echo $button->get_button('Delete', "document.forms[0].task.value='delete';document.forms[0].submit();"); break; case 'properties': if (!$db->query("SELECT * from messages_users WHERE user_id={$GO_SECURITY->user_id}") || !$db->next_record()) { $acl_write = $GO_SECURITY->get_new_acl('message write: ' . $GO_SECURITY->user_id); if ($acl_write > 0) { $db->query("INSERT INTO messages_users (user_id,acl_write) VALUES ('{$GO_SECURITY->user_id}','{$acl_write}')"); } $db->query("SELECT * from messages_users WHERE user_id={$GO_SECURITY->user_id}"); $db->next_record(); } $tabtable = new tabtable('messages_tab', 'Messages', '100%', '400', '120', '', true); $tabtable->add_tab('properties', 'Properties'); $tabtable->add_tab('permissions', 'Permissions'); $tabtable->print_head(); switch ($tabtable->get_active_tab_id()) { case 'properties': break; case 'permissions': print_acl($db->f('acl_write')); echo '<br /><br /> '; $button = new button($cmdClose, "javascript:document.location='" . $return_to . "';"); break; } $tabtable->print_foot(); break; } echo '</form>'; require $GO_THEME->theme_path . ""; ?> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
} $profile = $GO_USERS->get_user($GO_SECURITY->user_id); $datepicker = new date_picker(); $GO_HEADER['head'] = $datepicker->get_header(); require $GO_THEME->theme_path . ""; if ($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['first_name'] != '' && $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['last_name'] != '' && $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['email'] != '') { /* If the user manager of the authentication source is not equal then GO can't change the user's password. */ if ($auth_sources[$_SESSION['auth_source']]['type'] == $auth_sources[$_SESSION['auth_source']]['user_manager'] && $GO_CONFIG->allow_password_change) { $tabtable->add_tab('', $acSecurity); } $tabtable->add_tab('', $acPrivacy); $tabtable->add_tab('', $acStatistics); } ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> " name="account_form" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="task" /> <input type="hidden" name="close" value="false" /> <?php $tabtable->print_head(); require $tabtable->get_active_tab_id(); $tabtable->print_foot(); ?> </form> <?php require $GO_THEME->theme_path . "";
$title = $view['name']; $has_write_permission = $GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $view['acl_write']); } else { $view['start_hour'] = isset($_POST['view_start_hour']) ? $_POST['view_start_hour'] : '07'; $view['end_hour'] = isset($_POST['view_end_hour']) ? $_POST['view_end_hour'] : '20'; $view['name'] = isset($_POST['name']) ? smartstrip($_POST['name']) : ''; $title = $cal_new_view; $has_write_permission = true; } $tabtable = new tabtable('view', $title, '100%', '400', '120', '', true); if ($view_id > 0) { $tabtable->add_tab('view', $strProperties); $tabtable->add_tab('read_permissions', $strReadRights); $tabtable->add_tab('write_permissions', $strWriteRights); } if ($tabtable->get_active_tab_id() == 'holidays') { $datepicker = new date_picker(); $GO_HEADER['head'] = $datepicker->get_header(); } require $GO_THEME->theme_path . ''; echo '<form name="event" method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="view_id" value="' . $view_id . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="close" value="false" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="type" value="merged" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="return_to" value="' . $return_to . '" />'; $tabtable->print_head(); switch ($tabtable->get_active_tab_id()) { case 'read_permissions': $read_only = $view['user_id'] == $GO_SECURITY->user_id ? false : true; print_acl($view['acl_read']);
$GO_MODULES->authenticate('notes'); require $GO_LANGUAGE->get_language_file('notes'); $post_action = isset($_REQUEST['post_action']) ? $_REQUEST['post_action'] : ''; $task = isset($_REQUEST['task']) ? $_REQUEST['task'] : ''; $link_back = isset($_REQUEST['link_back']) && $_REQUEST['link_back'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['link_back'] : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; //load contact management class require $GO_MODULES->class_path . ""; $notes = new notes(); $page_title = $lang_modules['notes']; require $GO_THEME->theme_path . ""; echo '<form name="template" method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="template_id" value="" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="close" value="false" />'; //create a tab window $tabtable = new tabtable('notes_tab', $lang_modules['notes'], '100%', '400'); if ($GO_MODULES->write_permissions) { $tabtable->add_tab('notes', $lang_modules['notes']); $tabtable->add_tab('catagories', $no_catagories); } $tabtable->print_head(); //set the user_id so it will only show notes from this user $user_id = $GO_SECURITY->user_id; if ($tabtable->get_active_tab_id() == 'catagories') { require ''; } else { require ''; } $tabtable->print_foot(); echo '</form>'; require $GO_THEME->theme_path . "";
