public function execute() { $id = waRequest::get('id'); $model = new siteBlockModel(); $blocks = $model->order('sort')->fetchAll('id'); $apps = wa()->getApps(); foreach ($apps as $app_id => $app) { $path = $this->getConfig()->getAppsPath($app_id, 'lib/config/site.php'); if (file_exists($path)) { $site_config = (include $path); if (!empty($site_config['blocks'])) { foreach ($site_config['blocks'] as $block_id => $block) { if (!is_array($block)) { $block = array('content' => $block, 'description' => ''); } $block_id = $app_id . '.' . $block_id; if (!isset($blocks[$block_id])) { $block['id'] = $block_id; $block['app'] = $app; $blocks[$block_id] = $block; } else { if ($block_id == $id) { $blocks[$block_id]['original'] = $block['content']; } } } } } } foreach ($blocks as $block_id => $block) { if (empty($block['app'])) { if (($pos = strpos($block_id, '.')) !== false) { $app_id = substr($block_id, 0, $pos); if (isset($apps[$app_id])) { $blocks[$block_id]['app_icon'] = $apps[$app_id]['icon']; } } } } if ($id === false) { $id = key($blocks); } $this->view->assign('blocks', $blocks); if ($id && isset($blocks[$id])) { $block = $blocks[$id]; } else { $block = null; } $this->view->assign('block', $block); $this->view->assign('editor', true); $this->view->assign('domain_id', siteHelper::getDomainId()); }
public function execute() { $wa_vars = array('$wa_url' => _w('URL of this Webasyst installation (relative)'), '$wa_app_url' => _w('URL of the current app settlement (relative)'), '$wa_backend_url' => _w('URL to access Webasyst backend (relative)'), '$wa_theme_url' => _w('URL of the current app design theme folder (relative)'), '$wa->title()' => _w('Title'), '$wa->title("<em>title</em>")' => _w('Assigns a new title'), '$wa->accountName()' => _w('Returns name of this Webasyst installation (name is specified in “Installer” app settings)'), '$wa->apps()' => _w('Returns this site’s core navigation menu which is either set automatically or manually in the “Site settings” screen'), '$wa->currentUrl(bool <em>$absolute</em>)' => _w('Returns current page URL (either absolute or relative)'), '$wa->domainUrl()' => _w('Returns this domain’s root URL (absolute)'), '$wa->globals("<em>key</em>")' => _w('Returns value of the global var by <em>key</em>. Global var array is initially empty, and can be used arbitrarily.'), '$wa->globals("<em>key</em>", "<em>value</em>")' => _w('Assigns global var a new value'), '$wa->get("<em>key</em>")' => _w('Returns GET parameter value (same as PHP $_GET["<em>key</em>"])'), '$wa->isMobile()' => _w('Based on current session data returns <em>true</em> or <em>false</em> if user is using a multi-touch mobile device; if no session var reflecting current website version (mobile or desktop) is available, User Agent information is used'), '$wa->locale()' => _w('Returns user locale, e.g. "en_US", "ru_RU". In case user is authorized, locale is retrieved from “Contacts” app user record, or detected automatically otherwise'), '$wa->post("<em>key</em>")' => _w('Returns POST parameter value (same as PHP $_POST["<em>key</em>"])'), '$wa->server("<em>key</em>")' => _w('Returns SERVER parameter value (same as PHP $_SERVER["KEY"])'), '$wa->session("<em>key</em>")' => _w('Returns SESSION var value (same as PHP $_SESSION["<em>key</em>"])'), '$wa->block("<em>id</em>")' => _w('Embeds HTML block by ID'), '$wa->user("<em>field</em>")' => _w('Returns authorized user data from associated record in “Contacts” app. "<em>field</em>" (string) is optional and indicates the field id to be returned. If not Returns <em>false</em> if user is not authorized'), '$wa->userAgent("<em>key</em>")' => _w('Returns User Agent info by specified “<em>key</em>” parameter:') . '<br />' . _w('— <em>"platform"</em>: current visitor device