public function save() { if (implode('|', $this->thumb_names) != $this->thumb_name) { $this->thumb_name = implode('|', $this->thumb_names); } return parent::save(); }
function __construct($u_id) { if ($u_id) { $member = new table_class('eachbb.member'); $member->find($u_id); $this->id = $u_id; $this->name = $member->name; $this->password = $member->password; $this->email = $member->email; $this->birthday = $member->birthday; $this->address = $member->address; $this->nick_name = $member->ture_name; $db = get_db(); $db->query("select * from member_status where uid={$u_id}"); if ($db->record_count == 0) { $status = new table_class('member_status'); $status->created_at = $member->created_at; $status->last_login = $member->last_login; $status->uid = $u_id; $status->save(); } $this->score = $status->score; $this->visit_count = $status->visit_count; $this->level = $status->level; $this->last_login = $status->last_login; } }
function send_mail($smtp_server, $smtp_user, $smtp_pwd, $from, $to, $title, $content) { $body = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <META content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-Type> <META name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 8.00.6001.18854"><LINK rel=stylesheet href="BLOCKQUOTE{margin-Top: 0px; margin-Bottom: 0px; margin-Left: 2em}"></HEAD> <BODY style="MARGIN: 10px; FONT-FAMILY: verdana; FONT-SIZE: 10pt">'; $body = $body . addslashes($content); $body = $body . '</BODY></HTML>'; $email = new table_class('forbes_email.fb_email'); $email->email_to = $to; $email->email_status = '0'; $email->email_subject = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($title) . "?="; $email->email_content = $body; $email->save(); }
<?php require "../../frame.php"; $nid = intval($_POST['nid']); $pid = intval($_POST['pid']); $type = $_POST['type']; $db = get_db(); if ($type == 'publish') { $pos = new table_class("fb_list_relation"); $pos->list_id = $pid; $pos->rela_id = $nid; $pos->save(); } elseif ($type == 'revocation') { $pos = new table_class("fb_list_relation"); $pos->delete($nid); } elseif ("edit_priority" == $type) { $id_str = explode("|", $_POST['id_str']); $priority_str = explode("|", $_POST['priority_str']); $id_str_num = sizeof($id_str) - 1; $priority = 'priority'; for ($i = $id_str_num - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($priority_str[$i] == "") { $priority_str[$i] = ""; } $db = get_db(); $sql = "update fb_list_relation set " . $priority . "=" . $priority_str[$i] . " where id=" . $id_str[$i]; $db->execute($sql); } }
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die; } $share->email = htmlspecialchars($_GET['mail'][$i]); if (strlen($_GET['email'][$i]) > 40) { die; } if (isset($_COOKIE['name'])) { $share->user = $_COOKIE['name']; $sname = " {$_COOKIE['name']} "; } else { $share->user = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $sname = ""; } $share->created_at = now(); $share->news_id = $news_id; $share->save(); if ($type == 'news') { $content = $_GET['name'][$i] . ",你好:<br/><br/> 您的好友" . $sname . "想与您分享福布斯中文网的文章《" . $news->title . "》,您可以点击以下连接阅读<br/><br/> <a href='" . static_news_url($news) . "'>" . static_news_url($news) . "</a><br/> 如果点击以上链接不起作用,请将此网址复制并粘贴到新的浏览器窗口中。"; $title = $news->title; } else { if ($type == 'pic_list') { $content = $_GET['name'][$i] . ",你好:<br/><br/> 您的好友" . $sname . "想与您分享福布斯中文网的榜单《" . $list->name . "》,您可以点击以下连接查看<br/><br/> <a href='" . $news_id . "'>" . $news_id . "</a><br/> 如果点击以上链接不起作用,请将此网址复制并粘贴到新的浏览器窗口中。"; $title = $list->name; } } send_mail('', '*****@*****.**', 'userservice', '*****@*****.**', $_GET['mail'][$i], $title, $content); } } } $user_id = front_user_id(); if ($user_id) {
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<?php require_once '../frame.php'; rights($_SESSION["hoaurights"], '3'); $yywd = new table_class('hoau_yywd'); $id = $_POST['id']; if ($id != '') { $yywd->find($id); } $yywd->update_attributes($_POST['post'], false); $yywd->save(); redirect($_POST['url']);
<?php session_start(); include_once '../../frame.php'; judge_role(); #var_dump($_POST); $seo = new table_class("fb_seo"); $id = intval($_POST['id']); if ($id != '') { $seo->find($id); } $seo->update_attributes($_POST['seo'], false); $seo->save(); redirect('index.php');