} } $tabtable = new tabtable('preferences_tab', $menu_preferences, '100%', '400', '120', '', true); $tabtable->add_tab('preferences', $menu_preferences_tab); $tabtable->add_tab('modules', $menu_modules_tab); ?> <form name="preferences" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="save_action" /> <input type="hidden" name="task" /> <input type="hidden" name="close" value="false" /> <?php $tabtable->print_head(); if ($tabtable->get_active_tab_id() == 'preferences') { ?> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3"> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td ><h2><?php echo $pref_look; ?> </h2></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table border="0"> <tr>
$ctime = date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], get_time()); $mtime = date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'], get_time()); } if ($note) { $write_permissions = $GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $note['acl_write']); $read_permissions = $GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $note['acl_read']); } else { $write_permissions = true; $read_permissions = true; } if (!$write_permissions && !$read_permissions) { header('Location: ' . $GO_CONFIG->host . 'error_docs/403.php'); exit; } //create htmlarea if ($tabtable->get_active_tab_id() != 'read_permissions' && $tabtable->get_active_tab_id() != 'write_permissions') { $htmlarea = new htmlarea(); $GO_HEADER['head'] = $htmlarea->get_header('content', -70, -240, 25); $datepicker = new date_picker(); $GO_HEADER['head'] .= $datepicker->get_header(); $GO_HEADER['body_arguments'] = 'onload="initEditor()"'; } $page_title = $lang_modules['notes']; require $GO_THEME->theme_path . ""; echo '<form method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" name="notes_form">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="close" value="false" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="note_id" value="' . $note_id . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="return_to" value="' . $return_to . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="link_back" value="' . $link_back . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="contact_id" value="' . $contact_id . '" />';
echo '<a target="_blank" href="' . $GO_MODULES->url . 'templates/download_oo_template.php?contact_id=' . $contact_id . '"><img src="' . $GO_THEME->images['new_letter'] . '" border="0" height="32" width="32" /><br />' . $ab_oo_doc . '</td>'; echo '</td>'; } } $tabtable->add_tab('read_permissions', $strReadRights); $tabtable->add_tab('write_permissions', $strWriteRights); } echo '</tr></table>'; $active_tab = isset($_REQUEST['active_tab']) ? $_REQUEST['active_tab'] : null; if (isset($active_tab)) { $tabtable->set_active_tab($active_tab); } $link_back = cleanup_url($link_back . '&' . $tabtable->get_link_back()); echo '<input type="hidden" name="link_back" value="' . $link_back . '" />'; $tabtable->print_head(); if ($tabtable->get_active_tab_id() > 0) { $catagory_id = $tabtable->get_active_tab_id(); $active_tab_id = 'custom_fields'; } else { $active_tab_id = $tabtable->get_active_tab_id(); } switch ($active_tab_id) { case 'read_permissions': print_acl($contact['acl_read']); echo '<br />'; echo '<br /> '; $button = new button($cmdClose, "javascript:document.location='" . $return_to . "';"); break; case 'write_permissions': print_acl($contact['acl_write']); echo '<br />';
$datepicker = new date_picker(); $GO_HEADER['head'] .= $datepicker->get_header(); //several control classes are available from classes/base/controls/ //First we create a tabbed window. (From classes/base/controls/ //We only create the object here but we actually print it later after the //file is included $tabtable = new tabtable('example_tabtable', 'Example tab window title', '100%', '400'); $tabtable->add_tab('welcome', 'Welcome'); $tabtable->add_tab('controls', 'Some controls'); $tabtable->add_tab('acl_demo', 'ACL'); $tabtable->add_tab('htmlarea', 'HTMLArea'); $tabtable->add_tab('jscalendar', 'JSCalendar'); //You can set <body> arguments too. This is required for HTMLArea: //but only if the htmlarea is in this page so we have to check if //we are in the htmlarea tab if ($tabtable->get_active_tab_id() == 'htmlarea') { $GO_HEADER['body_arguments'] = 'onload="initEditor()"'; } //now that the header is prepared we can actually include the file. require $GO_THEME->theme_path . ""; //Print out the heading of the tabbed table. $tabtable->print_head(); //Determine what to display switch ($tabtable->get_active_tab_id()) { case 'welcome': echo '<h1>Welcome to the example module for starting Group-Office developers</h1>'; //how do you get user info //the current user is stored in: echo '<p>Your user ID is "' . $GO_SECURITY->user_id . '"<br />'; //Get the user using the user management object $user = $GO_USERS->get_user($GO_SECURITY->user_id);
