  * Executes the main logic of the service.
  * @return tao_install_services_Data The result of the service execution.
 public function execute()
     // contains an array of 'component', associated input 'data'
     // and service 'class'.
     $componentToData = array();
     $content = json_decode($this->getData()->getContent(), true);
     if (self::getRequestMethod() == 'get') {
         // We extract the checks to perform from the manifests
         // depending on the distribution.
         $content['value'] = tao_install_utils_ChecksHelper::getRawChecks($content['extensions']);
     // Deal with checks to be done.
     $collection = new common_configuration_ComponentCollection();
     foreach ($content['value'] as $config) {
         $class = new ReflectionClass('tao_install_services_' . $config['type'] . 'Service');
         $buildMethod = $class->getMethod('buildComponent');
         $args = new tao_install_services_Data(json_encode($config));
         $component = $buildMethod->invoke(null, $args);
         if (!empty($config['value']['silent']) && is_bool($config['value']['silent'])) {
         $componentToData[] = array('component' => $component, 'id' => $config['value']['id'], 'data' => $args, 'class' => $class);
     // Deal with the dependencies.
     foreach ($content['value'] as $config) {
         if (!empty($config['value']['dependsOn']) && is_array($config['value']['dependsOn'])) {
             foreach ($config['value']['dependsOn'] as $d) {
                 // Find the component it depends on and tell the ComponentCollection.
                 $dependent = self::getComponentById($componentToData, $config['value']['id']);
                 $dependency = self::getComponentById($componentToData, $d);
                 if (!empty($dependent) && !empty($dependency)) {
                     $collection->addDependency($dependent, $dependency);
     // Deal with results to be sent to the client.
     $resultValue = array();
     $reports = $collection->check();
     foreach ($reports as $r) {
         $component = $r->getComponent();
         // For the retrieved component, what was the associated data and class ?
         $associatedData = null;
         $class = null;
         foreach ($componentToData as $ctd) {
             if ($component == $ctd['component']) {
                 $associatedData = $ctd['data'];
                 $class = $ctd['class'];
         $buildMethod = $class->getMethod('buildResult');
         $serviceResult = $buildMethod->invoke(null, $associatedData, $r, $component);
         $resultValue[] = $serviceResult->getContent();
     // Sort by 'optional'.
     usort($resultValue, array('tao_install_services_CheckPHPConfigService', 'sortReports'));
     $resultData = json_encode(array('type' => 'ReportCollection', 'value' => '{RETURN_VALUE}'));
     $resultData = str_replace('"{RETURN_VALUE}"', '[' . implode(',', $resultValue) . ']', $resultData);
     $this->setResult(new tao_install_services_Data($resultData));