protected function getJoins($tableAliases) { $join = ''; // Hook to append other tables tx_rnbase_util_Misc::callHook('rn_base', 'search_generic_getJoins_hook', array('join' => &$join, 'tableAliases' => $tableAliases), $this); return $join; }
public static function callHook($bTest = false) { self::$test = $bTest; // hook aufrufen!! tx_rnbase_util_Misc::callHook('rn_base', 'searchbase_handleTableMapping', self::$data); return self::$test === false; }
/** * It is possible to overwrite this method and return an array of tab functions * * @return array */ protected function getSubMenuItems() { $menuItems = tx_t3socials_network_Config::getNewtorkCommunicators(); array_unshift($menuItems, tx_rnbase::makeInstance('tx_t3socials_mod_handler_Trigger')); tx_rnbase_util_Misc::callHook('t3socials', 'modCommunicator_tabItems', array('tabItems' => &$menuItems), $this); return $menuItems; }
/** * Die Methode kann von Kindklassen verwendet werden. * @param string $template das HTML-Template * @param Tx_Rnbase_Domain_Model_RecordInterface $item * @param tx_rnbase_util_FormatUtil $formatter der zu verwendente Formatter * @param string $confId Pfad der TS-Config * @param string $marker Name des Markers * @return String das geparste Template */ protected function prepareTemplate($template, $item, $formatter, $confId, $marker) { tx_rnbase_util_Misc::callHook('rn_base', 'mediaMarker_initRecord', array('item' => &$item, 'template' => &$template), $this); return $template; }
/** * This method is taken from TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\FileContentObject. * It is a good tradition in TYPO3 that code can not be re-used. TYPO3 6.x makes * no difference... * * @param tx_rnbase_configurations $conf * @param $cObj * @param string $confId * @return array */ public static function fetchFilesByTS($conf, $cObj, $confId = '') { /* @var $fileRepository \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileRepository */ $fileRepository = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Resource\\FileRepository'); $fileObjects = array(); $pics = array(); tx_rnbase::load('tx_rnbase_util_Strings'); // Getting the files // Try DAM style if ($conf->get($confId . 'refTable')) { $referencesForeignTable = $conf->getCObj()->stdWrap($conf->get($confId . 'refTable'), $conf->get($confId . 'refTable.')); $referencesFieldName = $conf->getCObj()->stdWrap($conf->get($confId . 'refField'), $conf->get($confId . 'refField.')); $referencesForeignUid = $conf->getCObj()->stdWrap($conf->get($confId . 'refUid'), $conf->get($confId . 'refUid.')); if (!$referencesForeignUid) { $referencesForeignUid = isset($cObj->data['_LOCALIZED_UID']) ? $cObj->data['_LOCALIZED_UID'] : $cObj->data['uid']; } $pics = $fileRepository->findByRelation($referencesForeignTable, $referencesFieldName, $referencesForeignUid); } elseif (is_array($conf->get($confId . 'references.'))) { $refConfId = $confId . 'references.'; /* The TypoScript could look like this:# all items related to the field: references { table = pages = page:uid fieldName = media }# or: sys_file_references with uid 27: references = 27 */ // It's important that this always stays "fieldName" and not be renamed to "field" as it would otherwise collide with the stdWrap key of that name $referencesFieldName = $conf->getCObj()->stdWrap($conf->get($refConfId . 'fieldName'), $conf->get($refConfId . 'fieldName.')); if ($referencesFieldName) { $table = $cObj->getCurrentTable(); if ($table === 'pages' && isset($cObj->data['_LOCALIZED_UID']) && intval($cObj->data['sys_language_uid']) > 0) { $table = 'pages_language_overlay'; } $referencesForeignTable = $conf->getCObj()->stdWrap($conf->get($refConfId . 'table'), $conf->get($refConfId . 'table.')); $referencesForeignTable = $referencesForeignTable ? $referencesForeignTable : $table; $referencesForeignUid = $conf->getCObj()->stdWrap($conf->get($refConfId . 