_progress("{restart_services}", 90); $unix->THREAD_COMMAND_SET("/etc/init.d/zarafa-server restart"); echo "Action: Restore task done...\n"; echo "Action: You can close the windows now...\n"; RestoreFromBackup_progress("{done}", 100); die; }
function start($aspid = false) { $unix = new unix(); $sock = new sockets(); $Masterbin = $unix->CYRUS_DAEMON_BIN_PATH(); $zarafaBin = $unix->find_program("zarafa-server"); if (!is_file($Masterbin)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}, arpd not installed\n"; } return; } if (!$aspid) { $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Already Artica task running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n"; } return; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); } if ($unix->process_exists($unix->get_pid_from_file("/etc/artica-postfix/"))) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} A backup task currently is in use\n"; } return; } $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $timepid = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Service already started {$pid} since {$timepid}Mn...\n"; } return; } if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/stop.cyrus.imapd")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} LOCKED !\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Remove /etc/artica-postfix/stop.cyrus.imapd !\n"; } return; } if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/cyrus-stop")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} LOCKED !\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Remove /etc/artica-postfix/cyrus-stop !\n"; } return; } $unix->CreateUnixUser("postfix", "postfix"); $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $EnableCyrusImap = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableCyrusImap"); if (!is_numeric($EnableCyrusImap)) { $EnableCyrusImap = 1; } $DisableMessaging = intval($sock->GET_INFO("DisableMessaging")); $DisableIMAPVerif = intval($sock->GET_INFO("DisableIMAPVerif")); if ($DisableIMAPVerif == 0) { if (is_file("{$zarafaBin}")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Zarafa is installed, aborting\n"; } stop(true); return; } } if ($EnableCyrusImap == 0) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} service disabled (see EnableCyrusImap)\n"; } return; } if ($DisableMessaging == 1) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} service disabled (see DisableMessaging)\n"; } return; } if (!is_file('/usr/bin/cyradm')) { $cyradm = $unix->CYRADM_PATH(); if (is_file($cyradm)) { shell_exec("/bin/ln -s {$cyradm} /usr/bin/cyradm"); } } if (is_file('/usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.imapd.conf.php')) { shell_exec("{$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.imapd.conf.php >/dev/null 2>&1"); } if (!is_file('/etc/artica-postfix/cyrus.check.time')) { shell_exec("/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/artica-install --cyrus-rights >/dev/null 2>&1"); } shell_exec("{$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.check-cyrus-account.php --check-adms"); $sysctl = $unix->find_program("sysctl"); $echo = $unix->find_program("echo"); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} service\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Check permissions\n"; } CheckPermissions(); BuildConfig(); $params[] = "{$nohup} {$Masterbin}"; $params[] = "-M /etc/cyrus.conf"; $params[] = "-C /etc/imapd.conf"; $params[] = "-p /var/run/ -d >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; $cmd = @implode(" ", $params); shell_exec($cmd); for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Waiting {$i}/5\n"; } sleep(1); $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { break; } } $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Success PID {$pid}\n"; } $lmtpsocket = "/var/spool/postfix/var/run/cyrus/socket/lmtp"; for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { if ($unix->is_socket($lmtpsocket)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Waiting socket success..\n"; } $unix->chown_func("postfix", "postfix", "/var/spool/postfix/var/run"); $unix->chown_func("postfix", "postfix", "{$lmtpsocket}"); break; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Waiting socket {$i}/5\n"; } sleep(1); } } else { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Failed\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} {$cmd}\n"; } } }
function FreeMem($aspid = false, $SwapOffOn = array()) { $unix = new unix(); if (!$aspid) { $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = @file_get_contents($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Already executed pid {$pid}\n"; } return; } } if (count($SwapOffOn) == 0) { $sock = new sockets(); $SwapOffOn = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->GET_INFO("SwapOffOn"))); if (!is_numeric($SwapOffOn["AutoMemWatchdog"])) { $SwapOffOn["AutoMemWatchdog"] = 1; } if (!is_numeric($SwapOffOn["AutoMemPerc"])) { $SwapOffOn["AutoMemPerc"] = 90; } if (!is_numeric($SwapOffOn["AutoMemInterval"])) { $SwapOffOn["AutoMemInterval"] = 180; } } $text[] = "Configuration was:"; $text[] = "--------------------------------------"; $text[] = "Free memory when Swap exceed {$SwapOffOn["AutoMemPerc"]}%"; $text[] = "Watchdog scanning interval: each {$SwapOffOn["AutoMemInterval"]}mn"; if (isset($SwapOffOn["CURRENT"])) { $text[] = $SwapOffOn["CURRENT"]; } $text[] = $unix->ps_mem_report(); $TOTAL_MEMORY_MB_FREE = $unix->TOTAL_MEMORY_MB_FREE(); $text[] = "{$TOTAL_MEMORY_MB_FREE}MB before operation"; $sync = $unix->find_program("sync"); $sysctl = $unix->find_program("sysctl"); $squid = $unix->LOCATE_SQUID_BIN(); shell_exec($sync); shell_exec("{$sysctl} -w vm.drop_caches=3"); shell_exec($sync); shell_exec("/etc/init.d/apache2 restart"); if (is_file("/etc/init.d/ssh")) { shell_exec("/etc/init.d/ssh restart"); } if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock")) { $q = new mysql(); $q->EXECUTE_SQL("RESET QUERY CACHE;"); } if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock")) { $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $q->EXECUTE_SQL("RESET QUERY CACHE;"); } $TOTAL_MEMORY_MB_FREE2 = $unix->TOTAL_MEMORY_MB_FREE(); $text[] = "{$TOTAL_MEMORY_MB_FREE2}MB After operation"; $TOTAL_MEMORY_MB = $TOTAL_MEMORY_MB_FREE2 - $TOTAL_MEMORY_MB_FREE; $text[] = "{$TOTAL_MEMORY_MB}MB restored"; $FINAL_TEXT = @implode("\n", $text); system_admin_events("Free memory operation has been executed - {$TOTAL_MEMORY_MB}MB restored\n{$FINAL_TEXT}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (is_file($squid)) { squid_admin_mysql(1, "Swap exceed rule: Free memory operation has been executed - {$TOTAL_MEMORY_MB}MB restored", $FINAL_TEXT, __FILE__, __LINE__); } }
function start($aspid = false) { $unix = new unix(); $sock = new sockets(); $Masterbin = $unix->find_program("clamd"); if (!is_file($Masterbin)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}, clamd not installed\n"; } return; } if (!$aspid) { $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Already Artica task running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n"; } return; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); } $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $timepid = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Service already started {$pid} since {$timepid}Mn...\n"; } return; } $EnableClamavDaemon = $sock->EnableClamavDaemon(); if ($EnableClamavDaemon == 0) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} service disabled (see sock->EnableClamavDaemon)\n"; } return; } $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $aa_complain = $unix->find_program('aa-complain'); if (is_file($aa_complain)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} add clamd Profile to AppArmor..\n"; } shell_exec("{$aa_complain} {$Masterbin} >/dev/null 2>&1"); } @mkdir("/var/clamav", 0755, true); @mkdir("/var/run/clamav", 0755, true); @mkdir("/var/lib/clamav", 0755, true); @mkdir("/var/log/clamav", 0755, true); $unix->chown_func("clamav", "clamav", "/var/clamav"); $unix->chown_func("clamav", "clamav", "/var/run/clamav"); $unix->chown_func("clamav", "clamav", "/var/lib/clamav"); $unix->chown_func("clamav", "clamav", "/var/log/clamav"); $clamd_version = clamd_version(); $cmd = "{$nohup} {$Masterbin} --config-file=/etc/clamav/clamd.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} service version {$clamd_version}\n"; } shell_exec($cmd); for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} waiting {$i}/5\n"; } sleep(1); $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { break; } } $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Success PID {$pid}\n"; } sleep(1); for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/clamav/clamav.sock")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Apply permissions on clamav.sock\n"; } @chmod("/var/run/clamav/clamav.sock", 0777); break; } else { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} waiting for socket... {$i}/4\n"; } sleep(1); } } if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/clamav/clamav.sock")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Apply permissions on clamav.sock\n"; } @chmod("/var/run/clamav/clamav.sock", 0777); } else { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} socket failed\n"; } } } else { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Failed\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} {$cmd}\n"; } } $pid = PID_NUM(); if (!$unix->process_exists($pid)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Failed..\n"; } } if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/run/clamav/clamav.sock")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} socket Failed..\n"; } } }
function SERVICE_START($nochecks = false, $nopid = false) { $unix = new unix(); $sock = new sockets(); $kill = $unix->find_program("kill"); if (!$nopid) { $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = @file_get_contents($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL this script is already executed PID: {$pid} since {$time}Mn\n"; if ($time < 5) { if (!$GLOBALS["FORCE"]) { return; } } unix_system_kill_force($pid); } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); } if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/mysql.stop")) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL locked, exiting\n"; return; } $PID_NUM = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($PID_NUM)) { $timemin = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($PID_NUM); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL already running PID \"{$PID_NUM}\" since {$timemin}Mn\n"; return; } $mysql_install_db = $unix->find_program('mysql_install_db'); $mysqlbin = $unix->LOCATE_mysqld_bin(); $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); if (!is_file($mysqlbin)) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL is not installed, abort\n"; return; } $EnableMysqlFeatures = $sock->GET_INFO('EnableMysqlFeatures'); $MysqlBinAllAdresses = $sock->GET_INFO('MysqlBinAllAdresses'); $MySQLTMPMEMSIZE = $sock->GET_INFO('MySQLTMPMEMSIZE'); $MysqlTooManyConnections = $sock->GET_INFO("MysqlTooManyConnections"); $MysqlRemoveidbLogs = $sock->GET_INFO("MysqlRemoveidbLogs"); $innodb_force_recovery = $sock->GET_INFO("innodb_force_recovery"); if (!is_numeric($innodb_force_recovery)) { $innodb_force_recovery = 0; } if (!is_numeric($MysqlRemoveidbLogs)) { $MysqlRemoveidbLogs = 0; } if (!is_numeric($MysqlBinAllAdresses)) { $MysqlBinAllAdresses = 0; } if (!is_numeric($MySQLTMPMEMSIZE)) { $MySQLTMPMEMSIZE = 0; } if (!is_numeric($MysqlTooManyConnections)) { $MysqlTooManyConnections = 0; } if (!is_numeric($EnableMysqlFeatures)) { $EnableMysqlFeatures = 1; } $MySqlTmpDir = $sock->GET_INFO('MySQLTMPDIR'); $MySQLLOgErrorPath = $sock->GET_INFO('MySQLLOgErrorPath'); $datadir = $unix->MYSQL_DATA_DIR(); $EnableMysqlLog = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableMysqlLog"); if (!is_numeric($EnableMysqlLog)) { $EnableMysqlLog = 0; } if ($datadir == null) { $datadir = '/var/lib/mysql'; } if ($MySqlTmpDir == '/tmp') { $MySqlTmpDir = null; } if ($MySQLLOgErrorPath == null) { $MySQLLOgErrorPath = $datadir . '/mysqld.err'; } if ($MysqlTooManyConnections == 1) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL MysqlTooManyConnections=1, abort\n"; return; } if (isset($GLOBALS["RECOVERY"])) { $innodb_force_recovery = $GLOBALS["RECOVERY"]; } if (strlen($MySqlTmpDir) > 3) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL tempdir : {$MySqlTmpDir}\n"; shell_exec("{$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/ --tmpfs"); $MySqlTmpDir = str_replace("//", "/", $MySqlTmpDir); if (!is_dir($MySqlTmpDir)) { @mkdir($MySqlTmpDir, 0755, true); $unix->chown_func("mysql", "mysql", $MySqlTmpDir); } $MySqlTmpDirCMD = " --tmpdir={$MySqlTmpDir}"; } if ($EnableMysqlFeatures == 0) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL is disabled by \"EnableMysqlFeatures\"...\n"; return; } $pid_file = "/var/run/mysqld/"; $socket = "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"; $mysql_user = "******"; @mkdir("/var/run/mysqld", 0755, true); @mkdir("/var/log/mysql", 0755, true); @mkdir($datadir, 0755, true); $dirs = $unix->dirdir("/var/lib/mysql"); while (list($num, $directory) = each($dirs)) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL, apply permissions on " . basename($directory) . "\n"; $unix->chown_func("mysql", "mysql", "{$directory}/*"); } $bind_address = ' --bind-address='; $bind_address2 = ""; if ($MysqlBinAllAdresses == 1) { $bind_address2 = 'All ('; $bind_address = ' --bind-address='; } echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL Pid path.......:{$pid_file}\n"; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " datadir..............:{$datadir}\n"; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Log error............:{$MySQLLOgErrorPath}\n"; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " socket...............:{$socket}\n"; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " user.................:{$mysql_user}\n"; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " LOGS ENABLED.........:{$EnableMysqlLog}\n"; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Daemon...............:{$mysqlbin}\n"; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Bind address.........:{$bind_address2}\n"; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Temp Dir.............:{$MySqlTmpDir}\n"; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " innodb_force_recovery:{$innodb_force_recovery}\n"; mysql_admin_mysql(1, "Starting MySQL service...", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Settings permissions..