 protected function addFixturePathToFilemount()
     $filepath = $this->getFixtureFilename();
     $filename = tx_dam::file_basename($filepath);
     $testpath = tx_dam::file_dirname($filepath);
     $this->tempSave['fileadminDir'] = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['fileadminDir'];
     $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['fileadminDir'] = tx_dam::path_makeRelative($testpath);
     $GLOBALS['FILEMOUNTS']['__unittest'] = array('name' => basename($testpath) . '/', 'path' => $testpath, 'type' => '');
  * tx_dam::access_checkPath()
 public function test_access_checkPath()
     $GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['ext']['dam']['pathInfoCache'] = array();
     $filepath = $this->getFixtureFilename();
     $testpath = tx_dam::file_dirname($filepath);
     // path is cached so we need to use a different: 01/
     $access = tx_dam::access_checkPath($testpath . '01/');
     self::assertFalse($access, 'Path is accessable: ' . $testpath . '01/');
     $access = tx_dam::access_checkPath(PATH_site . 'fileadmin/');
     self::assertTrue($access, 'Path not accessable: ' . PATH_site . 'fileadmin/');
     $access = tx_dam::access_checkPath(PATH_site . 'fileadmin/zfhucnzushbfxcazu/');
     self::assertFalse($access, 'Path is accessable: ' . PATH_site . 'fileadmin/zfhucnzushbfxcazu/');
     $access = tx_dam::access_checkPath($testpath);
     self::assertTrue($access, 'Path not accessable: ' . $testpath);
  * Process indexing for the given file, folder or a list of files and folders.
  * This function can be used if a setup for indexing is available of callback function shall be used.
  * But simply a file name can be passed to and everything goes automatically.
  * @param	mixed		$filename A single filename or folder path or a list of files and paths as array. If it is an array the values can be file path or array: array('processFile' => 'path to file that should be indexed', 'metaFile' => 'additional file that holds meta data for the processFile')
  * @param	mixed		$setup Setup as string (serialized setup) or array. See tx_dam_indexing::restoreSerializedSetup()
  * @param	mixed		$callbackFunc Callback function for the finished indexed file.
  * @param	mixed		$metaCallbackFunc Callback function which will be called during indexing to allow modifications to the meta data.
  * @param	mixed		$filePreprocessingCallbackFunc Callback function for pre processing the to be indexed file.
  * @return	array		Info array about indexed files and meta data records.
  * @todo how to set run type???
 function index_process($filename, $setup = NULL, $callbackFunc = NULL, $metaCallbackFunc = NULL, $filePreprocessingCallbackFunc = NULL)
     global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS;
     require_once PATH_txdam . 'lib/class.tx_dam_indexing.php';
     $index = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_dam_indexing');
     if ($setup) {
     } elseif (!is_array($filename)) {
     } elseif ($filename['processFile']) {
     if ($filename['processFile']) {
     } elseif (is_array($filename)) {
     } else {
     return $index->indexUsingCurrentSetup($callbackFunc, $metaCallbackFunc, $filePreprocessingCallbackFunc);
  * tx_dam::path_compileInfo()
 public function test_path_compileInfo()
     $GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['ext']['dam']['pathInfoCache'] = array();
     $filepath = $this->getFixtureFilename();
     $filename = tx_dam::file_basename($filepath);
     $testpath = tx_dam::file_dirname($filepath);
     $pathInfo = tx_dam::path_compileInfo($testpath);
     self::assertTrue(is_array($pathInfo), 'Path not found: ' . $testpath);
     self::assertTrue((bool) $pathInfo['dir_readable'], 'Path not readable: ' . $testpath);
     self::assertFALSE((bool) $pathInfo['mount_id'], 'Impossible mount found: ' . $pathInfo['mount_path'] . ' (' . $testpath . ')');
     $pathInfo = tx_dam::path_compileInfo(PATH_site . 'fileadmin/');
     self::assertTrue(is_array($pathInfo), 'Path not found: ' . $testpath);
     self::assertTrue((bool) $pathInfo['dir_readable'], 'Path not readable: ' . $testpath);
     self::assertTrue((bool) $pathInfo['mount_id'], 'No mount found: ' . $pathInfo['mount_path'] . ' (' . $testpath . ')');
  * initialize the browsable trees
  * @param	array		$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['dam']['selectionClasses']
  * @param	string		script name to link to
  * @param	boolean		Element browser mode
  * @return	void
 function initSelectionClasses($selectionClassesArr, $thisScript, $mode = 'browse', $excludeReadOnlyMounts = false)
     $this->selectionClasses = $selectionClassesArr;
     // configuration - default
     $default_modeSelIcons = tx_dam::config_checkValueEnabled('setup.selections.default.modeSelIcons', true);
     if (is_array($this->selectionClasses)) {
         foreach ($this->selectionClasses as $classKey => $classRef) {
             // configuration - class
             if (!tx_dam::config_checkValueEnabled('setup.selections.' . $classKey, true)) {
             $config = tx_dam::config_getValue('setup.selections.' . $classKey, true);
             if (is_object($obj =& t3lib_div::getUserObj($classRef))) {
                 if (!$obj->isPureSelectionClass) {
                     if ($obj->isTreeViewClass) {
                         // object is a treeview class itself
                         $this->treeObjArr[$classKey] = $obj;
                         $this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->init('', '', $excludeReadOnlyMounts);
                     } else {
                         // object does not include treeview functionality. Therefore the standard browsetree is used with setup from the object
                         $this->treeObjArr[$classKey] =& t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_dam_browseTree');
                         $this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->title = $obj->getTreeTitle();
                         $this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->treeName = $obj->getTreeName();
                         $this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->domIdPrefix = $obj->domIdPrefix ? $obj->domIdPrefix : $obj->getTreeName();
                         $this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->rootIcon = PATH_txdam_rel . 'i/cat2folder.gif';
                         $this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->iconName = tx_dam::file_basename($obj->getDefaultIcon());
                         $this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->iconPath = tx_dam::file_dirname($obj->getDefaultIcon());
                         // workaround: Only variables can be passed by reference
                         $this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->_data = $obj->getTreeArray();
                     $this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->thisScript = $thisScript;
                     $this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->BE_USER = $BE_USER;
                     $this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->mode = $mode;
                     $this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->ext_IconMode = '1';
                     // no context menu on icons
                     if (!$default_modeSelIcons or !tx_dam::config_isEnabledOption($config, 'modeSelIcons', true)) {
                         $this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->modeSelIcons = false;
                 if ($this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->supportMounts) {
                     $mounts = $this->getMountsForTreeClass($classKey, $this->treeObjArr[$classKey]->getTreeName());
                     if (count($mounts)) {
                     } else {