public function index() { require APPPATH . 'libraries/tree.class.php'; $category_edit_option = $category_del_option = false; if (check_backend_module_perm('edit', 'category', $this->data['user_info'])) { $category_edit_option = true; } if (check_backend_module_perm('del', 'category', $this->data['user_info'])) { $category_del_option = true; } $edit_str = $del_str = ''; $categorys = $this->categorys; foreach ($categorys as $key => $row) { if ($category_edit_option) { $edit_str = '<a href="#" data="' . $row['catid'] . '" class="green cate_edit" title="编辑"><i class="icon-pencil bigger-130"></i></a>'; } if ($category_del_option) { $del_str = '<a href="#" data="' . $row['catid'] . '" data-title="' . $row['catname'] . '" class="red delete_confirm" title="删除"><i class="icon-trash bigger-130"></i></a>'; } $categorys[$key]['str_manage'] = "{$edit_str} {$del_str}"; $categorys[$key]['str_menu'] = $row['ismenu'] ? '<span class="label label-sm label-success">YES</span>' : '<span class="label label-sm label-danger">NO</span>'; } $tree = new tree(); $tree->icon = array(' │ ', ' ├─ ', ' └─ '); $tree->nbsp = ' '; $str = "<tr>\n \t\t\t\t<td><label><input type='checkbox' class='ace' name='id[]' value='\$id' /><span class='lbl'></span></label></td>\n \t\t\t\t<td>\$id</td>\n \t\t\t\t<td class='left'>\$spacer\$catname</td>\n \t\t\t\t<td>\$str_menu</td>\n \t\t\t\t<td>\$str_manage</td>\n \t\t\t</tr>"; $tree->init($categorys); $categorys = $tree->get_tree(0, $str); $this->data['categorys'] = $categorys; $this->repair(false); $this->load->view('category/list', $this->data); }
public function getActionTree() { $sql = "SELECT id,parent_id,action_name from {$this->_table}"; $cates = $res = $this->getList($sql); $this->load->helper('html_tree'); $tree = new tree($cates); $tree->icon = array(' │ ', ' ├─ ', ' └─ '); //树形图标 $tree->nbsp = ' '; //三个空格 $options = ''; $tree->init($cates); return $tree->get_tree(0, "<option value='\$id'>\$spacer\$action_name</option>\n"); }
/** * 根据 site_id 获取该 站点 下所有的虚拟分类的树 * @param $site_id int * @param $str string 生成树型结构的基本代码,例如:例如:'<option value={$id} {$selected}>{$spacer}{$title}</option>' * @param $sid int 被选中的ID,比如在做树型下拉框的时候需要用到 * @param $icon 前缀 * @return string */ public function get_tree($str, $sid = 0, $icon = '--') { $result = array(); $query_struct = array('where' => array(), 'like' => array(), 'orderby' => array(), 'limit' => array()); $result = $this->query_assoc($query_struct); $tree = tree::get_tree($result, $str, 0, $sid, $icon); return $tree; }
public function categoryedit() { $this->_checkSecurity('category'); $id = intval($_GET["id"]); if (!$id) { $this->error(L('_SELECT_NOT_EXIST_')); } $Category = D("Category"); $list = $Category->find($id); if (!$list) { $this->error(L('_SELECT_NOT_EXIST_')); } $parentId = $list['parentid']; //父ID $map['module'] = 1; $map['parent_id'] = 0; $Category = D('Category')->order("displayorder desc")->where($map)->findall(); foreach ($Category as $catid => $category) { $Categorys[$category['id']] = array('id' => $category['id'], 'parent_id' => $category['parent_id'], 'title' => $category['title']); } import('ORG.Util.Tree'); $tree = new tree($Categorys); $str = "<option value=\$id \$selected>\$spacer\$title</option>"; $html .= $tree->get_tree(0, $str, $parentId); //用户组 $Group = D('Usergroup')->where('ID NOT IN (1,2)')->order("id asc")->findall(); if (!$Group) { $this->error('用户组丢失,请检查'); } //用户组丢失,请检查 $this->assign('group', $Group); $this->assign('html', $html); $this->assign('list', $list); $this->assign('cate', $Category); $this->display(); }
public function edit() { role::check('product_filter_edit'); $return_struct = array('status' => 0, 'code' => 501, 'msg' => 'Not Implemented', 'content' => array()); try { //* 初始化返回数据 */ $return_data = array('action' => "post", 'data' => array(), 'category_list' => NULL); //* 收集请求数据 ==根据业务逻辑定制== */ $request_data = $this->input->get(); //数据验证 if (!isset($request_data['id']) || !is_numeric($request_data['id'])) { throw new MyRuntimeException(Kohana::lang('o_global.bad_request'), 404); } $alias_filter_service = Alias_filterService::get_instance(); $filter = $alias_filter_service->get($request_data['id']); //虚拟分类树 $str = '<option