\n"; @mkdir("/var/run/mysqld", 0755, true); $unix->chown_func($mysql_user, $mysql_user, "/var/run/mysqld"); $unix->chown_func($mysql_user, $mysql_user, "/var/log/mysql"); $unix->chown_func($mysql_user, $mysql_user, $datadir); $unix->chown_func($mysql_user, $mysql_user, "{$datadir}/*"); if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock")) { @unlink("/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"); } if (is_file('/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.err')) { @unlink('/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.err'); } if (is_file("/var/run/mysqld/")) { $unix->chown_func($mysql_user, $mysql_user, "/var/run/mysqld/"); } if ($MysqlRemoveidbLogs == 1) { shell_exec('/bin/mv /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile* /tmp/'); $sock->SET_INFO('MysqlRemoveidbLogs', '0'); } $logpathstring = " --log-error={$MySQLLOgErrorPath}"; if ($EnableMysqlLog == 1) { $logpathstring = " --log=/var/log/mysql.log --log-slow-queries=/var/log/mysql-slow-queries.log --log-error={$MySQLLOgErrorPath} --log-warnings"; } $toTouch[] = "/var/log/mysql-slow-queries.log"; $toTouch[] = "/var/log/mysql.error"; $toTouch[] = "/var/log/mysql.log"; $toTouch[] = "/var/log/mysql.warn"; while (list($num, $filename) = each($toTouch)) { if (!is_file($filename)) { @file_put_contents($filename, "#\n"); } $unix->chown_func($mysql_user, $mysql_user, $filename); } echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL Checking : {$datadir}/mysql/host.frm\n"; if (!is_file("{$datadir}/mysql/host.frm")) { if (is_file($mysql_install_db)) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL Installing default databases\n"; shell_exec("{$mysql_install_db} --datadir=\"{$datadir}\""); } } else { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL Checking : {$datadir}/mysql/host.frm OK\n"; } $cmd2 = array(); $MEMORY = $unix->MEM_TOTAL_INSTALLEE(); $AsCategoriesAppliance = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/AsCategoriesAppliance")); if ($AsCategoriesAppliance == 1) { $MEMORY = 620288; } if ($MEMORY < 624288) { $GetStartedValues = GetStartedValues(); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL Warning memory did not respond to pre-requesites, tuning to lower memory\n"; if ($GetStartedValues["--key-buffer-size"]) { $cmd2[] = "--key-buffer-size=8M"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--max-allowed-packet"]) { $cmd2[] = "--max-allowed-packet=4M"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--table-cache"]) { $cmd2[] = "--table-cache=4"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--sort-buffer-size"]) { $cmd2[] = "--sort-buffer-size=64k"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--read-buffer-size"]) { $cmd2[] = "--read-buffer-size=256k"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--read-rnd-buffer-size"]) { $cmd2[] = "--read-rnd-buffer-size=128k"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--net-buffer-length"]) { $cmd2[] = "--net-buffer-length=2k"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--thread-stack"]) { $cmd2[] = "--thread-stack=192k"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--thread-cache-size"]) { $cmd2[] = "--thread-cache-size=128"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--thread-concurrency"]) { $cmd2[] = "--thread-concurrency=10"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--default-storage-engine"]) { $cmd2[] = "--default-storage-engine=MyISAM"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--default-tmp-storage-engine"]) { $cmd2[] = "--default-tmp-storage-engine=MyISAM"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--tmp-table-size"]) { $cmd2[] = "--tmp-table-size=16M"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--table-cache"]) { $cmd2[] = "--table-cache=64"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--query-cache-limit"]) { $cmd2[] = "--query-cache-limit=4M"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--query-cache-size"]) { $cmd2[] = "--query-cache-size=32M"; } if ($GetStartedValues["--max-connections"]) { $cmd2[] = "--max-connections=50"; } if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/WORDPRESS_APPLIANCE")) { $cmd2[] = "--innodb=OFF"; } echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL " . count($cmd2) . " forced option(s)\n"; } if (is_file($MySQLLOgErrorPath)) { @unlink($MySQLLOgErrorPath); } $cmds[] = $mysqlbin; if ($MEMORY < 624288) { $cmds[] = "--no-defaults --user=mysql"; } $cmds[] = "--pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/"; $cmds[] = trim($logpathstring); $cmds[] = trim($MySqlTmpDirCMD); $cmds[] = "--socket={$socket}"; $cmds[] = "--datadir=\"{$datadir}\""; if (count($cmd2) == 0) { if ($innodb_force_recovery > 0) { $cmds[] = "--innodb-force-recovery={$innodb_force_recovery}"; } } if (count($cmd2) > 0) { $cmds[] = @implode(" ", $cmd2); } $cmds[] = ">/dev/null 2>&1 &"; if (is_file('/usr/sbin/aa-complain')) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Mysql Adding mysql in apparamor complain mode...\n"; shell_exec("/usr/sbin/aa-complain {$mysqlbin} >/dev/null 2>&1"); } $cmd = @implode(" ", $cmds); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($cmds)) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL Option: {$ligne}\n"; } echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL Starting daemon, please wait\n"; writelogs("Starting MySQL {$cmd}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec($cmd); $count = 0; sleep(2); for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) { $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, $mysqlbin)) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL Checks daemon running...\n"; break; } echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL Checks daemon, please wait ({$i}/6)\n"; sleep(1); } $pid = PID_NUM(); if (!$unix->process_exists($pid)) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL failed\n"; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " {$cmd}\n"; system_admin_events("Failed to start MySQL server", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, "services"); $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); shell_exec("{$nohup} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/ >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); } else { for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL Checks mysqld.sock waiting {$i}/3\n"; if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock")) { break; } sleep(1); } if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock")) { mysql_admin_mysql(0, "Failed to start MySQL Server /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock no such socket after 4 seconds", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL Checks mysqld.sock failed...\n"; } mysql_admin_mysql(1, "Success to start MySQL Server with new pid {$pid}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL Success pid {$pid}\n"; $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $q->MEMORY_TABLES_RESTORE(); } }
function restore_squidlogs($sourceDir) { if (!($handle = opendir("{$sourceDir}/squidlogs"))) { echo "Failed open {$sourceDir}/squidlogs\n"; return; } $password = null; $unix = new unix(); if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock")) { system_admin_events("Error,/var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock no such socket", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } $sock = new sockets(); $gunzip = $unix->find_program("gunzip"); $mysql = $unix->find_program("mysql"); $BLACKLIST = array(); $nice = $unix->EXEC_NICE(); $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $sock = new sockets(); $BackupArticaRestoreNetwork = intval($sock->GET_INFO("BackupArticaRestoreNetwork")); if ($GLOBALS["NOT_RESTORE_NETWORK"]) { $BackupArticaRestoreNetwork = 0; } if ($BackupArticaRestoreNetwork == 0) { $BLACKLIST["dns_servers.gz"] = true; $BLACKLIST["dnsmasq_records.gz"] = true; } if ($q->mysql_password != null) { $password = "******" . $unix->shellEscapeChars($q->mysql_password); } $prefix = trim("{$mysql} --force -S /var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock -u {$q->mysql_admin}{$password} squidlogs"); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($handle))) { if ($filename == ".") { continue; } if ($filename == "..") { continue; } if (isset($BLACKLIST[$filename])) { continue; } $SourceFile = "{$sourceDir}/squidlogs/{$filename}"; if (is_dir($SourceFile)) { continue; } echo "Restoring Proxy database/{$filename}\n"; $cmd = trim("{$nice} {$gunzip} -c {$SourceFile} |{$prefix}"); system($cmd); } }
function Checks() { $GLOBALS["NORELOAD"] = true; $unix = new unix(); if (!is_file("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/autofs/")) { build_progress_rs("{install} autofs-ldap", 15); $unix->DEBIAN_INSTALL_PACKAGE("autofs-ldap"); } if (!is_file("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/autofs/")) { build_progress_rs("{install} autofs-ldap {failed}", 110); return; } if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/run/slapd/slapd.sock")) { build_progress_rs("{restarting_service} OpenLDAP", 15); system("/etc/init.d/slapd restart"); } else { if ($GLOBALS["PROGRESS"]) { build_progress_rs("{restarting_service} OpenLDAP", 15); system("/etc/init.d/slapd restart"); } } $curlftpfs = $unix->find_program("curlftpfs"); $fusermount = $unix->find_program("fusermount"); if (is_file($curlftpfs)) { if (!is_file("/sbin/mount.curl")) { build_progress_rs("/sbin/mount.curl", 15); $curlftpfsZ[] = "#! /bin/sh"; $curlftpfsZ[] = "{$curlftpfs} \$1 \$2 -o \$5,disable_eprt"; $curlftpfsZ[] = ""; @file_put_contents("/sbin/mount.curl", @implode("\n", $curlftpfsZ)); @chmod("/sbin/mount.curl", 0755); } if (!is_file("/sbin/umount.curl")) { build_progress_rs("/sbin/umount.curl", 15); $curlftpfsZ = array(); $curlftpfsZ[] = "#! /bin/sh"; $curlftpfsZ[] = "{$fusermount} -u \$1"; $curlftpfsZ[] = ""; @file_put_contents("/sbin/umount.curl", @implode("\n", $curlftpfsZ)); @chmod("/sbin/umount.curl", 0755); } } $ldap = new clladp(); $data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n <autofs_ldap_sasl_conf\n usetls=\"no\"\n tlsrequired=\"no\"\n authrequired=\"yes\"\n authtype=\"PLAIN\"\n user=\"{$ldap->ldap_admin}\"\n secret=\"{$ldap->ldap_password}\"\n />"; @file_put_contents("/etc/autofs_ldap_auth.conf", $data); if (is_file("/etc/autofs_ldap_auth.conf")) { @chmod("/etc/autofs_ldap_auth.conf", 0600); @chown("/etc/autofs_ldap_auth.conf", "root"); @chgrp("/etc/autofs_ldap_auth.conf", "root"); } build_progress_rs("{checking_configuration}", 15); $auto = new autofs(); build_progress_rs("{checking_configuration}", 20); autofs_default(); build_progress_rs("{checking_configuration}", 25); Autocount(); build_progress_rs("{checking_configuration}", 30); davfs(); }
function start($aspid = false) { $unix = new unix(); $sock = new sockets(); $nginx = $unix->find_program("nginx"); if (!is_file($nginx)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx, not installed\n"; } return; } if (!$aspid) { $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx Already Artica task running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n"; } return; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); } $MEMORY = $unix->MEM_TOTAL_INSTALLEE(); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx {$MEMORY}K\n"; } $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $timepid = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx Service already started {$pid} since {$timepid}Mn...\n"; } return; } $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $EnableNginx = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableNginx"); if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/WORDPRESS_APPLIANCE")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx, is Wordpress Appliance\n"; } $sock->SET_INFO("EnableNginx", 1); if (!is_dir("/usr/share/wordpress-src")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx, Installing Wordpress\n"; } shell_exec("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/"); } $EnableNginx = 1; } if (!is_numeric($EnableNginx)) { $EnableNginx = 1; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx service \"EnableNginx\" = {$EnableNginx}\n"; } if ($EnableNginx == 0) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx service disabled\n"; } return; } GHOSTS_PID(); @mkdir("/var/log/nginx", 0755, true); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $fuser = $unix->find_program("fuser"); $kill = $unix->find_program("kill"); $results = array(); $FUSERS = array(); exec("{$fuser} 80/tcp 2>&1", $results); while (list($key, $line) = each($results)) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "fuser: ->\"{$line}\"\n"; } if (preg_match("#tcp:\\s+(.+)#", $line, $re)) { $FUSERS = explode(" ", $re[1]); } } if (count($FUSERS) > 0) { while (list($key, $pid) = each($FUSERS)) { $pid = trim($pid); if (!is_numeric($pid)) { continue; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: killing {$pid} PID that listens 80\n"; } unix_system_kill_force($pid); } } exec("{$fuser} 443/tcp 2>&1", $results); while (list($key, $line) = each($results)) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "fuser: ->\"{$line}\"\n"; } if (preg_match("#tcp:\\s+(.+)#", $line, $re)) { $FUSERS = explode(" ", $re[1]); } } if (count($FUSERS) > 0) { while (list($key, $pid) = each($FUSERS)) { $pid = trim($pid); if (!is_numeric($pid)) { continue; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: killing {$pid} PID that listens 443\n"; } unix_system_kill_force($pid); } } $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/nginx-authenticator.sock")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Remove authenticator socket\n"; } @unlink("/var/run/nginx-authenticator.sock"); } if (is_file("/var/run/nginx-authenticator.sock")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Remove authenticator socket\n"; } @unlink("/var/run/nginx-authenticator.sock"); } nginx_mime_types(); $EnableArticaInNGINX = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableArticaInNGINX"); if (!is_numeric($EnableArticaInNGINX)) { $EnableArticaInNGINX = 0; } @unlink("/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf"); if ($EnableArticaInNGINX == 1) { build_default_asArtica(); } $cmd = "{$nginx} -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf"; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$cmd}\n"; } shell_exec($cmd); for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) { $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { break; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx service waiting {$i}/6...\n"; } sleep(1); } $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { nginx_admin_mysql(2, "Nginx Web service success to start [action=info]", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink($GLOBALS["pidStampReload"]); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx service Success service started pid:{$pid}...\n"; } $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); shell_exec("{$nohup} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.php-fpm.php --start >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); shell_exec("{$nohup} {$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.nginx.wizard.php --avail-status --force >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); return; } nginx_admin_mysql(0, "Nginx Web service failed to start [action=info]", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx service failed...\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$cmd}\n"; } $cmd = "{$nohup} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.web-community-filter.php --register-lic >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$cmd}\n"; } }
function IS_APP_SQUIDDB_INSTALLED() { $unix = new unix(); if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock")) { writelogs_framework("/var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock socket OK", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); echo "<articadatascgi>TRUE</articadatascgi>"; return; } writelogs_framework("/var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock socket FALSE", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (is_dir("/opt/squidsql/data/squidlogs")) { writelogs_framework("/opt/squidsql/data/squidlogs OK", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); echo "<articadatascgi>TRUE</articadatascgi>"; return; } writelogs_framework("/opt/squidsql/data/squidlogs no such dir", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); echo "<articadatascgi>FALSE</articadatascgi>"; }
function build_phpmyadmin() { if (!is_dir("/usr/share/phpmyadmin/themes")) { echo "[INFO] phpmyadmin not detected\n"; } $unix = new unix(); $hostname = $unix->hostname_g(); $blowfish_secret = md5($hostname); echo "[INFO] Starting building phpmyadmin\n"; $f[] = "<?php"; $f[] = "/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */"; $f[] = "/**"; $f[] = " * phpMyAdmin sample configuration, you can use it as base for"; $f[] = " * manual configuration. For easier setup you can use setup/"; $f[] = " *"; $f[] = " * All directives are explained in documentation in the doc/ folder"; $f[] = " * or at <>."; $f[] = " *"; $f[] = " * @package PhpMyAdmin"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/*"; $f[] = " * This is needed for cookie based authentication to encrypt password in"; $f[] = " * cookie"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "\$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '{$blowfish_secret}'; /* YOU MUST FILL IN THIS FOR COOKIE AUTH! */"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/*"; $f[] = " * Servers configuration"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "\$i = 0;"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/*"; $f[] = " * First server"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "/* Authentication type */"; $f[] = "/* Server parameters */"; $f[] = "\$i++;"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['verbose'] = 'Local MySQL';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['socket'] = '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['host'] = 'localhost';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['connect_type'] = 'socket';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['compress'] = false;"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = true;"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['nopassword'] = true;"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['AllowRoot'] = true;"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['AllowNoPasswordRoot'] = true;"; if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock")) { $f[] = "\$i++;"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['verbose'] = 'Proxy MySQL Statistics';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['socket'] = '/var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['host'] = 'localhost';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['connect_type'] = 'socket';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['compress'] = false;"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = true;"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['nopassword'] = true;"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['AllowRoot'] = true;"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['AllowNoPasswordRoot'] = true;"; } $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/*"; $f[] = " * phpMyAdmin configuration storage