
* Minimum Requirement: PHP 5.3.3
if (!defined('IN_src')) {
require $src_root_path . 'includes/startup.' . $phpEx;
require $src_root_path . 'src/class_loader.' . $phpEx;
$src_class_loader = new \src\class_loader('src\\', "{$src_root_path}src/", $phpEx);
$src_config_php_file = new \src\config_php_file($src_root_path, $phpEx);
if (!defined('src_INSTALLED')) {
    // Redirect the user to the installer
    require $src_root_path . 'includes/functions.' . $phpEx;
    // We have to generate a full HTTP/1.1 header here since we can't guarantee to have any of the information
    // available as used by the redirect function
    $server_name = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) : (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : getenv('SERVER_NAME'));
    $server_port = !empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) ? (int) $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : (int) getenv('SERVER_PORT');
    $secure = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0;
    $script_name = !empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : getenv('PHP_SELF');
    if (!$script_name) {
        $script_name = !empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : getenv('REQUEST_URI');
    // $src_root_path accounts for redirects from e.g. /adm
    $script_path = trim(dirname($script_name)) . '/' . $src_root_path . 'install/index.' . $phpEx;
    // Replace any number of consecutive backslashes and/or slashes with a single slash
    // (could happen on some proxy setups and/or Windows servers)
    $script_path = preg_replace('#[\\\\/]{2,}#', '/', $script_path);

if (!defined('IN_src')) {
$src_config_php_file = new \src\config_php_file($src_root_path, $phpEx);
$dbms = $src_config_php_file->convert_30_dbms_to_31($dbms);
* $convertor_data provides some basic information about this convertor which is
* used on the initial list of convertors and to populate the default settings
$convertor_data = array('forum_name' => 'src', 'version' => '1', 'src_version' => '1', 'author' => 'BSG Chandigarh', 'dbms' => $dbms, 'dbhost' => $dbhost, 'dbport' => $dbport, 'dbuser' => $dbuser, 'dbpasswd' => '', 'dbname' => $dbname, 'table_prefix' => 'opsrc_', 'forum_path' => '../forums', 'author_notes' => '');
* $tables is a list of the tables (minus prefix) which we expect to find in the
* source forum. It is used to guess the prefix if the specified prefix is incorrect
$tables = array('auth_access', 'banlist', 'categories', 'disallow', 'forum_prune', 'forums', 'groups', 'posts', 'posts_text', 'privmsgs', 'privmsgs_text', 'ranks', 'smilies', 'topics', 'topics_watch', 'user_group', 'users', 'vote_desc', 'vote_results', 'vote_voters', 'words');
* $config_schema details how the srcrd configuration information is stored in the source forum.
* 'table_format' can take the value 'file' to indicate a config file. In this case array_name
* is set to indicate the name of the array the config values are stored in
* Example of using a file:
* $config_schema = array(
* 	'table_format'	=>	'file',
* 	'filename'	=>	'NAME OF FILE', // If the file is not in the root directory, the path needs to be added with no leading slash
* 	'array_name' => 'NAME OF ARRAY', // Only used if the configuration file stores the setting in an array.
* 	'settings'		=>	array(
*        'srcrd_email' => 'SUPPORT_EMAIL', // target config name => source target name