 * 邮件发送
 * @param: $name[string]        接收人姓名
 * @param: $email[string]       接收人邮件地址
 * @param: $subject[string]     邮件标题
 * @param: $content[string]     邮件内容
 * @param: $type[int]           0 普通邮件, 1 HTML邮件
 * @param: $notification[bool]  true 要求回执, false 不用回执
 * @return boolean
function send_mail($name, $email, $subject, $content, $type = 0, $notification=false)
    /* 如果邮件编码不是EC_CHARSET,创建字符集转换对象,转换编码 */
    if ($GLOBALS['_CFG']['mail_charset'] != EC_CHARSET)
        $name      = ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, $GLOBALS['_CFG']['mail_charset'], $name);
        $subject   = ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, $GLOBALS['_CFG']['mail_charset'], $subject);
        $content   = ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, $GLOBALS['_CFG']['mail_charset'], $content);
        $shop_name = ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, $GLOBALS['_CFG']['mail_charset'], $GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_name']);
    $charset   = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['mail_charset'];
     * 使用mail函数发送邮件
    if ($GLOBALS['_CFG']['mail_service'] == 0 && function_exists('mail'))
        /* 邮件的头部信息 */
        $content_type = ($type == 0) ? 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . $charset : 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $charset;
        $headers = array();
        $headers[] = 'From: "' . '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($shop_name) . '?='.'" <' . $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_mail'] . '>';
        $headers[] = $content_type . '; format=flowed';
        if ($notification)
            $headers[] = 'Disposition-Notification-To: ' . '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($shop_name) . '?='.'" <' . $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_mail'] . '>';

        $res = @mail($email, '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($subject) . '?=', $content, implode("\r\n", $headers));

        if (!$res)
            $GLOBALS['err'] ->add($GLOBALS['_LANG']['sendemail_false']);

            return false;
            return true;
     * 使用smtp服务发送邮件
        /* 邮件的头部信息 */
        $content_type = ($type == 0) ?
            'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . $charset : 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $charset;
        $content   =  base64_encode($content);

        $headers = array();
        $headers[] = 'Date: ' . gmdate('D, j M Y H:i:s') . ' +0000';
        $headers[] = 'To: "' . '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($name) . '?=' . '" <' . $email. '>';
        $headers[] = 'From: "' . '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($shop_name) . '?='.'" <' . $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_mail'] . '>';
        $headers[] = 'Subject: ' . '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($subject) . '?=';
        $headers[] = $content_type . '; format=flowed';
        $headers[] = 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64';
        $headers[] = 'Content-Disposition: inline';
        if ($notification)
            $headers[] = 'Disposition-Notification-To: ' . '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($shop_name) . '?='.'" <' . $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_mail'] . '>';

        /* 获得邮件服务器的参数设置 */
        $params['host'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_host'];
        $params['port'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_port'];
        $params['user'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_user'];
        $params['pass'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_pass'];

        if (empty($params['host']) || empty($params['port']))
            // 如果没有设置主机和端口直接返回 false
            $GLOBALS['err'] ->add($GLOBALS['_LANG']['smtp_setting_error']);

            return false;
            // 发送邮件
            if (!function_exists('fsockopen'))

                return false;

            include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_smtp.php');
            static $smtp;

            $send_params['recipients'] = $email;
            $send_params['headers']    = $headers;
            $send_params['from']       = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_mail'];
            $send_params['body']       = $content;

            if (!isset($smtp))
                $smtp = new smtp($params);

            if ($smtp->connect() && $smtp->send($send_params))
                return true;
                $err_msg = $smtp->error_msg();
                if (empty($err_msg))
                    $GLOBALS['err']->add('Unknown Error');
                    if (strpos($err_msg, 'Failed to connect to server') !== false)
                        $GLOBALS['err']->add(sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['smtp_connect_failure'], $params['host'] . ':' . $params['port']));
                    else if (strpos($err_msg, 'AUTH command failed') !== false)
                    elseif (strpos($err_msg, 'bad sequence of commands') !== false)