settings."; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "\$i++;"; $f[] = "/* User used to manipulate with storage */"; $f[] = "// \$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['controlhost'] = '';"; $f[] = "// \$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['controlport'] = '';"; $f[] = "// \$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['controluser'] = '******';"; $f[] = "// \$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['controlpass'] = '******';"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/* Storage database and tables */"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['pmadb'] = 'phpmyadmin';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['bookmarktable'] = 'pma__bookmark';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['relation'] = 'pma__relation';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['table_info'] = 'pma__table_info';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['table_coords'] = 'pma__table_coords';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['pdf_pages'] = 'pma__pdf_pages';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['column_info'] = 'pma__column_info';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['history'] = 'pma__history';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['table_uiprefs'] = 'pma__table_uiprefs';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['tracking'] = 'pma__tracking';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['designer_coords'] = 'pma__designer_coords';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['userconfig'] = 'pma__userconfig';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['recent'] = 'pma__recent';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['favorite'] = 'pma__favorite';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['users'] = 'pma__users';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['usergroups'] = 'pma__usergroups';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['navigationhiding'] = 'pma__navigationhiding';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['savedsearches'] = 'pma__savedsearches';"; $f[] = "/* Contrib / Swekey authentication */"; $f[] = "// \$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['auth_swekey_config'] = '/etc/swekey-pma.conf';"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/*"; $f[] = " * End of servers configuration"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/*"; $f[] = " * Directories for saving/loading files from server"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "\$cfg['UploadDir'] = '';"; $f[] = "\$cfg['SaveDir'] = '';"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/**"; $f[] = " * Whether to display icons or text or both icons and text in table row"; $f[] = " * action segment. Value can be either of 'icons', 'text' or 'both'."; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "//\$cfg['RowActionType'] = 'both';"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/**"; $f[] = " * Defines whether a user should be displayed a \"show all (records)\""; $f[] = " * button in browse mode or not."; $f[] = " * default = false"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "//\$cfg['ShowAll'] = true;"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/**"; $f[] = " * Number of rows displayed when browsing a result set. If the result"; $f[] = " * set contains more rows, \"Previous\" and \"Next\"."; $f[] = " * default = 30"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "//\$cfg['MaxRows'] = 50;"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/**"; $f[] = " * disallow editing of binary fields"; $f[] = " * valid values are:"; $f[] = " * false allow editing"; $f[] = " * 'blob' allow editing except for BLOB fields"; $f[] = " * 'noblob' disallow editing except for BLOB fields"; $f[] = " * 'all' disallow editing"; $f[] = " * default = blob"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "//\$cfg['ProtectBinary'] = 'false';"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/**"; $f[] = " * Default language to use, if not browser-defined or user-defined"; $f[] = " * (you find all languages in the locale folder)"; $f[] = " * uncomment the desired line:"; $f[] = " * default = 'en'"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "//\$cfg['DefaultLang'] = 'en';"; $f[] = "//\$cfg['DefaultLang'] = 'de';"; $f[] = "//\$cfg['DefaultLang'] = 'fr';"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/**"; $f[] = " * default display direction (horizontal|vertical|horizontalflipped)"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "//\$cfg['DefaultDisplay'] = 'vertical';"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/**"; $f[] = " * How many columns should be used for table display of a database?"; $f[] = " * (a value larger than 1 results in some information being hidden)"; $f[] = " * default = 1"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "//\$cfg['PropertiesNumColumns'] = 2;"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/**"; $f[] = " * Set to true if you want DB-based query history.If false, this utilizes"; $f[] = " * JS-routines to display query history (lost by window close)"; $f[] = " *"; $f[] = " * This requires configuration storage enabled, see above."; $f[] = " * default = false"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "//\$cfg['QueryHistoryDB'] = true;"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/**"; $f[] = " * When using DB-based query history, how many entries should be kept?"; $f[] = " *"; $f[] = " * default = 25"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "//\$cfg['QueryHistoryMax'] = 100;"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/**"; $f[] = " * Should error reporting be enabled for JavaScript errors"; $f[] = " *"; $f[] = " * default = 'ask'"; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "//\$cfg['SendErrorReports'] = 'ask';"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "/*"; $f[] = " * You can find more configuration options in the documentation"; $f[] = " * in the doc/ folder or at <>."; $f[] = " */"; $f[] = "?>"; echo "slapd: [INFO] phpmyadmin success\n"; @file_put_contents("/usr/share/phpmyadmin/", @implode("\n", $f)); @chmod("/usr/share/phpmyadmin/", 0705); $q = new mysql(); if (!$q->DATABASE_EXISTS("phpmyadmin")) { $q->CREATE_DATABASE("phpmyadmin"); } $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__bookmark` (\n`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n`dbase` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n`user` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n`label` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL default '',\n`query` text NOT NULL,\nPRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n)\nCOMMENT='Bookmarks'\nDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__column_info` (\n\t\t`id` int(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n\t\t`db_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`table_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`column_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`comment` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`mimetype` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`transformation` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`transformation_options` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n\t\tUNIQUE KEY `db_name` (`db_name`,`table_name`,`column_name`)\n)\nCOMMENT='Column information for phpMyAdmin'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__history` (\n\t\t`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n\t\t`username` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`db` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`table` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`timevalue` timestamp NOT NULL,\n\t\t`sqlquery` text NOT NULL,\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n\t\tKEY `username` (`username`,`db`,`table`,`timevalue`)\n)\nCOMMENT='SQL history for phpMyAdmin'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__pdf_pages` (\n\t\t`db_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`page_nr` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n\t\t`page_descr` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL default '',\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`page_nr`),\n\t\tKEY `db_name` (`db_name`)\n)\nCOMMENT='PDF relation pages for phpMyAdmin'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__recent` (\n\t\t`username` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`tables` text NOT NULL,\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`username`)\n)\nCOMMENT='Recently accessed tables'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__favorite` (\n\t\t`username` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`tables` text NOT NULL,\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`username`)\n)\nCOMMENT='Favorite tables'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__table_uiprefs` (\n\t\t`username` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`db_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`table_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`prefs` text NOT NULL,\n\t\t`last_update` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`username`,`db_name`,`table_name`)\n)\nCOMMENT='Tables'' UI preferences'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__relation` (\n\t\t`master_db` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`master_table` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`master_field` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`foreign_db` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`foreign_table` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`foreign_field` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`master_db`,`master_table`,`master_field`),\n\t\tKEY `foreign_field` (`foreign_db`,`foreign_table`)\n)\nCOMMENT='Relation table'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__table_coords` (\n\t\t`db_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`table_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`pdf_page_number` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',\n\t\t`x` float unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n\t\t`y` float unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`db_name`,`table_name`,`pdf_page_number`)\n)\nCOMMENT='Table coordinates for phpMyAdmin PDF output'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__table_info` (\n\t\t`db_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`table_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`display_field` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`db_name`,`table_name`)\n)\nCOMMENT='Table information for phpMyAdmin'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__designer_coords` (\n\t\t`db_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`table_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`x` INT,\n\t\t`y` INT,\n\t\t`v` TINYINT,\n\t\t`h` TINYINT,\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`db_name`,`table_name`)\n)\nCOMMENT='Table coordinates for Designer'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__tracking` (\n\t\t`db_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`table_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`version` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t`date_created` datetime NOT NULL,\n\t\t`date_updated` datetime NOT NULL,\n\t\t`schema_snapshot` text NOT NULL,\n\t\t`schema_sql` text,\n\t\t`data_sql` longtext,\n\t\t`tracking` set('UPDATE','REPLACE','INSERT','DELETE','TRUNCATE','CREATE DATABASE','ALTER DATABASE','DROP DATABASE','CREATE TABLE','ALTER TABLE','RENAME TABLE','DROP TABLE','CREATE INDEX','DROP INDEX','CREATE VIEW','ALTER VIEW','DROP VIEW') default NULL,\n\t\t`tracking_active` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`db_name`,`table_name`,`version`)\n)\nCOMMENT='Database changes tracking for phpMyAdmin'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__userconfig` (\n\t\t`username` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`timevalue` timestamp NOT NULL,\n\t\t`config_data` text NOT NULL,\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`username`)\n)\nCOMMENT='User preferences storage for phpMyAdmin'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__users` (\n\t\t`username` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`usergroup` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`username`,`usergroup`)\n)\nCOMMENT='Users and their assignments to user groups'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__usergroups` (\n\t\t`usergroup` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`tab` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`allowed` enum('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`usergroup`,`tab`,`allowed`)\n)\nCOMMENT='User groups with configured menu items'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__navigationhiding` (\n\t\t`username` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`item_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`item_type` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`db_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\t`table_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`username`,`item_name`,`item_type`,`db_name`,`table_name`)\n)\nCOMMENT='Hidden items of navigation tree'\n\t\tDEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;", "phpmyadmin"); $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pma__savedsearches` (\n\t\t`id` int(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n\t\t`username` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`db_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`search_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t`search_data` text NOT NULL,\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n\t\tUNIQUE KEY `u_savedsearches_username_dbname` (`username`,`db_name`,`search_name`)\n)", "phpmyadmin"); }
function start($aspid = false) { $unix = new unix(); $scriptlog = null; if ($GLOBALS["BYSCRIPT"]) { $scriptlog = " by init.d script"; } if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/FROM_ISO")) { if ($unix->file_time_min("/etc/artica-postfix/FROM_ISO") < 1) { return; } } if (!$aspid) { $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Already Artica task running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n"; } return; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); } $pid = LIGHTTPD_PID(); @mkdir("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/web", 0755, true); if (!is_dir("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/web")) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Framework service Warning !!! /usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/web (permission denied !)\n"; } if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { if (!$unix->is_socket("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/web/framework.sock")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Framework service framework.sock no such socket, stop framework\n"; } stop(true); } else { $timepid = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Framework Service already started {$pid} since {$timepid}Mn...\n"; } return; } } $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $lighttpd_bin = $unix->find_program("lighttpd"); if (!is_file($lighttpd_bin)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Framework service lighttpd not found..\n"; } return; } @mkdir("/var/run/lighttpd", 0755, true); $cmd = "{$nohup} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.web-community-filter.php --register-lic >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$cmd}\n"; } shell_exec($cmd); buildConfig(); $cmd = "{$lighttpd_bin} -f /etc/artica-postfix/framework.conf"; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$cmd}\n"; } shell_exec($cmd); for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) { $pid = LIGHTTPD_PID(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { if (!$unix->is_socket("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/web/framework.sock")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Framework service waiting framework.sock\n"; } } else { break; } } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Framework service waiting {$i}/6...\n"; } sleep(1); } $pid = LIGHTTPD_PID(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { FrmToSyslog("Success service started pid:{$pid}{$scriptlog}"); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Framework service apply permissions on framework.sock\n"; } @chmod("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/web/framework.sock", 0777); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Framework service apply permissions on Settings direcotry\n"; } $unix->chmod_alldirs(0755, "/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/*"); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Framework Success service started pid:{$pid}...\n"; } } else { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Framework service failed...\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$cmd}\n"; } } }
