public function payment($id) { $tg01 = tg01::find($id); $check = new tg01(); // update hutang $idph = $check->checkExistHutangKaryawan($tg01->tgltg, $tg01->idkar); if ($idph != -1) { $th02 = th02::find($idph); $th02->idtg = $id; $th02->status = 'Y'; $th02->save(); $mk01 = mk01::find($tg01->idkar); $mk01->htsld = $mk01->htsld + $th02->nilhut; $mk01->save(); // echo "- ada hutang <br>"; } // update tabungan $idtb = $check->checkExistTabunganKaryawan($tg01->tgltg, $tg01->idkar); if ($idtb != -1) { $tt01 = tt01::find($idtb); $tt01->idtg = $id; $tt01->save(); $mk01 = mk01::find($tt01->idkar); $mk01->tbsld = $mk01->tbsld + $tt01->niltb; $mk01->save(); // echo "- ada tabungan <br>"; } // Update hutang, kasbon dan tabungan sesuai pembayaran gaji $check->updateHutangTabunganLunas($idph, $idtb); // update status gaji $check->updateStatusGaji($id, "Y"); Session::flash('tg01_success', 'Gaji Telah Di Transfer!'); // Redirect ke url + menuju div tertentu $url = URL::action("TransaksiTransferController@index"); return Redirect::to($url); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $th01 = new th01(); $dethuts = $th01->getDetailHutang($id); foreach ($dethuts as $dethut) { $th02 = th02::find($dethut->idph); $th02->delete(); } $th01 = th01::find($id); $th01->delete(); Session::flash('th01_success', 'Data Telah DiHapus!'); return Redirect::to('inputdata/hutang'); }
function updateHutangTabunganLunas($idph, $idtb) { if ($idph != -1) { $idhut = th02::find($idph)->idhut; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(idtg) as c_idtg\n FROM th02 \n WHERE idhut = {$idhut} AND idtg = 0;"; $count = DB::select(DB::raw($sql)); $flaglunas = $count[0]->c_idtg; if ($flaglunas == 0) { $th01 = th01::find($idhut); $th01->flglns = "Y"; $th01->save(); } } }