function checkImageDecode(&$params, &$ref) { // call fl_realurl_image $tx_flrealurlimage = new tx_flrealurlimage(); #$tx_flrealurlimage->init($conf,$info); $tx_flrealurlimage->showImage(); }
public function render($conf = array()) { $GLOBALS['TSFE']->lastImgResourceInfo = $this->cObj->getImgResource($conf['file'], $conf['file.']); ################################### ## Here begins RealUrl_image ###### ################################### if (is_array($GLOBALS['TSFE']->lastImgResourceInfo)) { // call fl_realurl_image to generate $new_fileName $tx_flrealurlimage = new tx_flrealurlimage(); $tx_flrealurlimage->start($this->data, $this->table); $new_fileName = $tx_flrealurlimage->main($conf, $GLOBALS['TSFE']->lastImgResourceInfo); // generate the image URL $theValue = htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['TSFE']->absRefPrefix) . $new_fileName; // stdWrap and return return $this->getContentObject()->stdWrap($theValue, $conf['stdWrap.']); } ################################## ### Here ends RealURL_Image ###### ################################## $imageResource = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->lastImgResourceInfo[3]; $theValue = isset($conf['stdWrap.']) ? $this->cObj->stdWrap($imageResource, $conf['stdWrap.']) : $imageResource; return $theValue; }
/** * Returns a <img> tag with the image file defined by $file and processed according to the properties in the TypoScript array. * Mostly this function is a sub-function to the IMAGE function which renders the IMAGE cObject in TypoScript. This function is called by "$this->cImage($conf['file'],$conf);" from IMAGE(). * * @param string File TypoScript resource * @param array TypoScript configuration properties for the IMAGE object * @return string <img> tag, (possibly wrapped in links and other HTML) if any image found. * @access private * @see IMAGE() */ function cImage($file, $conf) { $info = $this->getImgResource($file, $conf['file.']); $GLOBALS['TSFE']->lastImageInfo = $info; if (is_array($info)) { $info[3] = t3lib_div::png_to_gif_by_imagemagick($info[3]); $GLOBALS['TSFE']->imagesOnPage[] = $info[3]; // This array is used to collect the image-refs on the page... if (!strlen($conf['altText']) && !is_array($conf['altText.'])) { // Backwards compatible: $conf['altText'] = $conf['alttext']; $conf['altText.'] = $conf['alttext.']; } $altParam = $this->getAltParam($conf); ################################### ## Here begins RealUrl_image ###### ################################### // call fl_realurl_image to generate $new_fileName $tx_flrealurlimage = new tx_flrealurlimage(); $tx_flrealurlimage->start($this->data, $this->table); $new_fileName = $tx_flrealurlimage->main($conf, $info); // generate the <img>-tag if (isset($conf['params.']) && is_array($conf['params.'])) { $conf['params'] = $this->stdWrap($conf['params'], $conf['params.']); } $theValue = '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['TSFE']->absRefPrefix) . $new_fileName . '"' . ' width="' . $info[0] . '" height="' . $info[1] . '"' . $this->getBorderAttr(' border="' . intval($conf['border']) . '"') . ($conf['params'] ? ' ' . $conf['params'] : '') . $altParam . ' />'; ################################## ### Here ends RealURL_Image ###### ################################## /* $theValue = '<img src="'.htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['TSFE']->absRefPrefix.t3lib_div::rawUrlEncodeFP($info[3])).'" width="'.$info[0].'" height="'.$info[1].'"'.$this->getBorderAttr(' border="'.intval($conf['border']).'"').(($conf['params'] || is_array($conf['params.']))?' '.$this->stdwrap($conf['params'],$conf['params.']):'').($altParam).' />'; */ if ($conf['linkWrap']) { $theValue = $this->linkWrap($theValue, $conf['linkWrap']); } elseif ($conf['imageLinkWrap']) { $theValue = $this->imageLinkWrap($theValue, $info['origFile'], $conf['imageLinkWrap.']); } return $this->wrap($theValue, $conf['wrap']); } }