 static function framework_working()
     return test::get_php_version() > 5 && test::config_exists() && test::config_complete() && test::root_path_valid() && test::directories_exist() && test::directories_writable();
		<td class="title"><b>Running on Apache</b> (Recommended but not required)</td><td>' . (test::get_apache_version() ? test::ok() . " (" . test::get_apache_version() . ")" : test::warning("No")) . '</td>
		<td class="title"><b>PHP Version</b> (Required 5.0+, recommended 5.2+)</td><td>' . (test::get_php_version() >= 5.0 ? test::get_php_version() >= 5.2 ? test::ok() : test::warning("OK") : test::invalid("No")) . ' (' . test::get_php_version() . ')&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="' . common::url('self') . '?view=phpinfo">View PHP Info</a></td>
		<td class="title"><b>Sessions</b> (Required)</td><td>' . (test::session_enabled() ? test::ok() : test::invalid()) . '</td>
		<td class="title"><b>Magic quotes</b> (Recommended to be off)</td><td>' . (test::magic_quotes_on() ? test::warning("Turn off for better performance") : test::ok("OFF")) . '</td>

	<h3>Admin console and config file</h3>
	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" class="tests"><tr>
		<td class="title"><b>Valid path to root</b></td><td>' . (test::root_path_valid() ? test::ok("YES") : test::invalid("NO")) . ' (Path: <i>' . PATH_TO_ROOT . '</i>)</td>
		<td class="title"><b>Valid path to root for editing</b></td><td>' . (test::root_path_write_valid() ? test::ok("YES") : test::invalid("NO. Update will not work if it is not valid")) . ' (Path: <i>' . PATH_TO_ROOT_WRITE . '</i>)</td>
		<td class="title"><b>Config file exists</b></td><td>' . (test::config_exists() ? test::ok("YES") : test::invalid("NO")) . ' (Path: <i>' . CONFIG_FILE . '</i>)</td>
		<td class="title"><b>Config file is writable</b> (though edit path)</td><td>' . (test::config_writable() ? test::ok("YES") : test::invalid("NO")) . ' (Path: <i>' . CONFIG_FILE_WRITE . '</i>)</td>
		<td class="title"><b>Config is complete</b></td><td>' . (test::config_complete() ? test::ok("YES") : test::invalid("NO. Run configuration again")) . '</td>

	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" class="tests"><tr>';
foreach (test::directories() as $id => $data) {
    print '
		<td class="title"><b>Folder: ' . $id . '</b>' . ($data['write_required'] ? ' (Needs to be writable)' : '') . '</td>
		<td>' . ($data['exists'] ? $data['write_required'] && !$data['writable'] ? test::invalid("Not writable") : test::ok("OK") : test::invalid("NOT FOUND")) . ' (Path: <i>' . $data['path'] . '</i>)</td>
		<td style="width: 90px; text-align:right;">' . ($data['updatable'] ? test::ok("Updatable") : test::invalid("Not Updatable")) . '</td>