'uid'), $conf->get($refConfId . 'uid.')); $referencesForeignUid = $referencesForeignUid ? $referencesForeignUid : (isset($cObj->data['_LOCALIZED_UID']) ? $cObj->data['_LOCALIZED_UID'] : $cObj->data['uid']); // Vermutlich kann hier auch nur ein Objekt geliefert werden... $pics = array(); $referencesForeignUid = tx_rnbase_util_Strings::intExplode(',', $referencesForeignUid); foreach ($referencesForeignUid as $refForUid) { if (!$conf->get($refConfId . 'treatIdAsReference')) { $pics[] = $fileRepository->findFileReferenceByUid($refForUid); } else { $pics[] = $fileRepository->findByRelation($referencesForeignTable, $referencesFieldName, $refForUid); } } } elseif ($refUids = $conf->getCObj()->stdWrap($conf->get($refConfId . 'uid'), $conf->get($refConfId . 'uid.'))) { if (!empty($refUids)) { $refUids = tx_rnbase_util_Strings::intExplode(',', $refUids); foreach ($refUids as $refUid) { $pics[] = $fileRepository->findFileReferenceByUid($refUid); } } } } // TODO: Hook tx_rnbase_util_Misc::callHook('rn_base', 'util_TSFal_fetchFilesByTS_appendMedia_hook', array('conf' => $conf, '$confId' => $confId, 'media' => &$pics), null); // gibt es ein Limit/offset $offset = intval($conf->get($confId . 'offset')); $limit = intval($conf->get($confId . 'limit')); if (!empty($pics) && $limit) { $pics = array_slice($pics, $offset, $limit); } elseif (!empty($pics) && $offset) { $pics = array_slice($pics, $offset); } // Die Bilder sollten jetzt noch in ein $fileObjects = self::convertRef2Media($pics); return $fileObjects; }
/** * Make a database DELETE * * @param string $tablename * @param string $where * @param array $arr * @return int number of rows affected */ public function doDelete($tablename, $where, $arr = array()) { // fallback, $arr war früher $debug if (!is_array($arr)) { $arr = array('debug' => $arr); } $debug = intval($arr['debug']) > 0; $database = $this->getDatabaseConnection($arr); tx_rnbase_util_Misc::callHook('rn_base', 'util_db_do_delete_pre', array('tablename' => $tablename, 'where' => $where, 'options' => $arr)); if ($debug) { $sql = $database->DELETEquery($tablename, $where); tx_rnbase_util_Debug::debug($sql, 'SQL'); tx_rnbase_util_Debug::debug(array($tablename, $where)); } $storeLastBuiltQuery = $database->store_lastBuiltQuery; $database->store_lastBuiltQuery = TRUE; $this->watchOutDB($database->exec_DELETEquery($tablename, $where), $database); $database->store_lastBuiltQuery = $storeLastBuiltQuery; $affectedRows = $database->sql_affected_rows(); tx_rnbase_util_Misc::callHook('rn_base', 'util_db_do_delete_post', array('tablename' => $tablename, 'where' => $where, 'affectedRows' => $affectedRows, 'options' => $arr)); return $affectedRows; }
/** * Suchanfrage an die Datenbank * Bei den Felder findet ein Mapping auf die eigentlichen DB-Felder statt. Dadurch werden * SQL-Injections erschwert und es sind JOINs möglich. * Field-Schema: TABLEALIAS.COLNAME * Beispiel: TEAM.NAME, TEAM.UID * * Options: Zusätzliche Bedingungen für Abfrage. * LIMIT, ORDERBY * * Sonderfall Freitextsuche über mehrere Felder: * Hierfür gibt es das Sonderfeld SEARCH_FIELD_JOINED. Dieses erwartet ein Array der Form * 'value' => 'Suchbegriff' * 'operator' => OP_LIKE * 'cols' => array(FIELD1, FIELD2,...) * * Sonderfall SQL Sub-Select: * Hierfür gibt es das Sonderfeld SEARCH_FIELD_CUSTOM. Dieses erwartet ein String mit dem * Sub-Select. Dieser wird direkt in die Query eingebunden. * * @param array $fields Felder nach denen gesucht wird * @param array $options * @return array oder int */ function search($fields, $options) { if (!is_array($fields)) { $fields = array(); } $this->_initSearch($options); $tableAliases = array(); if (isset($fields[SEARCH_FIELD_JOINED])) { $joinedFields = $fields[SEARCH_FIELD_JOINED]; unset($fields[SEARCH_FIELD_JOINED]); } if (isset($fields[SEARCH_FIELD_CUSTOM])) { $customFields = $fields[SEARCH_FIELD_CUSTOM]; unset($fields[SEARCH_FIELD_CUSTOM]); } // Die normalen Suchfelder abarbeiten foreach ($fields as $field => $data) { // Tabelle und Spalte ermitteln list($tableAlias, $col) = explode('.', $field); $tableAliases[$tableAlias][$col] = $data; } // Prüfen, ob in orderby noch andere Tabellen liegen $orderbyArr = $options['orderby']; if (is_array($orderbyArr)) { $aliases = array_keys($orderbyArr); foreach ($aliases as $alias) { if (strstr($alias, SEARCH_FIELD_CUSTOM)) { continue; } // CUSTOM ignorieren list($tableAlias, $col) = explode('.', $alias); if (!array_key_exists($tableAlias, $tableAliases)) { $tableAliases[$tableAlias] = array(); } } } if (is_array($joinedFields)) { reset($joinedFields); foreach ($joinedFields as $key => $joinedField) { // Für die JOINED-Fields müssen die Tabellen gesetzt werden, damit der SQL-JOIN passt foreach ($joinedField['cols'] as $field) { list($tableAlias, $col) = explode('.', $field); if (!isset($tableAliases[$tableAlias])) { $tableAliases[$tableAlias] = array(); } $joinedFields[$key]['fields'][] = ($this->useAlias() ? $tableAlias : $this->tableMapping[$tableAlias]) . '.' . strtolower($col); } } } // Deprecated: Diese Option nicht verwenden. Dafür gibt es den Hook! if (is_array($additionalTableAliases = $options['additionalTableAliases'])) { foreach ($additionalTableAliases as $additionalTableAlias) { if (!isset($tableAliases[$additionalTableAlias])) { $tableAliases[$additionalTableAlias] = array(); } } } tx_rnbase_util_Misc::callHook('rn_base', 'searchbase_handleTableMapping', array('tableAliases' => &$tableAliases, 'joinedFields' => &$joinedFields, 'customFields' => &$customFields, 'options' => &$options, 'tableMappings' => &$this->tableMapping), $this); $what = $this->getWhat($options, $tableAliases); $from = $this->getFrom($options, $tableAliases); $where = '1=1'; foreach ($tableAliases as $tableAlias => $colData) { foreach ($colData as $col => $data) { foreach ($data as $operator => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { // There is more then one value to test against column $joinedValues = $value[SEARCH_FIELD_JOINED]; if (!is_array($joinedValues)) { tx_rnbase_util_Misc::mayday('JOINED field required data array. Check up your search config.', 'rn_base'); } $joinedValues = array_values($joinedValues); for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($joinedValues); $i < $cnt; $i++) { $wherePart = Tx_Rnbase_Database_Connection::getInstance()->setSingleWhereField($this->useAlias() ? $tableAlias : $this->tableMapping[$tableAlias], $operator, $col, $joinedValues[$i]); if (trim($wherePart) !== '') { $where .= ' AND ' . $wherePart; } } } else { $wherePart = Tx_Rnbase_Database_Connection::getInstance()->setSingleWhereField($this->useAlias() ? $tableAlias : $this->tableMapping[$tableAlias], $operator, $col, $value); if (trim($wherePart) !== '') { $where .= ' AND ' . $wherePart; } } } } } // Jetzt die Freitextsuche über mehrere Felder if (is_array($joinedFields)) { foreach ($joinedFields as $joinedField) { // Ignore invalid queries if (!isset($joinedField['value']) || !isset($joinedField['operator']) || !isset($joinedField['fields']) || !$joinedField['fields']) { continue; } if ($joinedField['operator'] == OP_INSET_INT) { // Values splitten und einzelne Abfragen mit OR verbinden $addWhere = Tx_Rnbase_Database_Connection::getInstance()->searchWhere($joinedField['value'], implode(',', $joinedField['fields']), 'FIND_IN_SET_OR'); } else { $addWhere = Tx_Rnbase_Database_Connection::getInstance()->searchWhere($joinedField['value'], implode(',', $joinedField['fields']), $joinedField['operator']); } if ($addWhere) { $where .= ' AND ' . $addWhere; } } } if (isset($customFields)) { $where .