 function parse_str($str, $cfg)
     // skip some shit
     // $str = str_replace(array('  ',"'","`"),array(' ','"','"'),$str);
     // support for 1 param
     if (is_string($cfg)) {
         $cfg = array($cfg => true);
     // check param is fine
     if (count(array_intersect_key($cfg, $this->_parse_options)) != count(array_keys($cfg))) {
         $cfg_string = array();
         foreach ($keys = array_keys($cfg) as $key) {
             if (!isset($this->_parse_options[$key])) {
                 $cfg_string[] = $key;
         $cfg_string = implode(', ', $cfg_string);
         throw new validator_exception('Unknown cfg params ' . $cfg_string . ' in validator::parse_str', validator_exception::ERROR);
     // strip tags
     if (isset($cfg['strip_tags'])) {
         $cfg['allowed_tags'] = is_string($cfg['strip_tags']) ? $cfg['strip_tags'] : false;
         $str = strip_tags($str, $cfg['allowed_tags']);
     // max length
     if (!empty($cfg['max_length'])) {
         $str = strings::substr($str, 0, $cfg['max_length']);
     // sql escape
     if (isset($cfg['sql_escape'])) {
         if (class_exists('sql_db', 0)) {
             // @todo different database types support?
             $str = mysql_real_escape_string($str);
             // $str = sql_db::sql_escape($str);
     // Replaces \n -> <br>
     // This is tidy issure - it will break <br/> instead of <br>
     if (isset($cfg['nl2br'])) {
         $str = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $str);
     // Clean with tidy
     if (isset($cfg['clean_html'])) {
         $str = $this->clean_html($str);
     return $str;
  * Check route matched to uri
  * Extract params (only for regex <?Pname> routes)
 private function _is_route_matched($route, &$params)
     $match = isset($route['match']) ? $route['match'] : false;
     $uri = $this->_uri;
     // wildcard: /url/blabla/*
     if ($match) {
         if ($match == '*') {
             $match = '';
             $uri = '';
         } else {
             if (strings::strpos($match, '*') !== false) {
                 $match = strings::substr($match, 0, strings::strpos($match, '*'));
                 $uri = strings::substr($uri, 0, strings::strlen($match));
     return isset($route['regex']) && preg_match($route['regex'], $this->_uri, $params) && array_shift($params) || $match !== false && $uri == $match;
  * Try base route,
  * otherwise try find out node
  * @todo move stuff to controller
 function route($parts)
     // Try abse routes
     if (parent::route($parts)) {
         return true;
     $uri = implode('/', $parts);
     $in_index = empty($parts);
     if ($in_index) {
         return true;
     $comment_filter = $this->create_filter('sat.comment/modify');
     $this->append_filter('comment_modify', $comment_filter);
     if (!$comment_filter->match_uri($uri)) {
         $comment_filter = null;
     $pagination_filter = $this->create_filter('pagination');
     // append filter for later use
     $this->append_filter('pagination', $pagination_filter);
     // string(54) "14_dvigatel_mehanicheskaya_chast/klapanniy_zazor_2zzge"
     $node_url = '/' . $uri;
     if (strings::substr($node_url, -5) != loader::DOT_HTML) {
         $node_url .= '/';
     $this->_static_node_url = $node_url;
     $c_site_id = $this->context->get_current_site_id();
     $_item = $this->context->get_tree_item($c_site_id, $node_url, tf_sat::TREE_URL);
     if (!$_item) {
         throw new router_exception('Node not found', router_exception::NOT_FOUND);
     /** @var sat_node_item $item */
     $item = $this->context->get_node($_item['id']);
     if (!$item) {
         throw new router_exception('Node item not found', router_exception::NOT_FOUND);
     core::dprint(array('Found node %d, %s ', $item->id, $item->title));
     $tlayout = $item->get_template();
     if (isset($tlayout['site']['order'])) {
     core::event('sat_route_before', $item);
     /* pagination filter */
     $page = $pagination_filter->get_start();
     try {
     } catch (collection_filter_exception $e) {
         throw new router_exception($e->getMessage(), router_exception::NOT_FOUND);
     // load secondary, if not disabled
     if (!isset($tlayout["site"]["item"]["deps"]) || $tlayout["site"]["item"]["deps"]) {
     $this->_current_node = $item;
     // for comments bindings
     if ($comment_filter) {
     /** @var tf_renderer */
     $renderer = $this->context->renderer;
     // template alternative layout {layout}.tpl
     if ($tlayout['template']) {
     core::event('sat_render_before', $item);
     $renderer->current->node = $item->render();
     $renderer->current->node_chain = $this->context->get_node_parents($item->id)->render();
     $renderer->set_main_template(($tpl = $this->context->get_controller()->get_template()) ? $tpl : 'sat/node/item');
     return true;