function start() { $unix = new unix(); $pidfile = "/var/run/"; $timefile = $GLOBALS["TIMEFILE"]; $sock = new sockets(); if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock")) { stats_admin_events(0, "MySQL server not ready, delay task...", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); $unix->THREAD_COMMAND_SET($unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . __FILE__); die; } $WizardStatsApplianceDisconnected = intval($sock->GET_INFO("WizardStatsApplianceDisconnected")); if ($WizardStatsApplianceDisconnected == 1) { $export_stamp = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . ".EXPORT.time"; $export_time = $unix->file_time_min($export_stamp); if ($export_time > 60) { start_export(); export_push(); @unlink($export_stamp); @file_put_contents($export_stamp, time()); } die; } if (!$GLOBALS["NOTIME"]) { @unlink($timefile); @file_put_contents($timefile, time()); } stats_admin_events(2, " **** STARTING Statistics Engine ****", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); percentage("**** STARTING Statistics Engine ****", 0); percentage("**** Importing tables ****", 2); start_import(true); $sock->SQUID_DISABLE_STATS_DIE(); $pid = @file_get_contents($pidfile); if (!$GLOBALS["FORCE"]) { if ($pid < 100) { $pid = null; } $unix = new unix(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Already executed pid {$pid}\n"; } return; } $mypid = getmypid(); @file_put_contents($pidfile, $mypid); } $DisableArticaProxyStatistics = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/DisableArticaProxyStatistics")); if ($DisableArticaProxyStatistics == 1) { percentage("{disabled}", 100); stats_admin_events(1, "100%) Statistics are disabled"); StampDone(1000, "Statistics are disabled"); return; } @unlink("/var/run/squid-stats-central.stop"); if (!$GLOBALS["NOTIME"]) { @unlink($timefile); @file_put_contents($timefile, time()); } $tSource = time(); $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $EXEC_NICE = $unix->EXEC_NICE(); $Prefix = "/usr/share/artica-postfix"; $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $GLOBALS["Q"] = $q; @mkdir("/home/artica/categories_databases", 0755, true); $unix->chmod_func(0755, "/home/artica/categories_databases/*"); $unix->chmod_func(0755, "/home/artica/categories_perso/*"); if (!StampOK(5)) { percentage("Reloading categories Daemon...", 2); shell_exec("/etc/init.d/ufdbcat reload"); } $t = time(); if (!StampOK(10)) { percentage("Purge old days", 1); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squidlogs.purge.php")); stats_admin_events(2, "1%) Purge days took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(10, "Purge old days"); } if (!StampOK(20)) { percentage("Compile personal tables...", 2); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.compile_category_perso.php")); Step2(); StampDone(20, "Compile personal tables"); } $t = time(); if (!StampOK(30)) { percentage("Running Quota day", 2); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.quotaday.php")); stats_admin_events(2, "2%) Quota day executed took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(30, "Running Quota day"); } if (SquidStatisticsTasksOverTime()) { stats_admin_events(1, "Statistics overtime... Aborting", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (!StampOK(40)) { percentage("Running Youtube Hours", 2); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/ --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "2%) Youtube Hours executed took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(40, "Running Youtube Hours"); } shell_exec("{$nohup} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid.stats.php --thumbs-parse >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); if (!StampOK(50)) { percentage("table_days()", 2); table_days(); StampDone(50, "table days"); } if (!StampOK(60)) { percentage("Repair Members tables", 2); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.members.hours.php --repair --byschedule --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); StampDone(60, "Repair Members tables"); } if (!StampOK(70)) { percentage("Repair Sum tables", 2); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.totals.php --repair --byschedule --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/ --coherences-tables --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); StampDone(70, "Repair Sum tables"); } if (!StampOK(80)) { percentage("WeekDaysNums()", 2); WeekDaysNums(); stats_admin_events(2, "2%) Fix tables executed took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(80, "WeekDaysNums"); } if (!StampOK(90)) { $t = time(); percentage("Scanning nodes", 3); nodes_scan(); stats_admin_events(2, "3%) Scanning nodes executed took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(90, "Scanning nodes"); } if (!StampOK(100)) { $t = time(); percentage("Scanning Active Directory", 4); shell_exec(trim("{$nohup} {$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.clientad.php >/dev/null 2>&1 &")); stats_admin_events(2, "4%) Scanning Active Directory executed took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(100, "Scanning Active Directory"); } if (!StampOK(110)) { $t = time(); percentage("Running Active directory translation", 7); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/")); stats_admin_events(2, "7%) Active directory translation took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(110, "Running Active directory translation"); } if (!StampOK(120)) { $t = time(); percentage("Running Search Words hourly", 8); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid-searchwords.php --hour")); stats_admin_events(2, "8%) Running Search Words hourly took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(120, "Running Search Words hourly"); } if (!StampOK(130)) { $t = time(); percentage("Repair tables", 9); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.hours.php --repair --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "9%) Running Search Words hourly took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(130, "Repair tables"); } if (!StampOK(140)) { $t = time(); percentage("Running Clients Hourly (clients_hours())", 10); clients_hours(); stats_admin_events(2, "10%) Running Clients Hourly took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(130, "Running Clients Hourly (clients_hours())"); } if (!StampOK(150)) { $t = time(); percentage("Search Words Hourly", 10); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}//usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid-searchwords.php --hour --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "10%) Search Words Hourly:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(150, "Search Words Hourly"); } if (!StampOK(160)) { $t = time(); percentage("Running Members hour", 11); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.php --members --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "11%) Running Members hour took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(160, "Running Members hour"); } if (!StampOK(170)) { $t = time(); percentage("Repair UserSizeD", 11); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.php --UserSizeD --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "11%) Repair UserSizeD took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(170, "Repair UserSizeD"); } if (!StampOK(180)) { $t = time(); percentage("UserAuthDaysGrouped", 11); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.php --members-central-grouped --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "11%) Repair UserAuthDaysGrouped took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(180, "UserAuthDaysGrouped"); } if (!StampOK(190)) { $t = time(); percentage("quotaday (quotamonth)...", 11); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.quotaday.php --quotamonth --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "33%) Months tables.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(190, "quotaday (quotamonth)"); } if (!StampOK(200)) { $t = time(); percentage("Repair Youtube Ids", 11); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/ --youtube --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "12%) Repair Youtube Ids took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(200, "Repair Youtube Ids"); } if (!StampOK(210)) { $t = time(); percentage("Running Youtube statistics", 11); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/ --youtube-dayz --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "12%) Running Search Words hourly took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(210, "Running Youtube statistics"); } if (!StampOK(220)) { $t = time(); percentage("Summarize days", 12); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.php --summarize-days --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "11%) Summarize days took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(220, "Summarize days"); } if (!StampOK(230)) { $t = time(); percentage("Running Blocked threats day", 13); stats_admin_events(2, "13%) Blocked threats day:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(230, "Running Blocked threats day"); } if (!StampOK(240)) { $t = time(); percentage("Running Visited day", 15); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.php --visited-days --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "15%) Visited day took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(240, "Running Visited day"); } if (!StampOK(245)) { $t = time(); percentage("Running Global Family sites", 16); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.familyday.php --scheduled")); stats_admin_events(2, "10%) Running exec.squid.stats.familyday.php took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(245, "Running Global Family sites ok"); } if (!StampOK(246)) { $t = time(); percentage("Running Global Users", 17); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.usersday.php --scheduled")); stats_admin_events(2, "10%) Running exec.squid.stats.usersday.php took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(246, "Running Global Users ok"); } if (!StampOK(250)) { $t = time(); percentage("Running Days Websites", 20); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.days.websites.php --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "20%) Days Websites took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(250, "Running Days Websites"); } if (!StampOK(260)) { $t = time(); percentage("Week tables...", 21); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.php --week --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "29%) Week tables... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(260, "Week tables..."); } if (!StampOK(270)) { $t = time(); percentage("Repair tables", 26); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.totals.php --repair --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "26%) Repair tables took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(270, "Repair tables"); } if (!StampOK(280)) { percentage("Youtube All", 26); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.youtube_uid.php --all --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "26%) Youtube All took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(280, "Youtube All"); } if (!StampOK(290)) { $t = time(); percentage("Cache performances", 27); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.php --webcacheperfs --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "27%) Cache performances took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(290, "Cache performances"); } if (!StampOK(300)) { $t = time(); percentage("Interface elements", 28); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.totals.php --interface --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "28%) Interface elements took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(300, "Interface elements"); } if (!StampOK(310)) { $t = time(); percentage("Members central...", 29); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.php --members-central --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "29%) Members central... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(310, "Members central..."); } if (!StampOK(320)) { $t = time(); percentage("Search Words Weekly", 29); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}//usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid-searchwords.php --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "29%) Search Words Weekly... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(320, "Search Words Weekly"); } if (!StampOK(330)) { $t = time(); percentage("Week tables ( blocked )...", 30); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.blocked.week.php --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "30%) Week tables ( blocked ).... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(330, "Week tables ( blocked )..."); } if (!StampOK(340)) { $t = time(); percentage("Months tables (1) ...", 31); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.php --scan-months --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "31%) Months tables.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(340, "Months tables (1)"); } if (!StampOK(350)) { $t = time(); percentage("Months tables (2) ...", 32); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.month.php --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "32%) Months tables.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(350, "Months tables (2)"); } if (!StampOK(360)) { $t = time(); percentage("Categorize Month tables (3) ...", 32); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.not-categorized.php --months --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "31%) Months tables.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(360, "Categorize last 7 days"); } if (!StampOK(370)) { $t = time(); percentage("Months tables by users (4)...", 35); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.uid-month.php --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "35%) Months tables.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(370, "Months tables by users (4"); } if (!StampOK(380)) { $t = time(); percentage("Repair categories", 40); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.php --repair-categories --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "40%) Repair categories.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(370, "Repair categories"); } if (!StampOK(390)) { $t = time(); percentage("Categorize last days", 45); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.categorize-table.php --last-days --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "45%) Categorize last days.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(390, "Categorize last days"); } if (!StampOK(400)) { $t = time(); percentage("Visited Websites", 46); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.php --visited-sites2 --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "25%) Visited Websites took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(400, "Visited Websites"); } if (!StampOK(410)) { $t = time(); percentage("Dangerous elements", 46); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.dangerous.php --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "28%) Interface elements took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(410, "Dangerous elements"); } if (!StampOK(420)) { $t = time(); percentage("Categorize all tables", 46); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.categorize-table.php --all --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "46%) Categorize all tables.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(420, "Categorize all tables"); } if (!StampOK(430)) { $t = time(); percentage("Scanning Not categorized", 47); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.not-categorized.php --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "47%) Categorize all tables.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(430, "Scanning Not categorized"); } if (!StampOK(440)) { $t = time(); percentage("Recategorize", 48); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.recategorize.php --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "48%) Recategorize.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(440, "Recategorize"); } if (!StampOK(450)) { $t = time(); percentage("Sync categories", 49); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.php --sync-categories --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "49%) Recategorize.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(450, "Sync categories"); } if (!StampOK(460)) { $t = time(); percentage("Global categories", 50); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/ --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "50%) Global categories.