     * Fill the array with all plugins found with this plugin for the current vendor
     * @return True when plugins(s) was (were) found for this vendor, false otherwise
     * @author Oscar van Eijk
     * @author max Milbers
     * @author valerie Isaksen
    protected function getPluginMethods($vendorId)
        if (!class_exists('tsmartModelUser')) {
            require VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'models' . DS . 'user.php';
        $usermodel = tmsModel::getModel('user');
        $user = $usermodel->getUser();
        $user->shopper_groups = (array) $user->shopper_groups;
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        if (empty($vendorId)) {
            $vendorId = 1;
        $select = 'SELECT i.*, ';
        $extPlgTable = '#__extensions';
        $extField1 = 'extension_id';
        $extField2 = 'element';
        $select .= 'j.`' . $extField1 . '`,j.`name`, j.`type`, j.`element`, j.`folder`, j.`client_id`, j.`enabled`, j.`access`, j.`protected`, j.`manifest_cache`,
			j.`params`, j.`custom_data`, j.`system_data`, j.`checked_out`, j.`checked_out_time`, j.`state`,  s.tsmart_shoppergroup_id ';
        if (!tsmConfig::$vmlang) {
        $joins = array();
        if (tsmConfig::$defaultLang != tsmConfig::$vmlang and tsmConfig::$langCount > 1) {
            $langFields = array($this->_psType . '_name', $this->_psType . '_desc');
            $useJLback = false;
            if (tsmConfig::$defaultLang != tsmConfig::$jDefLang) {
                $joins[] = ' LEFT JOIN `#__tsmart_' . $this->_psType . '_' . tsmConfig::$jDefLang . '` as ljd';
                $useJLback = true;
            foreach ($langFields as $langField) {
                $expr2 = 'ld.' . $langField;
                if ($useJLback) {
                    $expr2 = 'IFNULL(ld.' . $langField . ',ljd.' . $langField . ')';
                $select .= ', IFNULL(l.' . $langField . ',' . $expr2 . ') as ' . $langField . '';
            $joins[] = ' LEFT JOIN `#__tsmart_' . $this->_psType . 'methods_' . tsmConfig::$defaultLang . '` as ld using (`tsmart_' . $this->_psType . 'method_id`)';
            $joins[] = ' LEFT JOIN `#__tsmart_' . $this->_psType . 'methods_' . tsmConfig::$vmlang . '` as l using (`tsmart_' . $this->_psType . 'method_id`)';
        } else {
            $select .= ', l.* ';
            $joins[] = ' LEFT JOIN `#__tsmart_' . $this->_psType . 'methods_' . tsmConfig::$vmlang . '` as l using (`tsmart_' . $this->_psType . 'method_id`)';
        $q = $select . ' FROM   `#__tsmart_' . $this->_psType . 'methods' . '` as i ';
        //$joins[] = ' JOIN `#__tsmart_' . $this->_psType . 'methods` AS i USING (`tsmart_' . $this->_psType . 'method_id`) ';
        $joins[] = ' LEFT JOIN `' . $extPlgTable . '` as j ON j.`' . $extField1 . '` =  i.`' . $this->_psType . '_jplugin_id` ';
        $joins[] = ' LEFT OUTER JOIN `#__tsmart_' . $this->_psType . 'method_shoppergroups` AS s ON i.`tsmart_' . $this->_psType . 'method_id` = s.`tsmart_' . $this->_psType . 'method_id` ';
        $q .= implode(' ' . "\n", $joins);
        $q .= ' WHERE i.`published` = "1" AND j.`' . $extField2 . '` = "' . $this->_name . '"
	    						AND  (i.`tsmart_vendor_id` = "' . $vendorId . '" OR i.`tsmart_vendor_id` = "0" OR i.`shared` = "1")
	    						AND  (';
        foreach ($user->shopper_groups as $groups) {
            $q .= ' s.`tsmart_shoppergroup_id`= "' . (int) $groups . '" OR';
        $q .= ' (s.`tsmart_shoppergroup_id`) IS NULL ) GROUP BY i.`tsmart_' . $this->_psType . 'method_id` ORDER BY i.`ordering`';
        $this->methods = $db->loadObjectList();
        if ($this->methods) {
            foreach ($this->methods as $method) {
                tsmTable::bindParameterable($method, $this->_xParams, $this->_varsToPushParam);
        } else {
            if ($this->methods === false) {
                vmError('Error reading getPluginMethods ' . $q);
        return count($this->methods);