  * Traverses the ->result['NO'] array of menu items configuration (made by ->generate()) and renders the HTML of each item (the images themselves was made with makeGifs() before this. See ->generate())
  * During the execution of this function many internal methods prefixed "extProc_" from this class is called and many of these are for now dummy functions. But they can be used for processing as they are used by the GMENU_LAYERS
  * @return	string		The HTML for the menu (returns result through $this->extProc_finish(); )
 function writeMenu()
     if (is_array($this->menuArr) && is_array($this->result) && count($this->result) && is_array($this->result['NO'])) {
         $this->WMcObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
         // Create new tslib_cObj for our use
         $this->WMresult = '';
         $this->INPfixMD5 = substr(md5(microtime() . $this->GMENU_fixKey), 0, 4);
         $this->WMmenuItems = count($this->result['NO']);
         $this->WMsubmenuObjSuffixes = $this->tmpl->splitConfArray(array('sOSuffix' => $this->mconf['submenuObjSuffixes']), $this->WMmenuItems);
         for ($key = 0; $key < $this->WMmenuItems; $key++) {
             if ($this->result['NO'][$key]['output_file']) {
                 $this->WMcObj->start($this->menuArr[$key], 'pages');
                 // Initialize the cObj with the page record of the menu item
                 $this->I = array();
                 $this->I['key'] = $key;
                 $this->I['INPfix'] = ($this->imgNameNotRandom ? '' : '_' . $this->INPfixMD5) . '_' . $key;
                 $this->I['val'] = $this->result['NO'][$key];
                 $this->I['title'] = $this->getPageTitle($this->menuArr[$key]['title'], $this->menuArr[$key]['nav_title']);
                 $this->I['uid'] = $this->menuArr[$key]['uid'];
                 $this->I['mount_pid'] = $this->menuArr[$key]['mount_pid'];
                 $this->I['pid'] = $this->menuArr[$key]['pid'];
                 $this->I['spacer'] = $this->menuArr[$key]['isSpacer'];
                 if (!$this->I['uid'] && !$this->menuArr[$key]['_OVERRIDE_HREF']) {
                     $this->I['spacer'] = 1;
                 $this->I['noLink'] = $this->I['spacer'] || $this->I['val']['noLink'] || !count($this->menuArr[$key]);
                 // !count($this->menuArr[$key]) means that this item is a dummyItem
                 $this->I['name'] = '';
                 // Set access key
                 if ($this->mconf['accessKey']) {
                     $this->I['accessKey'] = $this->accessKey($this->I['title']);
                 } else {
                     $this->I['accessKey'] = array();
                 // Make link tag
                 $this->I['val']['ATagParams'] = $this->WMcObj->getATagParams($this->I['val']);
                 $this->I['val']['additionalParams'] = $this->WMcObj->stdWrap($this->I['val']['additionalParams'], $this->I['val']['additionalParams.']);
                 $this->I['linkHREF'] = $this->link($key, $this->I['val']['altTarget'], $this->mconf['forceTypeValue']);
                 // Title attribute of links:
                 $titleAttrValue = $this->WMcObj->stdWrap($this->I['val']['ATagTitle'], $this->I['val']['ATagTitle.']) . $this->I['accessKey']['alt'];
                 if (strlen($titleAttrValue)) {
                     $this->I['linkHREF']['title'] = $titleAttrValue;
                 // Setting "blurlink()" function:
                 if (!$this->mconf['noBlur']) {
                     $this->I['linkHREF']['onFocus'] = 'blurLink(this);';
                 // Set rollover
                 if ($this->result['RO'][$key] && !$this->I['noLink']) {
                     $this->I['theName'] = $this->imgNamePrefix . $this->I['uid'] . $this->I['INPfix'];
                     $this->I['name'] = ' ' . $this->nameAttribute . '="' . $this->I["theName"] . '"';
                     $this->I['linkHREF']['onMouseover'] = $this->WMfreezePrefix . 'over(\'' . $this->I['theName'] . '\');';
                     $this->I['linkHREF']['onMouseout'] = $this->WMfreezePrefix . 'out(\'' . $this->I['theName'] . '\');';
                     $GLOBALS['TSFE']->JSImgCode .= LF . $this->I['theName'] . '_n=new Image(); ' . $this->I['theName'] . '_n.src = "' . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->absRefPrefix . $this->I['val']['output_file'] . '"; ';
                     $GLOBALS['TSFE']->JSImgCode .= LF . $this->I['theName'] . '_h=new Image(); ' . $this->I['theName'] . '_h.src = "' . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->absRefPrefix . $this->result['RO'][$key]['output_file'] . '"; ';
                     $GLOBALS['TSFE']->imagesOnPage[] = $this->result['RO'][$key]['output_file'];
                 // Set altText
                 $this->I['altText'] = $this->I['title'] . $this->I['accessKey']['alt'];
                 // Calling extra processing function
                 // Set linking
                 if (!$this->I['noLink']) {
                 } else {
                     $this->I['A1'] = '';
                     $this->I['A2'] = '';
                 $this->I['IMG'] = '<img src="' . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->absRefPrefix . $this->I['val']['output_file'] . '" width="' . $this->I['val']['output_w'] . '" height="' . $this->I['val']['output_h'] . '" ' . tslib_cObj::getBorderAttr('border="0"') . ($this->mconf['disableAltText'] ? '' : ' alt="' . htmlspecialchars($this->I['altText']) . '"') . $this->I['name'] . ($this->I['val']['imgParams'] ? ' ' . $this->I['val']['imgParams'] : '') . ' />';
                 // Make before, middle and after parts
                 $this->I['parts'] = array();
                 $this->I['parts']['ATag_begin'] = $this->I['A1'];
                 $this->I['parts']['image'] = $this->I['IMG'];
                 $this->I['parts']['ATag_end'] = $this->I['A2'];
                 // Passing I to a user function
                 if ($this->mconf['IProcFunc']) {
                     $this->I = $this->userProcess('IProcFunc', $this->I);
                 // Putting the item together.
                 // Merge parts + beforeAllWrap
                 $this->I['theItem'] = implode('', $this->I['parts']);
                 $this->I['theItem'] = $this->extProc_beforeAllWrap($this->I['theItem'], $key);
                 // wrap:
                 $this->I['theItem'] = $this->tmpl->wrap($this->I['theItem'], $this->I['val']['wrap']);
                 // allWrap:
                 $allWrap = $this->WMcObj->stdWrap($this->I['val']['allWrap'], $this->I['val']['allWrap.']);
                 $this->I['theItem'] = $this->tmpl->wrap($this->I['theItem'], $allWrap);
                 if ($this->I['val']['subst_elementUid']) {
                     $this->I['theItem'] = str_replace('{elementUid}', $this->I['uid'], $this->I['theItem']);
                 // allStdWrap:
                 if (is_array($this->I['val']['allStdWrap.'])) {
                     $this->I['theItem'] = $this->WMcObj->stdWrap($this->I['theItem'], $this->I['val']['allStdWrap.']);
                 $GLOBALS['TSFE']->imagesOnPage[] = $this->I['val']['output_file'];
         return $this->extProc_finish();