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(460, "Global categories"); } if (!StampOK(470)) { $t = time(); percentage("Parse thumbs", 55); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.php --thumbs-parse --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "50%) Parse thumbs.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(470, "Parse thumbs"); } if (!StampOK(480)) { percentage("Repair not categorized", 55); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.recategorize.missed.php --repair --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); StampDone(480, "Repair not categorized"); } if (!StampOK(490)) { percentage("Not categorized - last 7 days", 55); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.stats.recategorize.missed.php --last7-days --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "5%) Parse thumbs.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(490, "Not categorized - last 7 days"); } if (!StampOK(500)) { $t = time(); percentage("Reports", 60); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.reports.php --all --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "60%) Reports.... took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(500, "Reports"); } if (!StampOK(510)) { $t = time(); percentage("Statistics by User", 70); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.members_uid.php --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "70%) Statistics by user took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(510, "Statistics by User"); } if (!StampOK(520)) { $t = time(); percentage("Statistics by Users/Websites", 71); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.websites_uid.php --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "71%) Statistics by user/Websites took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(520, "Statistics by Users/Websites"); } if (!StampOK(530)) { $t = time(); percentage("Statistics by Users/MAC", 73); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.members_mac.php --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "73%) Statistics by user/mac took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(530, "Statistics by Users/MAC"); } if (!StampOK(540)) { $t = time(); percentage("Statistics by Users/MAC/IP", 73); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.members_macip.php --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "73%) Statistics by user/mac/ip took:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(530, "Statistics by Users/MAC/IP"); } if (!StampOK(550)) { $t = time(); percentage("Statistics by Users/Blocked", 74); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.blocked_uid.php --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "74%) Statistics by user/blocked:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(550, "Statistics by Users/Blocked"); } if (!StampOK(560)) { $t = time(); percentage("Statistics by Users/Blocked", 75); shell_exec(trim("{$EXEC_NICE} {$php5} {$Prefix}/exec.squid.youtube_uid.php --schedule-id={$GLOBALS["SCHEDULE_ID"]}")); stats_admin_events(2, "74%) Statistics by user/youtube:" . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time()), null, __FILE__, __LINE__); StampDone(550, "Statistics by Users/Blocked"); } percentage("{finish}:" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 100); StampDone(1000, "{done}"); @unlink($GLOBALS["TIMEFILE"]); }
function start($aspid = false) { $sock = new sockets(); $unix = new unix(); $GLOBALS["CLASS_UNIX"] = $unix; if (!$aspid) { $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Already task running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n"; } return; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); } $MailArchiverEnabled = $sock->GET_INFO("MailArchiverEnabled"); $MailArchiverToMySQL = $sock->GET_INFO("MailArchiverToMySQL"); $MailArchiverToMailBox = $sock->GET_INFO("MailArchiverToMailBox"); $MailArchiverMailBox = $sock->GET_INFO("MailArchiverMailBox"); $MailArchiverUsePerl = $sock->GET_INFO("MailArchiverUsePerl"); if (!is_numeric($MailArchiverEnabled)) { $MailArchiverEnabled = 0; } if (!is_numeric($MailArchiverToMySQL)) { $MailArchiverToMySQL = 1; } if (!is_numeric($MailArchiverUsePerl)) { $MailArchiverUsePerl = 1; } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: VERBOSE MODE\n"; } } if ($MailArchiverEnabled == 0) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Mail Archiver is disabled...\n"; } return; } if ($MailArchiverUsePerl == 0) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Mail Archiver (Perl method) is disabled...\n"; } return; } $pid = mailarchive_pid(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Mail Archiver (Perl method) already running pid {$pid} since {$time}mn...\n"; } return; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Mail Archiver (Perl method)...\n"; } $usersMenus = new usersMenus(); $OS = $usersMenus->LinuxDistriCode; if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Mail Archiver (Perl method) on {$OS}...\n"; } if ($OS == "DEBIAN" or $OS == "UBUNTU") { CheckPerlDebian(); } $mhonarc = $unix->find_program("mhonarc"); if (!is_file($mhonarc)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Mail Archiver (Perl method) failed mhonarc not such binary !!!\n"; } return; } $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); @mkdir("/var/spool/mail-rtt-backup", 0755, true); @mkdir("/var/run/maildump", 0777, true); @unlink("/var/run/maildump/maildump.socket"); $cmd = "{$nohup} /usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; shell_exec($cmd); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { sleep(1); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Mail Archiver (Perl method) waiting {$i}/5...\n"; } $pid = mailarchive_pid(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Mail Archiver (Perl method) Success running with pid {$pid}...\n"; } break; } } $pid = mailarchive_pid(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/maildump/maildump.socket")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Mail Archiver permission on maildump.socket done\n"; } @chmod("/var/run/maildump/maildump.socket", 0777); break; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Mail Archiver waiting socket {$i}/5...\n"; } sleep(1); } $unix->THREAD_COMMAND_SET("/etc/init.d/artica-status restart --force"); } else { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Mail Archiver (Perl method) failed to start..\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$cmd}\n"; } } }
function build() { $unix = new unix(); $users = new usersMenus(); $q = new mysql(); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $hostname_bin = $unix->find_program("hostname"); $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $sock = new sockets(); $Myhostname = $sock->GET_INFO("myhostname"); $oom_kill_allocating_task = $sock->GET_INFO("oom_kill_allocating_task"); if (!is_numeric($oom_kill_allocating_task)) { $oom_kill_allocating_task = 1; } $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . ".pid"; $pid = @file_get_contents($pidfile); $sysctl = $unix->find_program("sysctl"); $ifconfig = $unix->find_program("ifconfig"); $GLOBALS["ipbin"] = $unix->find_program("ip"); $GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_DOWN"] = array(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { event("Building networks already executed PID: {$pid}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Building networks already executed PID: {$pid}\n"; die; } $fqdn = @file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/FULL_HOSTNAME"); if (is_file("/etc/init.d/")) { if (is_file("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d")) { shell_exec("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f hostname remove >/dev/null 2>&1"); @unlink("/etc/init.d/"); } } if ($oom_kill_allocating_task == 1) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Kernel oom_kill_allocating_task is enabled\n"; shell_exec("{$sysctl} -w \"vm.oom_dump_tasks=1\" >/dev/null 2>&1"); shell_exec("{$sysctl} -w \"vm.oom_kill_allocating_task=1\" >/dev/null 2>&1"); } else { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Kernel oom_kill_allocating_task is disabled\n"; shell_exec("{$sysctl} -w \"vm.oom_dump_tasks=0\" >/dev/null 2>&1"); shell_exec("{$sysctl} -w \"vm.oom_kill_allocating_task=0\" >/dev/null 2>&1"); } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Line:" . __LINE__ . " persistent_net_rules()\n"; } persistent_net_rules(); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Line:" . __LINE__ . " dev_shm()\n"; } dev_shm(); $ip = $unix->find_program("ip"); $echobin = $unix->find_program("echo"); $logger = $unix->find_program("logger"); $IPROUTEFOUND = false; exec("{$ip} route", $results); events("IP route -> " . count($results) . " lines", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); while (list($index, $line) = each($results)) { events("IP route -> {$line}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (preg_match("#default via#", $line)) { events("IP route found default via -> {$line}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); $IPROUTEFOUND = true; } } if (!$IPROUTEFOUND) { @unlink("/etc/artica-postfix/MEM_INTERFACES"); } if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/MEM_INTERFACES")) { $MEM_INTERFACES = unserialize(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/MEM_INTERFACES")); } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Line:" . __LINE__ . " MEM_INTERFACES()\n"; } $EXECUTE_CMDS = true; if (is_array($MEM_INTERFACES)) { $EXECUTE_CMDS = false; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Line:" . __LINE__ . " NETWORK_ALL_INTERFACES()\n"; } $array = $unix->NETWORK_ALL_INTERFACES(); while (list($Interface, $ipaddr) = each($MEM_INTERFACES)) { if ($ipaddr == null) { continue; } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Line:" . __LINE__ . " {$Interface} Must be {$ipaddr} -> {$array[$Interface]["IPADDR"]}\n"; } events("{$Interface} Must be {$ipaddr} -> {$array[$Interface]["IPADDR"]}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if ($ipaddr != $array[$Interface]["IPADDR"]) { events("Must rebuilded....", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); $EXECUTE_CMDS = true; break; } } } if ($q->mysql_server == "") { if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock")) { event("/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock no such socket", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Building networks MySQL database not available starting MySQL service...\n"; shell_exec("{$nohup} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.initd-mysql.php >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); shell_exec("{$nohup} /etc/init.d/mysql start >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); sleep(1); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $q = new mysql(); if (!is_file("/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock")) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Building networks waiting MySQL database to start...{$i}/4\n"; sleep(1); } else { break; } } if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock")) { event("/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock no such socket", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Building networks MySQL database not available...\n"; die; } } } shell_exec("{$nohup} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.initd-mysql.php >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); if (!$q->BD_CONNECT()) { sleep(1); event("Building networks MySQL database not available starting MySQL service", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Building networks MySQL database not available starting MySQL service...\n"; shell_exec("{$nohup} /etc/init.d/mysql start >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $q = new mysql(); if (!$q->BD_CONNECT()) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Building networks waiting MySQL database to start...{$i}/4\n"; sleep(1); } else { break; } } $q = new mysql(); if (!$q->BD_CONNECT()) { event("Building networks MySQL database not available...", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Building networks MySQL database not available...\n"; die; } } if (!$q->TABLE_EXISTS("nics", "artica_backup", true)) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Building networks MySQL table is not yet builded..\n"; die; } $GLOBALS["SAVED_INTERFACES"] = array(); Checkipv6(); @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Building networks checking bridge\n"; bridges_build(); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Building networks checking IPV6\n"; Checkipv6(); $nic = new system_nic(); $datas = $nic->root_build_debian_config(); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Building networks Reloading " . count($GLOBALS["SAVED_INTERFACES"]) . " interface(s)\n"; if (count($GLOBALS["SAVED_INTERFACES"]) == 0) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Building networks Building Ipv6 virtuals IP...\n"; Checkipv6Virts(); } $EXECUTE_CMDS = false; if (is_file("/etc/init.d/")) { if (is_file("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d")) { shell_exec("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f hostname remove >/dev/null 2>&1"); @unlink("/etc/init.d/"); } } LoadProcNetDev(); $GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_TOP"][] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "]"; $GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_TOP"][] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] *******************************"; $GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_TOP"][] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] **** SETTINGS for LOOP BACK ***"; $GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_TOP"][] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] *******************************"; $GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_TOP"][] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "]"; $ModeProbeAlx = intval($sock->GET_INFO("ModeProbeAlx")); $GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_TOP"][] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] ALX driver: {$ModeProbeAlx}"; if ($ModeProbeAlx == 1) { $modprobe = $unix->find_program("modprobe"); $GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_TOP"][] = "{$modprobe} alx"; } $GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_TOP"][] = "{$ifconfig} lo up"; if ($Myhostname != null) { $GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_TOP"][] = "{$hostname_bin} \"{$Myhostname}\""; } $GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_TOP"][] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "]"; $datas = $nic->networks_disabled(); $sh = array(); $sh[] = "#!/bin/sh -e"; $sh[] = "### BEGIN INIT INFO"; $sh[] = "# Builded on " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $sh[] = "# Provides: artica-ifup"; $sh[] = "# Required-Start: mountkernfs \$local_fs"; $sh[] = "# Required-Stop: \$local_fs"; $sh[] = "# Should-Start:\t\tifupdown"; $sh[] = "# Should-Stop:\t\tifupdown"; $sh[] = "# Default-Start: S"; $sh[] = "# Default-Stop: 0 6"; $sh[] = "# Short-Description: start and stop the network"; $sh[] = "# Description: Artica ifup service Raise network interfaces"; $sh[] = "### END INIT INFO"; $sh[] = "case \"\$1\" in"; $sh[] = "start)"; $sh[] = "{$logger} \"kernel: [ Artica-Net] Artica network Script executed (start)\" || true"; $mkdir = $unix->find_program("mkdir"); $sh[] = "mkdir -p /run/network >/dev/null 2>&1"; $sh[] = "{$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.virtuals-ip-notify.php --start \$2 \$3 || true"; etc_hosts(); routes_main(); ucarp_build(true); bridges_build(); IPTABLES_NETWORK_BRIDGES(); $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"\" > /var/log/net-start.log"; $sh[] = "{$echobin} \" **** Apply Network configuration, please wait... ****\""; while (list($index, $line) = each($GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_TOP"])) { $line = trim($line); if ($line == null) { continue; } if (substr($line, 0, 1) == "#") { $sh[] = ScriptInfo($line); continue; } $md = md5($line); if (isset($AL[$md])) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " SKIPING `{$line}`\n"; continue; } $AL[$md] = true; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " `{$line}`\n"; if (strpos($line, "/etc/hosts") > 0) { $sh[] = "{$line}"; continue; } if (preg_match("#ifconfig\\s+(.+?)\\s+(.+?)netmask(.+?)\\s+#", $line, $re)) { $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"adding {$re[2]}/{$re[3]} in {$re[1]} interface\""; } $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"{$line}\" >>/var/log/net-start.log 2>&1"; $sh[] = "{$line} >>/var/log/net-start.log 2>&1 || true"; } while (list($index, $line) = each($GLOBALS["SCRIPTS"])) { $line = trim($line); if ($line == null) { continue; } if (substr($line, 0, 1) == "#") { $sh[] = ScriptInfo($line); continue; } if (preg_match("#^OUTPUT\\s+(.