value={$id} {$selected}>{$spacer}{$title}</option>'; $return_data['filter_list'] = $alias_filter_service->get_tree($str, $filter['pid']); //返回数据 $category_service = CategoryService::get_instance(); $categories = $category_service->get_categories(); $str = '<option value={$id} {$selected}>{$spacer}{$title_manage}</option>'; $return_data['category_list'] = tree::get_tree($categories, $str, 0, $filter['category_id']); if (!empty($filter['category_id'])) { $category = $category_service->get($filter['category_id']); if (!empty($category['classify_id'])) { $classify_service = ClassifyService::get_instance(); $classify = $classify_service->get($category['classify_id']); $filter['classify_name'] = $classify['name']; //获取类型关联品牌数组 $filter['brand_list'] = $classify_service->get_brands_by_classify_id($category['classify_id']); //获取类型关联规格及规格项数组 $filter['attribute_list'] = $classify_service->get_attribute_options_by_classify_id($category['classify_id'], AttributeService::ATTRIBUTE_SPEC); //获取类型关联特性及特性值数组 $filter['feature_list'] = $classify_service->get_attribute_options_by_classify_id($category['classify_id'], AttributeService::ATTRIBUTE_FEATURE); } } else { //当前站点品牌 $filter['brand_list'] = BrandService::get_instance()->get_brands(); //当前站点规格 $filter['attribute_list'] = AttributeService::get_instance()->get_attribute_spec_options(); //当前站点品牌 $filter['feature_list'] = AttributeService::get_instance()->get_attribute_feature_options(); } //获取过滤条件 $filter['filter_struct'] = json_decode($filter['filter_struct'], TRUE); $filter['filter_struct']['pricefrom'] = !empty($filter['filter_struct']['pricefrom']) ? $filter['filter_struct']['pricefrom'] : ''; $filter['filter_struct']['priceto'] = !empty($filter['filter_struct']['priceto']) ? $filter['filter_struct']['priceto'] : ''; $return_data['data'] = $filter; //* 补充&修改返回结构体 */ $return_struct['status'] = 1; $return_struct['code'] = 200; $return_struct['msg'] = ''; $return_struct['content'] = $return_data; //* 请求类型 */ if ($this->is_ajax_request()) { // ajax 请求 // json 输出 $this->template->content = $return_struct; } else { // html 输出 //* 模板输出 */ $content = new View('product/' . $this->class_name . '/' . __FUNCTION__); //* 变量绑定 */ $this->template->title = Kohana::config(''); $this->template->content = $content; //* 请求结构数据绑定 */ $this->template->content->request_data = $request_data; //* 返回结构体绑定 */ $this->template->content->return_struct = $return_struct; } // end of request type determine } catch (MyRuntimeException $ex) { $return_struct['status'] = 0; $return_struct['code'] = $ex->getCode(); $return_struct['msg'] = $ex->getMessage(); //TODO 异常处理 //throw $ex; if ($this->is_ajax_request()) { $this->template->content = $return_struct; } else { $this->template->return_struct = $return_struct; $content = new View('info'); $this->template->content = $content; //* 请求结构数据绑定 */ $this->template->content->request_data = $request_data; //* 返回结构体绑定 */ $this->template->content->return_struct = $return_struct; } } }
<td>{$classify_name} </td> <td class=\\"over\\"> <div class=\\"new_float_parent\\"> <input type=\\"text\\" class=\\"text\\" size=\\"4\\" name=\\"position\\" value=\\"{$position}\\" /> <div class=\\"new_float\\" style=\\"z-index:9999\\"> <input type=\\"text\\" class=\\"text\\" size=\\"4\\" name=\\"order\\" value=\\"{$position}\\" /> <input type=\\"button\\" class=\\"ui-button-small\\" value=\\"保存\\" name=\\"submit_order_form\\" /> <input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"id\\" value=\\"{$id}\\"/> <input type=\\"button\\" class=\\"ui-button-small\\" value=\\"取消\\" name=\\"cancel_order_form\\" /> </div> </div> </td> <td>{$update_timestamp} </td> <td>{$is_show} </td> </tr>'; $tree = tree::get_tree($list, $str, 0, 0, ' '); echo $tree; ?> </tbody> </form> </table> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo remind::no_rows(); ?> <?php } ?> </div>
