文件: de.php 项目: hashimmm/sux0r
/* Navigation menu */
$gtext['navcontainer'] = array('Startseite' => suxFunct::makeUrl('/home'), 'Blog' => array(suxFunct::makeUrl('/blog'), suxFunct::getModuleMenu('blog')), 'Feeds' => array(suxFunct::makeUrl('/feeds'), suxFunct::getModuleMenu('feeds')), 'Lesezeichen' => array(suxFunct::makeUrl('/bookmarks'), suxFunct::getModuleMenu('bookmarks')), 'Fotos' => array(suxFunct::makeUrl('/photos'), suxFunct::getModuleMenu('photos')), 'Quellcode' => 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/sux0r/');
/* Copyright */
$gtext['copyright'] = '<a href="http://sux0r.trotch.com/">sux0r</a> is copyleft &copy;
<a href="http://www.trotch.com/">Trotch.com</a> ' . date('Y') . ' and is distributed under
the <a href="http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl-3.0.html">GNU General Public License</a>.
Hosting by <a href="http://www.networkredux.com/">Network Redux</a>.';
$gtext['data_license'] = 'Unless otherwise specified, contents of this site are copyright by the contributors and available under the <br />
<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0</a> .
Contributors should be attributed by full name or nickname.';
/* Now back our regular scheduled program */
$gtext['404_continue'] = 'Hier klicken, um fortzufahren';
$gtext['404_h1'] = 'Hoppla, Seite nicht gefunden (Fehler 404)';
$gtext['404_p1'] = 'Aus irgendeinem Grund (falsch geschriebene URL, fehlerhafte Umleitung von einer anderen Seite, nicht mehr aktuelle Suchmaschienen-Auflistung oder wir haben einfach eine Datei gelöscht) war die Seite, die Sie gesucht haben, nicht hier.';
$gtext['admin'] = 'Administration';
$gtext['banned_continue'] = 'Hier klicken, um fortzufahren';
$gtext['banned_h1'] = 'Gesperrt';
$gtext['banned_p1'] = 'Sie sind eine sehr böse, eine sehr sehr böse Person gewesen.';
$gtext['continue'] = 'Fortfahren';
$gtext['home'] = 'Startseite';
$gtext['login'] = '******';
$gtext['logout'] = 'Ausloggen';
$gtext['register'] = 'Registrieren';
$gtext['welcome'] = 'Willkommen';
文件: en.php 项目: hashimmm/sux0r

/* Navigation menu */
$gtext['navcontainer'] = array('Home' => suxFunct::makeUrl('/home'), 'Blog' => array(suxFunct::makeUrl('/blog'), suxFunct::getModuleMenu('blog')), 'Feeds' => array(suxFunct::makeUrl('/feeds'), suxFunct::getModuleMenu('feeds')), 'Bookmarks' => array(suxFunct::makeUrl('/bookmarks'), suxFunct::getModuleMenu('bookmarks')), 'Photos' => array(suxFunct::makeUrl('/photos'), suxFunct::getModuleMenu('photos')), 'Source Code' => 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/sux0r/');
/* Copyright */
$gtext['copyright'] = '<a href="http://sux0r.trotch.com/">sux0r</a> is copyleft &copy;
<a href="http://www.trotch.com/">Trotch.com</a> ' . date('Y') . ' and is distributed under
the <a href="http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl-3.0.html">GNU General Public License</a>.
Hosting by <a href="http://www.networkredux.com/">Network Redux</a>.';
$gtext['data_license'] = 'Unless otherwise specified, contents of this site are copyright by the contributors and available under the <br />
<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0</a>.
Contributors should be attributed by full name or nickname.';
/* Now back our regular scheduled program */
$gtext['404_continue'] = 'Click here to continue';
$gtext['404_h1'] = 'Oops, Page Not Found (Error 404)';
$gtext['404_p1'] = 'For some reason (mis-typed URL, faulty referral from another site, out-of-date search engine listing or we simply deleted a file) the page you were after is not here.';
$gtext['admin'] = 'Administration';
$gtext['banned_continue'] = 'Click here to continue';
$gtext['banned_h1'] = 'Banned';
$gtext['banned_p1'] = 'You have been a bad person, a very very bad person.';
$gtext['continue'] = 'Continue';
$gtext['home'] = 'Home';
$gtext['login'] = '******';
$gtext['logout'] = 'Logout';
$gtext['register'] = 'Register';
$gtext['welcome'] = 'Welcome';
文件: zh.php 项目: hashimmm/sux0r
/* Navigation menu */
$gtext['navcontainer'] = array('首页' => suxFunct::makeUrl('/home'), '日志' => array(suxFunct::makeUrl('/blog'), suxFunct::getModuleMenu('blog')), 'Feeds' => array(suxFunct::makeUrl('/feeds'), suxFunct::getModuleMenu('feeds')), '书签' => array(suxFunct::makeUrl('/bookmarks'), suxFunct::getModuleMenu('bookmarks')), '图片' => array(suxFunct::makeUrl('/photos'), suxFunct::getModuleMenu('photos')), '源代码' => 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/sux0r/');
/* Copyright */
$gtext['copyright'] = '<a href="http://sux0r.trotch.com/">sux0r</a> is copyleft &copy;
<a href="http://www.trotch.com/">Trotch.com</a> ' . date('Y') . ' and is distributed under
the <a href="http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl-3.0.html">GNU General Public License</a>.
Hosting by <a href="http://www.networkredux.com/">Network Redux</a>.';
$gtext['data_license'] = 'Unless otherwise specified, contents of this site are copyright by the contributors and available under the <br />
<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0</a> .
Contributors should be attributed by full name or nickname.';
/* Now back our regular scheduled program */
$gtext['404_continue'] = '点击此处继续';
$gtext['404_h1'] = '额,页面没有找到。(Error 404)';
$gtext['404_p1'] = '出于某些原因 (错误类型的URL,从其他网站转入出错,过期的搜索引擎信息或者我们删了个文件)页面不存在';
$gtext['admin'] = '管理';
$gtext['banned_continue'] = '点击此处继续';
$gtext['banned_h1'] = '禁用';
$gtext['banned_p1'] = '你是个坏蛋,非常非常坏。';
$gtext['home'] = '首页';
$gtext['continue'] = '继续';
$gtext['login'] = '******';
$gtext['logout'] = '退出';
$gtext['register'] = '注册';
$gtext['welcome'] = '欢迎';