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continue; } $db->execute("insert into eb_news_keywords (name) values('{$val}') on duplicate key update name='{$val}'"); } } //handle the publish schedule if (isset($_POST['publish_schedule_date'])) { $schedule = new table_class('eb_publish_schedule'); if ($id) { $schedule->find_by_resource_id($id); } if ($_POST['publish_schedule_date']) { $schedule->publish_date = $_POST['publish_schedule_date']; $schedule->resource_id = $news->id; $schedule->resource_type = 'news'; $schedule->save(); } else { if ($schedule->id) { $schedule->delete(); } } } if ($_POST['copy_news']) { $news->copy_from = $news->id; $news->id = 0; $news->category_id = intval($_POST['copy_news']); $news->save(); } $href = "news_list.php"; redirect($href . '?category=' . $_POST['news']['category_id']); #var_dump($news);
alert('上传视频失败 !'); redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); die; } $ad->video = "/upload/jj/{$vid}"; } if ($_FILES['flash']['name'] != null) { if ($_FILES['flash']['size'] > 2000000) { alert('上传flash不得大于2M,请重新上传 !'); redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); die; } $upload = new upload_file_class(); $upload->save_dir = "/upload/jj/"; $flash = $upload->handle('flash'); if ($flash === false) { alert('上传flash失败 !'); redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); die; } $ad->flash = "/upload/jj/{$flash}"; } $ad->save(); if (!$_POST['url']) { redirect('channel.php'); } else { redirect('ad_list.php?bid=' . $ad->banner_id . '&cid=' . $ad->channel_id); } ?> </body> </html>
alert('上传照片' . ($i + 1) . '失败!'); redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } $famous->photo = "/upload/famous_ad/" . $img[$i]['name']; } $famous->save(); } } //var_dump($_FILES); if ($_FILES['old_photo']['name'] != '') { $upload = new upload_file_class(); $upload->save_dir = "/upload/famous_ad/"; $o_img = $upload->handle('old_photo', 'filter_pic'); } //var_dump($o_img); for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['old_title']); $i++) { if ($_POST['old_title'][$i] != '') { $famous = new table_class('fb_famous_ad'); $famous->find($_POST['old_id'][$i]); $famous->title = $_POST['old_title'][$i]; if ($_FILES['old_photo']['name'][$i] != '') { if ($o_img[$i]['result'] === false) { alert('上传照片' . ($i + 1) . '失败!'); redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } $famous->photo = "/upload/famous_ad/" . $o_img[$i]['name']; } $famous->save(); } } redirect('/admin/famous/index.php');
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <title>forbes</title> <?php require_once '../../frame.php'; ?> </head> <?php require_once '../../frame.php'; #var_dump($_POST); $magazine = new table_class("fb_magazine"); $id = intval($_POST['id']); if ($id != '') { $magazine->find($id); } $magazine->update_attributes($_POST['post'], false); $magazine->update_file_attributes('post'); $magazine->save(); redirect('index.php');
die; } if ($_POST['sub']['StockCompany'] != 1 && $_POST['sub']['StockCompany'] != 0 || trim($_POST['sub']['StockCompany']) == "") { alert('请正确选择您的公司是否是上市公司!'); redirect($back_url); die; } if (strlen($_POST['sub']['Product']) > 70 || trim($_POST['sub']['Product']) == "") { alert('请正确选择您的公司所制造的产品!'); redirect($back_url); die; } if (strlen($_POST['sub']['turnover']) > 30) { alert('请正确选择您的公司年营业额!'); redirect($back_url); die; } if (strlen($_POST['sub']['Earning']) > 30) { alert('请正确选择您的年收入!'); redirect($back_url); die; } $subscript = new table_class('fb_subscription'); $subscript->update_attributes($_POST['sub'], false); $subscript->stime = now(); if ($subscript->save()) { alert('申请成功'); #$content = "感谢您订阅福布斯杂志。"; #send_mail('','*****@*****.**','userservice','*****@*****.**',$_POST['sub']['Email'],'福布斯中文网',$content); } redirect($back_url);
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function update_news_column($category_name, $limit, $type, $position_name) { if ($type == 'author') { $author_type = 2; } else { if ($type == 'journalist') { $author_type = 1; } } $db = get_db(); $category = new category_class(); $category_id = $category->find_by_name($category_name)->id; if (!