+)#", $line, $re)) { $line = str_replace('"', "'", $line); $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"{$re[1]}\""; continue; } $md = md5($line); if (isset($AL[$md])) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " SKIPING `{$line}`\n"; continue; } $AL[$md] = true; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " `{$line}`\n"; if (strpos($line, "/etc/hosts") > 0) { $sh[] = "{$line}"; continue; } if (preg_match("#ifconfig\\s+(.+?)\\s+(.+?)netmask(.+?)\\s+#", $line, $re)) { $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"adding {$re[2]}/{$re[3]} in {$re[1]} interface\""; } if (strpos('echo "', $line) == 0) { $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"{$line}\" >>/var/log/net-start.log 2>&1"; } $sh[] = "{$line} >>/var/log/net-start.log 2>&1 || true"; } if (count($GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_ROUTES"]) > 0) { $GLOBALS["START_ROUTES"][] = "{$echobin} \"Apply network routes, please wait...\""; $sh[] = ""; $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "]"; $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] *******************************"; $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] **** NETWORK ROUTES ****"; $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] *******************************"; $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "]"; while (list($index, $line) = each($GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_ROUTES"])) { $line = trim($line); if ($line == null) { continue; } if (substr($line, 0, 1) == "#") { $ScriptInfo = ScriptInfo($line); $sh[] = $ScriptInfo; $GLOBALS["START_ROUTES"][] = $ScriptInfo; continue; } $md = md5($line); if (isset($AL[$md])) { if (!preg_match("#^force#", $line)) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " SKIPING `{$line}`\n"; continue; } } if (preg_match("#^force:(.+)#", $line, $re)) { $line = $re[1]; $md = md5($line); } $AL[$md] = true; if (preg_match("#ip route add (.+?)\\s+.*?src\\s+(.+)#", $line, $re)) { $GLOBALS["START_ROUTES"][] = "{$echobin} \"Create route for network {$re[1]} for local address {$re[2]}\""; $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"Create route for network {$re[1]} for local address {$re[2]}\""; } if (preg_match("#ip route add (.+?)\\s+via(.+?)\\s+src\\s+([0-9\\.]+)#", $line, $re)) { $GLOBALS["START_ROUTES"][] = "{$echobin} \"Create route for network {$re[1]} using gateway {$re[2]} for local address {$re[3]}\""; $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"Create route for network {$re[1]} using gateway {$re[2]} for local address {$re[3]}\""; } $GLOBALS["START_ROUTES"][] = "{$echobin} \"{$line}\" >>/var/log/net-start.log 2>&1"; $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"{$line}\" >>/var/log/net-start.log 2>&1"; if (preg_match("#\\/echo\\s+#", $line)) { $sh[] = $line; continue; } $sh[] = "{$line} >>/var/log/net-start.log 2>&1 || true"; $GLOBALS["START_ROUTES"][] = "{$line} >>/var/log/net-start.log 2>&1 || true"; } } $sh[] = "if [ -x /etc/init.d/ ] ; then"; $sh[] = "\t/etc/init.d/ || true"; $sh[] = "fi"; $sh[] = nics_vde_build(); $EnablePDNS = $sock->GET_INFO("EnablePDNS"); if (!is_numeric($EnablePDNS)) { $EnablePDNS = 0; } $unix = new unix(); $squid = $unix->LOCATE_SQUID_BIN(); $ip = $unix->find_program("ip"); $echo = $unix->find_program("echo"); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $monit = $unix->find_program("monit"); $ifconfig = $unix->find_program("ifconfig"); $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); if (is_file($squid)) { $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] Reloading squid"; $sh[] = "{$echo} \"Reloading squid ( if exists )\""; $sh[] = "{$nohup} {$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid.php --kreconfigure 2>&1 >>/var/log/net-start.log 2>&1 &"; } $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] Flushing ARP cache"; $sh[] = "{$echo} \"Flushing ARP cache...\""; $sh[] = "ip -s -s neigh flush all >>/var/log/net-start.log 2>&1 || true"; $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] Tune the kernel"; $sh[] = "{$echo} \"Tuning the kernel...\""; $sh[] = "{$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.sysctl.php --build >>/var/log/net-start.log 2>&1 || true"; $sh[] = "if [ -x /bin/ ] ; then"; $sh[] = "\t/bin/ || true"; $sh[] = "fi"; if (is_file("/etc/init.d/ssh")) { $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] Starting sshd"; $sh[] = "{$echo} \"Starting sshd\""; $sh[] = "/etc/init.d/ssh start 2>&1 || true"; } $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] Starting FrameWork"; $sh[] = "{$echo} \"Starting FrameWork\""; $sh[] = "{$nohup} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.framework.php --start >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] Starting Meta Server Client"; $sh[] = "{$echo} \"Starting FrameWork\""; $sh[] = "{$nohup} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.artica-meta-client.php --ping --force >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; if ($EnablePDNS == 1) { $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] Reloading PowerDNS..."; $sh[] = "{$echo} \"Reloading PowerDNS\""; $sh[] = "{$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.pdns.php --reload 2>&1 || true"; } if (is_file($monit)) { $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] Starting Monit in background"; $sh[] = "{$echo} \"Starting Monit in background\""; $sh[] = "{$nohup} {$monit} -c /etc/monit/monitrc -p /var/run/monit/ -s /var/run/monit/monit.state >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; } $mount = $unix->find_program("mount"); if (is_file($mount)) { $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] Mount all system after network set"; $sh[] = "{$echo} \"Starting mount in background\""; $sh[] = "{$nohup} {$mount} -a >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; } $sh[] = "# [" . __LINE__ . "] Reloading DHCPD (if exists)"; $sh[] = "{$echo} \"Reloading DHCP server ( if exists )\""; $sh[] = "{$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.dhcpd.compile.php --reload-if-run 2>&1 || true"; $sh[] = "{$echo} \" **** Apply Network configuration, done ****\""; $sh[] = ";;"; $sh[] = " stop)"; $sh[] = "{$logger} \"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUSPECTED STOPPED SERVER !!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\" || true"; $sh[] = "{$logger} \"kernel: [ Artica-Net] Artica network Script executed (stop)\" || true"; if (is_array($GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_DOWN"])) { while (list($index, $line) = each($GLOBALS["SCRIPTS_DOWN"])) { if (substr($line, 0, 1) == "#") { $sh[] = ScriptInfo($line); continue; } $sh[] = "{$line} >>/var/log/net-stop.log 2>&1 || true"; } } $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $sh[] = ";;"; $sh[] = "reconfigure)"; $sh[] = "{$logger} \"kernel: [ Artica-Net] Artica network Script Executed (reconfigure)\" || true"; $sh[] = "{$php} " . __FILE__ . " --build --force \$2 \$3"; $sh[] = "/etc/init.d/artica-ifup start"; $sh[] = ";;"; $sh[] = "routes)"; $sh[] = "{$logger} \"kernel: [ Artica-Net] Artica network Script Executed (routes)\" || true"; $sh[] = "# Array of " . count($GLOBALS["START_ROUTES"]); $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"Flushing routes tables...\""; $sh[] = "{$GLOBALS["ipbin"]} route flush table all"; $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"{$ifconfig} lo down\""; $sh[] = "{$ifconfig} lo down || true"; $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"{$ifconfig} lo up\""; $sh[] = "{$ifconfig} lo up || true"; $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"Apply routes to the system\""; $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"Running routes\" > /var/log/net-start.log 2>&1"; $sh[] = @implode("\n", $GLOBALS["START_ROUTES"]); $sh[] = "{$echobin} \"Routes applied to the system\""; $sh[] = ";;"; $sh[] = "*)"; $sh[] = "{$logger} \"kernel: [ Artica-Net] Artica network Script executed (unknown)\" || true"; $sh[] = " echo \"Usage: \$0 {start or reconfigure only}\""; $sh[] = "exit 1"; $sh[] = ";;"; $sh[] = "esac"; $sh[] = "exit 0\n"; @file_put_contents("/etc/init.d/artica-ifup", @implode("\n", $sh)); @chmod("/etc/init.d/artica-ifup", 0755); if (is_file('/usr/sbin/update-rc.d')) { shell_exec("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f artica-ifup defaults >/dev/null 2>&1"); if (is_file('/etc/init.d/networking')) { shell_exec("/usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f networking disable >/dev/null 2>&1"); @copy("/etc/init.d/networking", "/etc/init.d/networking.back"); @unlink("/etc/init.d/networking"); } } if (is_file('/sbin/chkconfig')) { shell_exec("/sbin/chkconfig --add artica-ifup >/dev/null 2>&1"); shell_exec("/sbin/chkconfig --level 1234 artica-ifup on >/dev/null 2>&1"); } $inter[] = "# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system"; $inter[] = "## and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5)."; $inter[] = ""; $inter[] = "## The loopback network interface"; $inter[] = "auto lo"; $inter[] = "iface lo inet loopback"; $inter[] = ""; $inter[] = ""; if (is_file("/etc/network/interfaces")) { @file_put_contents("/etc/network/interfaces", @implode("\n", $inter)); } squid_admin_mysql(1, "Network script was rebuilded", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Building FireWall rules.\n"; system("{$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.firehol.php --build"); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " done...\n"; }
function start($aspid = false, $verifdbs = false) { $unix = new unix(); $sock = new sockets(); $Masterbin = "/opt/ufdbcat/bin/ufdbcatdd"; if (!is_file($Masterbin)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}, ufdbguardd not installed\n"; } return; } if (!$aspid) { $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Already Artica task running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n"; } return; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); } $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $timepid = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Service already started {$pid} since {$timepid}Mn...\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["MONIT"]) { @file_put_contents($GLOBALS["PID_PATH"], $pid); } return; } $DisableUfdbCat = $sock->DisableUfdbCat(); if ($DisableUfdbCat == 1) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} service disabled (see DisableUfdbCat)\n"; } stop(); return; } $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $sysctl = $unix->find_program("sysctl"); $echo = $unix->find_program("echo"); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $kill = $unix->find_program("kill"); $cp = $unix->find_program("cp"); @mkdir("/etc/ufdbcat", 0755, true); @mkdir("/var/log/ufdbcat", 0755, true); @mkdir(dirname($GLOBALS["PID_PATH"]), 0755, true); @chmod($GLOBALS["PID_PATH"], 0755); @chmod($Masterbin, 0755); build_progress("{starting_service}", 10); CheckDirectories($verifdbs); if (is_file("/var/log/ufdbcat/ufdbguardd.log")) { @unlink("/var/log/ufdbcat/ufdbguardd.log"); } if (is_file("/var/run/ufdbcat-03977")) { @unlink("/var/run/ufdbcat-03977"); } if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/ufdbcat-03977")) { @unlink("/var/run/ufdbcat-03977"); } $AsCategoriesAppliance = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/AsCategoriesAppliance")); $Threads = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/UfdbCatThreads")); if ($Threads == 0) { $Threads = 4; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} pid path: {$GLOBALS["PID_PATH"]}\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Threads:{$Threads}\n"; } if (is_file("/opt/ufdbcat/bin/ufdbhttpd")) { @unlink("/opt/ufdbcat/bin/ufdbhttpd"); } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} ** Categories Appliance Mode ***\n"; } $isRemoteSockets = isRemoteSockets(); if ($isRemoteSockets) { if (!is_file("{$Masterbin}.sock")) { @copy($Masterbin, "{$Masterbin}.sock"); } $ufdbguardd = $unix->find_program("ufdbguardd"); if (!is_file($ufdbguardd)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Fatal ufdbguardd no such binary!!!\n"; } return false; } @unlink($Masterbin); @copy($ufdbguardd, $Masterbin); } if (!$isRemoteSockets) { if (is_file("{$Masterbin}.sock")) { @copy("{$Masterbin}.sock", $Masterbin); @unlink("{$Masterbin}.sock"); } } @unlink($GLOBALS["PID_PATH"]); @chmod($Masterbin, 0755); $cmd = "{$Masterbin} -c /etc/ufdbcat/ufdbGuard.conf -U root -w {$Threads} -N >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} service\n"; } build_progress("{starting_service}", 96); squid_admin_mysql(2, "Starting Categories Service", "nothing", __FILE__, __LINE__); buildconfig(); shell_exec($cmd); for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { build_progress("{starting_service} {$i}/5", 98); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} waiting {$i}/5\n"; } sleep(1); $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { break; } } $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Success PID {$pid}\n"; } if (!$isRemoteSockets) { for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Checking socket {$i}/5...\n"; } sleep(1); if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/ufdbcat-03977")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Checking socket success...\n"; } @chmod("/var/run/ufdbcat-03977", 0777); break; } } } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Success\n"; } build_progress("{success}", 100); return true; } squid_admin_mysql(0, "Failed to start Categories Service", "nothing", __FILE__, __LINE__); build_progress("{failed}", 110); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Failed\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} {$cmd}\n"; } }
function CheckMySQL() { $unix = new unix(); $sock = new sockets(); $EnableSquidRemoteMySQL = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableSquidRemoteMySQL"); $ProxyUseArticaDB = $sock->GET_INFO("ProxyUseArticaDB"); $squidEnableRemoteStatistics = $sock->GET_INFO("squidEnableRemoteStatistics"); if (!is_numeric($squidEnableRemoteStatistics)) { $squidEnableRemoteStatistics = 0; } if (!is_numeric($ProxyUseArticaDB)) { $ProxyUseArticaDB = 0; } if ($EnableSquidRemoteMySQL == 1) { return true; } if ($squidEnableRemoteStatistics == 1) { return true; } if ($ProxyUseArticaDB == 0) { return true; } $filetime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".time"; $time = $unix->file_time_min($filetime); $WORKDIR = $sock->GET_INFO("SquidStatsDatabasePath"); if ($WORKDIR == null) { $WORKDIR = "/opt/squidsql"; } if (is_link($WORKDIR)) { $WORKDIR = readlink($WORKDIR); } if (!is_dir("{$WORKDIR}/data")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL database not prepared\n"; } shell_exec("/etc/init.d/squid-db start"); shell_exec("/etc/init.d/artica-status start"); if (!is_dir("{$WORKDIR}/data")) { return; } } if (!is_dir("{$WORKDIR}/data/squidlogs")) { if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/mysqld/squid-db.sock")) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/class.mysql.squid.builder.php"; $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Creating database squidlogs\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Use DB: {$q->ProxyUseArticaDB}\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Socket: {$q->SocketPath}\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Server: {$q->mysql_server}\n"; } $q->CREATE_DATABASE("squidlogs"); if (!$q->ok) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " {$q->mysql_error}"; } return; } if (is_dir("{$WORKDIR}/data/squidlogs")) { return true; } } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL database not prepared\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " {$WORKDIR}/data/squidlogs no such directory\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Starting MySQL database\n"; } shell_exec("/etc/init.d/squid-db start"); shell_exec("/etc/init.d/artica-status start"); } if (!is_dir("{$WORKDIR}/data/squidlogs")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " MySQL database not prepared\n"; } return; } return true; }