public function edit() { role::check('product_category_edit'); $return_struct = array('status' => 0, 'code' => 501, 'msg' => 'Not Implemented', 'content' => array()); try { //* 初始化返回数据 */ $return_data = array('action' => 'post'); //* 收集请求数据 ==根据业务逻辑定制== */ $request_data = $this->input->get(); //数据验证 if (!isset($request_data['id']) || !is_numeric($request_data['id'])) { throw new MyRuntimeException(Kohana::lang('o_global.input_error'), 404); } $category_service = CategoryService::get_instance(); $category = $category_service->get($request_data['id']); //返回数据 //$category['pic_url'] = AttributeService::get_attach_url($category['pic_attach_id'], 't'); $category['pic_url'] = AttService::get_instance($this->img_dir_name)->get_img_url($category['pic_attach_id']); $return_data['data'] = $category; //uri_name处理 $route = Myroute::instance()->get(); $route_type = $route['type']; $category_route = $route['category']; $category_suffix = $route['category_suffix']; if ($route_type == 0) { // 0: none get category and product with id $category_permalink = $category_route . '/' . $category['id']; } else { if ($route_type == 1) { // 1: get product with {product}/permalink $category_permalink = $category_route . '/'; } else { if ($route_type == 2 || $route_type == 4) { // 2: get category and product with {category_permalink} and {category+permalink}/{product_permalink} $category_permalink = ''; } else { if ($route_type == 3) { // 3: get category and prdouct with {category_permalink1}/.../{category_permalinkn} and {category_permalink1}/.../{category_permalinkn}/{product_permalink} $parents = $category_service->get_parents_by_category_id($category['id']); $category_permalink = ''; $i = 1; foreach ($parents as $val) { if ($i != 1) { $category_permalink = urlencode($val['uri_name']) . '/' . $category_permalink; } $i++; } } } } } //当前站点分类 $categories = $category_service->get_categories(); $child_ids = $category_service->get_childrens_by_category_id($category['id']); $parent_data = $category_service->get_parents_by_category_id($category['id']); $parent_is_show = isset($parent_data[1]) ? $parent_data[1]['is_show'] : 1; //去掉子分类和自己 foreach ($categories as $key => $val) { if (in_array($val['id'], $child_ids) || $val['id'] == $category['id']) { unset($categories[$key]); } } $str = '<option value={$id} {$selected}>{$spacer}{$title}</option>'; //$return_data['category_list'] = $category_service->get_tree_by_site_id($request_data['site_id'], '<option value={$id} {$selected}>{$spacer}{$title}</option>',$category['pid']); $return_data['category_list'] = tree::get_tree($categories, $str, 0, $category['pid']); //当前站点类型 $classify = ClassifyService::get_instance()->get_classifies(); $return_data['classify_list'] = ''; foreach ($classify as $val) { $selected = $category['classify_id'] == $val['id'] ? 'selected' : ''; $return_data['classify_list'] .= '<option value=' . $val['id'] . ' ' . $selected . '>--' . $val['name'] . '--</option>'; } //* 补充&修改返回结构体 */ $return_struct['status'] = 1; $return_struct['code'] = 200; $return_struct['msg'] = ''; $return_struct['content'] = $return_data; //* 请求类型 */ if ($this->is_ajax_request()) { // ajax 请求 // json 输出 $this->template->content = $return_struct; } else { // html 输出 //* 模板输出 */ $content = new View($this->package . '/' . $this->class_name . '/' . __FUNCTION__); //* 变量绑定 */ $this->template->title = Kohana::config(''); $this->template->content = $content; //* 请求结构数据绑定 */ $this->template->content->request_data = $request_data; //* 返回结构体绑定 */ $this->template->content->return_struct = $return_struct; //:: 当前应用专用数据 $this->template->content->has_child = count($child_ids); $this->template->content->parent_is_show = $parent_is_show; $this->template->content->route_type = $route_type; $this->template->content->category_suffix = $category_suffix; $this->template->content->category_permalink = $category_permalink; } // end of request type determine } catch (MyRuntimeException $ex) { $this->_ex(&$ex, $return_struct, $request_data); } }
function cache_category($moduleid = 0, $data = array()) { global $db, $DT, $MODULE; if ($moduleid) { if (!$data) { $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db->pre}category WHERE moduleid='{$moduleid}' ORDER BY listorder,catid"); while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $data[$r['catid']] = $r; } } $mod = cache_read('module-' . $moduleid . '.php'); $a = array(); $d = array('listorder', 'moduleid', 'item', 'template', 'show_template', 'seo_title', 'seo_keywords', 'seo_description', 'group_list', 'group_show', 'group_add'); foreach ($data as $r) { $e = $r['catid']; foreach ($d as $_d) { unset($r[$_d]); } $a[$e] = $r; } cache_write('category-' . $moduleid . '.php', $a); if (count($data) < 100) { $categorys = array(); foreach ($data as $id => $cat) { $categorys[$id] = array('id' => $id, 'parentid' => $cat['parentid'], 'name' => $cat['catname']); } require_once DT_ROOT . '/include/tree.class.php'; $tree = new tree(); $tree->tree($categorys); $content = $tree->get_tree(0, "<option value=\\\"\$id\\\">\$spacer\$name</option>") . '</select>'; cache_write('catetree-' . $moduleid . '.php', $content); } else { cache_delete('catetree-' . $moduleid . '.php'); } } else { foreach ($MODULE as $moduleid => $module) { cache_category($moduleid); } } }