$category_id) { return false; } $ids = $category->children_map($category_id); $ids = implode(",", $ids); $sql = "select,t1.title,t1.short_title,t1.created_at,t1.description,t1.video_photo_src,t2.nick_name,t2.image_src,t2.column_name from fb_news t1 join fb_user t2 on where 1=1 and t1.is_adopt=1 and t1.author_type={$author_type} and t1.category_id in ({$ids}) and t2.role_name='{$type}' order by t1.created_at desc"; $news = $db->query($sql); $news_count = $db->record_count; for ($i = 0; $i < $news_count; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $limit; $j++) { $pos_name = $position_name . $j; $record = $db->query("select id,end_time from fb_page_pos where name='{$pos_name}'"); if ($db->record_count == 1) { if ($record[0]->end_time > now()) { } else { $pos = new table_class('fb_page_pos'); $pos->find($record[0]->id); $end_time = date('Y-m-d H:00:00', strtotime("+1hours", time())); $pos->end_time = $end_time; $pos->display = $news[$i]->short_title; $pos->title = $news[$i]->title; $pos->image1 = $news[$i]->video_photo_src; $pos->image2 = $news[$i]->image_src; if (!$news[$i]->column_name) { $pos->alias = $news[$i]->nick_name . '专栏'; } else { $pos->alias = $news[$i]->column_name . '专栏'; } $pos->description = $news[$i]->description; $pos->href = dynamic_news_url($news[$i]); $pos->static_href = static_news_url($news[$i]); $pos->save(); break; } } else { $pos = new table_class('fb_page_pos'); $pos->name = $pos_name; $end_time = date('Y-m-d H:00:00', strtotime("+1hours", time())); $pos->end_time = $end_time; $pos->display = $news[$i]->short_title; $pos->title = $news[$i]->title; $pos->image1 = $news[$i]->video_photo_src; $pos->image2 = $news[$i]->image_src; if (!$news[$i]->column_name) { $pos->alias = $news[$i]->nick_name . '专栏'; } else { $pos->alias = $news[$i]->column_name . '专栏'; } $pos->description = $news[$i]->description; $pos->href = dynamic_news_url($news[$i]); $pos->static_href = static_news_url($news[$i]); $pos->comment = $category_name . $i; $pos->save(); break; } } } }
<?php require '../../frame.php'; $category_type = str_replace('list', '', $_POST['category']['category_type']); $c = "name='" . $_POST['category']['name'] . "' and category_type='" . $category_type . "'"; $category = new table_class($tb_category); if ($category->find('all', array('conditions' => $c))) { echo "<script>alert('分类已经存在');</script>"; exit; } $category->update_attributes($_POST['category'], false); $category->category_type = $category_type; $category->parent_id = 0; $category->save(); ?> <script> $('#category_id').append('<option selected="selected" value=<?php echo $category->id; ?> ><?php echo $category->name; ?> </option>'); </script>
} for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { if (empty($_POST['mail'][$i])) { continue; } if (!check_email($_POST['mail'][$i])) { die($_POST['mail'][$i] . " 格式不正确"); } $news_share->id = 0; $news_share->user = $user->name; $news_share->nick_name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['name'][$i]); $news_share->email = htmlspecialchars($_POST['mail'][$i]); $news_share->created_at = now(); $news_share->news_id = $news_id; $news_share->share_type = 'assitant'; $news_share->save(); $content = addslashes($_POST['name'][$i] . ",你好:<br/><br/> 您的好友" . $user->name . "想与您分享网趣宝贝的文章《" . $news->name . "》,您可以点击以下连接阅读<br/><br/><a href='{$site_domain}" . get_news_url($news, 'static') . "'>" . get_news_url($news, 'static') . "</a><br/> 如果点击以上链接不起作用,请将此网址复制并粘贴到新的浏览器窗口中。"); $title = $news->title; insert_email($news_share->email, $email_from, $title, $content); } function insert_email($email_to, $email_from, $email_subject, $email_content) { $db = get_db(); $db->execute("insert into `eachbb_email`.eb_email (email_to,email_from,email_subject,email_content,created_at) values('{$email_to}','{$email_from}','{$email_subject}','{$email_content}',now())"); } #send_mail('','*****@*****.**','userservice','*****@*****.**',$_GET['mail'][$i],$title,$content); ?> <script> alert("已成功分享!"); window.location.href = "<?php echo get_news_url($news, 'static');
$news->video_src = '/upload/video/' . $upload_name; $news->video_flag = 1; } if ($_FILES['video_pic']['name'] != '') { $upload = new upload_file_class(); $upload->save_dir = '/upload/video/'; $news->video_photo_src = '/upload/video/' . $upload->handle('video_pic', 'filter_pic'); } if ($_FILES['file_name']['name'] != '') { $upload = new upload_file_class(); $upload->save_dir = '/upload/file/'; $upload_name = $upload->handle('file_name'); $news->file_name = '/upload/file/' . $upload_name; } $table_change = array('<p>' => ''); $table_change += array('</p>' => ''); if ($news_id == '') { //insert news $news->created_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $news->last_edited_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $news->publisher_id = $_SESSION['admin']; $news->click_count = 0; $news->is_adopt = 1; $news->save(); } else { //update news $news->last_edited_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $news->save(); } redirect('news_list.php?category=' . $_POST['news']['category_id']); #var_dump($news);