} } else { $tabtable = new tabtable('company_table', $ab_new_company, '100%', '400', '120', '', true, 'left', 'top', 'company_form'); $write_permission = true; $read_permission = true; } if (!$write_permission && !$read_permission) { header('Location: ' . $GO_CONFIG->host . 'error_docs/403.php'); exit; } require $GO_THEME->theme_path . ""; $active_tab = isset($_REQUEST['active_tab']) ? $_REQUEST['active_tab'] : null; if (isset($active_tab)) { $tabtable->set_active_tab($active_tab); } if ($tabtable->get_active_tab_id() == 'contacts') { $ab->enable_contact_selector(); } echo '<form method="post" name="company_form" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="close" value="false" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="return_to" value="' . $return_to . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="link_back" value="' . $link_back . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="company_id" value="' . $company_id . '" />'; if ($company_id == 0 || $task == 'save_company') { $company['name'] = isset($_REQUEST['name']) ? smartstrip($_REQUEST['name']) : ''; $company['shortname'] = isset($_REQUEST['shortname']) ? smartstrip($_REQUEST['shortname']) : ''; $company['engname'] = isset($_REQUEST['engname']) ? smartstrip($_REQUEST['engname']) : ''; $company['relation_date'] = isset($_REQUEST['relation_date']) ? smartstrip($_REQUEST['relation_date']) : '0'; $company['parent_id'] = isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) ? smartstrip($_REQUEST['parent_id']) : '0'; $company['address'] = isset($_REQUEST['address']) ? smartstrip($_REQUEST['address']) : '';
break; case 'template': if ($GO_MODULES->write_permissions) { $tabtable->set_active_tab(1); } break; case 'category': if ($GO_MODULES->write_permissions) { $tabtable->set_active_tab(2); } break; case 'fees': $tabtable->set_active_tab(2); break; } if ($tabtable->get_active_tab_id() == '') { $datepicker = new date_picker(); $GO_HEADER['head'] = $datepicker->get_header(); } require $GO_THEME->theme_path . ""; echo '<form name="projects_form" method="get" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="task" />'; $tabtable->print_head(); echo '<br />'; if (isset($feedback)) { echo $feedback; } require $tabtable->get_active_tab_id(); $tabtable->print_foot(); echo '</form>'; require $GO_THEME->theme_path . "";
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'; echo '<tr><td>'; foreach ($dict_dbhash as $label => $file) { $wtabtable->add_tab($file, $label); } $active_tab = isset($_REQUEST['active_tab']) ? $_REQUEST['active_tab'] : null; if (isset($active_tab)) { $wtabtable->set_active_tab($active_tab); } $wtabtable->print_head(); echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<input id="word" type="text" class="textbox" name="word" value="" style="width:160" onchange="word_lookup()">'; echo '</td></tr><tr><td>'; echo '<select name="list" class="textbox" id="wordlist" onchange="change_word(this)" ondblclick="show_word(this)" multiple="true" size="23" style="width:160">'; $fp = fopen('db/' . $wtabtable->get_active_tab_id(), "r"); while (!feof($fp)) { $w = fgets($fp, 512); echo '<option>' . $w . '</option>'; } fclose($fp); echo '</select></td></tr></table>'; $wtabtable->print_foot(); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</td>'; // Right panel echo '<td width="100%" height="100%">'; echo '<iframe src="contents.php" height="100%" width="100%" class="textbox"></iframe>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>';
?> " name="module_form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" > <input type="hidden" name="module_id" value="<?php echo $module_id; ?> "/> <input type="hidden" name="return_to" value="<?php echo $return_to; ?> "/> <input type="hidden" name="task" /> <input type="hidden" name="close" value="false" /> <?php $tabtable->print_head(); //require($tabtable->get_active_tab_id()); switch ($tabtable->get_active_tab_id()) { case '': $module_info = $GO_MODULES->get_module_info($module_id); ?> <table border="0"> <tr><td>Module name:</td><td><?php echo $module_id; ?> </td></tr> <tr><td>Version:</td><td><?php echo $module_info['version']; ?> </td></tr> <?php if ($module) { ?>