function start($aspid = false) { $unix = new unix(); $sock = new sockets(); $Masterbin = $unix->find_program("clamav-milter"); if (!is_file($Masterbin)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]}, clamav-milter not installed\n"; } return; } if (!$aspid) { $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Already Artica task running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n"; } return false; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); } $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $timepid = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Service already started {$pid} since {$timepid}Mn...\n"; } return true; } $ClamavMilterEnabled = intval($sock->GET_INFO("ClamavMilterEnabled")); $MimeDefangClamav = intval($sock->GET_INFO("MimeDefangClamav")); $MimeDefangEnabled = intval($sock->GET_INFO("MimeDefangEnabled")); if ($MimeDefangEnabled == 0) { $MimeDefangClamav = 0; } if ($MimeDefangClamav == 1) { $ClamavMilterEnabled = 0; } if ($ClamavMilterEnabled == 0) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} service disabled (see ClamavMilterEnabled/MimeDefangEnabled/MimeDefangClamav)\n"; } return false; } $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); build_progress_restart("{starting_service}", 31); $aa_complain = $unix->find_program('aa-complain'); if (is_file($aa_complain)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} add clamd Profile to AppArmor..\n"; } shell_exec("{$aa_complain} {$Masterbin} >/dev/null 2>&1"); } @mkdir("/var/clamav", 0755, true); @mkdir("/var/run/clamav", 0755, true); @mkdir("/var/lib/clamav", 0755, true); @mkdir("/var/log/clamav", 0755, true); $ClamUser = "******"; $squidbin = $unix->LOCATE_SQUID_BIN(); if (is_file($squidbin)) { $ClamUser = "******"; } $unix->chown_func("{$ClamUser}", "{$ClamUser}", "/var/clamav"); $unix->chown_func("{$ClamUser}", "{$ClamUser}", "/var/run/clamav"); $unix->chown_func("{$ClamUser}", "{$ClamUser}", "/var/lib/clamav"); $unix->chown_func("{$ClamUser}", "{$ClamUser}", "/var/log/clamav"); build_progress_restart("{starting_service}", 32); $clamd_version = clamd_version(); build(); $cmd = "{$nohup} {$Masterbin} --config-file=/etc/clamav/clamav-milter.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} service version {$clamd_version}\n"; } build_progress_restart("{starting_service} (clamd) ", 33); system("/etc/init.d/clamav-daemon start"); shell_exec($cmd); for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { build_progress_restart("{starting_service}", 35); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} waiting {$i}/5\n"; } sleep(1); $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { break; } } $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Success PID {$pid}\n"; } sleep(1); for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) { build_progress_restart("{starting_service}", 40); if ($unix->is_socket("/var/spool/postfix/var/run/clamav/clamav-milter.ctl")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Apply permissions on clamav-milter.ctl\n"; } @chmod("/var/spool/postfix/var/run/clamav/clamav-milter.ctl", 0777); break; } else { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} waiting for socket... {$i}/10 clamav-milter.ctl\n"; } sleep(1); } } if ($unix->is_socket("/var/spool/postfix/var/run/clamav/clamav-milter.ctl")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Apply permissions on clamav-milter.ctl\n"; } @chmod("/var/spool/postfix/var/run/clamav/clamav-milter.ctl", 0777); } else { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} socket failed\n"; } } } else { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Failed\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} {$cmd}\n"; } build_progress_restart("{starting_service} {failed}", 40); return; } $pid = PID_NUM(); if (!$unix->process_exists($pid)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Failed..\n"; } build_progress_restart("{starting_service} {failed}", 40); return; } if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/spool/postfix/var/run/clamav/clamav-milter.ctl")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} socket Failed..\n"; } } return true; }
function GetUnixSocketPath() { $path = null; $unix = new unix(); if ($path == null) { if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/ufdbcat-03978")) { $path = "/var/run/ufdbcat-03978"; } } if ($path == null) { if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/ufdbcat-03977")) { $path = "/var/run/ufdbcat-03977"; } } return $path; }
function SingleInstance_start($nopid = false) { $sock = new sockets(); $unix = new unix(); if (!$nopid) { $unix = new unix(); $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . "pid"; $pid = @file_get_contents($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { echo "{$GLOBALS["deflog_start"]} already Artica Starting process exists {$pid}\n"; return; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); } $miltergreybin = $unix->find_program("milter-greylist"); $MilterGreyListEnabled = $sock->GET_INFO("MilterGreyListEnabled"); if (!is_numeric($MilterGreyListEnabled)) { $MilterGreyListEnabled = 0; } $pid = SingleInstance_pid(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $timepid = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "{$GLOBALS["deflog_start"]} Service already started {$pid} since {$timepid}Mn...\n"; } return; } if ($MilterGreyListEnabled == 0) { echo "{$GLOBALS["deflog_start"]} is not enabled ( see MilterGreyListEnabled)\n"; return; } $dirs[] = "/var/run/milter-greylist"; $dirs[] = "/var/spool/postfix/var/run/milter-greylist"; $dirs[] = "/var/milter-greylist"; $dirs[] = "/var/lib/milter-greylist"; $dirs[] = "/usr/local/var/milter-greylist/"; while (list($num, $directory) = each($dirs)) { @mkdir($directory, 0755, true); @chown($directory, "postfix"); @chgrp($directory, "postfix"); @chmod($directory, 0755); } $FullSocketPath = "/var/run/milter-greylist/milter-greylist.sock"; $pidpath = "/var/run/milter-greylist/"; $dbpath = "/var/milter-greylist/greylist.db"; $confpath = SingleInstanceConfPath(); $files[] = "/var/milter-greylist/greylist.db"; $files[] = "/usr/local/var/milter-greylist/greylist.db"; while (list($num, $filename) = each($files)) { if (!is_file($filename)) { @touch($filename); } @chown($filename, "postfix"); @chgrp($filename, "postfix"); } $MilterGreyListUseTCPPort = $sock->GET_INFO("MilterGreyListUseTCPPort"); $MilterGeryListTCPPort = $sock->GET_INFO("MilterGeryListTCPPort"); if (!is_numeric($MilterGeryListTCPPort)) { $MilterGeryListTCPPort = 0; } if (!is_numeric($MilterGreyListUseTCPPort)) { $MilterGreyListUseTCPPort = 0; } if ($MilterGeryListTCPPort == 0) { $MilterGreyListUseTCPPort = 0; } if (!is_file($confpath)) { SingleInstance(); } if (!is_file($dbpath)) { @touch($dbpath); } @chown($dbpath, "postfix"); @chgrp($dbpath, "postfix"); if ($MilterGreyListUseTCPPort == 1) { $FullSocketPath = "inet:{$MilterGeryListTCPPort}"; } $tmpfile = $unix->FILE_TEMP(); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "{$GLOBALS["deflog_start"]} running daemon {$miltergreybin}\n"; } $cmd = "{$nohup} {$miltergreybin} -u postfix -P {$pidpath} -p {$FullSocketPath} -f {$confpath} -d {$dbpath} >{$tmpfile} 2>&1 &"; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "**** \n {$cmd} \n ************\n"; } shell_exec($cmd); $f = explode("\n", @file_get_contents("{$tmpfile}")); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($f)) { $ligne = trim($ligne); if ($ligne == null) { continue; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "{$GLOBALS["deflog_start"]} {$ligne}\n"; } } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "{$GLOBALS["deflog_start"]} waiting 5s\n"; } for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "{$GLOBALS["deflog_start"]} waiting {$i}/5\n"; } sleep(1); $pid = SingleInstance_pid(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { break; } } $pid = SingleInstance_pid(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "{$GLOBALS["deflog_start"]} Success PID {$pid}\n"; } } else { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "{$GLOBALS["deflog_start"]} Failed\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "{$cmd}\n"; } return; } for ($i = 1; $i < 15; $i++) { if (!$unix->is_socket($FullSocketPath)) { $socketname = basename($FullSocketPath); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "{$GLOBALS["deflog_start"]} Waiting {$socketname} socket {$i}/5...\n"; } sleep(1); continue; } break; } if ($unix->is_socket($FullSocketPath)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "{$GLOBALS["deflog_start"]} {$FullSocketPath} OK\n"; } @chown("{$FullSocketPath}", "postfix"); @chgrp($FullSocketPath, "postfix"); @chmod($FullSocketPath, 0777); } }
function start($aspid = false) { $unix = new unix(); $sock = new sockets(); if (!$aspid) { $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} Already Artica task running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n"; } return; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); } $spawn_fcgi = $unix->find_program("spawn-fcgi"); if (!is_file($spawn_fcgi)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} not installed\n"; } return; } $pid = DEFAULT_PID(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $timepid = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} already started {$pid} since {$timepid}Mn...\n"; } return; } $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $phpcgi = $unix->LIGHTTPD_PHP5_CGI_BIN_PATH(); $EnablePHPFPM = intval($sock->GET_INFO("EnablePHPFPM")); $EnablePHPFPMFrameWork = $sock->GET_INFO("EnablePHPFPMFrameWork"); $EnableArticaApachePHPFPM = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableArticaApachePHPFPM"); $EnablePHPFPMFreeWeb = $sock->GET_INFO("EnablePHPFPMFreeWeb"); $EnableFreeWeb = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableFreeWeb"); if (!is_numeric($EnablePHPFPMFrameWork)) { $EnablePHPFPMFrameWork = 0; } if (!is_numeric($EnableArticaApachePHPFPM)) { $EnableArticaApachePHPFPM = 0; } if (!is_numeric($EnablePHPFPMFreeWeb)) { $EnablePHPFPMFreeWeb = 0; } if (!is_numeric($EnableFreeWeb)) { $EnableFreeWeb = 0; } if ($EnableFreeWeb == 0) { $EnablePHPFPMFreeWeb = 1; } $enabled = 1; if ($EnablePHPFPM == 1) { if ($EnablePHPFPMFrameWork == 1) { if ($EnableArticaApachePHPFPM == 1) { if ($EnablePHPFPMFreeWeb == 1) { $enabled = 0; } } } } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} EnablePHPFPM............: {$EnablePHPFPM}\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} EnablePHPFPMFrameWork...: {$EnablePHPFPMFrameWork}\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} EnableArticaApachePHPFPM: {$EnableArticaApachePHPFPM}\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} EnablePHPFPMFreeWeb.....: {$EnablePHPFPMFreeWeb}\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} Enabled.................: {$enabled}\n"; } if ($enabled == 0) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} is disabled...\n"; } stop(); } if (!is_file($phpcgi)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} FATAL no php-cgi can be enabled !\n"; } return false; } $unix->chmod_func(0777, "/var/run"); if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/php-fcgi.sock")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} remove old socket /var/run/php-fcgi.sock\n"; } @unlink("/var/run/php-fcgi.sock"); } $params = LOAD_CMDLINES(); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} version {$params["VERSION"]}\n"; } $PROCESSES = 3; $CHILDREN = 5; $MEMORY = $unix->MEM_TOTAL_INSTALLEE(); if ($MEMORY < 624288) { $PROCESSES = 1; $CHILDREN = 2; } $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file("/var/run/"); $f[] = $spawn_fcgi; $f[] = "-s /var/run/php-fcgi.sock"; if (isset($params["C"])) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} {$PROCESSES} Processes\n"; } $f[] = "-C {$PROCESSES}"; } if (isset($params["F"])) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} {$CHILDREN} Children\n"; } $f[] = "-F {$CHILDREN}"; } $f[] = "-u www-data -g www-data"; $f[] = "-f {$phpcgi}"; $f[] = "-P /var/run/"; $cmd = @implode(" ", $f); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} {$cmd}\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$cmd}\n"; } shell_exec($cmd); for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $pid = DEFAULT_PID(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { break; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} waiting {$i}/4...\n"; } sleep(1); } $pid = DEFAULT_PID(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} Success service started pid:{$pid}...\n"; } } else { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} failed...\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$cmd}\n"; } } }
function CleanAllindDir($DirPath, $maxtime = 180) { if (!is_dir($DirPath)) { return; } $unix = new unix(); if (!($handle = opendir($DirPath))) { return; } while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file == ".") { continue; } if ($file == "..") { continue; } if (is_dir($DirPath)) { continue; } $path = "{$DirPath}/{$file}"; if (preg_match("#_[0-9]+_tmp#", $file)) { @unlink($path); continue; } if ($unix->is_socket($path)) { continue; } $time = $unix->file_time_min($path); if ($time < $maxtime) { continue; } $size = @filesize($path) / 1024; $GLOBALS["DELETED_SIZE"] = $GLOBALS["DELETED_SIZE"] + $size; $GLOBALS["DELETED_FILES"] = $GLOBALS["DELETED_FILES"] + 1; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$path} - > DELETE\n"; } @unlink($path); } }
function build() { $unix = new unix(); $sock = new sockets(); $users = new usersMenus(); $APACHE_MODULES_PATH = $users->APACHE_MODULES_PATH; if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} Apache modules in \"{$APACHE_MODULES_PATH}\"\n"; } $ZarafaApachePort = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaApachePort"); $ZarafaApacheSSL = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaApacheSSL"); $LighttpdArticaDisableSSLv2 = $sock->GET_INFO("LighttpdArticaDisableSSLv2"); $ZarafaWebNTLM = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaWebNTLM"); $ZarafaApacheServerName = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaApacheServerName"); if (!is_numeric($ZarafaWebNTLM)) { $ZarafaWebNTLM = 0; } if (!is_numeric($LighttpdArticaDisableSSLv2)) { $LighttpdArticaDisableSSLv2 = 0; } if (!is_numeric($ZarafaApacheSSL)) { $ZarafaApacheSSL = 0; } if (!is_numeric($ZarafaApachePort)) { $ZarafaApachePort = 9010; } $ZarafaApachePHPFPMEnable = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaApachePHPFPMEnable"); if (!is_numeric($ZarafaApachePHPFPMEnable)) { $ZarafaApachePHPFPMEnable = 0; } if ($ZarafaApacheServerName == null) { $ZarafaApacheServerName = $unix->hostname_g(); } if (!is_dir('/usr/share/php/mapi')) { if (is_dir('/usr/local/share/php/mapi')) { @mkdir("/usr/share/php", 0755, true); shell_exec('/bin/ln -s /usr/local/share/php/mapi /usr/share/php/mapi'); } } $username = $unix->APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT(); $group = $unix->APACHE_SRC_GROUP(); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} logs access: /var/log/apache-zarafa/access.log\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} logs error : /var/log/apache-zarafa/error.log\n"; } @unlink("/var/log/apache-zarafa/access.log"); @unlink("/var/log/apache-zarafa/error.log"); @touch("/var/log/apache-zarafa/access.log"); @touch("/var/log/apache-zarafa/access.log"); @mkdir("/var/run/apache2", 0755, true); @mkdir("/var/run/artica-apache", 0755, true); @mkdir('/var/run/zarafa-web', 0755, true); @mkdir('/var/log/apache-zarafa', 0755, true); @mkdir('/var/lib/zarafa-webaccess/tmp', 0755, true); $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/var/log/apache-zarafa/access.log"); $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/var/log/apache-zarafa/error.log"); $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/var/run/apache2"); $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/var/run/artica-apache"); $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/var/run/zarafa-web"); $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/var/log/apache-zarafa"); $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/var/lib/zarafa-webaccess"); $unix->chmod_func(0777, "/var/lib/zarafa-webaccess/tmp"); $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/plugins/*"); if ($ZarafaApacheSSL == 1) { if (is_file("{$APACHE_MODULES_PATH}/")) { if (!is_file("/etc/ssl/certs/zarafa/apache.crt.nopass.cert")) { shell_exec("/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/artica-install --zarafa-apache-certificates"); } $f[] = "LoadModule ssl_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/"; $f[] = "SSLEngine on"; $f[] = "SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/zarafa/apache.crt.nopass.cert"; $f[] = "SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/certs/zarafa/apache-ca.key.nopass.key"; if ($LighttpdArticaDisableSSLv2 == 1) { $f[] = "SSLProtocol -ALL +SSLv3 +TLSv1"; $f[] = "SSLCipherSuite ALL:!aNULL:!ADH:!eNULL:!LOW:!EXP:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM"; } $f[] = "SSLRandomSeed connect builtin"; $f[] = "SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom 256"; $f[] = "SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/urandom 256"; $f[] = "AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt"; $f[] = "AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl .crl"; $f[] = "SSLPassPhraseDialog builtin"; $f[] = "SSLSessionCache shmcb:/var/run/apache2/ssl_scache-zarafa(512000)"; $f[] = "SSLSessionCacheTimeout 300"; $f[] = "SSLVerifyClient none"; $f[] = "ServerSignature Off"; } } $SET_MODULES = SET_MODULES(); $FreeWebPerformances = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaApachePerformances"))); if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["Timeout"])) { $FreeWebPerformances["Timeout"] = 300; } if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["KeepAlive"])) { $FreeWebPerformances["KeepAlive"] = 0; } if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["MaxKeepAliveRequests"])) { $FreeWebPerformances["MaxKeepAliveRequests"] = 