/** * 获取所有菜单的下拉列表 * @return type */ public function getAllAuthItem() { $all = self::model()->findAll("1=1 order By pid DESC ,sort DESC"); $wall = array(); foreach ($all as $key => $value) { $wall[$value['id']]['id'] = $value['id']; $wall[$value['id']]['name'] = $value['name']; $wall[$value['id']]['pid'] = $value['pid']; } $tree = new tree($wall); $str = "\$id+\$spacer\$name,"; $strs = trim($tree->get_tree(0, $str)); $arr1 = explode(",", $strs); $result = array(); foreach ($arr1 as $key => $value) { if ($value == "") { unset($arr1[$key]); } $arra[] = explode("+", $value); } //去除重复 foreach ($arra as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $key1 => $value1) { if ($value1 == "") { unset($arra[$key]); } } } //整理数组 $re = array(); foreach ($arra as $key => $value) { $re[$value[0]] = $value[1]; } return $re; }
/** * 根据 category_id 获取该 分类 下所有的子分类树 * @param $category_id int * @param $str string 生成树型结构的基本代码,例如:例如:'<option value={$id} {$selected}>{$spacer}{$title}</option>' * @param $sid int 被选中的ID,比如在做树型下拉框的时候需要用到 * @param $icon 前缀 * @return string */ public function get_tree_by_category_id($category_id, $str, $sid = 0, $icon = '--') { $categories = array(); $category = $this->get($category_id); $site_id = $category['site_id']; $categories = $this->load(); $tree = tree::get_tree($categories, $str, $category_id, $sid, $icon); return $tree; }
public static function getTree($data, $format = "<option value='\$catid' \$selected>\$spacer\$name</option>", $id = 0, $nbsp = " ", $icon = array(" ", " ", " ")) { Ibos::import("ext.Tree", true); $tree = new tree(); $tree->init($data); $tree->icon = $icon; $tree->nbsp = $nbsp; $trees = $tree->get_tree(0, $format, $id); return $trees; }
/** * 编辑商品分类导航 */ public function category_menu_edit($id) { $site_menu = Mysite_menu::instance($id); $temp = Mysite_menu::instance()->site_menu_queue($id); if ($_POST) { //标签过滤 tool::filter_strip_tags($_POST); /* 获取要编辑的导航的level_depth并修改其下所有的子导航的level_depth*/ $data = $_POST; $parent_id = $this->input->post('parent_id'); if ($parent_id == 0) { $data['level_depth'] = 1; } else { $parent_level_depth = Mysite_menu::instance($parent_id)->get('level_depth'); $data['level_depth'] = $parent_level_depth + 1; } if (!Mysite_menu::instance()->child_level_depth_edit($id, $data['level_depth'], $temp)) { remind::set(Kohana::lang('o_global.update_error'), 'site/menu'); } /* 获取所添加的分类的url*/ $category_id = $this->input->post('category_id'); $data['url'] = category::permalink($category_id, false); //'/category/'.$category_id; /* 标志导航类型*/ $data['memo'] = 'category'; $data['type'] = $this->MENU_TYPE_CATEGORY; $data['relation_id'] = $category_id; if ($site_menu->site_menu_edit($id, $data)) { remind::set(Kohana::lang('o_global.update_success'), 'site/menu/', 'success'); } else { remind::set(Kohana::lang('o_global.update_error'), 'site/menu'); } } $site_menu_data = $site_menu->get(); /* 得到导航列表并删除自身及自身的子目录*/ $child_ids = array(); $site_menus = Mysite_menu::instance()->site_menu_queue(); foreach ($temp as $val) { $child_ids[] = $val['id']; } foreach ($site_menus as $key => $value) { if ($value['id'] == $id || in_array($value['id'], $child_ids)) { unset($site_menus[$key]); } } /* 当前站点分类*/ $categories = CategoryService::get_instance()->get_categories(); $str = '<option value={$id} {$selected}>{$spacer}{$title_manage}</option>'; $category_list = tree::get_tree($categories, $str, 0, $site_menu_data['relation_id']); $this->template->content = new View("site/category_menu_edit"); $this->template->content->site_menus = $site_menus; $this->template->content->category_list = $category_list; $this->template->content->site_menu_data = $site_menu_data; }