    echo "<Error>Spellcheck not available for {$lang} language</Error>\n";
// only bother requiring if we pass authentication
require_once 'spellChecker.php';
$spellChecker = new spellChecker($dict, "{$atmail->username}@{$atmail->pop3host}", $pref['use_php_pspell']);
// Add word to our personal dict file
if ($_REQUEST['add']) {
    $personal = $_REQUEST['replace'] ? $_REQUEST['replace'] : $_REQUEST['wordreplace'];
    // Insert the entry into the database
    $spellChecker->addWord($atmail->Account, $personal);
if ($_REQUEST['ignore'] || $_REQUEST['change'] && $_REQUEST['wordreplace']) {
    // Ignore the word
// spell check the email
$_REQUEST['emailmessage'] = str_replace(array('<br>', '<BR>', '<br/>', '<BR/>', '</p>', '</P>'), "\n", $_REQUEST['emailmessage']);
// Remove any html entities and tags
$_REQUEST['emailmessage'] = preg_replace('/&\\w+;/', '', $_REQUEST['emailmessage']);
$_REQUEST['emailmessage'] = strip_tags($_REQUEST['emailmessage']);
// Remove punctuation such as , ; :
//$_REQUEST['emailmessage'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z\-]+/', ' ', $_REQUEST['emailmessage']);
foreach (explode("\n", $_REQUEST['emailmessage']) as $line) {
    $words = array_unique(preg_split('/\\s+/', $line));
    foreach ($words as $word) {
        if (preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]+/', $word)) {