100; } if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["KeepAliveTimeout"])) { $FreeWebPerformances["KeepAliveTimeout"] = 15; } if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["MinSpareServers"])) { $FreeWebPerformances["MinSpareServers"] = 5; } if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["MaxSpareServers"])) { $FreeWebPerformances["MaxSpareServers"] = 10; } if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["StartServers"])) { $FreeWebPerformances["StartServers"] = 5; } if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["MaxClients"])) { $FreeWebPerformances["MaxClients"] = 50; } if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["MaxRequestsPerChild"])) { $FreeWebPerformances["MaxRequestsPerChild"] = 10000; } $f[] = "Timeout {$FreeWebPerformances["Timeout"]}"; $f[] = "KeepAlive {$FreeWebPerformances["KeepAlive"]}"; $f[] = "KeepAliveTimeout {$FreeWebPerformances["KeepAliveTimeout"]}"; $f[] = "StartServers {$FreeWebPerformances["StartServers"]}"; $f[] = "MaxClients {$FreeWebPerformances["MaxClients"]}"; $f[] = "MinSpareServers {$FreeWebPerformances["MinSpareServers"]}"; $f[] = "MaxSpareServers {$FreeWebPerformances["MaxSpareServers"]}"; $f[] = "MaxRequestsPerChild {$FreeWebPerformances["MaxRequestsPerChild"]}"; $f[] = "MaxKeepAliveRequests {$FreeWebPerformances["MaxKeepAliveRequests"]}"; $f[] = "ServerLimit\t\t {$FreeWebPerformances["MaxClients"]}"; $f[] = "AcceptMutex \t\t flock"; $ZarafaApacheWebMailType = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaApacheWebMailType"); //$ZarafaApacheWebMailTypeA["APP_ZARAFA"]="{APP_ZARAFA}"; //$ZarafaApacheWebMailTypeA["APP_ZARAFA_WEBAPP"]="{APP_ZARAFA_WEBAPP}"; if ($ZarafaApacheWebMailType == null) { $ZarafaApacheWebMailType = "APP_ZARAFA"; } $f[] = $SET_MODULES; $f[] = "<IfModule !mpm_netware_module>"; $f[] = " <IfModule !mpm_winnt_module>"; $f[] = " User {$username}"; $f[] = " Group {$group}"; $f[] = " </IfModule>"; $f[] = "</IfModule>"; $f[] = "ServerAdmin"; $f[] = "ServerName {$ZarafaApacheServerName}"; if ($ZarafaApacheWebMailType == "APP_ZARAFA_WEBAPP") { if (!is_dir("/usr/share/zarafa-webapp")) { $ZarafaApacheWebMailType = "APP_ZARAFA"; } } if ($ZarafaApacheWebMailType == "APP_ZARAFA") { $DocumentRoot = "/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess"; } if ($ZarafaApacheWebMailType == "APP_ZARAFA_WEBAPP") { $free = new freeweb(); $free->InstallZarafaConfigWebAPP("/usr/share/zarafa-webapp"); $DocumentRoot = "/usr/share/zarafa-webapp"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} WebMail \"{$ZarafaApacheWebMailType}\"\n"; } $f[] = "ServerRoot \"{$DocumentRoot}\""; $f[] = "Listen {$ZarafaApachePort}"; $f[] = "User {$username}"; $f[] = "Group {$group}"; $f[] = "PidFile /var/run/zarafa-web/"; $f[] = "DocumentRoot \"{$DocumentRoot}\""; $f[] = "<Directory {$DocumentRoot}/>"; if ($ZarafaWebNTLM == 1) { $ldap = new clladp(); $f[] = " AuthName \"Zarafa logon..\""; $f[] = " AuthType Basic"; $f[] = " AuthLDAPURL ldap://{$ldap->ldap_host}:{$ldap->ldap_port}/dc=organizations,{$ldap->suffix}?uid"; $f[] = " AuthLDAPBindDN cn={$ldap->ldap_admin},{$ldap->suffix}"; $f[] = " AuthLDAPBindPassword {$ldap->ldap_password}"; $f[] = " AuthLDAPGroupAttribute memberUid"; $f[] = " AuthBasicProvider ldap"; $f[] = " AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off"; $f[] = " require valid-user"; } if ($ZarafaApachePHPFPMEnable == 0) { $f[] = " php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0"; $f[] = " php_value register_globals 0"; $f[] = " php_value magic_quotes_runtime 0"; $f[] = " php_value post_max_size 31M"; $f[] = " php_value include_path \".:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/php5:/usr/local/share/php\""; $f[] = " php_value upload_max_filesize 30M"; $f[] = " php_value short_open_tag 1"; $f[] = " php_flag log_errors on"; $f[] = " php_value safe_mode 0"; $f[] = " php_flag log_errors on"; $f[] = " php_value error_log \"/var/log/apache-zarafa/php.log\""; } $f[] = " DirectoryIndex index.php"; $f[] = " Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks"; $f[] = " AllowOverride Options"; $f[] = " Order allow,deny"; $f[] = " Allow from all"; $f[] = "</Directory>"; if ($ZarafaApachePHPFPMEnable == 1) { $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/run/php-fpm-zarafa.sock")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: /var/run/php-fpm-zarafa.sock no such socket\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} Activate PHP5-FPM\n"; } shell_exec("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.initslapd.php --phppfm"); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} Restarting PHP5-FPM\n"; } shell_exec("/etc/init.d/php5-fpm restart"); } $f[] = "\tAlias /php5.fastcgi /var/run/artica-apache/php5.fastcgi"; $f[] = "\tAddHandler php-script .php"; $f[] = "\tFastCGIExternalServer /var/run/artica-apache/php5.fastcgi -socket /var/run/php-fpm-zarafa.sock -idle-timeout 610"; $f[] = "\tAction php-script /php5.fastcgi virtual"; $f[] = "\t<Directory /var/run/artica-apache>"; $f[] = "\t\t<Files php5.fastcgi>"; $f[] = "\t\tOrder deny,allow"; $f[] = "\t\tAllow from all"; $f[] = "\t\t</Files>"; $f[] = "\t</Directory>"; } else { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} PHP5-FPM is disabled\n"; } } $f[] = "<IfModule dir_module>"; $f[] = " DirectoryIndex index.php"; $f[] = "</IfModule>"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "<FilesMatch \"^\\.ht\">"; $f[] = " Order allow,deny"; $f[] = " Deny from all"; $f[] = " Satisfy All"; $f[] = "</FilesMatch>"; $f[] = "<IfModule mod_php5.c>"; $f[] = " <FilesMatch \"\\.ph(p3?|tml)\$\">"; $f[] = "\tSetHandler application/x-httpd-php"; $f[] = " </FilesMatch>"; $f[] = " <FilesMatch \"\\.phps\$\">"; $f[] = "\tSetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source"; $f[] = " </FilesMatch>"; $f[] = " # To re-enable php in user directories comment the following lines"; $f[] = " # (from <IfModule ...> to </IfModule>.) Do NOT set it to On as it"; $f[] = " # prevents .htaccess files from disabling it."; $f[] = " <IfModule mod_userdir.c>"; $f[] = " <Directory /home/*/public_html>"; $f[] = " php_admin_value engine Off"; $f[] = " </Directory>"; $f[] = " </IfModule>"; $f[] = "</IfModule>"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "ErrorLog \"/var/log/apache-zarafa/error.log\""; $f[] = "LogLevel warn"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "<IfModule log_config_module>"; $f[] = " LogFormat \"%h %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %>s %b \\\"%{Referer}i\\\" \\\"%{User-Agent}i\\\" %V\\\" combinedv"; $f[] = " LogFormat \"%h %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %>s %b\" common"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = " <IfModule logio_module>"; $f[] = " LogFormat \"%h %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %>s %b \\\"%{Referer}i\\\" \\\"%{User-Agent}i\\\" %I %O\" combinedio"; $f[] = " </IfModule>"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = " CustomLog \"/var/log/apache-zarafa/access.log\" combinedv"; $f[] = "</IfModule>"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "<IfModule alias_module>"; $f[] = " ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ \"/usr/local/apache-groupware/data/cgi-bin/\""; $f[] = " Alias /images /usr/share/obm2/resources"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "</IfModule>"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "<IfModule cgid_module>"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "</IfModule>"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "<Directory \"/usr/local/apache-groupware/data/cgi-bin\">"; $f[] = " AllowOverride None"; $f[] = " Options None"; $f[] = " Order allow,deny"; $f[] = " Allow from all"; $f[] = "</Directory>"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "DefaultType text/plain"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "<IfModule mime_module>"; $f[] = " "; $f[] = " TypesConfig /etc/mime.types"; $f[] = " #AddType application/x-gzip .tgz"; $f[] = " AddType application/x-compress .Z"; $f[] = " AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz"; $f[] = " AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml"; $f[] = " #AddHandler cgi-script .cgi"; $f[] = " #AddHandler type-map var"; $f[] = " #AddType text/html .shtml"; $f[] = " #AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml"; $f[] = "</IfModule>"; @file_put_contents('/etc/zarafa/httpd.conf', @implode("\n", $f) . "\n"); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " /etc/zarafa/httpd.conf done\n"; } }
function start($aspid = false) { $unix = new unix(); $sock = new sockets(); $nginx = $unix->find_program("nginx"); if (!is_file($nginx)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx, not installed\n"; } return; } if (!$aspid) { $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx Already Artica task running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n"; } return; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); } $MEMORY = $unix->MEM_TOTAL_INSTALLEE(); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx {$MEMORY}K\n"; } $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $timepid = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx Service already started {$pid} since {$timepid}Mn...\n"; } return; } $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $EnableNginx = intval($sock->GET_INFO("EnableNginx")); $SquidAllow80Port = intval($sock->GET_INFO("SquidAllow80Port")); if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/WORDPRESS_APPLIANCE")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx, is Wordpress Appliance\n"; } $sock->SET_INFO("EnableNginx", 1); if (!is_dir("/usr/share/wordpress-src")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx, Installing Wordpress\n"; } shell_exec("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/"); } $EnableNginx = 1; } if (!is_numeric($EnableNginx)) { $EnableNginx = 1; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx service \"EnableNginx\" = {$EnableNginx}\n"; } if ($SquidAllow80Port == 1) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx service disabled (SquidAllow80Port)\n"; } return; } if ($EnableNginx == 0) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx service disabled\n"; } return; } GHOSTS_PID(); @mkdir("/home/nginx/tmp", 0755, true); @mkdir("/var/log/nginx", 0755, true); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $fuser = $unix->find_program("fuser"); $kill = $unix->find_program("kill"); $results = array(); $FUSERS = array(); $unix->KILL_PROCESSES_BY_PORT(80); $unix->KILL_PROCESSES_BY_PORT(443); $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); if ($unix->is_socket("/var/run/nginx-authenticator.sock")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Remove authenticator socket\n"; } @unlink("/var/run/nginx-authenticator.sock"); } if (is_file("/var/run/nginx-authenticator.sock")) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Remove authenticator socket\n"; } @unlink("/var/run/nginx-authenticator.sock"); } nginx_mime_types(); @unlink("/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf"); $cmd = "{$nginx} -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf"; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$cmd}\n"; } shell_exec($cmd); for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) { $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { break; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx service waiting {$i}/6...\n"; } sleep(1); } $pid = PID_NUM(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { nginx_admin_mysql(2, "Nginx Web service success to start [action=info]", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink($GLOBALS["pidStampReload"]); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx service Success service started pid:{$pid}...\n"; } $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); shell_exec("{$nohup} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.php-fpm.php --start >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); shell_exec("{$nohup} {$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.nginx.wizard.php --avail-status --force >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); return; } nginx_admin_mysql(0, "Nginx Web service failed to start [action=info]", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Nginx service failed...\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$cmd}\n"; } $cmd = "{$nohup} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.web-community-filter.php --register-lic >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$cmd}\n"; } }
function purge($aspid = false) { $unix = new unix(); $sock = new sockets(); $workdir = "/var/lib/c_icap/temporary"; if (is_link($workdir)) { $workdir = readlink($workdir); } if (!is_dir($workdir)) { return; } $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pidTime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".time"; $rm = $unix->find_program("rm"); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "pidfile: {$pidfile}\n"; echo "pidTime: {$pidTime}\n"; } if (!$aspid) { $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: c-icap service Already Artica task running PID {$pid} since {$time}mn\n"; } return; } } if (!$GLOBALS["FORCE"]) { if (isset($GLOBALS["SCHEDULE"])) { $Time = $unix->file_time_min($pidTime); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Time:{$Time}Mn\n"; } if ($Time < 20) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Time:{$Time}Mn < 20 -> Die();\n"; } return; } } } if ($GLOBALS["FORCE"]) { $Time = $unix->file_time_min($pidTime); if ($Time < 1) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Time:{$Time}Mn < 1 -> Die();\n"; } return; } } @unlink($pidTime); @file_put_contents($pidTime, time()); $MaxCICAPWorkTimeMin = $sock->GET_INFO("MaxCICAPWorkTimeMin"); $MaxCICAPWorkSize = $sock->GET_INFO("MaxCICAPWorkSize"); if (!is_numeric($MaxCICAPWorkTimeMin)) { $MaxCICAPWorkTimeMin = 1440; } if (!is_numeric($MaxCICAPWorkSize)) { $MaxCICAPWorkSize = 5000; } $size = round($unix->DIRSIZE_KO($workdir) / 1024, 2); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: c-icap service `{$workdir}` {$size}MB/{$MaxCICAPWorkSize}\n"; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); $squidbin = $unix->LOCATE_SQUID_BIN(); $sync = $unix->find_program("sync"); if ($size > $MaxCICAPWorkSize) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: c-icap service {$size}MB exceed size!\n"; } squid_admin_mysql(0, "C-ICAP: `{$workdir}` {$size}MB exceed size!", "Artica will remove all files..\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec("{$rm} {$workdir}/*"); shell_exec($sync); stop(true); start(true); squid_admin_mysql(2, "Reconfiguring proxy service\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec("/etc/init.d/squid reload --script=" . basename(__FILE__)); return; } if ($GLOBALS["ALL"]) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: c-icap service {$size}MB exceed size!\n"; } squid_admin_mysql(0, "C-ICAP: `{$workdir}` {$size}MB exceed size!", "Artica will remove all files..\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec("{$rm} {$workdir}/*"); shell_exec($sync); stop(true); start(true); squid_admin_mysql(2, "Reconfiguring proxy service\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec("/etc/init.d/squid reload --script=" . basename(__FILE__)); return; } if (!($handle = opendir($workdir))) { return; } while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file == ".") { continue; } if ($file == "..") { continue; } if (is_dir($workdir)) { continue; } $path = "{$workdir}/{$file}"; $size = @filesize($path); $size = $size / 1024; $size = $size / 1024; if ($unix->is_socket($path)) { continue; } $time = $unix->file_time_min($path); if ($GLOBALS["ALL"]) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: c-icap service removing `{$path}` ( {$size}M )\n"; } @unlink($path); continue; } if ($time > $MaxCICAPWorkTimeMin) { squid_admin_mysql(1, "C-ICAP: Removing temporary file {$path} ( {$time}Mn/{$size}M )", "It exceed rule of {$MaxCICAPWorkTimeMin}Mn ( {$time}Mn )", __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink($path); continue; } } $REMOVED = false; $workdir = "/var/clamav/tmp"; if (is_dir($workdir)) { if (!($handle = opendir($workdir))) { return; } while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file == ".") { continue; } if ($file == "..") { continue; } if (is_dir($workdir)) { continue; } $path = "{$workdir}/{$file}"; $size = @filesize($path); $size = $size / 1024; $size = $size / 1024; if ($unix->is_socket($path)) { continue; } $time = $unix->file_time_min($path); if ($GLOBALS["ALL"]) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: c-icap service removing `{$path}` ( {$size}M )\n"; } $REMOVED = true; @unlink($path); continue; } if ($time > $MaxCICAPWorkTimeMin) { squid_admin_mysql(1, "C-ICAP: Removing temporary file {$path} ( {$time}Mn/{$size}M )", "It exceed rule of {$MaxCICAPWorkTimeMin}Mn ( {$time}Mn )", __FILE__, __LINE__); $REMOVED = true; @unlink($path); continue; } } } if ($REMOVED) { shell_exec($sync); } }