<?php session_start(); include_once '../../frame.php'; judge_role(); $activity = new table_class("zzh_activity"); $id = intval($_POST['id']); if ($id != '') { $activity->find($id); } else { $activity->created_at = now(); } $activity->update_attributes($_POST['post'], false); $activity->update_file_attributes('post'); if ($_POST['is_old'] == 'on') { $activity->is_old = 1; } else { $activity->is_old = 0; } $activity->save(); redirect('activity.php');
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} $db = get_db(); $db->query("select id from eb_collection where resource_type='news' and resource_id={$news->id} and user_id={$user->id}"); if ($db->record_count > 0) { die('您已收藏过改文章,请不要重复收藏!'); } $collect = new table_class('eb_collection'); $collect->created_at = now(); $collect->resource_type = 'news'; $collect->resource_id = $news->id; $collect->user_id = $user->id; $collect->save(); echo "恭喜您,文章收藏成功!"; } elseif ($type == 'comment') { $user = User::current_user(); if (!$user) { echo '请先登录'; die; } $news_id = intval($_POST['news_id']); $comment = new table_class('eb_comment'); $comment->resource_id = $news_id; $comment->resource_type = 'news'; $comment->nick_name = $user->name; $comment->user_id = $user->id; $comment->ip = client_ip(); $comment->created_at = now(); $comment->comment = htmlspecialchars(urldecode($_POST['comment'])); $comment->save(); } }
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <title>天地华宇-中国公路快运领导者</title><meta name="Keywords" content="天地华宇,天地华宇物流,天地华宇物流查询,华宇,华宇物流,华宇物流查询,天地华宇俱乐部,华宇俱乐部"/><meta name="Description" content="天地华宇-中国公路快运领导者"/> </head> <?php require_once '../frame.php'; $id = $_POST['id']; echo $id; $employ = new table_class('hoau_employ'); $employ->find($id); $employ->is_read = 1; $employ->save(); ?> </html>
<?php include '../../frame.php'; $list_id = intval($_POST['list_id']); if (!$list_id) { alert('invalid request!'); redirect('index.php'); die; } $id = intval($_POST['id']); $item = new table_class('fb_rich_list_items'); if ($id) { $item->find($id); } $item->update_attributes($_POST['item'], false); $item->list_id = $list_id; $db = get_db(); $db->query("select id from fb_rich where name='{$item->name}'"); if ($db->move_first()) { $item->rich_id = $db->field_by_name('id'); } $item->update_file_attributes('item'); if (!$item->save()) { alert('fail to update!'); } redirect("rich_list_items_list.php?id={$list_id}");
alert('用户名和注册邮箱不匹配'); redirect('index.php'); die; } $mail = $_POST['email']; if (strlen($mail) > 30) { alert('用户名和注册邮箱不匹配'); redirect('index.php'); die; } $db = get_db(); $user = $db->query("select id from fb_yh where name='{$name}' and email='{$mail}'"); if ($db->record_count == 1) { $verify = rand_str(); $gp = new table_class('fb_get_pwd'); $gp->user_id = $user[0]->id; $gp->verify = $verify; $gp->end_time = dt_increase(4, 'h'); $gp->save(); $content = "欢迎进行福布斯中文网密码重置过程,请点击下面的链接:<br/><a href='{$verify}'>{$verify}</a><br>如果点击以上链接不起作用,请将此网址复制并粘贴到新的浏览器窗口中。如果您意外地收到此邮件,很可能是其他用户在尝试重设密码时,误输入了您的电子邮件地址。如果您没有提出此请求,则无需做进一步的操作,可以放心地忽略此电子邮件。"; send_mail('', 'sauger', 'auden6666', '*****@*****.**', $mail, '福布斯中文网', $content); alert("请尽快登录到" . $mail . "完成剩余操作!"); redirect('/'); } else { alert('用户名和注册邮箱不匹配'); redirect('index.php'); die; } ?> </body> </html>
<?php session_start(); include_once '../../frame.php'; $role = judge_role(); $yh_id = intval($_POST['id']); $db = get_db(); $info = $db->query("select id from fb_yh_xx where yh_id={$yh_id}"); if ($db->record_count == 1) { $id = $info[0]->id; } else { $id = 0; } $info = new table_class('fb_yh_xx'); if ($id != 0) { $info->find($id); } $info->update_attributes($_POST['info'], false); if ($_FILES['tx']['name'] != null) { $upload = new upload_file_class(); $upload->save_dir = "/upload/user/"; $img = $upload->handle('tx', 'filter_pic'); if ($img === false) { alert('上传文件失败 !'); redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } $info->tx = "/upload/user/{$img}"; } $info->yh_id = $yh_id; $info->save(); redirect('index.php');