session_start(); } // ini_set('default_charset', 'utf-8'); //--- 讀入基本設定 include "function/function.php"; require 'libs/Smarty.class.php'; include "base_config.php"; // include ADMINROOT."/getfile.php"; $msql = new phpMysql_h(); $tool = new tools_h(); $sql = "SELECT id FROM `wwd_application_speedmatch` WHERE applyid='" . $aid . "' AND cateid='" . $cateid . "' "; // echo "<br>sql=".$sql; exit; $msql->init(); $msql->query($sql); if (list($id) = mysql_fetch_row($msql->listmysql)) { $tool->showmessage("此需求單已送過快速服務申請,請勿重複操作或聯繫客服人員確認!"); $tool->goURL2("parent", "member_client_myneeds01.php"); exit; } $hash = uniqid(mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000)); $sql = "INSERT INTO `wwd_application_speedmatch` (`hash`,`cateid` ,`applyid` ,`serial` ,`firstname` ,`sex` ,`mobile` ,`contactable` ,`office_city` ,\n\t\t`office_area` ,`isSeen` ,`SheetBuyPlace` ,`buySelf` ,`creator` ,`createdtime`) VALUES ('{$hash}', '{$cateid}', '{$aid}', '{$serial}', '{$firstname}', \n\t\t'{$sex}', '{$mobile}', '{$contactable}', '{$office_city}', '{$office_area}', '{$isSeen}', '{$SheetBuyPlace}', '{$buySelf}', '" . $_COOKIE[user_id] . "', \n\t\tNOW());"; // error_log($sql."\r\n\r\n",3,"log_fast_do_sql.log"); $msql->init(); $msql->query($sql); $sql2 = "SELECT id FROM `wwd_application_speedmatch` WHERE hash='" . $hash . "' "; $msql->init(); $msql->query($sql2); if (list($id2) = mysql_fetch_row($msql->listmysql)) { if ($_COOKIE[user_email] != "*****@*****.**") { $msql->init(); $sql3 = "UPDATE " . $dbTable['application'][$cateid] . " SET status='2', isSpeedMatch='1', speedmatchTime=NOW() WHERE id={$aid} ";
include "function/function.php"; require 'libs/Smarty.class.php'; include "base_config.php"; $msql = new phpMysql_h(); $tool = new tools_h(); //--- 所屬功能 if ($id) { $sqlWhere = " WHERE id=" . $id; $row = loaddata_row("article", $sqlWhere); if ($row) { $sql = "UPDATE `article` SET views=views+1 WHERE id=" . $row['id']; $msql->init(); $msql->query($sql); } else { // echo "<script>alert('請指定菜單');</script>"; $tool->showmessage('無此文章!'); $tool->goBack(); exit; } } else { // echo "<script>alert('請指定菜單');</script>"; $tool->showmessage('無此文章!'); $tool->goBack(); exit; } if (isset($row)) { $data = $row; $data['type_name'] = $article_categ_disc[$data['typeid']]; if ($data['photo'] != "") { $data['photo_src'] = "upload/article/" . $data['photo']; }
<?php header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=UTF-8"); include "../../function/function.php"; include "../../gd.php"; //宣告tool物件 $tool = new tools_h(); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $array = array(0 => "", 1 => "1", 2 => "2", 3 => "3", 4 => "4", 5 => "5", 6 => "6", 7 => "7", 8 => "8", 9 => "9", 10 => "10"); //暫存檔名 0為無效 for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { if ($_FILES["pic" . $i]["size"] > 1024 * 300) { $tool->showmessage("檔案大小超過限制!"); $tool->submitURL("upload.php"); //判斷從何處進入檔案 exit; } else { $path = "../images"; // 檢查是否已有此使用者目錄 if (!is_dir($path)) { mkdir($path, 0755); } //以上為新增目錄 if ($_FILES["pic" . $i]["size"] > 0) { $t1 = $_FILES["pic" . $i]['name']; $ext = strrchr($t1, '.'); //***************************圖檔格式限制Begin******************************************** if ($_FILES["pic" . $i]['type'] != 'image/pjpeg' and $_FILES["pic" . $i]['type'] != 'image/jpeg') { $checkment++; } if ($checkment == 1) {