= ' AND ' . $customFields; } if ($options['enableFieldsForAdditionalTableAliases']) { $where .= $this->setEnableFieldsForAdditionalTableAliases($tableAliases, $options); } $sqlOptions = array(); $sqlOptions['where'] = $where; if ($options['pidlist']) { $sqlOptions['pidlist'] = $options['pidlist']; } if ($options['recursive']) { $sqlOptions['recursive'] = $options['recursive']; } if ($options['limit']) { $sqlOptions['limit'] = $options['limit']; } if ($options['offset']) { $sqlOptions['offset'] = $options['offset']; } if ($options['enablefieldsoff']) { $sqlOptions['enablefieldsoff'] = $options['enablefieldsoff']; } if ($options['enablefieldsbe']) { $sqlOptions['enablefieldsbe'] = $options['enablefieldsbe']; } if ($options['enablefieldsfe']) { $sqlOptions['enablefieldsfe'] = $options['enablefieldsfe']; } if ($options['groupby']) { $sqlOptions['groupby'] = $options['groupby']; } if ($options['having']) { $sqlOptions['having'] = $options['having']; } if ($options['callback']) { $sqlOptions['callback'] = $options['callback']; } if ($options['ignorei18n']) { $sqlOptions['ignorei18n'] = $options['ignorei18n']; } if ($options['i18nolmode']) { $sqlOptions['i18nolmode'] = $options['i18nolmode']; } if ($options['i18n']) { $sqlOptions['i18n'] = $options['i18n']; } if ($options['ignoreworkspace']) { $sqlOptions['ignoreworkspace'] = $options['ignoreworkspace']; } if ($options['sqlonly']) { $sqlOptions['sqlonly'] = $options['sqlonly']; } if ($options['union']) { $sqlOptions['union'] = $options['union']; } if ($options['array_object']) { $sqlOptions['array_object'] = $options['array_object']; } if (!isset($options['count']) && is_array($options['orderby'])) { // Aus dem Array einen String bauen $orderby = array(); if (array_key_exists('RAND', $options['orderby']) && $options['orderby']['RAND']) { $orderby[] = 'RAND()'; } else { if (array_key_exists('RAND', $options['orderby'])) { unset($options['orderby']['RAND']); } foreach ($options['orderby'] as $field => $order) { // free Order-Clause if (strstr($field, SEARCH_FIELD_CUSTOM)) { $orderby[] = $order; continue; } list($tableAlias, $col) = explode('.', $field); $tableAlias = $this->useAlias() ? $tableAlias : $this->tableMapping[$tableAlias]; if ($tableAlias) { $orderby[] = $tableAlias . '.' . strtolower($col) . ' ' . (strtoupper($order) == 'DESC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'); } else { $orderby[] = $field . ' ' . (strtoupper($order) == 'DESC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'); } } } $sqlOptions['orderby'] = implode(',', $orderby); } if (!isset($options['count']) && (!(isset($options['what']) || isset($options['groupby']) || isset($options['sqlonly'])) || isset($options['forcewrapper']))) { // der Filter kann ebenfalls eine Klasse setzen. Diese hat Vorrang. $sqlOptions['wrapperclass'] = $options['wrapperclass'] ? $options['wrapperclass'] : $this->getGenericWrapperClass(); } // if we have to do a count and there still is a count in the custom what // or there is a having or a groupby // so we have to wrap the query into a subquery to count the results if (!$options['disableCountWrap'] && isset($options['count']) && (isset($options['what']) && strpos(strtoupper($options['what']), 'COUNT(') !== FALSE || $options['groupby'] || $options['having'])) { $sqlOptions['sqlonly'] = 1; $query = Tx_Rnbase_Database_Connection::getInstance()->doSelect($what, $from, $sqlOptions, $options['debug'] ? 1 : 0); $what = 'COUNT(*) AS cnt'; $from = '(' . $query . ') AS COUNTWRAP'; $sqlOptions = array('enablefieldsoff' => TRUE, 'sqlonly' => empty($options['sqlonly']) ? 0 : $options['sqlonly']); } $result = Tx_Rnbase_Database_Connection::getInstance()->doSelect($what, $from, $sqlOptions, $options['debug'] ? 1 : 0); if (isset($options['sqlonly'])) { return $result; } // else: return isset($options['count']) ? $result[0]['cnt'] : $result; }