                return false;
 * Óʼþ·¢ËÍ.
 * @param: $name[string]        ½ÓÊÕÈËÐÕÃû
 * @param: $email[string]       ½ÓÊÕÈËÓʼþµØÖ·
 * @param: $subject[string]     Óʼþ±êÌâ
 * @param: $content[string]     ÓʼþÄÚÈÝ
 * @param: $type[int]           0 ÆÕͨÓʼþ£¬ 1 HTMLÓʼþ
 * @param: $notification[bool]  true ÒªÇó»ØÖ´£¬ false ²»ÓûØÖ´
 * @return bool
function send_mail($name, $email, $subject, $content, $type = 0, $notification = false)
    /* Èç¹ûÓʼþ±àÂë²»ÊÇEC_CHARSET£¬´´½¨×Ö·û¼¯×ª»»¶ÔÏó£¬×ª»»±àÂë */
    if ($GLOBALS['_CFG']['mail_charset'] != EC_CHARSET) {
        $name = ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, $GLOBALS['_CFG']['mail_charset'], $name);
        $subject = ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, $GLOBALS['_CFG']['mail_charset'], $subject);
        $content = ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, $GLOBALS['_CFG']['mail_charset'], $content);
        $shop_name = ecs_iconv(EC_CHARSET, $GLOBALS['_CFG']['mail_charset'], $GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_name']);
    $charset = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['mail_charset'];
     * ʹÓÃmailº¯Êý·¢ËÍÓʼþ
    if ($GLOBALS['_CFG']['mail_service'] == 0 && function_exists('mail')) {
        /* ÓʼþµÄÍ·²¿ÐÅÏ¢ */
        $content_type = $type == 0 ? 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . $charset : 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $charset;
        $headers = array();
        $headers[] = 'From: "' . '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($shop_name) . '?=' . '" <' . $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_mail'] . '>';
        $headers[] = $content_type . '; format=flowed';
        if ($notification) {
            $headers[] = 'Disposition-Notification-To: ' . '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($shop_name) . '?=' . '" <' . $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_mail'] . '>';
        $res = @mail($email, '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($subject) . '?=', $content, implode("\r\n", $headers));
        if (!$res) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
    } else {
        /* ÓʼþµÄÍ·²¿ÐÅÏ¢ */
        $content_type = $type == 0 ? 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . $charset : 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $charset;
        $content = base64_encode($content);
        $headers = array();
        $headers[] = 'Date: ' . gmdate('D, j M Y H:i:s') . ' +0000';
        $headers[] = 'To: "' . '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($name) . '?=' . '" <' . $email . '>';
        $headers[] = 'From: "' . '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($shop_name) . '?=' . '" <' . $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_mail'] . '>';
        $headers[] = 'Subject: ' . '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($subject) . '?=';
        $headers[] = $content_type . '; format=flowed';
        $headers[] = 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64';
        $headers[] = 'Content-Disposition: inline';
        if ($notification) {
            $headers[] = 'Disposition-Notification-To: ' . '=?' . $charset . '?B?' . base64_encode($shop_name) . '?=' . '" <' . $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_mail'] . '>';
        /* »ñµÃÓʼþ·þÎñÆ÷µÄ²ÎÊýÉèÖà */
        $params['host'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_host'];
        $params['port'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_port'];
        $params['user'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_user'];
        $params['pass'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_pass'];
        if (empty($params['host']) || empty($params['port'])) {
            // Èç¹ûûÓÐÉèÖÃÖ÷»úºÍ¶Ë¿ÚÖ±½Ó·µ»Ø false
            return false;
        } else {
            // ·¢ËÍÓʼþ
            if (!function_exists('fsockopen')) {
                return false;
            include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_smtp.php';
            static $smtp;
            $send_params['recipients'] = $email;
            $send_params['headers'] = $headers;
            $send_params['from'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['smtp_mail'];
            $send_params['body'] = $content;
            if (!isset($smtp)) {
                $smtp = new smtp($params);
            if ($smtp->connect() && $smtp->send($send_params)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                $err_msg = $smtp->error_msg();
                if (empty($err_msg)) {
                    $GLOBALS['err']->add('Unknown Error');
                } else {
                    if (strpos($err_msg, 'Failed to connect to server') !== false) {
                        $GLOBALS['err']->add(sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['smtp_connect_failure'], $params['host'] . ':' . $params['port']));
                    } elseif (strpos($err_msg, 'AUTH command failed') !== false) {
                    } elseif (strpos($err_msg, 'bad sequence of commands') !== false) {
                    } else {
                return false;