platform name, e.g. <em>windows, mac, linux, ios, android, blackberry</em>;') . '<br />' . _w('— <em>"isMobile"</em>: returns <em>true</em> or <em>false</em> if user is using a multi-touch mobile device (iOS, Android and similar), based solely on User Agent string;'), '$wa-><em>APP_ID</em>->themePath("<em>theme_id</em>")' => _w('Returns path to theme folder by <em>theme_id</em> and <em>APP_ID</em>')); $app_id = waRequest::get('app'); $file = waRequest::get('file'); $vars = array(); if ($app_id) { $app = wa()->getAppInfo($app_id); $path = $this->getConfig()->getAppsPath($app_id, 'lib/config/site.php'); if (file_exists($path)) { $site = (include $path); if (isset($site['vars'])) { if (isset($site['vars'][$file])) { $vars += $site['vars'][$file]; } if (isset($site['vars']['$wa'])) { $vars += $site['vars']['$wa']; } if (isset($site['vars']['all'])) { $vars += $site['vars']['all']; } } } if ($app_id == 'site' && ($id = waRequest::get('id'))) { $page_model = new sitePageModel(); $page = $page_model->getById($id); $file = $page['name']; $vars += $site['vars']['page.html']; } } else { $app = null; } $this->view->assign('vars', $vars); $this->view->assign('file', $file); $this->view->assign('app', $app); $this->view->assign('wa_vars', $wa_vars); $this->view->assign('smarty_vars', array('{$foo}' => _w('Displays a simple variable (non array/object)'), '{$foo[4]}' => _w('Displays the 5th element of a zero-indexed array'), '{$}' => _w('Displays the "<em>bar</em>" key value of an array. Similar to PHP $foo["bar"]'), '{$foo.$bar}' => _w('Displays variable key value of an array. Similar to PHP $foo[$bar]'), '{$foo->bar}' => _w('Displays the object property named <em>bar</em>'), '{$foo->bar()}' => _w('Displays the return value of object method named <em>bar()</em>'), '{$foo|print_r}' => _w('Displays structured information about variable. Arrays and objects are explored recursively with values indented to show structure. Similar to PHP var_dump($foo)'), '{$foo|escape}' => _w('Escapes a variable for safe display in HTML'), '{$foo|wa_datetime:$format}' => _w('Outputs <em>$var</em> datetime in a user-friendly form. Supported <em>$format</em> values: <em>monthdate, date, dtime, datetime, fulldatetime, time, fulltime, humandate, humandatetime</em>'), '{$x+$y}' => _w('Outputs the sum of <em>$x</em> and <em>$y</em>'), '{$foo=3*4}' => _w('Assigns variable a value'), '{time()}' => _w('Direct PHP function access. E.g. <em>{time()}</em> displays the current timestamp'), '{literal}...{/literal}' => _w('Content between {literal} tags will not be parsed by Smarty'), '{include file="..."}' => _w('Embeds a Smarty template into the current content. <em>file</em> attribute specifies a template filename within the current design theme folder'), '{if}...{else}...{/if}' => _w('Similar to PHP if statements'), '{foreach from=$a key=k item=v}...{foreachelse}...{/foreach}' => _w('{foreach} is for looping over arrays of data'))); $model = new siteBlockModel(); $blocks = $model->order('sort')->fetchAll('id'); $active_app = wa()->getApp(); $apps = wa()->getApps(); foreach ($apps as $app_id => $app) { $path = $this->getConfig()->getAppsPath($app_id, 'lib/config/site.php'); if (file_exists($path)) { waLocale::load(wa()->getLocale(), $this->getConfig()->getAppsPath($app_id, 'locale'), $app_id, true); $site_config = (include $path); if (!empty($site_config['blocks'])) { foreach ($site_config['blocks'] as $block_id => $block) { if (!is_array($block)) { $block = array('content' => $block, 'description' => ''); } $block_id = $app_id . '.' . $block_id; if (!isset($blocks[$block_id])) { $block['id'] = $block_id; $block['app'] = $app; $blocks[$block_id] = $block; } } } } } wa()->setActive($active_app); $this->view->assign('blocks', $blocks); }